An Australian man dies and ends up meeting who was responsible for his early death and ends up in Westeros as a near immortal death machine with a plan… stay away from all the bullshit……and relax and recover from a harrowing experience I don’t own game of thrones or warhammer 40k
Making my way back into town I'm followed by a gaggle of people looking like lost children, I can only imagine they were waiting for their new and fabulous lord fenris to entertain them in some way again
But I just kept my walking pace into the village until I reached the shores of the ocean before I realised I don't actually know where I'm going or where anything is, My ego did inflate a little with the pride i felt when I finally built something myself….that's gone now….
So I'll pretend I didn't just get lost in a tiny village and swallow what's left of my pride and turn around to my new flock of sheep and ask " does anyone know where they put the iron born prisoners?"
A few hands shot up eagerly to answer the question, I really only meant the raising hand suggestion as a one time thing to keep the crowd organised but I guess this is a thing now?
I point to a random lady " they are being held in the cellar of old man bran who was killed in the raid yesterday, they are being watched by the people you brought with you m'lord"
We've hit like 4 out of 6 of the only names in the north and I've only been introduced to like 8 people….just gonna power through that
"Would you mind leading the way miss?, and could the rest of you folks gather the people of the town, we're gonna have a good ol fashion execution of the reavers….also make sure the prisoners are gagged, can't have them being to mouthy for this next part"
A quick round of "yes m'lord"s and people scattered and the women led me too one of the nicer houses of the town….I wouldn't cal it nice, but it was "nicer" than the the ones around it.
There's a few men outside keeping watch….for what I couldn't tell you, why their eyes aren't on those pirate scum is beyond me, if the iron born escaped these fellas have perfectly positioned themselves to have their throats slit from be behind…
I guess they MIGHT be keeping watch for people who might come and kill them for revenge but i doubt they thought that far ahead….whatever I'll deal with competency issues later.
I just walk past them into the house, it's homely but the blood all over the floor and clear signs of a struggle ruin that charm.
I'm lead to a painfully unwatched cellar door which isn't even locked by the way...which was opened promptly by the guards who were outside, I was about to step on the wooden ladder type stairs before I realised I still weigh like 500 kilos and came to the conclusion that me going down there is not a very bright idea…
"Listen gang, I'm a chunky fella and I'll break those stairs the second I step foot on them, so change of plans, grab some more guys and drag our captives to the centre of town, make sure their bonds are secure on they're gagged...and if someone could show me where the centre of town is, that would be just peachy"
One of the "guards" runs out to grab some more guys to escort the morale boosting meat bags to the centre of town, to which I'm currently being escorted by the women who first led me to the little home
I'm led to a fairly muddy opening in the centre of town with people starting to gather and whisper, from what I'm picking up in the whispers they're already aware I planned on executing the iron born and it seems to be met with almost unanimous agreement..
The group of sea bandits were hauled out not far behind me as I made it to the "centre of town"
I make my way to the least muddy area and start my little impromptu speech " settle down, settle down... yesterday this village was attacked by these lice ridden bandits in hopes of making profit off the backs of you people, wether that was taking you as a thrall, salt wife or just taking all your shit…..whatever category you fell into it doesn't really matter….what matters is these people came here with the express desire to hurt you and your family's "
That seemed drummed up quiet a bit of anger and resentment for the iron born, which is what i was going for
" but these people dun fucked up….because as of yesterday, you and your family's were my people….AND NO ONE FUCKS WITH MY PEOPLE!!!!"
My rhetoric and random shouting really seemed to resonate with everyone as they started cheering loudly and proudly
" yesterday you were all just some random small folk trying to survive in the cold and miserable world….trying to live one more day on merger rations of food…..Trying to avoid the eyes of these legitimised pirates….. the banner of the kraken was met with terror and dread for you people…..yesterday you were alone….."
I said in a low voice to try and bring everyones spirits down low, imprinting on just how shitty their lives were.
The low spirits were instantly ignited by my impassioned definitely not stolen from all might statement , yelling and cheering again followed
"Because today you are no longer the random small folk living at sea dragon point!, no… now serve under Gideon fenris, lord of sea dragon point!!!… longer will kraken sails be met with dread and sorrow for the damage that will be wrought onto your lives!!…..they will now be met with joy and revelation at the ships that are being delivered to your lords ever expanding fleet!!"
Man these people are losing their shit at my on the spot speech….all I've really actually said is you now serve me and I'll be looting iron born ships.
"Today you are now under my protection, today hope returns to sea dragon point, today is the day that marks just how fucked anyone who tries to harm my people truely are…..wether it's bandits of the land or sea I'll deal with them one and all….BECAUSE TODAY IS THE DAY GIDEON FENRIS HAS TAKEN CONTROL!!"
And with my final shout I turn around and with pin point accuracy I slash all the heads of the whimpering iron born in one stroke as blood sprays all over me and the people standing behind the now decapitated sea dogs…
I've had my axe in hand since last night….good thing too, I didn't have to show my "magic" and take them out of my inventory.
And good golly these people are loosing their minds with what just happened….the fervour is near fanatical, so it works out well….some positive PR never hurt and at the cost of 6 iron born and a speech i put together on the spot it's cost effective
But I have have underestimated just how much it affected the people….some people are screaming my name, others screaming looking like they would swim in the iron old lands and start a war if I asked it of them….maybe I went a little too far?
Meh, she'll be right… long as these people have a healthy respect for me everything will work out just fine….
Some other lords may frown upon what I just did but I honestly couldn't give a fuck, everyone has there own style and whipping my people into a near worshiping state of me is apparently mine.
Some might think it's a tragedy that I just killed those unarmed men in cold blood, but life in the 40k verse teaches you some things….and a health respect for human life isn't one of them….while I committed to being a lord, I don't have a soft spot for people who aren't my own or have the potential to be my own..….and if taking the heads of a couple of pirates can make my life easier, than dead pirates there shall be…
I leave the area without saying anything else, leaving on a high note and letting the people to settle themselves down from their frenzied state, I start heading back to the new blacksmith workshop….
I did say I was going to get something to eat though….I wonder where those butchered animals ended up…
If you're enjoying the story, drop some stones and possibly a review if you have the time….both are appreciated :)