
A Second Chance in Time

Hi, I’m Mark and while I’m not the strongest and neither do I have any unique ability, most of my opportunities being either wasted or given away one way or another, I’m the one that survived the most. Now that I think about it, this life is pretty miserable. I got my ups and downs, but because I rushed at the beginning, I ruined my entire future and the only thing keeping me alive is my ability to adapt and survive. That’s it. No magical abilities. No genius talent. The most unique ability I had was an ability the “survivor” title gave me called “The survivor”. Oh, look, I'm about to be killed aaaaand I'm dead. ... . . Die, they said, you will receive eternal rest they said, but where is the eternal rest?! “Hello and welcome to the Regression and Reincarnation agency. Due to your peculiar achievements, you have been fo- ahem, given the chance to go back in time, as well as three wishes.” –––––––––––––––––– Follow Mark on his journey to change his ending, see his rises and falls and journey with him together in this story through your imagination. ______________________ This is my first book and my native language isn't English, so expect grammar mistakes and so on. You will find no harem in here because webnovel is filled with harem stories and second, I'm absolutely tired and bored of reading harem stories, so I'm making a book myself. Same for swords, they are everywhere, so they got boeing quickly, so MC will NOT be wielding a sword. The closest thing to sword you'll get is a knife. Either way, enjoy my book and if you don't like it, just stop reading, no need to write comments or reviews about how, from your perspective, the story is. _______________

Blank_Joker · 奇幻
40 Chs

Quest of the century

[...generating the quest...]

[Name: Punishment to the Greedy

Rank: SSS

Description: You greedy bastard, you wished for too much, now you pay the price for it.

Task: Reach 70 base stat in at least 2 stats, and 15 in everything else

Punishment: Your soul gets transferred to the Catholic Hell till 7 years after 'The First Mana Wave'

Reward: 'Gathering', 'Foraging', 'Butchering', 'Skinning', 'Sewing', 'Forging', 'Tailoring', 'Basic rune' and 'Basic enchanting' at F- rank (both skill and knowledge version), 13 gold coins, 'Multiple cores', 'Prodigy', 'Dense Muscles', 'superhuman skeleton', 'Hard skin', 'Worm', 'Steel Will', 'Impossible reflexes', 'Fearless', 'Night resistance', 'Battle Foresight', 'Water-breather', 'Fast adaptation', 'Astral Body', 'Irrational resistance', 'No presence' or it's variations, 'Iron grip', 'Poison body', 'Dulled nerves', 'Bloodhound's nose', 'Eagle Eye', 'Mole's touch', 'Bat's ears', 'Durable body', 'Resistant body'.

Duration: 7 years

Remark: You have plenty of time to enjoy before hell time]

[The quest will begin after you get back to your body]

Then return me

[Ok, but first for your sake, I will transfer the memories first.]

This way there will be more pain, right?

[No, it's to help you assimilate your role as a child faster, plus if I do memory and soul transfer at the same time, you will experience things you wish not to]

Like what?

[The biggest side effect may or may not be stat reduction]

Ok, then, begin memory transfer


[Memory transfer beginning]


[Congratulations, you have gained the 'Pain resistance' skill]

Oh, a skill, sweet, continuing on the shouting, DAMN YOU,


[You're welcome, I wish you a lot of pain)


[The term "bastard" historically refers to a person born out of wedlock or of parents not married to each other. As I am just a system, not a living being, the term "Bastard" doesn't work on me]


(Buy me knowledge on curses after this)



[Fuck you too]

Be more creative with cursing.

[Ok, but first, I need a couple of earplugs and headphones, give me a sec till I put them on, continue screaming after this, ok?]

Sure, why not?


[Done, feel free to moan as much as you want]


[I meant to shout]

Oh, ok



[That was kinda long]

Nah, your allowance to moan was pretty funny though

[I'm learning how to use irony for joking purposes]

Oh, that's kinda good, if used correctly, it's pretty good



[How bad are the memories?]

Wait, you don't know what memories I got

[Since the source is clean and trustworthy, I only acted as the deliveryman, only delivering the package, not seeing what's inside]


[So, how bad is it?]

It's bearable, that's all I can say for now, the memories are still in shambles, so I need to organize them.


[Congratulations, the skill 'Memory palace' has ranked up to F- rank]

Thanks for the upgrade, me

[You're welcome]

Now, can you see my memories?


