
A villain's path to being a white lotus

Xiao Weiwei knew that it was all over when her sister stabbed her chest with a kitchen knife. As she fell to the ground limply, she wondered what great mistake she had committed in her life to suffer so much. Her soul left her body and she watched her sister and her lover live a good life, her company overtaken by her relatives and her parents living in a small backwater village persecuted by other villages. Her eyes reddened and even though she had no heart anymore, her chest contractions hurt her so much that she clutched at her soul body. "Xiao Yaoyao! I'll never let you go!" Her vision darkened and her soul disappeared from that plane called earth. -- When Xiao Weiwei reawakened, she saw that she was in a white space and there was a small peach blossom tree in the centre of the space. Intrigued, she moved closer and touched a bud of the tree. As she did so, she heard a voice: "Quickly withdraw your hand! Don't touch the tree hastily!" But it was too late! There was a shining light which blinded Xiao Weiwei and all she heard was: "The system most compatible with Host Xiao Weiwei is Villain's white lotus system". -- 1. There's no male lead or CP in this novel 2. The author's three views are not represented by the female protagonist's views 3. Gender is not fixed 4. This is an original novel -- Different worlds 1. Campus romance 2. Modern business romance 3. Ancient palace fights 4. Interstellar World 5. Primitive World 6. 1980s path to the countryside 7. Entertainment world More worlds TBC -- Release schedule: A chapter a day

SpicyChickenWriter · 奇幻言情
10 Chs

Campus World

Xiao Weiwei opened her eyes and found herself in a different kind of space from the white space. This space was grey and dull seemingly without life. There was a different kind of centre in this space. There was a small pond in the middle of the space and Weiwei was instantly drawn to it. She walked slowly but steadily as if mesmerised and when once she got closer, she realised that there was a small lotus flower in the centre of the pond. The lotus flower had not bloomed but its petals were the whitest that Weiwei had seen in her entire life - even the colour white in her previous world paled in comparison to this lotus flower.

As she was about to enter the water in an effort to touch the lotus flower, a voice spoke again: "Not the same routine again! Can you not just touch the nodes of these spaces every time you enter? Last time you missed a great opportunity and now you have a harder starting line than others!" The voice was so mournful that Weiwei immediately retracted her foot from the edge of the pond and ran several metres in the opposite direction.

"Ahaha - l really don't know whether you're crazy, stupid or both!" The voice shook in laughter and it was several minutes before that mysterious person stopped laughing. Weiwei blushed and squatted to hide her face from view.

"Oh don't be shy! Anyway, let's get down to business." The mysterious person spoke very seriously so Xiao Weiwei raised her head.

"First of all, welcome to the time and space association centre. This centre is a place where many souls are contracted to maintain the operation of three thousand worlds both real and ficitonal. And you, Xiao Weiwei, were originally extremely lucky. When you first arrived here, you were immediately snatched by the second female lead system and originally, you were going to have a great time counterattacking and leading various men, women, children, robots and all other beings both living and dead to live their best lives." Hearing this, the light in Xiao Weiwei's eyes shone and she couldn't help but be excited. This is exactly what she had been reading when she was younger! Those system novels where many powerful and brilliant ladies counterattacked for the original people and were chased by many lovesick loyal men until they reached the pinnacle of life.

At first, Weiwei was sad that she had died but hearing this news wiped out her sadness and resentment in a flash. Who wouldn't like other opportunities to have life experiences? She already envisioned a future where a cold but loyal domineering CEO held her in the palm of his hand and catered to her every whim.

If the mysterious person who spoke just now heard this thoughts, they would have sneered and rolled their eyes. In their opinion, people who enter the association having such thoughts and dreams are the first to become soul essence for the three thousand worlds. Domineering CEO? Love? Pinnacle of life? It would be a miracle if a rookie like Xiao Weiwei would manage to even keep her life in the first trial.

The mysterious person coughed to bring Xiao Weiwei back to reality and continued speaking: "BUT! When you entered the second female lead space node, you touched the node petal and angered the main system! Furious, the system pushed you out and now no other powerful systems are willing to contract you. Only this villain system was willing to give you a chance and so it contracted you at the expense of severing many contacts with other systems and lowering goodwill of other contractors to -100."

