
Chapter 62 Deika City Vs Ymir (Part 4)

--I'm the master's bodyguard! I must protect the teacher!

Again the words full of emotion from the giant resounded throughout the place, really.

--This is stupid...

I ignored the roar generated by the giant's voice with mental retardation and turned my attention to Tomura... the world really loves him, he's almost a zombie but the wretch refuses to die and even seems to be in the middle of a trance of memories of his life and Crazy Power-Ups right now, the world really loves him, Gigantomachia arrived just in time to save him.

--This will be a problem~ Well let's kill the giant first.

Shrugging, I just raised my hand and sang with a smile.


Machia may be a perfect tank for physical damage but I am a magical warrior specialized in AoE (Area of Effect or Damage in Area) so unless I can create a thermoregulated shelter to take care of Tomura, the sub-zero temperatures will end up killing him. to his little master at any moment. In a battle of resistance I have everything to win.


The giant threw a punch towards me but I dodged it easily, for his part the giant's fist is partially frozen, sadly the bastard is hard and only one of his fingers broke into pieces, it seems that I should lower the temperature even more.

--One more~ ICE AGE!

Leaping into the air I smashed into the giant's jaw as Peterhausen crashed into its back, piercing and shattering the rock formations in it, drawing a fair amount of blood as well as inflicting cold damage on its massive body.


--And another one~ ICE AGE!

Another fist charged with extreme cold struck Machia again as well as the fangs of my mount, while Tomura continued lying on the ground convulsing while his hair turned a strange pure white color, while an air of danger formed around him.

I'm not the typical idiot who would let his enemy complete his transformation, so.

--TOMURA~CHAN~! Winter of Wallachia ~!

I slammed my fist into the ground and a thousand spikes and Ice spears shot into the sky, I was not scornful or measured this was a full blow and the unconscious Tomura even with his giant could not escape unscathed, his legs finally came off As well as everything under his chest, currently the great villain, he is nothing more than a semi-frozen bloody armless chunk in the cold and trembling hands of Gigantomachia, although the Doctro can rescue him from death, I doubt he can inherit the ALL FOR ONE in this state .


Gigantomachia screamed and covered Tomura as delicately as possible in his hands, it's obvious that he wants to escape, he may be a perfectly brainwashed and slightly retarded giant but that doesn't mean he's stupid.

--You won't escape Machia~

I jumped and hit his eye directly, which was also solid but still softer than the rest of his body.


An ice pillar smashed clean into the giant's left eye, raising a fountain of blood.


--Okay let's go for the other eye~

Machia couldn't move well, he had to take care of the dying Tomura so his hands were tied, he is a mobile Tanke, his raison d'être is just to be the meat shield and the ultimate battering ram for the All For One conquests, to everything else there are an infinity of "friends" willing to help.


--And now we have a blind giant~ Do you want to give up machia~?

--I must protect the... MASTER!

--I admit it...you are loyal...nevertheless

I jumped dodging Machia's lunges and tackles until I reached his ear, or at least where the ear hole was.

--You're going to die~


A single super sharp and sharp ice pillar pierced all the way from the right eardrum to the brain and beyond, the infernal cold spreading through the brain effectively killing the giant who only collapsed but still delicately held the unconscious body of his master. .

--Whew~ really a tough guy~ if it wasn't for my eyes I would have died at least six times~ but it doesn't matter~ Tomura-chan~ are you still alive?

I yelled at the mutilated body in Gigantomachia's hands, after a moment these hands crumbled into rubble.

--What the hell are you Ymir?

Tomura's tired voice but full of anger and annoyance was wonderful, he himself knows that he is finished, his master is in prison, his subordinates are dead, his last bet Gigantomachia was eliminated and he himself is on the verge of death, even having Having regained his memories, even if he had further awakened his own Quirk, he felt that nothing he did could stop the demon in front of him.

--I already said it once~ Just a Mass Murderer~ who enjoys torturing other wretches just like him~ Hahahahahahaha.

A lunatic laugh left the lips of the demon who created an ice halberd and prepared to throw it.

--...I see... you're even crazier than me...

--Exactly~ now be a good boy and die Tenko~

The halberd drew a direct line towards the young villain's head and he reflexively reached out with his remaining hand to break the weapon.


The hand broke the murder weapon and prevented death, however another five more pierced the body from below, crucifying and impaling the white-haired young man.

--Always watch your back Tomura-chan ~Chiao ~

With one last gesture the villain's body was frozen and broken, turning it into nothing more than a pile of frost scattered in the air, leaving only his head impaled by a stake.

--Okay, with this you're all set~

--There are still some things missing Yuuji-kun.

--Oh~ Fried chicken~ you came to join the party, too bad the dance just ended~

I smiled at the appearance of Hero No. 2, I couldn't really feel it, my perception is overloaded by controlling all the ice creatures, so Hawks' appearance really took me by surprise.

--Yuuji-kun~ you know~

Hawks scratched the back of his neck and with a bit of suspicion in his voice he said.

--Don't you think you exaggerated a bit? How many? How many people do you think you killed?!

At the end Hawks yelled and extended one of his sword feathers. Hell I didn't think this fellow was so sentimental, you're not fit to work in the shadows, if you chicken out after one or two mass murders~ a great man once said~ "If you kill a person you'll be a Homicide, but if you kill a million will be a hero" for my part I very much agree with that analogy. No matter what cause, reason or reason you killed a person, the fact is that killing one is a crime, killing two is a crime, only killing an obscene amount can change its meaning and turn that horrible act into a symbol of nobleness. Or if not because the soldiers who return from the war are decorated, they are all assassins who at least killed two to three people at least.

