
A Second Chance With A System

Did you ever think of going back in time to correct the mistakes you've made? Ever wondered how your life would be today if it weren't for a mistake you've accidentally made? Did you ever regret the decisions you've chosen? What if you suddenly went back in time, what would you do? What if you have a system with you that can help you achieve the pinnacle of life? WELL, Chris is given this chance. He went back in time and received a system. The only question is, what will he do? === The updates will be random. I don't have a fix update yet since I am just writing what ever comes in my mind. Motivation strikes randomly but this will not be dropped until I finish it. ^_^ I'll try to make sure that there's at least two chapters a week. DISCLAIMER: The cover photo is not mine, so if you're the owner and want me to remove it. Feel free to message me in the review or in the comments.

Riskh · 都市
10 Chs

It was a...

Under Ms. Smith's watch, no one dared to copy from others as they were afraid of getting caught and receiving her punishment. Chris did not rush to finish answering as he waited for the time to almost finish before passing his papers.

He was not someone who would just rush to answer everything and then pass it immediately, that would attract attention. And that is what he wants to avoid right now. Unwanted attention. He also made sure to intentionally make mistakes on random questions that he deemed to be difficult for others. As he had always been the one scoring the highest in mathematics in their class, he had to maintain that but not surprise them by suddenly perfecting the test.

He was sure that their top student would just reach about 75% of the questions right, but Chris had to make sure and change from his initial plan of just scoring about 80% to 85%. If she scores higher than him then it doesn't matter, since that means she will get the attention. Which he would be thankful for.

An hour was not that long especially when they had to answer almost a hundred questions. Kyrie was already sweating buckets even though the scores will not be recorded, he is just that kind of person. He was very happy after he passed his papers and was back to his talkative mode.

"How did you do Chris?" Roda who was sitting behind him asked.

"It was okay, there were some parts that I was not able to answer. Most of the questions were taught last year while some were from middle school. How about you?" Chris turned around to talk to her.

"Well, it was pretty hard. You know me, I'm not good at math. Gosh, I wish I had your brain." Roda said exasperatedly while looking at him.

"Well, if you had mine. You wouldn't be such a great singer." Chris said with a smile. Now that he thinks about it, Roda did became slightly famous in his past life as she won a competition that was broadcasted on TV.

"Hmmm… you're right." She nodded.

"So you're agreeing that I have a bad singing voice?" Chris asked her.

"Well yes- I mean no! You sing well." Roda answered instinctively but realizes it and tried changing her answer. She then completed him while nodding her head like it was a matter of fact.

Chris speechlessly stared at her but didn't dwell too much on that topic since it was quite true that he doesn't sing well. But that was a thing of the past since he can now sing because of his system. In fact, he might be better than most singers in the country or even the world, but he is still slightly inferior to those talented ones.

"Okay class is dismissed today. You can't go out of school, but you can take your lunch break now if you want." Ms. Smith said as she left the room no doubt will be checking the papers.

"What should we do now?" Kyrie asked.

Roda, Eva who had just approached them, Nachtan, and Chris look at each other. They also had no idea what to do now since it was still too early to eat lunch.

Chris suggested, "How about we go out for some fresh air and talk outside?"

Everyone nodded and they all head out, but one of their classmates, Chelsey stopped them.

"Can I bother you to send this box to my cousin? She's a first-year section 2, her name's Layla." Chelsey asked.

Since Chris was the nearest, he accepted the box and answered, "Okay."

"Thank you!" Chelsey smiled. Chris nodded as they head out. He didn't forget to put on his hood like he always does.

Kyrie curiously asked, "What do you think is in the box?"

"Hmm.." Eva put a thinking expression. Everyone looked at her and waited. And waited until Kyrie couldn't take it anymore and asked her, "What are you thinking Eva?"

"Hmm, me?" Eva pointed at herself as Kyrie nodded. "Well, I was just thinking what I should eat for lunch. I heard that a few new dishes are being served."

Everyone was speechless, well, almost everyone except Chris as he had already expected this. Eva was somewhat of a foodie despite her small size. Makes everyone wonder where all those foods went as he stares at her big future. (AN: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Quickly looking away before anyone notices, Chris said, "It's not that heavy, but it is pretty solid." He knocks on the box.

"Maybe it's a make-up kit?" Roda asked.

"That would make sense." Nachtan nodded. "Girls do tend up to get overboard with make-up."

"Agree." Kyrie also nodded.

"I think it's a chair." Evan chimed in, as she confidently says her guess.

"Uhh…" Kyrie and Nachtan stared at each other, both had no idea what to say to that. While Roda was smiling and agreeing with Eva.

"That's right! It could also be a chair."

Chris stared at the duos and sighed. 'When did they become a novel material? Why does this situation feel so cliché? Is my life just a story written by an author?' He thought to himself.

(AN: TBH, I also think like this sometimes. But I think that I did not even reach the side character level and is just a mob from someone's story.)

"Anyways, we'll know if we ask Chelsey's cousin," Chris said.