Xiao Weiwei was so speechless that her mouth widened and stayed widened for a long time. Even when some saliva dripped down, she still didn't close her mouth. A little disgusted, the mysterious person couldn't wait to leave but they had to finish explaining the rules otherwise the Lord God would be dissatisfied.

"Anyway, rest assured, since a system chose you, you have the protection of the Lord God. As long as you're in this space, no one can harm you. But the same cannot to be said in a mission world. Speaking of mission worlds, all mission worlds have a rank from F to SSS. And every new tasker has to start at rank G. Rank G is a small world that hasn't yet evolved to become a main world and is naturally suitable to test whether you have the potential to be a good tasker." The mysterious person said so many words in one breath and their mouth felt dry so they decided to leave as quickly as possible. "The rest shall be explained by your system. I wish you good luck! If you die in any world, your soul will also be seized and crushed to make soul essence so be careful!"

After that, there was a long period of silence and Xiao Weiwei sat down to think about everything that the person said. Even though she acted stupid before, she knew that things weren't looking good for her at all. 'Actually, being a villain system is actually harder than anything else. I'm a normal person with acceptable morals and views, how can l play a vicious person who kills people like one kills chickens and mice? Let alone that, how can l endure all the harsh starting lines that all villains have?'

At this moment, the small lotus flower bloomed and a fragrance spread across the entire space. This fragrance calmed Xiao Weiwei's thoughts and she wasn't as anxious as before. The lotus flower floated above the pond and a small white light left its centre, quickly floating to Xiao Weiwei.

The light stopped right before her eyes and introduced itself as her system. "There's not much time to explain everything since the trial is about to begin so l'll just briefly explain what you need to do. You must be a proper vicious villain and make sure to add stumbling blocks for the male and female protagonists at every turn. Most importantly, they cannot know that you were the one who has been plotting against them this entire time. You must pretend to be weak, pitiful and soft so that no one suspects that it's you and at the end, after your death, everything will be revealed. You must defeat the protagonists very thoroughly and steal their luck and only then can you task succeed."

Xiao Weiwei felt very confused: "I thought that as a villain, l'm supposed to be defeated at the end and overcome so that the main characters can live well! How is it that as a villain, l can defeat the main characters?"

The system rolled its eyes and quickly retorted: "Why are you asking so many questions as a rookie? Just do as you are told otherwise l can unbind you right now! There are other souls that can be chosen." Even though the system threatened Weiwei, it was actually gambling because Xiao Weiwei was the only host it had seen in thousands of years that it felt would actually complete the task.

Xiao Weiwei hurriedly lowered her head: "I know...l'll listen obediently. But you also have to give me some explanations later otherwise how can we work together if l don't understand my role thoroughly?" The system thought this was reasonable and agreed. Then it went back to the centre of the lotus flower and prepared to send Xiao Weiwei into the trial world. "Be careful in this trial world. Don't take it lightly! It seems easy but there are hidden tricks everywhere. Just try and pass is all l expect. Don't perform too well. Because this is your first world, you get a complementary lotus seed powder packet. This packet can be used as incense to calm the mind."

Xiao Weiwei smiled in gratitude and then she closed her eyes. She felt a powerful sucking power immediately and when she opened her eyes, she was no longer in that grey gloomy space but a rowdy classroom. Because she was sitting at the back of the classroom, no one saw that she had been dazedly staring at the classroom board for a while.

Naturally, this staring was because she had to read a story - it was the introduction of this world. The story was written on a very high tech board and there was an auto scrolling function which was activated so Xiao Weiwei stared intently incase she missed some important facts.

After reading the story, Xiao Weiwei wanted to despise the IQs of both the system and the mysterious person but she took their cautions into consideration. Was a world like this truly hard? The problem could clearly be summed in one sentence: a lack of IQ from all the main characters involved.

The story was as follows. There was an extremely famous middle school called Xinghua and the only people who were allowed to enter were rich people or extremely smart people. Of course, because all the smart people were admitted on school loans and scholarships, they were isolated from all the rich young masters and mistress of high society. The female lead was unsurprisingly a scholarship student called Ye Miaomiao and the male lead was a very sought after young master called Hu Ying. The plot is very generic - they enter a sadomasochistic relationship with various misunderstandings and contribution of various villains including Hu Ying's family and Xiao Weiwei's current character. Of course, at the name of the female lead, every knee shall bow and everyone was finally defeated by the intelligence and frankness of the female lead. They married after they finished highschool and became a golden couple.