This is the question and the circumstance, what is right or wrong depends solely on a single variable "The Perspective" for their nation those soldiers are non-homicide heroes, for the enemy those soldiers are not heroes they are evil beasts that invaded and massacred their relatives and friends. It all depends on which eyes you look at the events and you will get a different answer each time.

--I didn't think you were that weak Hawks~ it's just a bit of dirty work Don't tell me you've never had to bury one or two for the team?

I mocked Chicken as I recovered the energy distributed throughout the city, undoing the Beast Parade, as well as Horo and Peterhausen... little by little I regained control over my perception.

--I won't deny that I've had to bury a few, but I've never done anything like this.

--Something like this…?

I pointed out the destruction around me with a smile.

--I told the minister-sama that I would devastate this place, the paranormal liberation army is finished, there may be a few dozen idiots left but without a leader to unite them, they are just isolated dissidents...

I laughed and sat on a newly created throne of ice.

--Don't you feel remorse or regret for all this death Yuuji-kun no Ymir?

Growling, Hero No.2 asked as he tightened his grip on his sword.

--I really don't~ I don't feel anything~ they are enemies~ enemies don't deserve mercy or friendship, the greatest kindness I can offer is a quick and painless death.

I smiled and looked at Hawks's pale, blue face.

--He's really crazy, Ymir...

In the end, Hawks lowered his sword and sat down on some nearby rubble.

--The government will not be able to hide all this mess...

--Don't worry, I have a big scapegoat there~

Point shamelessly at the corpse of gigantomachia.

--So you're going to blame him?

--I'll just say that it was a series of unfortunate events~ the League of Villains, had a fight with an "Unknown Criminal Organization", unfortunately this criminal organization was very well prepared and the League of Villains ended up calling Gigantomachia, luckily it was training near here and I intervened although a little late, I can stop and neutralize "ALL" the villains but I couldn't save the citizens of the city, since they "Had" already fallen before my arrival... Nice right?

Hawks looked at me like he was seeing a mental patient, before commenting with a serious look on his face.

--You think people are stupid, don't you? Is there no way people buy that story?

--Maybe in other countries, but this is Pacific Japan~ admit it Hawks, the real control is in the hands of the media~ civilians will swallow any shit you put on the news, if I manage to get it on the air for at least five main channels… let's say…

I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them again as I rhythmically tapped the armrest of my throne.

--The hero "X" is dating an underage girl and now she is pregnant~... even if this "X" hasn't even had contact with the opposite gender in the last 5 years, everyone in the public will think that he is a sick bastard... that is the power of the media, the government, if it wants to, can coerce some media, if they use me as a threat, control will pass into the hands of the state and it will once again have the egemony of power...

Hawks got my idea and couldn't help but smile.

--And so the government can invent all the "Truths" it wants... as long as it's partially or completely legal... Is that even correct?

I shrugged at Hawks's sudden moral outburst.

--I don't know, nor do I care... we will put the pot to the Defunct League of Villains and its leader All For One, I think it will be enough for parliament to legally sentence him to death if they haven't liquidated him yet.

--What the hell is in your head, Ymir?

--Not much~ the usual, hunger, anger, lust and a bit of laziness~

--They are only sins… Ymir.

--Humans are sinful beings, Chicken... especially we who opt for the shadows, forget about looking for virtues in us, we are sinners... Why not embrace that path? While we become an existence so terrifying that it makes all villains think twice before committing a crime, Fear brings respect, power, authority, only with both can you stay in control.

--Ha... It seems that you are more qualified than me for this line of work, Ymir...

--I just don't worry about the small details Hawks... I just kill them~

--Well, that's one way of looking at it~


At the end of the day, the media couldn't be blocked any longer and they reached the ruined city, Hawks helped me put a pretty tragic scene, where following the script full of TV shit, I defeated the villains but didn't can save the city, using my popularity base, as well as other media and government propaganda tricks. In less than two weeks I was painted as a hero on par with the first three.

Even though I was dropped from the hero class at UA by being issued a pro hero license as well as a small agency in a chaotic district, I still had to complete my general education at UA itself, not counting the hefty paycheck and the option to legal polygamy. What can I say, everything according to plan… except one thing.

-- How come they couldn't execute All For One?!

--Parliament opposed his execution and there have been no moves to catch the Doctror, even though the evidence is already in his hands.

--What do you plan to do? Playing house with a megalomaniac whose only motivation is to turn the world upside down. Are they crazy?


Hakws and I are having a quiet and relaxed cup of coffee, in my agency, since we are both black heroes of the government it is easy for us to become friends, that and that the chicken is a fan of Endeavor helps a lot.

--If All For One escapes from Tartarus and seeks revenge, I will kill him and leave this country~ I told them to kill him when they could, maybe he already found out that his precious Tomura is dead and is planning his theatrical escape...

--Sounds like you've already seen it..."

I smiled at Hawks and touched my eyes.

--Technically I saw it~ I know you can't mobilize anything but contact the minister~ tell her...

Take a drink from the coffee on the table before continuing.

--"Don't blame me if I have to blow up one or two cities, after…" that's all~ I have to do a round~ these idiots still don't understand that this is my district now.

He climbed out of the window and flew on the back of the ice dragon, under the shouts and cheers of the people in the streets.

--Hero Ymir... if people knew what you really are... Well let's forget about that, I have to inform the leaders.

Hakws shook his head heavily before returning to his usual nonchalant smile and exiting the agency through the same window.