Then look at what I got







[Yeah, that's bad]

[The artificial soul malfunctioned, thus now you are a super emotionless kid, though at least you will get little embarrassing memories]

[Congratulations, 'Acting' has bean acquired]

[Congratulations, 'Acting' has ranked up to G rank]

[Congratulations, 'Acting' has ranked up to G+ rank]

[Congratulations, 'Acting' has ranked up to F- rank]

[Congratulations, 'Acting' has ranked up to F rank]

[Congratulations, 'Acting' has ranked up to F+ rank]

[Congratulations, 'Acting' has ranked up to E- rank]

[Congratulations, 'Acting' has ranked up to E rank]

[Congratulations, 'Acting' has ranked up to E+ rank]

[Congratulations, 'Acting' has ranked up to D- rank]

[Yeah, I was waiting for that to happen]

Me too, though I wasn't expecting to get it to such a high degree

[That's kinda low I must say, if anybody else got the memories of somebody acting with SSS rank 'Acting' skill, they would have gotten at least to C rank]

So apparently I have shit talent in acting at acting



[If it's good for you]

Yep, what else do I get for this malfunction?

[HQ has given you a gift, a trait and a title and a 'knowledge coupon' to be precise]

What kind of trait and title?

[Emotionless outside is the trait, while the title is "Emotion controller"]

Those are kind of OP for me

[If you fail your quest, you will lose this gift, don't worry, the quest hasn't changed, though you can use the coupon right now]

Then I'll use it later, though what's the knowledge limit?

[S rank]

That's pretty OP

[This is the first time this has happened in the last few trillion years, so you are given quite the big apology]

Oh really

[Yes, if it was something like a glitch, you would only receive the 'free quest annulment token', which allows to null the quest without a single punishment, while that's also good, but your reward is almost guaranteed to be permanent]

Oh, yeah, though now I kinda hope I will get the token you mentioned

[You could by it or request it for a reward if the HQ decides to give a similar quest, where you can decide what reward you get, though I'm not certain about it]

Oh, then I will use the coupon to get knowledge on 'The Ten gates of Impossibility', the highest rank you can give me

[Host, how do you know of this technique?]

Ancient text found in a ruin barely standing, only the name of this technique was present and it only mentioned about seals, that's it

[That technique is the last remaining thing of the Old Humans, this technique was their most prized possession. Be ready for a torture session from this as this technique contains, pardon for my choice of words, a shit-load of information.]

Ok, now hurry up

[Ok, transfer beginning]


Where's the pain

[Give it a few minutes, there is so much pain, that it will take a while for the pain to be processed]


[Congratulations, your skill 'pain resistance has ranked up to G rank]


[Yes, shit indeed]

[The pain is about to be processed]

Gimme a count down


[Congratulations, you have acquired 'Insanity resistance']

I will shout 'Fuck' after the pain begins


[Countdown begin]





















[Pain, pain, come here]



(Why did I ask for so much knowledge?)

[You're getting S rank amount of knowledge, of course it's gonna hurt]

A/N: This will be a scream fest, so feel free to skip, thanks to this 'memory palace', 'pain resistance' and 'insanity resistance' will rank up quite a bit, I will tell you when it's over.


[Congratulations, 'Memory palace' has ranked up to G rank]

[Congratulations, 'Pain resistance' has ranked up to G rank]



[Congratulations, 'Insanity resistance' has ranked up to G rank]

[Congratulations, 'Pain resistance' has ranked up to G+ rank]




[Because I can't, it's a natural process because of 'Adapt']

Oh, ok, time to continue the screaming


A/N: Scream fest ended

[Congratulations, you have gained the training skill 'The Ten gates of Impossibility']

Let me rest for a bit

[Should I gift you a rejuvenation pill

Nah, struggle, pressure and discomfort are the three things that allow real men to improve the most.

They crush and push you so hard that after a certain point, nothing else can push or crush you, be it physically or metaphorically

[That's deep, got anything else]

Any thing that's worth it required you to work for it one way or another.

You want to win a difficult competition, go practice, you can always improve as nobody has ever reached their total, complete limit.

The two biggest differences between men and women is that, for men, conquering is an instinct, that's why men like gaming so much, it's an easy conquer way, the same can't be said for women.

The other difference is the harm that rest can bring. For women, rest is pretty harmless. For men, though, rest can potentially bring hell.

[Somebody told you that or you learned both yourself]

Life though me. Life is the best teacher, life brings the most wisdom to you if you have the brainpower to learn what it is trying to teach you.

I have a story for both, wanna hear them?

[Sure, I probably know about them, but I'm interested in how you will portray them]