Xiao Weiwei could tell that even the time and space association was sick of such stories because many parts of the story had 'you can take a guess yourself its pretty obvious' in brackets at the end of each paragraph.

Xiao Weiwei's identity was very good - she was the male lead's half sister. Hu Ying's father Hu Lin had a first wife who died early leaving Hu Ying by himself. This did not prevent Hu Lin from bringing his mistress into the family after a year of mourning and his mistress also had Xiao Weiwei from her previous marriage. Hu Ying himself did not oppose the marriage and quickly, the family of four settled into a harmonious and comfortable style of living.

Things quickly changed when the original Hu Weiwei realised that she liked Hu Ying. And it was not familial liking but romantic. She knew that she couldn't like her own brother and felt very ashamed of herself. This caused her character to change from a very outgoing and loud person to a quiet introverted character. Her favourite thing to do was write in her journal of all the things that Hu Ying said and did. No one noticed her abnormality but instead thought that she was becoming more sensible and mature. These feelings quickly spiralled out of control when she realised that Ye Miaomiao and her brother were constantly seeing each other and she felt a sense of crisis. So she spent her pocket money for the first time in 10 years and exposed Ye Miaomiao's life experience on the school forum. Her experience was actually very bad - her mother was a prositute and Ye Miaomiao was one of her frequent customer's children.

She raised the child only because she wanted someone to actively work in the prostitution business and support her in old age. This exposition made Ye Miaomiao very embarassed and for a while she couldn't go to school because of the cold violence and isolation. Hu Ying was also distressed about this and kept trying to see her in the girls dormitory. This stimulated Hu Weiwei even more so she directly paid some gangsters at school to force rape and take some nude photos of Ye Miaomiao as evidence of her engaging in prostitution.

Luckily before anything happened, Hu Ying happened to find Ye Miaomiao in the sportshall and prevented such horrible things from happening. After that Hu Weiwei continued harassing Ye Miaomiao and making her unable to come to school whilst also making some small actions to always be with Hu Ying. Hu Ying also felt that things had become weird because his sister always tried to stick with him no matter where he was and he was very annoyed.

One day, Hu Weiwei's mother found the diary and everything was exposed. She immediately pulled her out of school to ask for an explanation. Meanwhile, Hu Ying did his own investigations and found that Hu Weiwei was the mastermind behind Ye Miaomiao's harassments. So after learning this and the fact that Hu Weiwei liked him, Hu Ying was disgusted. So he posted screenshots of her diary on the school forum and tagged her WeChat account which quickly blew up the school. When Hu Weiwei returned to school, everyone gave her strange looks and only when she checked the forum did she find out what happened.

Hu Ying also publicly denounced her and said that he would never like his sister romantically. Hu Weiwei was heartbroken so she dropped out of school and never left the house. Naturally, her villain role was over because her reputation was stinking and no one dared to get near her or be friends with her. After that, her mother Song Xia took the stage and fought against Hu Ying and Ye Miaomiao but she was quickly thwarted. Instead, she ended up comparing Hu Weiwei to Ye Miaomiao, wondering why her daughter couldn't be obedient and sensible like that.

It was these words from her own mother that caused Hu Weiwei to have a mental breakdown and she was sent to a mental hospital at age 16 where she remained until her death.

Xiao Weiwei facepalmed and wondered what kind of stupidity Hu Weiwei engaged in. The most important piece of info was the diary. As long as she burnt that piece of evidence, even if someone came to accuse her, she could ask them: 'what motives do l have?'

The task sent by the system was at the end of the story outline: 'Someone had been reborn and wanted to mess up the direction of this world. Your task is to maintain the villain's role until the very end. Your performance shall be ranked between F to SSS. You must get a C to move to the next trial.'

Xiao Weiwei breathed in deeply and pressed 'Start mission' and immediately, her originally unfocused eyes, narrowed and she turned to look at people sitting in the front row. She didn't forget what the system told her either but she chose to trust the system instead of the association wholeheartedly. 'Hu Ying, Ye Miaomiao, wait for me!'

Author's note: Hopefully this is the first of many interesting chapters to come!

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