
Fire and Smoke

Taking the Ancient Sith Sword from the chest and holstering it to my side, I proceed to cover the chest in a dark shroud making it invisible and levitating it. Picking a random direction, I take my first step and walk towards my destination as the chest follows behind me. Why a random direction? Because it is more fun, the unknown, the mystery. If I concentrate and focus, I will know anything and everything around me in a kilometer radius. I also can sense imminent danger. Why walk? My answer is… what's the hurry? I have all the time. 


{A/N: No need to tell me anything about the Sith Swords or Lightsabers. I have done enough research to know which is more suitable and efficient. The Sith Swords were forged with Sith Alchemy and Magic. It is an extremely dangerous weapon even against Lightsabers. It can be a nexus of Dark Side energy, able to amplify its wielders capabilities and even able to hold in Sith Lightning and then discharge it once it has made physical contact, causing devasting damage.}


Since I have awakened, I have felt different. Not only in body but also in mind. As well as the force. I feel connected. I feel stronger, faster, smarter… better. 


I will know more as soon as I can safely experiment and test myself. For now, I shall walk, until something happens.


As I walk without any particular destination, I reminisce on my past. Even though I am a powerful Sith Sorcerer. Very proficient in Sith Sorcery/Magic, one of the best, if not the best. Second to none regarding Sith Magic and Alchemy. I am also a good warrior in my opinion. 


The greatest weakness of a Sith Sorcerer, I have eliminated. I have trained and learned under countless Sith Warriors. Be they companions, Sith Overseers and even Sith Masters. I have learnt to focus on the force, while fighting with a lightsaber. For countless years I have trained in both the ways of a Sith Warrior and Sorcerer. Eliminating the greatest weakness of both the Sith Warriors and Sorcerers. 


My philosophy is to train both the mind and body. If one is weak the other cannot get stronger. To truly be a being of pinnacle strength, one must achieve strength in both mind and body, and attain a balance. Once balance is attained one can get stronger and more powerful, always keeping the mind and body in balance to attain a higher realm.


Even though I may have not reached a great level like the likes of a Sith Marauder or Sith Juggernaut in terms of combat prowess, I was still a capable combatant. Especially in my later years. As I have discovered something great. By being able to enhance my body through the force, I was able to push myself physically to a higher degree. My musculoskeletal system, nervous system, organs, in general my body has become stronger with time.


Instead of enhancing my body with the force for a boost of physical strength all at ones, which will strain me after the boost is gone. I would train by giving myself a small boost of strength, and trying to maintain it, control it. As well as constantly putting a strain on my body, training it. Thus, little by little, I was able to increase the boost of strength. 


And because of that, my whole physical body changed into something akin to a true Sith Warrior, muscular in physique, but lean, compact muscles that hold great power, flexibility, and agility. Unlike the unmovable Sith Juggernaut, a body of steel, strength of a mountain.


I have also dabbled a lot in Sith Alchemy, although regrettably not quite as much as Sith Magic, I did although collect a lot of scrolls and books on the subject. I wish I had explored more of Sith Alchemy, but this doesn't change the fact that I was still one of the best on the subject, and with the decline of the Sith, I was practically the best one. As I know from the knowledge I have attained and that which is obvious among all Sith. Is that Sith Alchemy, is the epitome of a Sith Sorcerer. 


Creating artifacts capable of giving you a great increase in power and concentration of the Darkside of the Force, a sword which can be equal to a lightsaber or more powerful, armor of great protection and abilities, talismans of countless capabilities, make creatures of the Darkside, even Necromancy and much, much more.


All of the formerly mentioned is through the knowledge and power of Sith Alchemy. But let us not forget that Sith Magic also plays a great role in many of previously mentioned.


I am also somewhat of a historian myself, just like Benjamin enjoyed history, I did so. My anger for looters was unlike something I had expected. For them to defile places that have significant history and destroy knowledge that may be attained from said places, it angered me a lot. That shows how much I cared for history, for not only did it teach me about the past, but it gave me power too. For knowledge is also a powerful tool.


I would, throughout my journey, explore ancient burials, tombs, and ruins, collecting scrolls, books, tablets and much more on history and certain subjects, as well as documenting them myself. The knowledge I have collected ranged from subjects such as ancient Sith Lords, Sith Magic and Sith Alchemy, but also on subjects such as The Force itself or… the Republic and the Jedi, and etcetera. 


About the Republic and the Jedi, many Sith have looked down on me for collecting knowledge of them and researching them. And as I have said many times before, "If you wish to defeat your enemy, then know them first.", know their history, culture, traditions, military, what they like and what they dislike. The list goes on, in general, know everything about them, and you will see that defeating them has become much easier.


Thus, my hope is that with this "Wiki", "Blueprints", and my knowledge, as well as Benjamin's, I will be able to further my power and understanding of the Force. I will be able to further myself in the ways of a Sith Warrior and continue my pursuit of greater power through Sith Alchemy and Sith Magic, truly and finally, I will eventually become the most powerful Sith. 


Not only versed in the ways of both Sith Alchemy and Magic, but also in the ways of the Sith Warriors. A capable Warrior, able to defend himself in close quarter combat, a strong physical body. And, a Sorcerer, with unprecedented force powers, unmatchable in Alchemy and Magic.


