
A Tale of Revenge and Redemption: Vladimir's Quest to Purge Evil.

"A Tale of Revenge and Redemption: Vladimir's Quest to Purge Evil" is a thrilling and immersive fantasy novel that transports readers to a richly detailed world filled with mystical creatures, ancient ruins, and treacherous landscapes. At its core, this book is a story of one man's quest for justice, as Vladimir sets out to avenge his troubled past and rid the world of corruption and evil. But as Vladimir embarks on his journey, he finds himself confronted with a series of challenges that force him to question his own motives and reconsider his approach to justice. Along the way, he encounters a colorful cast of characters, from fierce dragons and mischievous fairies to wise wizards and noble centaurs, each of whom offers a unique perspective on the nature of good and evil. With its perfect blend of action, adventure, and heart, "A Tale of Revenge and Redemption" is a must-read for any fan of fantasy literature. With its intricate mythology, vivid descriptions, and deeply human themes, this book will transport readers to a world they won't soon forget, and leave them pondering the nature of justice, forgiveness, and redemption long after the final page has been turned.

Arnel_Tadle · 奇幻
30 Chs

Chapter 20: journey begins

As they journeyed through the rugged terrain, Vladimir couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that he had made a pact with a powerful being, one that could easily turn on him at any moment.

Valtor noticed the look on Vladimir's face and spoke up. "Do not worry, my friend. I may be a demon, but I have my own code of honor. I will not betray you as long as you keep your end of the bargain."

Vladimir nodded, still feeling a sense of dread deep in his gut. But he knew that he had no other choice. The fate of the world rested on his shoulders, and he would do whatever it takes to save it.


"Did you have any about our world?" Valtor asked.

"No.. I have no idea what our world is.."Vladimir replied.

"Then I will tell you, listen carefully I will say it again. This world is Nexus, Nexus comprises three continents, Erebosia, Iliathia and the continent of Anatolia. The continents comprise 7 great empires:

the enchanted great forest empire of Ilmarethor: This elven empire specializes in the arts of magic, and is known for their prowess in archery and swordsmanship.

The great Iron Hills of Drogathar -this dwarf empire are known for their exceptional blacksmithing and engineering skills, producing the best weapons and armor in the land.

The Chimera Empire - an empire ruled by a hybrid of various beasts with the ability to shapeshift into any animal form. They specialize in espionage, reconnaissance, and infiltration.

The Dragon Empire - an empire ruled by mighty dragons with the ability to breathe fire, ice, or lightning. They specialize in aerial combat and hoarding treasure.

the Ardent Empire - This human empire is known for their formidable army and expertise in warfare. They have a highly skilled group of knights who are feared on the battlefield. They have conquered several neighboring kingdoms and their expansion shows no sign of stopping.

The Magocracy of Arindel-This empire is ruled by powerful mages who have gained control over the magical energies of their world. Their expertise lies in the arcane arts and they have developed spells and enchantments that are unmatched in the world

Dominion of Azurion-known for magical reinforcement,Experts in naval warfare,trade routes.

There were rumors that the sky of Nexus had a kingdom, it is said that advance knowledge and divine power beings reside there waiting to be awake. legends were told that a mysterious man holds the key of unlocking the four gigantic pillars of sanctums resides,the great center pillars of sanctums that connects the four into one and open the great door of the abyss it is said that the four great horsemen fight to death in order for it to be sealed. however, they failed and their death was not caused by a demon but among one of them until now it is still a mystery. Years have passed since kingdoms became ruins and countless expeditions have been made due to the tempting riches one may reap...due to the unbalanced power and greediness of the impure king, the whole kingdom becomes the feast of the corrupt. Peace no longer resides in the world only darkness that covers the eye with single hope...so did you get everything I just said!"

"What the heck did you really expect me to absorb everything you just said..no hell..no.."

"haha are you dumb."

"What did you!? huh...

"No need to get work-up."

"tch...So what now?"

"Where going to venture around the world kiddo, prepare yourself this is gonna epic."


As Vladimir and Valtor travelled on horseback, they were suddenly ambushed by a group of bandits. The bandits, armed with swords and bows, surrounded them and demanded that they hand over their valuables.

Vladimir tensed, his hand going to his own sword. He had faced bandits before, but he had never been outnumbered like this. Valtor, on the other hand, seemed unfazed by the ambush.

"Hand over your goods, or we'll take them by force," one of the bandits growled.

Valtor merely smiled. "Is that so? I'm afraid we cannot allow that."

Before the bandits could react, Valtor drew a sword from his sheath and charged forward, his horse galloping at full speed. Vladimir followed suit, drawing his own sword and charging into the fray.

The bandits were caught off guard by the sudden attack, and many of them fell quickly to the blades of Valtor and Vladimir. The remaining bandits, realizing that they were outmatched, turned and fled into the nearby woods.

Vladimir and Valtor stood victorious, breathing heavily and covered in sweat. They had fought well together, but Vladimir couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

"Who were those bandits?" he asked Valtor.

Valtor shrugged. "Just some small-time thugs, I imagine. They're always looking for an easy target."

Vladimir nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the attack than just a random ambush. He resolved to keep a closer eye out for any signs of danger on their journey.


Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as Vladimir and Valtor traveled through treacherous mountains, dark forests, and scorching deserts. They faced countless dangers, from ferocious beasts to treacherous bandits.

But despite the hardships, Vladimir felt himself growing stronger with each passing day. He learned new spells and techniques from Valtor, and he also learned to rely on his own instincts and wits.

As they approached their final destination, a towering citadel nestled in the heart of a dark, foreboding swamp, Vladimir felt a sense of fear and anticipation. He knew that this was where the final battle would take place, where he would face off against the ultimate evil.

With a deep breath, Vladimir stepped forward, ready to face his destiny head-on