
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · 奇幻
96 Chs

War! Part-1

The sun loomed high in the cloudless sky, mercilessly casting its scorching rays upon the Tialia Kingdom. The blistering heat seared the ground, causing droplets of water to evaporate instantaneously, intensifying the suffocating atmosphere that weighed upon the land.

Amidst the desolate grey stone ground of the kingdom, over 500 Blue Eagle Knights, both male, and female, stood in gleaming armor that reflected the sun's rays. Each knight gripped their weapon tightly, their brows glistening with beads of sweat a visible manifestation of their nerves and the impending battle that lay before them, fear hung thick in the air, permeating their hearts and displacing the usual battle spirit and determination with overwhelming worry and horror.

Atop a large platform, Chase, Ava, Luke, and Alex positioned behind her. Chase exuded a striking handsomeness, clad in his resplendent Blue Eagle Knightly attire, while Ava possessed a captivating beauty, her cascading hair resembling a waterfall flowing over her armor, and a glimmer of unwavering resolve shining in her eyes. Alex's blonder hair and blue eyes, wore an expression of noble arrogance, embodying the essence of a true knight, while Luke stood tall at 7 feet short white hair and black eyes, emanating strength and a rugged knight spirit.

"Why must the sun be so scorching today?" One knight voiced their complaint amidst the gathering, their discomfort palpable.

"While you worry about the sun's heat, I worry about the very possibility of death," another knight confessed, their voice tinged with raw fear.

"I, too, am concerned about dying, but we have already arrived here, and there is nothing we can do to change our fate," a third knight lamented, their voice laced with resignation.

Freya overheard their conversation, her commanding presence emanating through the area as she paced back and forth, keenly observing each knight with a piercing gaze.

"Today, we stand here, for the battle against the Green Griffin Knights of the Tramid Kingdom," Freya declared, her voice resounding with a power that reverberated far and wide, instilling a sense of solemnity and urgency.

A timid knight, gathering their courage, dared to question, "Miss Freya, why must we engage in this fight?"

Freya fixed her gaze upon the knight, her eyes brimming with profound significance. "Why did you choose to embark on the path of knighthood?" she inquired, seeking to ignite a flicker of courage within their hearts. "If you believed there would be no battles as knight or any other occupation, then you are not worthy of living in this world. Only the strong survive, and only the strong prevail over the weak, That is why we train, to never be weak."

Her words resonated deeply within the souls of some knights, stirring a glimmer of determination that had been dampened by fear.

"And furthermore," Freya continued, her voice resolute, "I implore you to cease addressing me as 'miss.' From this day forth, I am your General, and you are no longer mere students but fully-fledged knights."

A ripple of joy and excitement washed over the faces of some knights, as they comprehended the significance of their promotion and the weight of responsibility that accompanied it.

"However, on this day, I shall not be your General," Freya announced, causing confusion to ripple through the crowd.

Turning away from the knights, Freya extended her hand, gesturing towards them, beckoning them to step forward. Chase, Ava, Alex, and Luke, stepped forward in unison. "Today, Chase, Ava, Alex, and Luke shall assume the mantle of your general," she proclaimed.

This revelation shocked everyone, but they quickly understood that these four were the best among their peers and were always by Freya's side.

"They shall guide you to the best of their abilities, ensuring our ultimate triumph," Freya declared, her voice resolute and unwavering.

"Does that mean you won't be beside us?" a knight voiced the collective concern that hung heavily in the air.

"No, regrettably, I shall not accompany you," Freya replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "This is your time to grow, to fortify yourselves, and prove to both yourselves and others that you are worthy of being a knight. Yet, rest assured, you are not alone in your struggles."

The atmosphere grew increasingly tense, with fear tightening its grip, causing hearts to race and a primal instinct to flee. Sensing the apprehension that permeated the knights, Chase stepped forward, his voice carrying a mixture of fear and determination.

Chase noticed the knight's reaction and moved forward in front Freya.

"I acknowledge your fears, for they reside within my heart as well," Chase confessed, the tremor of fear perceptible in his voice. "But we are the valiant Blue Eagle Knights, known for our courage. Let us steel our hearts and hone our blades, for today we confront the enemy head-on. With each resolute swing of our swords, we shall forge a path to victory, vanquishing the forces that threaten our kingdom and imperil our loved ones. Today, we march forward with unwavering resolve, for we are the unwavering shield that safeguards the innocent and the sword that strikes down treachery!"

Chase's impassioned speech caught everyone off guard, and they stood mesmerized, struck by the powerful conviction in his words. He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, having rehearsed his speech diligently beforehand.

Not one to be outdone, Ava stepped forward, her forehead glistening with sweat, her eyes ablaze with unwavering determination.

