

Howard stumbles upon the Chronus Timepiece and begins his adventure. Howard and Chronos begin their adventure by looking for three Faberge eggs that are a key part of the completion of the timepiece. As the two, look for the Faberge eggs they enter the radar of an international artefact hunting crew that then crosses paths with them regularly. The hunters have ulterior motives that are detrimental not only to Howard but also to Chronos.

Kaywill112 · 奇幻
28 Chs

Chapter 21

"By a fortuitous stroke my powers fizzed out here in England. This is the 400s using your identifying systems. We have some reconnaissance to do first," Aian replied looking at the group. With a wave of her hand, she disguised them all to fit in with the current time period.

"We are travelling merchants,I have put up an illusion to make it look like we have horses and a wagon full of wares." She told them, "To any human eyes this is what we look like but in reality nothing has changed."

Howard looked at Frank and the rest who appeared to be dressed up in brown leather outfit covered by a dusty brown robe. On their feet they had rudimentary boots and Howard wiggled his toes. He could still feel the soft inner lining of his sneakers.

Aian went on to tell them that they were to visit a certain old man. Howard who was interested had an idea of the certain old man.

As they trudged along the dusty road being watchful of their environment. The humans was fascinated by the large trees and the number of birds in the air more so Howard, compared to almost being blown to smithereens by an erupting volcano he felt at peace.

A string of curses broke the air and the group stopped and stared at a furious Aian.

"The artefacts have disappeared," she cursed out. "They just disappeared."

"But we didn't sense any enemy," Violette uttered.

Aian shook her head and remained silent for a while, "You wouldn't because it was an automatic divine technique. The items have dispersed because they've been displaced from their proper time zone. It was bound to happen I just didn't think it would happen this soon. I should have secured them immediately."

Kuronike scratched his beard, "In other words this is your doing?"

"How would you have done so?" Howard asked inquisitively.

She ignored the questions and stated that they'd have to go on a treasure hunt. She could sense two of the items in their general direction.

After walking for a few hours they came upon a hamlet. Two armed guards having spears stopped them wanting to know their business. Aian had put in place a communication spell because Howard could understand them very well.

Kuronike who looked the part of the oldest male in the group explained that they were traders wanting to sell and exchange their wares.

The guards looked at him and one walked around the wagon and teepee inside. He seemed to acknowledge and pointed out where they could water and feed their fine horses.

They were granted entry and they made their way to the market place. It was now almost noon, with the sun almost overhead. Kuronike looked for the stables and led the illusionary horses there.

He felt silly pulling at the non-existent reins and animals. He'd asked Aian why she didn't just create real items but she deferred stating that she not only had no energy; Nike knew she was bluffing but her second reason which made more sense was they didn't need the baggage. The illusion was easier to maintain.

Besides using her powers she made sure whatever she sold wasn't needed by the locals. The reason they'd stopped there was because she sensed the sandals in the small hamlet.

It was in the general direction that she and Howard headed leaving Juma and the two ladies at the market place. Howard carried a concealed bag of gold coins to trade with the owner.

Seeing the size of the hut he knew this was the village headman or woman as the door opened to reveal a busty woman dressed in brown woven garment. Compared to the rest of the locals, hers seemed newer and brighter.

She looked at the newcomers proudly giving Howard a slightly distasteful glance.

Aian bowed her head and Howard followed suit. She held out a gold coin at the woman who received it. Her eyes sparkled and shouted a few orders. Two wooden stools as well as a chair were hurriedly procured.

She sat down on the chair and the two sat on the stools.

He noticed his was shorter than Aian's and he internally laughed. He knew what was happening but it didn't bother him. She was the village head and Aian was a god so he knew his place.

The two women chatted and he was astounded at Aian's imaginary knowledge of the area. He remained quiet as Aian had mentioned in passing that her slave wasn't able to communicate.

Soon the discussion reached the point of exotic items and the head mentioned that she'd just come in possession of a fine pair of sandals that a travelling minstrel had gifted her.

She described the shoes as having gold straps and two tiny wings on either side of each sandal. Aian acted interested wanting to see them though she already knew.

They village chief barked some orders and two men dropped the shoes in her hands.

He managed to get a good look at the shoes and the way the village chief bad described them was very lacking. He felt that placed side by side with the most expensive shoes on the modern world, this sandals would be a blow people away.

Just looking at it he could feel a sense of awe and he felt the bracelet warm up. The sandals were golden in colour and in a much as they looked solid and golden the way the chief handled them proved they were flexible.

Aian knowing the shoes would react to her had dampened her aura. She casually asked if she was interested in selling them.

Deep laughter issued from the woman and she shook her head. They haggled over the sandals but the woman was adamant. Howard had even removed the bag of gold; her eyes had looked greedily at the coins but she still refused.

Aian then changed the topic away from the sandals. She got the chief to mention how they crops hadn't been successful for the season. Aian excused herself, leaving Howard with the chief.

She came back ten minutes later with Juma Frank and Kuronike all hauling heavy sacks.

[Relax boy, they are real sacks not an illusion] she felt his suspicious gaze soften. The fifteen sacks were deposited at her feet and they were excused.

Aian offered the sacks to the chief who ordered her men to open each sack. They were filled to the brim with fat healthy grains (wheat, barley, maize, beans amongst others). Howard had a suspicion that they were modern genetically modified seeds from the future.

He looked at Aian but she ignored his incredulous gaze. In her hands she held a covered rectangular item. He knew that package very well and wondered why Aian was willing to give it.

The chief pulled aside the black cloth and stared at her reflection. She must have seen something she liked as a wide toothy smile broke out on her face.

She nodded but placed out her hand for the sack of gold coins in Howard's hands. When the transaction was complete, she handed the shoes to Aian.

[Her greed is her downfall] Aian told Nick as they left the village.

Once out of range of the village she removed the spiritual limiter and the shoes recognized her aura. The wings beat furiously would a dog when happy. She opened a rift and placed the shoes there.

A week later after their visit, a mysterious band of bandits came upon the hamlet and slaughtered every last living creature in the area. They set ablaze the whole area leaving only ash.

After the deed was done, the group of twelve bandits disappeared amongst the smoke never to be seen again.

Four days later, after being on the road, the party stopped at a small river to camp for the night. Setting up camp was an easy process and took less than five minutes.

Winjoy set up both physical and nonphysical barriers. Violette set up traps to catch and/or deter both animals and bandits. Two nights consecutively, they'd been attacked by bandits wielding cheap swords and axes. Kuronike and Frank had fought them off only because they knew had Aian got involved the damage would have been fatal.

Frank then went hunting or fishing with Juma. That left Howard to do the cooking. Aian procured the fire and utensils used. Her fire was clean as it needed no fuel hence no smoke was produced. She could also control the brightness and heat easily.

Or so he thought. The flames danced as if out of control. He threw a glance at Aian. A smile was dancing dangerously on her lips. Nick felt his bracelet warm up slightly. The others didn't notice anything.