
A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Hi, I'm Revlo, the main character, the title speaks for itself, an isekai story. Somehow I died by getting hit by truck-kun when I was walking home from school and got reincarnated into a world of magic and swords. Elves, fairies, and goblins roam this world that resembles that of the middle ages. Don't tell me I'm gonna be one of those isekai protagonists where I get cheats and become op?... Wait, where is my cheat? I don't get a system? or any talent in magic? Well that's okay, I have the knowledge that I got on modern-day Earth, I'll use this to get any advantage that I can.... and I died at the age of 15, seriously? before my legend even began, I died just like that? Wait! I got reincarnated again! This time I'm in a cyberpunk world... I still don't have cheats and my knowledge is useless in a cyberpunk world... frick... well I got a second chance, I won't waste it, I don't know how I died in my previous life but I'm gonna make the most out of this....15 years later... I died again... The third time, I'm in a cultivation world, I died at 15 years old again... The fourth time, I'm in a futuristic world, I died at 15 years old again... The 5th, 6th, 7th, 18th, 23rd, 55th, 68th, 132nd, 300th, 419th, 600th, 665th, 999th life... I kept dying and reincarnating and no matter what I do to prevent it, I kept dying the moment I turn 15 years old! Until I reached my 1000th life..... the moment I was born... within in the depths of my soul.. something felt different. =Update Schedule= Mon-Tue-Fri-Sat-Sun [2000+ words per chapter] Disclaimer: This is my first time writing an original story so be warned that there will be plenty of infodumps in the first dozen chapters because I didn't take this story seriously at that time, if I somehow finish this story, I will rewrite those chapters so it could become more reader-friendly.

DrDedot · 奇幻
60 Chs

Fated Conflict

Digging noises could be heard and dirt was scattered all around and piled up into several tiny hills where Jack and the red-haired woman once stood.

The soil underneath was very hard and that was because the walls, floor, and the materials that made up dungeons are very unique and were made to withstand strong attacks from monsters and high-ranking champions.

Despite being an expert rank champion that could easily lift giant boulders like it was nothing, Jack was sweating from all the hard labor as he continued to dig his way to the corpse of the dead demon king with a shovel while the woman in purple silently watched.

"Aren't you going to help? This would be a lot faster if you just helped me out"

Jack complained, his tone was visibly irritated, and stared at the woman who was sitting on a rock.

With his personality, usually, he would just go up to her and would threaten to beat her up to get her to work but he knew that the woman sitting there was much stronger than him and she was also someone he deeply respected.

Along with that sense of respect, there was also fear, he feared this woman even more than his parents.

He knew her since he was young, her methods, planning ability, and talent terrified even someone like Jack, who was a prideful and an arrogant fella.

The only reason he dared to complain right now was that he had a good reason to complain since he was doing all the work while the woman just stood there, doing nothing.

Hearing Jack's whining, the woman in purple turned her head to look at him.

"Do you have a short-term memory? We are not the only ones here, someone's got to keep an eye out and stand guard"

The woman said in a tone like she was talking to an imbecile.

Hearing this, Jack lowered his head like he was ashamed but he mumbled something under his breath to make sure that the woman would not hear him.

"Standing guard my ass, you looked so relaxed with you sitting around and all"

Though he said that, he could see invisible waves of mana being emitted from that woman like a radar, she was using her magic sense to detect other people in case someone decided to enter the boss room.

"I heard that"

The woman's icy voice resounded in his head and Jack visibly shivered and had goosebumps just by hearing it.

He continued to dig around with his shovel without saying anything for a while until...

His shovel had struck something hard and knew that this was the remains of the demon king that was buried here.


Jack yelled with a playful smile.

He then received a wave of pain on the top of his head.

"Aw, what was that for"

Jack said grumpily as he rubbed the top of his head, the pain lingered for a few seconds.

The woman who gave Jack a chop on the head looked at him sternly.

"Don't yell, you are gonna alert those monsters"

She said while pointing towards the two rock golem monsters who were turning their heads left and right like they were looking for something.

Jack immediately covered his mouth with both of his hands, he was not afraid of the monsters or anything but he was more afraid of his sister scolding him.

