Ji listened carefully to Ed's story. After Ed finished telling him it was obvious that Ji was very upset
"So Mr. Fedi is here to ask my husband to be responsible?" Ji asked with a straight face
"It's true I want Mr. Ed to be responsible for making me fight with my wife"
Fedi shamelessly spoke to Ji
"But what kind of responsibility is it? Does my husband have to marry that girl? As for the one who sleeps with Mr. Fedi, right? Or does my husband have to sleep with that woman too?"
"I-I didn't mean it like that at all. The point of my responsibility is our company's cooperation" Fedi answered hesitantly
"So that's why you dare to give a special gift to my husband?" Ji asked in a flat voice without the slightest smile
"Then you take it easy I will give you the best gift you deserve in return because you have tested my husband's loyalty"
Ed squinted at Ji in surprise