
Chapter 37

He arrived alone to her manor, letting Mageela go back to the Uzumaki estate until it was time to leave. He could have simply sent her back to her land but knew she'd enjoy Karin and Tayuya spoiling one last time before the trip. It didn't surprise Naruto that Kabuto opened the door, the boy's false cheeriness on full display. He didn't know why he thought it fake but he did and didn't trust Orochimaru's longtime subordinate. He never voiced his reservations as they weren't based on anything but he always watched himself around the medic and never allowed the bespectacled shinobi to remain behind him. Kabuto wasted no time leading him to his former shishou and departed swiftly afterward, wishing Naruto safe travels. Naruto didn't believe he meant a word of it but there was nothing to do for now.

"Well, what a welcomed surprise," she said from behind her desk, working diligently, a smile adorning her face. "And what brings my former student here?" Naruto just looked at her, wondering what her angle was this time. She enjoyed her games and seemed to really enjoy making him the target of them. Normally, it was mildly embarrassing. Pubescent hormones and all that but give his reason for being here, it'd only make it worse if he didn't stop her now.

"I had some things I needed to say before I left, 'ttebayo," Naruto reached into his holster and pulled out a green-lined scroll. "I spent much of my time alone. Training helped me forget that feeling, to run from it. It helped me grow strong and give me something to be proud of. But I couldn't have done it without help. I don't know why you initially sent those scrolls to me and whatever your motivations were I don't care. Anyone else that could help me was too afraid of the Old Man to do so but you risked exposure to do it.

More than just furthering my training, they gave me a sense that someone cared. Someone noticed me and wanted to help and that often meant more than the actual content of the material. And then you gave me the means to meet my mother, to find out about my past. Because of you, I have an actual family and a clan. You even trained me to survive against the Akatsuki, which I doubt I could have without your help. And again, I don't know why you did it but I don't care.

I'll always be grateful for what you've given me and I don't know how to repay you, fully, but I hope this could be a start," Naruto placed the scroll on her desk. "This is the full collection of my thoughts and chakra and its applications; my chakra theory. It isn't much but I thought you might like to see the culmination of your support."

After he finished his spiel he really just wanted to turn and flee, he felt weird and anxious. It shouldn't have been a big deal, except any serious jutsu creator has their own theories for why things work. The insights built up over the years, it's more than a look into how they view chakra but often how they view the world, often operating more philosophy than science so he was sharing a very important part of himself. Even those who take students rarely share the entirety of their collected knowledge, only guiding them.

Orochimaru understood the significance of the gesture, maybe even more than Naruto did himself. Her maelstrom never stopped surprising her and in a rare departure, she wouldn't make a joke of it or somehow dampen the emotion. She swiftly, gracefully stood up and rounded her desk until she was beside Naruto, gently rubbing his whiskered cheek. "Thank you, Naruto," she said softly and the boy just nodded. She soon pulled her hand away, both briefly missing the contact. "You know, after three years I'll expect you to have grown significantly in skill,"

"I kno-"

"And hopefully in stature," she said and watched the brief flash of annoyance enter his eyes. "Seriously, Naruto, I wish to challenge you upon your return. I promise you I won't have stagnated in your absence."

Naruto smiled, looking at his former master with absolute confidence, "That's fine. I'm going to win regardless."

"Oh, not just impress me but win outright? Sounds like a statement begging for a wager."

"I'm so confident we don't even need to set the terms."

"A blind bet? Meaning I can demand you do anything I want if you should lose? Some would call that foolish."

"Maybe, but I trust you. Besides, I'm not going to lose, 'ttebayo!"

"Kukuku, I look forward to it," Orochimaru said. Soon she heard an alert, someone was at the door. She knew who it was and cursed the lummox's timing. She gestured for Naruto to follow her and they headed for the door. Upon arrival, they were greeted by Jiraiya, carrying two knapsacks.