This does put a smile on my face, just thinking about it, it truly does. I can't stop myself from thinking about it, or even grinning. Oh… how it will be a glorious day indeed.


I abruptly pause, as I sense something east of me. I sense death, the smell of burnt flesh and the taste of blood in the air. Tuning my head, a bit to the right, looking toward that direction, I can see smoke, a lot of smoke.


Deciding to try something I haven't had to do in a long time, I close my eyes and concentrate on the force and imagine myself as if I was personally there. I see it, the place, as a form of invisible shadow appears in the location of the smoke, I can see the surroundings.


A town, somewhat large, maybe it would have been able to house a hundred. Destroyed walls, guard towers and gate. Burned and decimated houses. Smoke and ash covering the whole town. Dead people everywhere, the whole place is littered with dismembered body parts.


The place reeks of death. My vision turns backwards as I see four individuals. Two children on the ground hugging each other, and the other two look like soldiers… with armor of a backwards planet… one of them has a plate armor and the other has chainmail over a leather armor.


The vision is cut, and I stand there grinning, the two children are force-sensitive, the force must be playing some kind of a joke on me… Also, this world seems to be a sort of medieval one, like the ones from Benjamin's memories. 


Using Force Speed, I blasted through the forest towards them. Reaching in under a minute. The distance was about 1 km(0.62 miles). 


I stopped about 5 meters behind the soldiers. Now, I notice that they are also wearing a gray cloak, with a symbol on the back. A symbol of a golden sun. There are white and golden wavy lines that protrude from the sun. The symbol is also on a black background.


Looking at the two soldiers, they are taunting the two children, a teenage girl and young boy.


"Oy, we can use the girl, the boy can die for all I care." Says the guy on the right, and the guy on the left answers "I don't know about the boy, we can sell him to those traffickers from Herkin."


"I see no matter the world, there are people like you. I don't truly care much, for I am no hero." I say. My voice is strong and gruff.


They turn immediately and as they see me; they aim their swords at me, albeit weakly. Hands wobbling, shivering legs, profusely sweating, eyes filled with fear. Yes… fear. Such fear, good…. Very good.


I continue "Even I a Sith, a man who is no saint, won't stoop so low as to act on such revolting hedonistic behavior. Your fear, I shall feed from it.", as I finish, I slowly approach them. They are filled to the brim with fear, and fear is power for me.


"S-stop… right there…. W-what are you!" says the man on the right. 


As I arrive in front of him, staring down at him, red glowing orbs from the eye sockets of my helmet. There is nothing he can do, but stand there, in fear and… soil himself. I grab his head, and using Force Drain, I drain all the life essence from him, as he withers away, nothing but a husk.


Turning to the left, I approach the other guy calmly and slowly, he rushes me, well tries too. I sense no danger, so I let him attack me. And he does. He stabs and slashes, yet nothing happens, I grab his face and drain him too. 


Not a single scratch on my armor. Why would there be? It took a long time to find it, venturing through the dangerous tombs to finally find it and bring it back to a somewhat pristine condition. I found this armor in a hidden Sith tomb in Ziost. It took a lot of effort and time to restore it.


Turning towards the two children, I move towards them and stop. Looking at them, scanning them. They are well connected to The Force. Especially the girl. 


The girl looks like a young teen. As for the boy… well he just that, a boy. Less than ten probably. They both have dirty blonde hair and turquoise eyes.


"Look at me." I say, as the two quivering siblings look up at me. Fear struck, sweating profusely.


"Do you know what fear is?" I ask, as they just sit there, trembling.


Hmmm, they are still young, they do not know who I am. I kneel and look at the girl and speak in a very gruff voice, adding the force as way to show power, "You may not know this about me… but I do not like to repeat myself. So, I will ask once again and if you do not answer…" I turn to look at the boy and continue, "I will kill the boy, not before torturing him." If I want to take these two in and turn them into true Sith, I must treat them as such.


She gets even more scared and stutters "I don't know!". I stand up and look down at her and say "I assumed much; I shouldn't have expected much from you. One who is in fear, and consumed by it, won't know what it is…" I look straight at them and continue "Fear is power, yet it is also a weakness. Fear is to be turned into hate and anger. Using fear, to further yourself and eventually eliminate it. That is what fear is."


"Do you want power? Do you want vengeance against those who have wronged you?" I ask, they nod shakily, and I continue, "Then use that fear, turn it into hate! Hate the ones who have killed your people, burned them and their houses! Hate! Turn that hate into ANGER! FEEL THE ANGER TAKE OVER YOUR FEAR AND HATE!" 


Normally, this will not be easy to turn one to the Darkside. But I am a Darth for a reason, an untrained Force-Sensitive is nothing to me. Using the Darkside of the Force to cloud their judgment and see me as their master. This is child's play for me.


Their eyes a flood of tears streaming down their cheeks, yet they quiver with great hate and anger. Though, fear is still there… they don't know how to conquer and defeat it, not yet.


"Come with me, and I shall give you what you seek. I will train you to be strong, and once you are, you will have vengeance."