
Ashlynn's way of moving on

He tried his best to get her out of her room and eat dinner together with him and her mom , she was a mess , wearing the same clothes she wore during the day .

He forced her to go shower and change , his naggings always has way to make Ashlynn do whatever he says.

He stayed with her till she fell a sleep then he left , Ashlynn's mom was glad Miles was there for her Daughter .Deep down she wishes they would end up together the way he cares for her daughter and everything he does is always so genuine.

She went to check on her again and put her bag the one she forgot in the car on her dressing table ,she was already sleeping today wasn't easy for her ,

She found her sleeping so beautiful miles covered her well ( look at my beautiful baby girl Dear Lord I pray you give strength to my daughter to get over this and find someone who'll cherish, adore , love and care for her ) she kissed her forehead and went on to work on her designing's .

Both of Ashlynn parents are the best talented designers , she loved growing up seeing her parents teaming up and create magic for their clients , she has been designing since she was little it is her dream to be great just like them but to also find a person she'll spend her life with and be happy with.

She also decided to major in designing to work with her mom who seemed lonely ,After the death of his Dad.In the morning her mom tried to talk to her , but she said she is not ready to talk about it right now.

And when she asked if she needs therapy to help her got through this she said no , she will get out of it on her own way.And her way was to dig through the relationship and find what was wrong and what did she miss , she feels like this will somehow help her .

Going through her social medias deleting all the pictures she posted with him ,She went to his accounts and saw something.

Tariq never posted a picture of them alone it will always be with the whole group but with Layla he posted pics of them alone and Even Layla pictures with love emojis without writing any captions.

" how did I miss to see this , this asshole Damnnn "

She kept scrolling and scrolling ,Till she couldn't take it no more. She connected all her group on a Video call

It was early in the morning.

" hey girl morning , how are you? " they were super worried Mila even slept with her phone next to her so she'll be able to hear when she calls

She was the first to wake up.

" Morning everyone , I'm okay how was the after graduation party yesterday "

"non of us could go " Ronald answered he was already awake working on sending applications on his PC

" yeah how could we go without you girl " Dina was still on her Bed . she doesn't have to send applications she will be working on her parents law firm,

Lady La Divah:

" aww thanks guys , and Miles Thank you for tucking me in yesterday "

Miles was on his workout routine but he stopped to answer the video call from Ashlynn

Everyone was glad she was doing okay at least , yesterday she was a mess , she wanted to share what she found. with the others

" guys how did I miss this , look on Tariq's page , they were never a picture of the two of us together not even one but look him and Layla ,here he posted Layla look , how did I miss this "

she kept scrolling her phone showing it to her friends on her PC

Mila checked and yeah they really did miss this , maybe because he told them she was her cousin and there was even a picture of Layla with her parents together with Tariq and his parents maybe that's why

But they should have known , some Arabs families Weds their kids ,

But Miles wondered if knowing this before would have changed anything because they really tried to point all the red flags Tariq showed to Ashy , But she never listened from the very beginning

But he decided to not say anything the last thing he wants now is to hurt her even more , the damage had already been done , she is already hurt all they have to do is be there for her.

They talked for a long time and everyone went on to do their own stuffs ,

She spent her time wondering on what she missed , she had no interest at all to anything else or go out

And whenever she got to know a thing or two she'll always tell it to the crew , talking about it somehow made her heart heal

The things she picked up was , she brought Tariq at her home and introduced him to her mom but he never took her to his home not to mention introduce her to nay of his family members.

He was full of excuses saying his Muslim parents are so strict they should wait at least when the graduation is over . Other stuffs were Tariq's always put his phone facing down she never even touched it even once .

But He was always checking her phone , there were a lot of red flags she wondered how could she miss all those signs how ?, love truly can make you blind ,

time passed so fast all of her friends were working now she kept bothering them with video calls but whenever they asked her out she denied , she was always inside , she didn't even bother to care for herself she even added some weight.

It was six months already now whenever Tariq's name pop out it didn't hurt her like it used to be , she went through all the emotions , she can say she already healed