"I figured you were here, gaki. C'mon, we're burning daylight," Jiraiya said, before nodding at his fellow Sannin.

"Yea, yea," Naruto replied before turning to Orochimaru and giving her a quick hug. "I'll see you in three years, Shishou so be ready to make good on our bet."

"Kukuku and you make sure to do the same." She watched as godfather and godson departed into the village and then parts unknown. Once cleared, Orochimaru made her way back to her study, heading for the bookcase directly behind her desk. She pulled out a book, The Way of Tea, and activated a seal within it, opening a door to a secret passageway. Orochimaru entered the hall, the door closing behind her and the hall lights activating as she approached. She soon reached a hatch and descended down to a sub-basement known only to her.

As she reached the bottom, now standing in her most secret lab, she watched as the once dark room light up. All the standards for a lab were present but the most important additions were the white Zetsu suspended in larger, glass chambers preserved by a liquid concoction. Two Sharingan eyes were stored for later use. Lastly, on a metal table, his one remaining arm and both legs strapped to it laid "Madara" or who, thanks to a blood test run by Karin she knew to be Obito Uchiha laid helpless. His chakra sealed as this was not the time for hubris.

She climbed on top of the man, sinister smile gracing her face. She could have simply killed him but there was something about him she found fascinating. He was a causal chain in leading Naruto to her. Under Minato and Kushina's care, he'd have been a different person, a less interesting person most likely. She lent down, her forearms placed on his chest, propping her up and forcing him to carry her weight. He gave a grunt, the only sign he was awake and alert.

"I'm curious, Obito-kun," she paused and watched his reaction and the grimace let her know he wasn't pleased to be called by his name, "Was making a deal with me really so awful? Was giving me what I want so distasteful you couldn't even consider it? I wonder if it is a flaw of your gender, you gain great power and dismiss any woman in your path. Pein did that and Konan-chan slit his throat. You did it and are now at my tender mercies. Why? I really want to know."

"No deal made would have been respected. If you didn't come for me, that boy would have with your help."

"Kukuku, fair enough. I was never going to let you extract the Kyuubi from Naruto-kun but your outright refusal hastened your downfall."

"My delay in killing you did that."

"So… why'd you do it? Why kill your sensei?"

"... It doesn't matter. Just kill me."

"Don't be in such a rush, Obito-kun. Your end will come soon enough but only after my curiosity has been satisfied."


Hours pass as day turns to night. In a remote clearing inside the Land of Fire, Naruto and Jiraiya lay around a fire. The Uzumaki was winding down after a long day of goodbyes. Tsunade-obachan, Shizune-neechan, and Hinata were all there to see them off; Hinata even giving him a letter to read sometime in the future. Jiraiya and he hadn't talked much as they traveled, choosing to move speedily for their first day of travel.

Jiraiya looked deep in thought, finalizing what he wanted to tell his godson. They had a lot to accomplish during their training trip, not only making Naruto stronger. He wanted to develop a real relationship with Naruto, to be a fraction as close to him as he was to Minato. He wanted to do a lot, to show the young man the world free from violence and betrayal. He couldn't, however, ignore that Naruto was potentially in danger so he had to start there.


"Yea, Pervy Sage?"

"First, stop calling me that! At least don't do it around any pretty women."

"I can agree to that. So, what's up?"

"Well, kid, I've got some bad news. The Kazekage planned to use information about you to blackmail Konoha into a better alliance agreement. When he was killed that information was sent to the other three major nations. Nothing is happening now but we are in a state of cold war while we see what Kumo and Iwa do."

He watched as Naruto slumped. "It's always something, isn't it?"

"People hate and fear your dad, he was too good at what he did. There's too much hatred in this world in general. I've long desired to do something about it but have come up short. Maybe you can figure it out if I fail."

"Sure, not like that's a big ask or anything," Naruto said, rolling his eyes.