"In this darkest of hours, let not fear consume your very souls; instead, let it fuel the flames of your courage," Ava bellowed, her words resonating with newfound eloquence. "Remember the reasons that impelled us to embrace the knightly path the loyalty we bear to our comrades-in-arms. Let our deeds be immortalized in the annals of heroism, and let our enemies quiver in the face of our thunderous charge!"

The crowd became captivated by Ava's potent speech, her beauty only enhancing the impact of her words.

Not to be overshadowed, Alex strode forth, his countenance radiating unwavering confidence.

"I have learned from my family that knights never waver in the face of adversity!"Alex declared with pride. "May the echoes of our battle cries resound across the battlefield, kindling hope within our allies and striking fear into the hearts of our foes. Draw strength from ancestors of those who came before us, for their courage courses through our veins. Together, we shall emerge triumphant!"

Alex's words ignited a profound sense of pride within the hearts of the knights.

With every knight's impassioned speech, a profound sense of responsibility to their kingdom, their people, and their families settled deep within their souls.

"Remember, my comrades, that within the crucible of battle, we are never alone. The spirits of our fallen brethren shall stand beside us, guiding our every move. They whisper courage in our ears and fortitude in our arms. Together, we shall honor any sacrifices and emerge victorious!"

Freya observed Chase, Ava, and Alex with swelling pride in her eyes, appreciating the unwavering trust and reliance they instilled in their comrades.

Freya stepped forward once more, her voice resolute and commanding. "Now, my brethren of the Blue Eagle Order, onward we march! Leave none alive!" she declared. "Raise your weapons high, for today we fight not merely for our kingdom but for the very destiny that shall shape our land again!"

A thunderous battle cry erupted from the knights, their weapons held aloft as they advanced with indomitable determination.

Chase, Ava, and the others strode past Freya, their heads held high, emanating an unwavering resolve in their eyes. The fate of the kingdom rested upon their shoulders, and they were prepared to confront the trials that awaited them.

As the Blue Eagle Knights traversed the lengthy, winding path, a mixture of dirt and stone, the passage of time saw their armor drenched in perspiration. The scorching sun beat down upon them mercilessly, intensifying their fatigue.

Chase, Ava, Alex, and Luke continued their journey in solemn silence, their thoughts kept to themselves, lost in moments of introspection.

'Should I break the silence?' Ava pondered, feeling the weight of the unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.

Just as the thought crossed her mind, a sudden sound broke through the stillness. "Look, it's the Blue Eagle Knights!" a voice called out.

Turning their attention in the direction of the sound, the knights saw a village populated by curious villagers. Pointing fingers and whispered conversations accompanied their gaze.

Just as the notion began to take shape within her mind, a sudden eruption of sound pierced through the air, shattering the stillness that had enveloped them. "Look! the Blue Eagle Knights!" a voice cried out, laden with excitement and awe.

Startled, their attention turned towards the source of the commotion, revealing a bustling village teeming with curious onlookers. The villagers, their fingers pointing and their murmurs intertwining, directed their gaze towards the weary knights passing through their midst.

"Observe how fatigued they appear. I wonder to what destination their going," mused a villager aloud, casting a skeptical glance in the direction of the knights. The words carried a hint of suspicion, reaching the ears of the knights who, attuned to their surroundings, caught wind of the whispered conversations.

The sealing off of the West Wall had, without a doubt, ignited speculation and raised eyebrows. Chase and Ava exchanged knowing glances, their eyes speaking volumes as they silently acknowledged the undercurrents of doubt and skepticism that permeated the air.

A glimmer of compassion and empathy flickered amidst the villagers as one among them proposed an act of kindness. "Why not offer them some water? They still have a quarter of an hour's journey ahead before they reach the west wall," the compassionate villager suggested, kindling a flicker of hope within the hearts of the Blue Eagle Knights.

In that moment, all eyes turned expectantly towards Ava, their general, beseeching her for a brief hope. The weariness etched upon their faces, the longing for relief palpable in their collective gaze.

Ava sought Chase's counsel, her eyes searching his for guidance. However, he responded with a mere shrug of his shoulders, his uncertainty implicitly conveyed. A fleeting pout tugged at Ava's lips before she redirected her attention back to the knights, her resolve strengthening.

"Very well, but we can spare only ten minutes," Ava declared, her voice carrying a gentle firmness.

A surge of elation coursed through the knights, their spirits rejuvenated as they hastened towards the village, gratefully accepting the proffered water. Even the children, their youthful enthusiasm aflame, eagerly joined in, eager to contribute to their valiant saviors' relief.

Chase and his comrades, seeking solace from the weariness that had enveloped them, found respite near a colossal boulder. They settled onto the ground, their bodies yearning for a moment of rest.

Thx for reading this first battle won't have any eagles, griffins, or mages.

Danger_Godcreators' thoughts