
Ch. 4 Do or Die

He was starting to get a little worn out from all the running and lobbing of fire flasks. He was also getting dangerously close to running out of said flasks. He was hoping they would do more damage, but all they seemed to do was make the enemies take more of their clothes off or roll around on the ground to remove the fire. He could tell he was getting some damage through cause they seemed worn out as well. He found that this was a lot of work to do by himself and wished he had some help in the matter, but none of that was coming anytime soon. He had to do this by himself.

It was time to end this. He jumped out of the tunnel and shot another bolt out. This time it nailed the cleric in the chest, knocking her down, never to get up again. The mage screamed in horror as her companion had fallen. The fighter rushed toward Kaz with tears in his eyes. Kaz had just enough time to load another bolt and fire it. It hit the opponent In the chest as well, but he kept on charging. Throwing the crossbow on the ground, Kaz quickly scrambled back into the hold but was not fast enough. The warrior had grabbed his foot and started dragging him out.

"You're going to pay for killing Ashley, you monster. The warrior raised his sword to strike at the defenseless Kaz, but Kaz was quicker. He took his last fire flask out and threw it at the face of the fighter who was not wearing a helmet. It caught in his hair as he scrambled to get it out. It was just enough time for Kaz to get free and pull his small sword out. Using all the strength he could muster, he launched himself into the fighter hitting home with the blade. The fighter fell backward as he choked on his blood. Fire consuming his head. The stench of cooking flesh filled Kaz's nostrils, and instead of making him feel sick, it instead reminded him that he was hungry.

The mage fell to her knees and looked at her dead companions. She could not believe that they were all gone. Just moments ago, they were leaving the den of kobolds that had been terrorizing their town victorious. Laughing and recounting the fight. Now she was wounded and about to be killed by a single kobold. "Please." She begged as she saw the kobold leap off the warrior. "I don't want to die!" Kaz stopped for a moment and looked at the now weak human girl. She was kind of pretty, actually a little bit of a tomboy look to her, but underneath the dirt, she accumulated, she looked beautiful. Kaz felt a small tinge of pain in his heart. He knew what he must do.

"I can't let you live, girl. It's you or me, and I am not ready to die again."Kaz took a step forward with his sword, and the girl scrambled back a little. Tears were streaming down her face as she continued to beg for her life. Kaz took a deep breath and continued forward. He was now in front of her, and she shook her head slowly, terrified out of her mind. He could almost hear her heartbeat as he approached. He raised his sword, and she screamed one last time before he plunged it into her heart. He tried to be quick about it, but he was not accurate enough, and she ended up suffering for a few moments before her eyes went dark.

Kaz looked away from the carnage. He had seen enough for one day. Sitting on a rock, he cleaned the sword off and shook his head a little. It was not long after that when a message appeared.

"Congratulations, you have completed your first mission!"

- Character Points +5

- Kaz almost forgot about the stupid mission. He was so worried about his own life that all he could think about at the time was survival. He looked over his character sheet and saw that it had now been updated.

NAME- Kaz Stromberg






EGO- 5







- Stealth Lv 1

- Language- Draconic Lv 1

- Trap making- Lv 1



- Humanoid Intelligence- Surprisingly smart for a kobold+3 Intelligence

- Kobold Heritage- Ugly, weak, small, stupid, and evil, but fast. -3 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -3 Constitution, Dark vision

- Dark Vision- As a member of the Underdark you can see in the dark

-4 Body, -3 Intelligence, +1 Presence, -5 Beauty, -3 Size.

- Weapon Familiarity simple weapons- Can use basic weapons with some measure of skill

Just like it said, there were his points along with the two skills he had acquired from the whole ordeal. Looking over his stats, he knew the first thing he would need to do was increase his Body so he would not be so close to death all the time, but he wondered just how many points he should put into it. He was not sure how often he would get points, and five seemed pretty low for such a high encounter. He decided after a few moments of contemplation passed that he would allocate 3 points into Body and save the rest for later. Once clicking the plus sign next to Body he felt himself grow more robust and taller for that matter. He had grown double in size, now standing at about four feet. He looked at his stats once more.

NAME- Kaz Stromberg






EGO- 5







- Stealth Lv 1

- Language- Draconic Lv 1

- Trap making- Lv 1



- Humanoid Intelligence- Surprisingly smart for a kobold+3 Intelligence

- Kobold Heritage- Ugly, weak, small, stupid, and evil, but fast. -3 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -3 Constitution, Dark vision

- Dark Vision- As a member of the Underdark you can see in the dark

-4 Body, -3 Intelligence, +1 Presence, -5 Beauty, -3 Size.

- Weapon Familiarity simple weapons- Can use basic weapons with some measure of skill

He was right. His size had increased by double, which meant his Body factored into his growth. If kept this up, he would be gargantuan in no time. The only kobolds he saw in Forged Fantasy that were his size or larger were usually chieftains and Lords. Perhaps if he found himself around more kobolds, he could earn the right to be their leader. Having more allies would be nice. All of this reminded him of more and more of the MMORPG. He started so weak but slowly, over the years, amassed a vast army of monsters to terrorize the people of the land. If he was going to live here, then it was settled. He would recreate this world in his image. He would become the next Prince of Darkness.

Feat Acquired- Ambitious

I've decided to post extra chapters if we reach milestones.

Every 5 Privileged readers we get I will post an extra chapter. Privilege is only 1 coin so come join us and read ahead ^.^

Currently 7/100 privilege readers

Extra chapters posted so far 1/1

Delphonsecreators' thoughts