
A Tale Of Demons and War Gods

The journey of Shin Long, bastard of the Sacred Family. And his journey to take revenge for his mothers death. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · 漫画同人
19 Chs

Chapter 2

"Here you are, a total of 3224 demon spirit coins." the receptionist of the plunder store smiled at Shin Long as she handed over the total amount he earned from the materials he'd gained from the total two hundred and forty eight Horned Sheep he had hunted.

"Thank you." the boy replied, bowing his head respectfully as he accepted the money. He stored it in his spatial ring before turning on his heel and making his way toward the Holy Orchid Institute.

He already had a a thousand demon spirit coins left over after paying the first three thousand demon spirit coin tuition to join the school. He'd been working non stop for the last few years to build enough money to enter the Holy Orchid Institute, and had that left over. so he had a total of four thousand, two hundred and twenty four demon spirit coins.

Not bad for now. He still didn't have enough to put his plans into motion, but he was getting there.

"What now?" he mused to himself as he walked. His cultivation technique was very powerful and versatile, but it could only accommodate one of each species, so even if he continued hunting Horned Sheep and managed to get his hands on another demon spirit, he wouldn't be able to integrate it into his soul realm.

'Maybe it's time to move onto another species?' he mused. The training grounds of the Holy Orchid Institute only kept bronze rank demon spirits. And there were only three species in total in the massive area.

Horned Sheep, Fanged Panda and Spotted Tiger's. Horned Sheep were technically stronger than Fanged Panda's due to their ability, but Fanged Panda's were stronger at the base and had much more varied abilities. The common ones generally has the ability to clad their arms in lightning to strike at foes with, where as the stronger ones could even control gravity to a degree.

With his growth from integrating the Horned Sheep demon spirit he was fairly certain he could deal with them with no problem now. He'd killed a few already while scouting out the training area a few days back.

Not to mention, Fanged Panda parts were worth more money than horned Sheep. the fur of a Fanged Panda was worth five demon spirit coins. Their claws worth ten demon spirit coins and their fangs worth twenty demon spirit coins. All in, worth a total of thirty five demon spirit coins in comparison to Horned Sheep that only had materials worth thirteen demon spirit coins in total.

And that wasn't even including their demon crystals which were the most expensive parts of demon beasts. Demon crystals were used to create demon spirits. Though it was a tedious process and the growth rate of the created ones were usually much lower than that of a Spirit Grade demon beast that already had a full demon spirit formed, like the alpha Horned Sheep he gained his from.

Still a Fanged Panda demon crystal went for twenty five demon spirit coins. Bringing the total max profit from bringing one down a good sixty demon spirit coins.

If only Shin Long had more money, then he could go about refining his own demon spirits from the demon crystals. But the materials needed to refine them usually went for about five thousand or so demon spirit coins.

..He'd really need to move on to Fanged Panda's wouldn't he? He needed the profit. He needed the demon spirits of a Fanged Panda and Spotted Tiger before he felt comfortable putting his larger plans into motion.

Spotted Tiger's would be a problem though. They were generally ranked as five star bronze ranked beasts and they generally hunted and feasted on Horned Sheep and Fanged Panda's.

Where as Horned Sheep and Fanged Panda's were considered mere two star bronze ranked demon beasts.

Shin Long shook his head, "Well, no need to hesitate," he psyched himself up, "I'll be even stronger when taking on the Horned Sheep's form so even a Spotted Tiger shouldn't be too much of a problem."

It would be challenging, but doable with his new strength he was sure.

Usually one couldn't integrate with a demon spirit until they became a silver ranked demon spiritualist, but his cultivation method was based on war. And one of the biggest fundamental's of war, was having an army. So the War God cultivation technique put a large emphasis on integrating demon spirits.


Half an hour later, after leaving the examiner he was assigned to gaping in shock at his results, Shin Long found himself sitting in his new class.

He took a seat up at the back out of the way of everyone else. He generally wasn't interested in interacting with those around him. He didn't really have the time for friendships right now. Honestly, if it weren't for the library of the Holy Orchid Institute and the access to the training grounds he got as a student at the facility, he wouldn't have bothered with it either.

Still, a few people did stand out.

One was a boisterous orange haired lad by the name of Nie Li. A nice enough guy that Shin Long only knew of because his dorm room was right next to his.

Another was a finely dressed noble boy with pretty boy looks and dark hair, a sneer on his face. The boy was glaring heatedly at Shin Long, and it took all of his effort not to march over and smash his face in.

Shen Yue, his slightly older half brother. It honestly wasn't hard to realise the boys hate for him stemmed from the petty fact of him being the black mark on the Sacred Family's reputation. And the feeling was mutual. Shin Long was disgusted to be related to him.

Shin Long ignored him for now, lest he give into the raging desire to utterly destroy him. For now at least. Instead, his eyes settled on the gorgeous purple haired girl sitting beside him.

Ye Ziyun, the daughter of the city lord and grandaughter of the legend rank Ye Mo, the strongest demon spiritualist in Glory City. And also, set to marry Shen Yue in the future.

A nasty grin spread across Shin Long's face for a brief moment. He wouldn't mind spoiling her and taking her virginity to humiliate his half brother. Anything that could humiliate the Sacred Family was something he would gladly take part in.

...Actually, there was another beauty in class engaged to his other older brother Shen Fei.

Shin Long's eyes moved across the classroom and roved across the tall, bodacious form of Xiao Ning'er. Shen Fei didn't deserve a woman like that.

Long lustrous orange hair and clad in a black training outfit that absolutely melded to her curves. Ning'er hardly looked thirteen at all. She had the body of a full grown woman despite her age. Most likely because she was fed Elixir's from a young age.

They had the effect of starting puberty early when taken at a young age and extending the period of time of it to the normal final age. Many thought that the time of puberty was when demon spiritualists made the mode progress during cultivation.

Ning'er was another he would love to bed. Both because of her amazing body and to humiliate Shen Fei and the Sacred Family.

The girl's fiery orange eyes looked up and locked with his own dual coloured eyes. She apparently sensed his eyes on her. Shin Long smirked and gave her a brief wink causing her to blink, but before she could do anything else the door to the classroom slammed open and the teacher walked in.

Shin Long recognized her almost immediately. How could he not when she was technically his aunt?

"Quit down!" Shen Xiu barked an order as soon as she entered. The class hushed almost immediately, but that was mostly because the vast majority of the boys in class were practically drooling over the redheaded beauty.

Tall, with long luscious red hair and a body of curves most women would kill for. Large, round breasts that jiggled in her scantily clad purple outfit, full ripe thighs and perfectly thick hips.

Honestly, Shin Long didn't blame his classmates for drooling over her. How could they not when she was one of the most beautiful women in the entire city? And she blatantly showed her body off proudly with the way her dress was open in the centre showing off her flat toned belly and the milky white cleavage of her huge breasts? Or with how she only wore black stockings over her legs that went up to just passed her knee, leaving her thighs fully bare for everyone to see.

Shin Long could see the pleasure in her eyes, he could tell just from looking at her that she revelled in the way the males around her practically worshipped her with their eyes because of her beauty.

'To bad she's such a bitch.' Shin Long mused internally, raking in her body himself. Aunt or not, it was a pleasant view and he had nothing better to do in this class. He knew already that thanks to him studying much more superior forms of cultivation and instructions that nothing she was going to teach would benefit him much at all.

Some descriptions might be a little choppy here and there. I originally write this on Akun where I can use pictures in story and don't have to focus on describing looks as much.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts