
Chapter 61 Deika City Vs Ymir (Part 3)

Exterior of the Deika Tower.

--My best regards, Leader of the Redestro Paranormal Liberation Army and you too Shirgaraki Tomura~ Although you already know, I'll introduce myself again.

The young man sitting on an imposing throne of ice, spoke with a clear and baritone voice but each of his words exuded an inhuman level of contempt and arrogance but those present could not deny his belligerence since everyone knew what the demon is capable of. In front of them.

--I am the only one, Ruler of Ice!

The young man got up from his throne and walked on the dragon's back, maintaining an imposing air in front of everyone.


With his words the entire tower suffered a drop in extreme temperature, soon everyone was covered in a light layer of frost.

--Arrogant brat!


Re-destro and Shigaraki Tomura responded to the young man in their own way, one charging towards him as he turned into a grotesque armored giant in ostentatious mechanical armor, the other dawdling a few steps along with his two followers they just came for the hostage and they would escape, They no longer had the courage or the human capital to face Ymir.

--Don't think about escaping, Tomura... someone paid a lot for your albino head~

The demon said calmly as he cut off Re-Destro's arm.

--Covering yourself with metal is useless~ hot or cold, metals are thermo-conductors, you're just a big piece of canned meat~ Re-Destro~

If it stops after the first slash, a second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, sixth, eighth... after eight slashes the great Re-destro was reduced to a mere frozen torso in less than five seconds, sliced to pieces along with the entire body. tower lookout.

Surprisingly, the charismatic Leader of the Paranormal Liberation Army, Re-destro, was still conscious, on the other hand, his assistant Sketch was impaled and brutalized as soon as the young man took the third swing.

--Why do you work for the oppressors? With your strength... the freedom of gifts...

--Shut up... generic freedom is nothing more than anarchy and licentiousness, rules are needed for society to function, not for human beings to function as a species and society, the rules are fundamental, just as a common enemy is necessary to unite everyone. the masses. A sacrifice to the gods is always necessary and a scapegoat to blame for all the mistakes made... Your utupia is an impossible dream, dystopia is not impossible but it is easily breakable in this world where anyone can obtain irrational power, so that clinging to the fragile piece of wood known as "Today's Society" and what is "Political and Ethically correct" are our only options~


--For God's sake, just shut up and die~ you idiot puppet~

The young man decapitated the Leader of the Paranormal Liberation Army and encased his skull in an urn of translucent ice.

--Now~ Shigaraki Tomura or should I say Shimura Tenko~

--You! No! Use! That! NAME!

Tomura roared and slammed his hand into the ground, breaking everything down including the base of the structure, with a disproportionate force and explosion.


The young man only laughed as they fell into the void.


Cannon-chan is a spiteful bitch, forcing the villain's awakening just for a few words, really pathetic, at least she can kill Spinner when they weren't watching~

Laughing the young man while holding the severed head of the humanoid geek.

--Only the handsome boy from Compress, Gigantomachia and Tomura is missing~

Shaking off the dust and debris on his body, the young man walked unhurriedly towards the injured, Compress, Giran and Tomura. Compress remained strong, his mechanical arm had become a kind of laser gun, Giran for his part was on the brink of a septic or hemorrhagic collapse, torture, stress and falling off a building is not good for your health or integrity of a wounded person, for his part Shigaraki Tomura was not much better, he is tired from his constant training with Gigantomachia, tired from his constant fight against the liberation warriors and mentally unstable from the memories released from his past, in short.

--Time to die~ Shimura Tenko-chan~

Said the young black-haired man as he turned the geeko's head around like a bag, before throwing it at him.

--Damned! Are you a hero ?!

Compress yelled while shooting with his arm.

-- Hero ?! Not at all! I'm just a Mass Murderer~!

Easily and quickly dodging the demon charged against the masked man while speaking.

--I will be punished after this~ I will be hated~ I will be persecuted~ but what can they do against me?

The demon was mocking and with a smooth movement he cut the mechanical arm with his sword while with his other hand, he gently hit the masked man's chest, making him fall backwards.


--It's over~ Offspring of the Thief God~ Say hello to Hermes for me~

-- Did you know?!

--Only in part...

Without looking at the villain lying on the ground an ice pillar pierced and impaled his body before like the others he burst into a sea of cherry-colored snow.

Shigaraki Tomura, was in shock, he had never felt so weak since he was adopted by his Master, he can't communicate with the Professor due to the storm, his subordinates have been killed by the monster in front of him, he himself can no longer fight , he can barely stay on his feet and dodge the hundreds of ice pillars that emerge from the ground without warning.

--What should I do teacher?

--Attack him Tomura, free your mind, free your power, free your true self Free yourself!


Outskirts of the City.

--This is already too much... this is not a raid, it's not a submission, it's not even an execution, it's just a total and utter massacre... What the hell did the psychologists do? How the hell is this guy supposed to be sane? Man, women, children and the elderly, I kill them all without blinking, this is beyond a simple villain, more than a simple psychopathy, this boy is beyond redemption, he is completely insane... and to top it off there is no sign telephone, that bloody hail storm.

Hawks was only able to hide nearby while taking photos and video of the execution ground around him.


Ruins of the Radio Tower.

--Come on Tenko-chan, let's finish this~

The demon Ymir, happily walked towards Tomura who dodged and broke down the pillars and icicles that threatened to martal him.


--How tiny~

Tomura hit his hands against the ground, destroying everything, spreading his corrosion like a plague, but the ice demon was still walking calmly without stopping on a path of purple ice.



Like a King, Judge and executioner, Ymir looked and spoke towards Tomura. Hundreds of icicles, swords, daggers, tridents, spears of ice sprang up in the air, just as hundreds of stakes prepared to blossom from the ground, in the midst of all Ymir, stood impassive with a slight smile on his face as the blood flowed. half-frozen agena fell from his body.

--Shimura Tenko... just die, reunite with your family and enjoy hell~

With his words the sky fell silent and the earth rose.


All the ice rushed over the young villain, while the young demon coldly looked at the smoke of the collision, preparing a second round to make sure and finish off his prey, too bad that opportunity did not come.


A rock giant more than fifteen meters high fell from the sky with incredible force and momentum, while he screamed and cried from the pure emotion he felt, you could feel the joy and devotion in the giant's voice, truly a pure and stupid soul he was inside the homicidal giant.

--You're late Gigantomachia~ your little master is already ground meat~ and your old Master should be being cremated right now~


The giant roared before unleashing a huge blow against the demon.

--Hahahahaha~ Close Very Close Gigantomachia~ but you're right your little master is still here~ To my surprise~ he's pretty hard to kill~

The young demon boasted, looking down at the ice rubble, where a badly injured and mutilated young man stood up. His hair was stained red by blood, one of his eyes was missing as well as part of his face, his right arm was torn off from the base of the shoulder along with the scapula and shoulder blade, his left and right leg were barely holding on. held together by torn muscles and crushed bones that blocked their own bleeding, just as several ribs fluttered in his chest as well as a good stretch of viscera and intestines dangled from his waist.

--Oh~ Tenko-chan you look like something out of a Zombies movie~

He mocked the wounded man as a new hundred stakes sought to end his life.


A giant fist accompanied by a blocking roar and shattered all the ice spikes.

--Come on Gigantomachia~ let me do my job~ then we can play all you want~

--I'm the master's bodyguard! I must protect the teacher!

Again the words full of emotion from the giant resounded throughout the place, really.

--This is stupid...