
Chapter 55 Happy Mode~

Some days after.

A young man dressed in a shirt, shorts and sandals walked smiling as he admired the city, next to him a beautiful woman dressed in a tight white blouse and tight blue jean that showed off her assets very well.

--*Inhale* It smells like peace, hope and explosions~ just the way I like it~


--Yep~ explosions~

--I won't ask...

--Hahahaha~ you're so cute Nemuri-chan~

--We're already on land, you must call me Midnight-sensei... you don't want to be discovered, do you honey?

--Hahahahahaha~ I'll move some contacts and get that nationality~ give me a few weeks and it'll be ready~

--Why do you have to talk like a third-rate villain?

--Why fun~?

--You're not cool~

The young man smiled and kissed the woman's lips.

--You're still not great~

The loving couple walked along the pier, ignoring the envious glances of the many passersby.


UA dormitories

--Shoto-kun~*, Shoto-kun~*?

--Is something wrong Hagakure-san?

--Don't you know when Yuuji-kun will return~*?

--I'm sorry, Hagakure-san, I don't know when Yuuji will be back.


--Honey~ I'm home~!

The bedroom door was flung open along with a ridiculous roar drawing the attention of everyone on the floor.





Several girls jumped to see their fellow student dressed in undeniably beachy vacation attire as he carried a block of ice with a Great White Shark and three Tuna on his shoulder.

--Welcome home Yuuji-kun~*

--Thanks~ Toru-chan~ Oi~ Shoto, Kaminari, Hanta let's cook these guys~ the big guy bit my leg~

-- Is that a great white shark ?!

-- Where the hell did you go Kurogane ?!

--Because it does not surprise me? Did you go to the sea?

--In effect Shoto~ more specific I went to the high seas and dived a kilometer.

-- 1 kilometer down ?! X all.


-- How the hell are you alive?!

--Hahahaha~ I'm worse than a cockroach~ I won't die even if they kill me~ Now to cook~

Everyone was stunned by their partner's effusiveness as it's quite a contrast to their previous apathetic and disinterested attitude.

--Todoroki-kun...don't you think Kurogane is acting weird? Did the water pressure affect your brain?

Asked a young man with curly greenish-black hair, his doubt was that of the majority of those present, so they all turned to see the young man with half-red, half-white hair.

--Actually... that's his "Happy Mode", something "Good" must have happened to make him go dumb all of a sudden~

The young man responded with a shrug and continued his explanation.

--When he's like this, he's almost a "Yes Man", the last time I took the answers for the math exams for a whole semester... I would take advantage of Kaminari, Hanta, to cook~

Being called the electric blonde haired and black haired youths nodded and rushed over to help prepare the fish.


Some hours later.

--I can not eat more?

--I can't believe Kurogane and Yaoyorozu can still eat...

--I didn't think I could eat that much~*

--Uff... I'm satisfied~ gero~

Boys and girls frolicked with their stomachs satisfied as they watched the aforementioned continue an obsessive intake of Tuna and Shark.

--*Munch*…it's so fresh~ and it's so soft~*Munch* my Quirk requires me to eat a lot~*Munch* it really is good meat~ *Munch*

Commented the young Ojou-sama who elegantly tasted her 10 Tuna wheel sealed and glazed in soy sauce, with glazed onions, garlic and ginger.

--Hahahaha~ the white bastard bit my leg~ *Chomp* now I eat his fins~ and everything else *Chomp* Ha~ it tastes like victory~

--Kurogane-san, aren't you full?

--Nope~ Ochako-chan~ I went several days without eating so *Chomp* I'm hungry~ *Chomp*

Ignoring the brown haired girl, the black-haired youth emptied another bowl of shark fin soup and bit into his twelfth shark fillet.

--*CHOMP* I don't understand why they only hunt them for their fins~ their meat is delicious~

--I agree~ *Munch*

The two gluttons dug into their respective plates, one eating elegantly, the other with mere violence.