The woman put her hands in her cloak and pulled out a red bag called a bundle, Jack could pick up the spatial magic energy coming from that bag, it was an item similar to the one Revlo had, it looks small on the outside but it could store a warehouse full of items on the inside.

Jack continued to dig around the demon king's remains and revealed a half-eaten corpse with its skeleton exposed and rotten flesh on some parts of the body.

Both of the sibling's pairs of eyes were directed toward a shiny silver bracelet that the corpse wore on its wrists.

Despite the passage of time, the bracelet never had a single speck of rust on it but the two demons weren't surprised at all.

Jack crouched down and put his hands on the bracelet to feel it all over and closed his eyes.

He suddenly felt a wave of familiarity with this bracelet, like a long-lost relative finally meeting each other after being separated for a long time as the object resonated along with his soul.

"This is the real deal"

Jack said in an excited tone, his voice quivered in pure happiness.

One look at him and anyone could tell that he was elated. If it weren't for his sister standing beside him, it wouldn't be a strange thing if he were to jump around in joy.

He quickly removed the bracelet from the corpse's wrist and handed it to the woman in purple as the latter stored it in the dimensional bag.

Jack furrowed his brows at his sister's indifferent attitude, they just found a lost ancient artifact of the demons and she acted like it was not a big deal.

"Let's go"

She said as she opened up her dimensional bag even further and the corpse of the dead demon king was sucked in.

"Who would've guessed that the Helios' Bracelet was right underneath this seemingly random dungeon"

A powerful but creepy voice resounded and echoed in the boss room as the two siblings flinched.

They quickly turned around and saw a thin-looking man in a black ragged cloak walking slowly towards them.

Both Jack and his sister could sense an intense magical aura that even suppressed the woman's first-class master-ranked aura.

A heavy pressure descended upon the boss area of the dungeon that made even Jack unable to move.

'Super first-class master ranked champion'

Both of them said in their minds at the same time.

At first, they thought that the organization that was previously chasing their tails caught up to them but they suddenly realized that it was not the case as the magic power that they felt from this man was way too ominous and somber.

With their vision, they could see through the dark and the cloak that the man was wearing was unable to hide his face.

Their red eyes glowed in the poorly lit environment as they tried to see through the man that just appeared out of nowhere.

"Vampire Race?"

Jack said in a puzzled tone.

'I didn't see him coming at all'

The woman thought.

Smiling under his cloak, the man chuckled creepily, his voice was unpleasant to hear and could induce the feeling of fear into any being that would be unfortunate enough to hear it.

Even the two golem monsters in the background were visibly shaking as a result of extreme fear, they looked no different from a frightened little animal.

From his chuckle, Jack's eyes quivered as he felt a chill down his spine while gritting his teeth, he was trying really hard to prevent himself from trembling, with his pride, he won't allow such a shameful display to happen.

However, the woman beside him was unfazed and stared back at the cloaked man with a cautious gaze.

Impressed by her performance, the man paused his steps and looked at the woman for a few seconds before shifting his gaze to the bag that she was holding.

Noticing his gaze, the woman swiftly put the bag back into her cloak.

Seeing this, the man chuckled even more, seemingly amused by her actions.

"I never thought I would ever live to see the day that I would meet the inhabitants of the Nether Realm, I'm not gonna ask the reason why a bunch of demons appeared here but I am here to say that it is an honor to meet you, the progenitors of the magic I practice"

The two remained silent while staring at the man in front of them with a vigilant gaze.

The skinny man didn't seem to be bothered by this and continued to talk.

"Looking at the purity of your blood, I assume that you two are at least demon nobles"


"Kekekeke, don't worry about me stealing your fancy bracelet, the Helios' Bracelet will only work for those with the blood of the demon race's royal bloodline, it would be no different from a hunk of metal in my hands, which is a shame considering how the 12 demon artifacts are so powerful that it could even rival the 7 holy artifacts"

The skinny man said.

Jack and the woman remained silent while the latter was silently calculating in her head the odds of her winning against this man if they were to fight right now.

From the power that he had shown so far, the woman made a conclusion.

'I stand no chance at all'

The difference between them is only by a single sub-rank but that difference was as big as a canyon.

