
You and Me

Vee's mouth hung open in surprise. She could literally feel her mouth brushing on the floor. Had Blake just brushed her tardiness aside?! Who was this guy and what had they done with her boss?!

Blake stood from the desk with a small smile. "There's a manuscript on your desk. Please go through it, twenty minutes tops."

'And he's saying the p-word!?" Her subconscious marveled.

Before Vee could speak or close her open mouth, Blake had already walked into his office. Maybe the morning couldn't get any worse. She sighed a little in relief, atleast she didn't get nagged at.

Vee had finished early with the manuscript and was now glancing through her phone. What more could she do than text with Phina and Camy. Both were pestering her on when they would get to see the apartment for themselves.

The glass door opened and Vee groaned at her forgetfulness. Blake was going to snatch her phone again. Before he could reach her desk, she switched her phone off and stretched it to him.