
A Tale of Business and Romance. Chapter 23

As Kagome walked off Kyoya looked at her back. Kagome Taisho, no, Kagome Higurashi, she was an interesting girl. I will be looking forward to learning more. So far I have learned that you are determined to get what you want, protective to those you care for, and very analytical. You also have many secrets.

As the fight continued, he looked over at Kagome laughing with some of her customers.

It was not until the next morning Kagome was already tired of this fight.

Haruhi was sitting calmly in her seat, waiting for class to start for the morning when there was a collective gasp from right outside the classroom. Already used to crazy things happening at the school, Haruhi didn't look up from checking over her homework.

"Haruhi!" she heard Hikaru's voice call as he entered the room. Haruhi looked up to the shock of her life, Hikaru had bright pink hair. "Good morning!"

"Hikaru? You dyed your hair pink?" she asked in disbelief as Hikaru neared her seat. Hikaru smiled down at her as he leaned on her desk.

"It looks good on me! Isn't it cute?" Hikaru insisted for his reasoning, smiling at her as he shook his head and made his hair move a little. "Starting today, the pink one is me! I just couldn't stand being mistaken for Kaoru forever."

Just then there was another gasp from outside the room and Haruhi looked around Hikaru to see Kaoru walking into the room with electric blue hair and a smile on his face.

"Good morning, Haruhi!" he greeted happily, waving to her as he stopped at his seat.

"So Kaoru went with blue?" Haruhi questioned quietly, looking from one twin to the other with mild amusement.

"Last night, I had the rare pleasure of sleeping by myself," Kaoru informed Haruhi while Hikaru made his way to the desk on Haruhi's opposite side. "But I had a bad dream. You see, my hair was dyed a hideous shade of pink."

"What the hell?"

Kagome stood in front of the class staring at the twins' hair colors. "You guys are crazy! You ruined your nice red hair." Kagome groaned before sitting down next to Haruhi.

"I did not want to be mistaken for Hikaru anymore."

Kagome looked up at Kaoru, "If you want to be noticed differently, you have to start branching out to other people besides your brother Kaoru."

As Haruhi watched, Kaoru attempted to sit down, but Hikaru kicked the seat out from underneath him. Kagome slammed her head against the desk. Kaoru slowly looked over at his older twin and pulled the chair over, causing Hikaru to nearly fall flat on the floor as he tried to sit down. The two stood and, after a brief pause, started throwing different objects from the classroom at each other. Haruhi sighed in annoyance as she lowered her head to avoid being hit by something.

"Haruhi, I need a drink." Kagome moaned.

"Me too." She replied.

Several students were staring at the Hitachiin twins as they attempted to order their lunches at the counter, the chef serving them nervously going from one dish to another.

"The A lunch," the two told the worker in sync, acting like they normally did during lunch. The two glared at each other as the chef bustled to get their meal together. "On second thought, the B plate with the D salad! I mean the F cappellini with the barbecue duck- no, set that aside!"

The two turned on each other as everyone else backed away with their own lunches, the chef throwing out the three different meals the twins had tried to order in frustration.

"Stop copying me!" the twins yelled at each other. They growled at each other as everyone backed farther away. "I told you to stop copying me!"

Haruhi sighed at the sight of her two classmates, deciding to just stand off to the side with her own boxed lunch from home. "Amazing, they are fighting in harmony."

"I thought it was getting too noisy in here," Everyone turned around to see the older Host Club members standing in the doorway, looking at their underclassmen. Tamaki led them into the room as he continued to talk. "Are you two really still fighting? You're starting to embarrass the Host Club."

"Look it's the Host Club!" several girls started to cheer and swoon as the five hosts joined their three freshman friends. Several girls stood and backed away from their tables, hoping the Host Club would choose to sit at their regular seats. "It's so rare to see the entire Host Club together at lunch!"

"It's even rarer to see you here Haruhi," Kagome commented as she came up to her best friend, obviously used to the reaction of the girls in the lunch room.

"I was worried about them and ended up following them here," Haruhi explained as the two female hosts sat down across from each other at a random table that had been cleared off.

"Tell me about it." Kagome responded to Haruhi, "Hey do you want to come over this weekend? Sesshomaru would like to meet you."

"Sure that would be fun." Haruhi replied.

She flipped open her book to begin studying as she motioned towards Haruhi's wrapped lunch box. "Do you just have your bento?"

"Yeah, I actually wanted to eat in the classroom so I could study some more," Haruhi said, looking down at her small, clothe wrapped box and then at Kagome's book. Hikaru came over to the two and sat down on Haruhi's right with a sigh.

"What do you have in your lunch box Haruhi?" he asked lazily, setting his tray down with a clatter.

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