"It is. More than becoming Hokage, this is the most ambitious goal a shinobi could have but tell me, what else do you have to do?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"What are your goals, Naruto?"

"To be the greatest ninjutsu inventor ever and the strongest shinobi in Konoha."

"Well, you've accomplished the first one and by the end of this trip, you'll be damn close to the second. Congrats! Is that it? Seems kind of hollow for someone like you."

"Can't be the leader of a place that hates you."

"They don't hate you, Naruto, not anymore. They are never going to throw you a parade or collectively apologize. It isn't fair, it isn't right but that's the truth. Many have changed their minds and they may even realize they were always wrong and feel guilty but their acknowledgment of that fact won't be explicit."

"So what, no one glares at me anymore and we call it even?"

"I know it's not perfect-"

"It's a lot more than less than perfect. What if I don't agree? You say they won't acknowledge their wrong, what if they didn't have a choice?"

"So, you'll terrorize people weaker than you? I thought you were better than that."

"They sure as shit didn't mind terrorizing me when I was weaker than them! And you don't know a fucking thing about me. You could have but you let some old man convince you to betray your word and abandon me so don't act like you have a read on my character."

"That sounds like revenge, Naruto."

"No, that's justice. They should be punished for mistreating a child. They should be forced to face what they did and own it, just like I have to own it. I don't get to pretend my childhood wasn't what it was."

"But you could be better."

"Yea, the Old Man used to preach that crap while he was lying to my face every day. Imagine how convincing it is from the man that left me alone."

"Do you hate me for not being there?" Jiraiya asked, really needing to know and watched Naruto shrug.

"Just because you cared about my father means you give a shit about me. I'm guessing you didn't think being a godfather would amount to much so when the worst happened it was just easier to obey the Old Man. You did your thing, I did mine. I don't hate you because I didn't even know you existed but I am pissed. Why? Are you going to tell me I shouldn't be?"

"No. This is good, we need to clear the air. You're right, I wasn't there and I didn't think being a godfather would require much. Listening to Sensei, contrary to your belief, wasn't easy in the slightest. I was the failure of my team, Naruto. I was a screw-up, try hard. A late bloomer surrounded by geniuses and because my talents emerged late our roles were set by the time I started matching Orochi and Tsunade. I was desperate for Sensei's approval and even at this stage of my life, I still reflexively seek it. It's shameful I allowed that to override what I promised Minato and owed you but never think it was easy or I simply didn't care.

As for the villagers, I know it may feel unsatisfying to simply forgive them. Like they simply get away with it but they weren't completely at fault- wait!" Jiraiya said seeing Naruto was about to interject. "They are ultimately responsible for their behavior. From my understanding, the Kyuubi attack was terrible beyond imagination, a widespread trauma with no outlet until your status was revealed. I place the blame for that on Sensei. He should have been a more forceful leader, he should have been the beacon of hope to see them through. Instead, he played the kind grandfather when he was capable of more. They suffered from a lack of leadership, from trauma, and ignorance, and a lack of character.

They couldn't endure and had no one to truly show them the way. That's what a Hokage is, a symbol of the village's best self. An example of what they could be. One reason Orochi couldn't be Hokage, regardless of her history with Sensei, is that she didn't inspire people. You can. You can show them grace, Naruto. You can show them what it is to endure and come out better, stronger, smarter for it. I'm only asking you to show the villagers the same Naruto that the people of Ishval, Wave, and Snow got to meet. That Naruto is something special."

"What if I can't?"

"Part of the reason for our training trip is to give you time away to come to terms with everything, to find peace within yourself. You still see them as an extension of Sensei."

"How could you know that?"

"I've spoken to Kurenai and Orochimaru. I've kept track of your career, Naruto."

"I can't make any promises. Besides, why is it so important I forgive them anyway?"

"Because Naruto, I believe the only people that can truly change this cycle of hatred are those strong enough to stand against the logic of this world. Someone like you."