
A Thousand Regressor

Started with Scrolling through random tweets on Twitter, Kim Seongwon, a dedicated gamer, discovered an underrated game called "A Thousand Regression," made by an unknown game company. Kim Seongwon had been supporting the game "A Thousand Regression" for five years, unaware that he was the sole remaining player. Others had lost interest in the game due to its unknown company and underrated status. One day, the game received an update for its 5th anniversary. Kim Seongwon messaged the creator to express gratitude for the update and express excitement about the newest update. In response, Kim Seongwon received a mysterious special gift from the creator, sparking curiosity. Suddenly, a hologram appeared in front of Kim Seongwon, notifying him that he had been given a special ability called "Regression." This left him wondering if he was hallucinating due to lack of sleep. Kim Seongwon with his favorite game, "A Thousand Regression," leads to a new chapter of excitement and curiosity surrounding its 5th anniversary. But soon, the game's reality merges with Kim Seongwon's own. [Will Kim Seongwon finish the game to the end?]

Jayzz · 奇幻
6 Chs

Regression (1)

"A Thousand Regression," a game made by an unknown game company, was something I played five years ago and felt like it consumed my life.

It was an intriguing game, almost as if it was tailored just for me—a lone player immersing myself in "A Thousand Regression."

I feel sorry for the creator of "A Thousand Regression", unrecognized and not popular globally. Why don't people give it a chance? I kept pondering what to do, but it seemed futile.

[Creator-nim, can you provide more information about the 5th-anniversary update of the game?]


I asked the creator for more info about the 5th-anniversary update, but there was no response.

The creator was probably busy working on the 5th-anniversary update for "A Thousand Regression." I wondered how the update was progressing and it was likely to be a significant update.

[Notification: Please wait at 7:35 p.m.]

Kim Seongwon, a 21-year-old sole player who lived in an apartment building, was known as the last player of "A Thousand Regression."

"Are you Kim Seongwon?"


"What a strange name."

Ah, the first time someone expressed disgust at my name, given by my alcoholic father.

My mother left my father after he was fired from his job. when I was 9 years old, I faced childhood trauma and bullying due to my family issues and sought solace in online games.

Over time, I left home and started living independently.

I didn't finish college due to financial constraints but worked part-time at a nearby convenience store.

Currently, I was on a night shift at the convenience store.

[Time check 7:30 p.m.]

I scrolled through my phone, waiting for the new update of "A Thousand Regression." Just five more minutes, and the update would be here. However, my friend showed up.

"Kim Seongwon! Check out this new game I found!" My friend Hyun Cho, always talking about his favorite games with me.

"What do you want now?"

"Oh, come on, don't be like that." I was about to log in to the game when he interrupted.

"Well, anyway, I was just about to buy an energy drink so I have the energy to play this new game all night!" I suggested he try "A Thousand Regression" since it was the 5th anniversary.

"Hyun Cho, why not play 'A Thousand Regression'?"

"The what?" He seemed unfamiliar with it.

"'A Thousand Regression." Haven't you heard of that game?"

"O-oh, that... well, yeah, I've heard of it but never played it."

"Why not give it a try?"

"Nah, I don't play games from unknown companies, and it's underrated." What? Is that your reason? Why not try it?

"Why not just give it a little try?"

"Nope, I'm not interested." Just say you're not interested? and be done with it?

I was frustrated, reminding me of the past negative comments about the game. It's actually a good game at least give it a try.

"But, Kim Seongwon, why not try this game I bought online? It's popular and recently streamed by streamers!" I don't care about its popularity!

"No thank you, I'm good."

[Time check 7:33 p.m.]

Just two more minutes until the release of the update!

"Hey, Kim Seongwon!"

"What now?"

"Do you still have those new energy drinks you had?"

"On your left aisle."

"Oh, thanks."

[Time check 7:34 p.m.]

One more minute! I couldn't wait for the new update!

"Kim Seongwon!"


"It's all gone! The new energy drinks!"

"What do you mean? They're all there!"

"No, they're actually gone. These are all old brands!"

"So what? It's still an energy drink."

"Nope, I don't like this. I'm trying the new ones."