Of course, that was only the case if they were to clash head-on, the woman's head was already filled with various schemes and plans to escape their predicament in case things go awry.

'Of course, If I wasn't injured, it would be a completely different story'

The woman said in her head while her hands pressed down on the side of her stomach.

While getting chased, she suffered a severe injury that wouldn't be healed easily.

She turned her head to look at Jack, who was covered in sweat while staring at the man in front of him with a hostile gaze.

'If it comes down to a fight, take this with you and run, I'll hold him back'

The woman sent a spiritual transmission toward Jack that only he could hear while the latter widened his eyes and looked back at her.

'Sis, no, I'll do it, you run while I take him on instead, you'll have a higher chance at getting away than me'

Jack replied with a pleading tone.

The woman didn't change her facial expression but she was inwardly relieved and happy that her brother was worried about her, however, she quickly put herself out of that reverie and used spiritual transmission once again.

'Don't be stubborn, just do what I say'

She said in a commanding tone.

Jack clenched his fists tightly at this and looked down at the ground.

'If sis wasn't injured, she would've...'

His thoughts trailed off when he felt he was holding on to something, he looked at his left hand and saw that he was holding the same dimensional bag that his sister used to store the corpse and bracelet.

He bit his lower lip in frustration and looked at the woman beside him with pleading eyes.

The skinny man alternated his gaze between Jack and the woman with a frown and sighed as if the world would never understand him.

"What's with the face you guys are making? I said I don't want your fancy bracelet, it was a coincidence that I met you guys here"

The man said.

Both of them didn't relax one bit just because the man in front of them said those words while the woman opened her mouth to talk.

"If you are not here for the Helios' Bracelet, then what are you here for?"

The woman asked.

The skinny man grinned under his ragged cloak.

"You are finally saying something, I thought you were mute and as for your question, am I obligated to answer that?"

The man said as he increased the pressure that he gave off to the surroundings. Tiny rocks were dancing around while the ground shook a little.

Jack creased his brows as the ground cracked under his feet while the woman remained unfazed.

"Then I guess we'll be on our way then"

The woman grabbed Jack's hands and walked away, despite the heavy pressure that the skinny man acted on them, her footsteps and walking posture looked smooth like she was not influenced by the pressure at all.

Just as the skinny man and the demon siblings were about to walk past each other.

"No wonder that those demon slayer bastards were running around in this area, so they were looking for you lot"

The man revealed an unpleasant piece of news to them.

Seeing that both of them frowned at the same time, the skinny man cackled and continued to talk.

"For a second there, I thought they were after me but it looks like my worries were unnecessary"


Jack clicked his tongue in annoyance as the siblings moved farther and farther away from the skinny man.

The cloaked man looked at their departing figures, the smile on his face disappeared like it was a lie.

"Heh, if those demon noble brats managed to successfully get away from those demon slayers and return Helios' Bracelet to the Nether Realm and regain some of the demon race's former strength..."

His words trailed off, pausing for a few seconds before continuing what he had to say.

"War between the Nether Realm and the Surface World... will be inevitable, the millennia of peace that people nowadays took for granted will be broken"

The man said with a sadistic grin.


Celine: Where the hell are we? Why am I wearing formal wear? And what is with this fancy-looking studio?

Vorne: Honey, I think the author is introducing an afterward section to this book, a concept that is inspired by a fellow isekai story that the author enjoyed.

Celine: What the hell is an afterward section? Why do I have to wear this stupid outfit?

Vorne: According to google, an afterward section is a section of text at the end of a book designed to share information that is supplementary to the main content.

Celine: So what are we supposed to do? Are we going to comment about the events that played out in the chapter?

Revlo: Exactly.

Celine: Little brat! Where the hell did you come from? Aren't you suppose to be meeting up with the shitty town lord or something?

Revlo: The characters that appears in the afterward sections are not canon and exist outside the story.

Celine: Wait what?! So you mean that any events that happen here, our original selves in the story won't know or remember?

Vorne: Ah! Looks like we were taking too long... goodbye everyone, see you next chapter.

Revlo: Looks like we weren't able to say anything about the chapter.