"By the way Chris, why are wearing your hood again? Did something happen?" Roda asked curiously. Chris answered a little bit confused, "What do you mean? I always wear my hood."

"I know but, it just felt different today. I feel like you shouldn't be wearing your hood anymore." Roda said, uncertain of what she was saying.

"Right?! I thought I was the only one! Did you know earlier when he surprised me, he looked like the protagonist of a movie when he put on his hood. I wish I had cool moments like that." Kyrie said. Remembering what happened earlier. He then continued, "I think that some girl was looking at Chris earlier, but I didn't look at her properly since this iceman left me."

"Pfft~" Eva laughed but she quickly covered her mouth. That only made her look even cuter than she already was.

Roda and Chris stared at each other as they thought, 'What is this cute creature?!'

Nachtan and Kyrie were not that much different, they were also entranced by Eva's cute appearance. Though looks can be quite deceiving as she is actually the oldest in their group.

"Wait, you said a girl was looking at Chris earlier!?" Roda asked. But realized she was a little bit overreacting, she coughed, "I mean, some girl was looking at Chris?"

Kyrie stared at her for a few moments before answering, "Yeah, she must have ridden the same bus as us."

Nachtan smirked, "Maybe she got seduced by our iceman's beauty?"

"Hehe, beauty." Kyrie giggled.

"I know right." Nachtan also giggled as the two of them fist-bumped.

Chris stared at the two of them and ignored what they said earlier as he said, "If I remember correctly, there was only one female student riding the bus earlier."

"Eh? You even remembered that?" Nachtan was a bit surprised since even though Chris has a good memory, no one would be able to keep track of the people who have ridden the bus right?

This time, Kyrie explained, "Actually, it is quite simple. If you have a focus on what you should look for, then it will be easier. For example, if you want to keep track of how many beauties ride a bus with you every day, that would be a piece of cake. Just this morning, I saw five beauties wearing sexy office uniforms." His face became slightly indescribable at the end of his sentence as Roda smacked him on the head.

"You big pervert and your weird hobbies!!"

"Hey! What's wrong with counting how many beauties ride a bus? That's perfectly normal!" Kyrie complained while touching his head where Roda hit him.

"You-" Roda pointed at Kyrie but was interrupted by Eva.

"We're here!" She happily exclaimed while pointing at the room where there was a board hanging that says, [ Class 1-2 ].

"Hmph!" Roda snorted at Kyrie as she walked away from him. Kyrie patted his chest as he sighs in relief.

"That was scary."

Nachtan asked, "You're scared of Roda?"

Kyrie looks at him like he was asking something stupid, "Look man, if you want to live, don't mess with her."

Nachtan asked again, "Why?"

"She's a black belter in Rateka dude! Do you even still love your family jewels? Her kicks can break a brick, do you think yours is harder than a brick?" Kyrie answered Nachtan's question. And shivered as if remembering something unpleasant.

Nachtan gulped as he stared at Roda, who was talking happily with Eva, and said with a slightly trembling voice, "Scary." Kyrie nodded.

Meanwhile, back to Chris.

He knocked on the door to get the class's attention after finding out that they also have been dismissed. His knock attracted most of their attention as some of them just ignored him.

"I'm looking for Layla," Chris asked.

"That's me!" A girl, who was talking with her girl friends raised her hand when she heard someone looking for her. Seeing that it was a guy, she was a bit curious.

"Are you Layla?"

"Yes, that's me." The girl, Layla, answered. Chris didn't detect any lies from her so he nodded.

"Oh, your cousin asked me to give you this." Chris raised the box, as he handed it to her.

"Wow, thanks! I'm sorry if my cousin bothered you." Layla was surprised that her cousin asked someone to deliver the box.

"It's nothing. I'll be leaving now." Chris said as he turns around without much thought, or even bothered to wait for her words.


After Chris left, the girl was speechless seeing such a guy. She was used to guys trying to lengthen their talks with her just so they could spend more time with her. And there's this guy, just walking away like she doesn't even matter.

"But he was kinda cool though." She murmured.

"Layla?" A voice asked behind her.

Layla turned around and said, "What is it Silphia?"

"Nothing, you were just standing there in a daze. Who was that guy earlier?" Silphia asked. To be honest, when she saw the familiar hoodie at the door, she wanted nothing more than just to rush to him and ask his name. But her logic told her that she would look downright creepy.

When he said that he was looking for Layla. She immediately thought of the worst-case scenario where he is Layla's boyfriend. But from what Layla said to her earlier, she doesn't have a boyfriend ever since her birth. She could be lying or telling the truth and that confuses her even more.

She saw him handing a box to Layla and then leaving, but Layla didn't come back. She was already impatient, so she went to ask Layla herself.

"Oh, that guy? I think he's my cousin's classmate." Layla answered as she stared at the box, then said to Silphia, "Let's eat this chocolate, my cousin said it was really delicious." With that said, she went back to their group of friends.

Silphia nodded her head as she took one last glance at Chris and the others walking towards a tree. Before she followed Layla.

Aight. I'm done for tonight. Good night everyone.

Riskhcreators' thoughts