[Notification: In 10 seconds, "A Thousand Regression" 5th-anniversary update will release! Please log in to claim your rewards!]


[Notification: "9".]


[Notification: "8".]

"Kim Seongwon?"

[Notification: "7".]

"Just a second! I'll be right there!"

[Notification: "6".]

"Kim Seongwon! I need you right now!"

[Notification: "5".]


[Notification: "4".]

"Kim Seongwon! I really need you! Please!"

[Notification: "3".]

I left my phone and rushed to Hyun Cho to see what he wanted.

[Notification: "2".]

"What, Hyun Cho?"

"I kinda found the new energy drink now, hehe, thank you."

"Seriously!? Do you want to fight?" I pushed him against the wall.

[Notification: "1".]

"Yo, chill, I was just messing with you, haha."

"You! can't you see I'm waiting for the new update of "A Thousand Regression!"

"I get it, geez. You don't have to be mean."

[Notification: "0".]

A sudden impact outside, shaking the ground and messing up the lights.

I thought it was an earthquake, but...


[Greetings, players!]

The new chapter of the event has commenced!


A hologram appeared again? I checked my phone and it was 7:35 p.m. Did the game updated?

No way, it wasn't a hallucination that night! it was real!

"What's all this?"

"Wait, can you see it?"


"What is this, anyway?"

"I don't know. I've seen this before."

"Seen what?"

"It happened that night."

I tried to log into the game, but it said, "You're already logged into the game. Please wait for further information."

I messaged the creator about what was happening, but the message was blocked I couldn't reach him at all.

"That!" Hyun Cho's expression turned dark.



Giant Ogre!

Info: Elite boss!

Compensation: 100 Gold


W-what? Giant Ogre? Wait, isn't this familiar? I think I heard about this.

"K-kim Seongwon..." I looked at Hyun Cho and he seemed scared.

"Hyun Cho, be quiet." We hid, unsure of what was happening.

"What is that?"

"I don't know yet, but I think I've seen this creature somewhere." There was no mistake! the weapon, the horn, the outfit—it resembled the Giant Ogre from "A Thousand Regression," the one that terrorized the village!

What's happening? Why is it here? There's no doubt it's from "A Thousand Regression."

The game I played five years ago is coming to life? This must be some event, but it feels real.



The Giant Ogre has found you!


Damn it.

I narrowly dodged the Giant Ogre's mace, but I needed to defeat it.

"Pst, Kim Seongwon, are you alright?" Hyun Cho whispered.

"I'm fine, just stay where you are. I know how to handle this creature." It was a lie! but I had to try.

I defeated this creature in the game using the "Eternal Sunlight Sword."

It was a top-tier sword from a past event, emitting eternal sunlight when drawn, capable of burning anything it pierced. It was effective in dark regions.

The other tip was a Torch! the Giant Ogre feared light.

I had read all about it back then, which helped now.

"Kim Seongwon, behind you!" I flinched as the Ogre moved surprisingly fast.

It grinned, as if I underestimated it due to its speed.

Some creatures weren't like the game? But how?



The Giant Ogre is looking for its new prey!


New prey? Don't tell me.

"Hyun Cho, get out of there! The Giant Ogre is targeting you!"

"W-what?!" A mace flew toward Hyun Cho.

"H-hyun Cho?" He survived but was gravely injured.

"Kim Seongwon, please leave! I'll buy you time to escape! I don't have long."

"No, you'll survive! I'll get us out!" I grabbed him, but he insisted to leave.


"Please, just go! There's not much ti—." A mace struck him, and died. I was covered with all of his blood.

It was another traumatic event. Hyun Cho died in front of me.

Damn it, I had to get out! As I escaped, a mace hit me, breaking both my legs.

I crawled but couldn't move much, the wound was deep.

The Giant Ogre grinned as he please.

This seemed like the end.

I think... I'm... dead.

[You have died!]

so I decided to change the military time to normal time.

is it understandable?

comment down bellow

well anyways has logic and grammar error so yeah.

oh and one more thing about the slow update yeah I'm having problem of it thinking and imagining the plot sometimes it even change and made it worst.

I do have lots of imagination but sometimes it change and made a messed up the plot.

- Author.

Jayzzcreators' thoughts