-- Certainly~ delicious~ but lacks a bit of cheese~

I add a small white bipedal mammal with black eyes.

--Oh~ Nezu-sensei~*Chomp* Here you go~ Tuna with melted cheese~

--*Chump* Good fishing Kurogane-kun.

--*Chomp* I'll look for another one for the new year~ *Chomp*

--Good idea~ *Chump*



--What do you *Chomp* want, you two *Chomp*?

For some reason Hanta and Kaminari came to me strangely humble and cooperative, although normally I would kick their asses for fun, today I'm happy and I still have three shark steaks left to eat, so…let's listen to them~

--Can you train us?

--Just a little guidance, Kurogane, I still don't quite get the Tai Chi thing from the other time.

The black-haired boy and the blonde bowed deeply in a submissive request.

--*Chomp* Aiiii~ It's okay~

--Thank you very much shisho! X2

Hanta and Kaminari squealed in joy to see that they weren't hit and their request was accepted.

--Oh! He accepted them, then~ Master please enlighten me!!!


Without even taking their eyes off the plate, they created a pair of ice soldier golems, which took the pissed off Mineta and beat him to a pulp.


A few hours later.

--Okay~ now Hanta, Kaminari and for some reason Talking Grape~ now I'll train them~ a bit~

--Ai! x all

--First Kaminari, strike with full force without electricity.

--Without eleectricity?

--First we'll strengthen their bodies then we'll strengthen their abilities~ giving you more power without you being able to stand it is just putting the cart in front of the horse, something stupid and unprofitable, now Pikachu uses Mega Punch!


--Hmm? You hit worse than a girl~!


--Just so you can see I'm not kidding~ Officer Jiiro~ over here~!

Creating an Ice Golem Gorilla to drag Kyoka to training. Hmmm~ The image of a 12 foot Gorilla assaulting and holding a 5 foot tall girl while she blushes and kicks? Where is the bad? Why can't I find it?!

--Kurogane! Bastard! Let go!

--Sure~ but hit Pikachu first~ I mean Kaminari~

--With pleasure!



Officer Jiiro used Mega Punch! Critical hit! Pika-minari has weakened and can't continue anymore!

--See~ Kaminari you hit worse than a girl~ now children thank Officer Jiiro for his cooperation~

I spoke like one of those kindergarten moderators, as a pale Hanta and a traumatized Mineta applauded Kyoka.

--Kurogane~ Can I hit you now?

--Go ahead~


A strong and resounding slap was planted on my right cheek, thanks to my vitality and cockroach resistance I barely felt a tingle and heat, on the other hand Kyoka was blowing her sore hand.


--As you can see~ if your body is not strong you can't take advantage of your Quirk and even a well-trained civilian can kick your ass, you guys want to be heroes Train! Your weak bodies, strengthen your foundations and improve your understanding, take your understanding of your ability to the maximum and find new ways to use it… Will, Strength and Creativity! Those three things are the foundation of everything!

I spoke with an emotional tone and full of motivational garbage attracting the attention and admiration of my companions, although I am only telling a string of Lies with a little truth and a well administered No Jutsu Talk, in any case… I will eat again!

--Kaminari when you rearrange your guts, go bite the power cables... absorb and discharge as much energy as you can constantly, not in one hit, keep absorbing and output at the same time, look for the "Critical Point" and focus in it increases your resistance to damage, you also do cardio resistance exercise and more cardio~

--Yes, Shishō!

Kaminari ran off towards the pylons with a crazy grin on her face.

--Now Hanta, you are a support hero, your Quirk is supportive and your muscular and physical structure are supportive, the same goes for you Talking Grape... but Hanta you can still step up and be a combat hero if you improve your physical strength... Diet and Exercise, eat some meat, exercise, lift weights, train and exploit your Quirk to the maximum, increase the thickness of the tape, its resistance, its extension, its control, everything... take it to your maximum expression and then go further.

-- Increase the thickness?! I have it!

Hanta, like Kaminari, ran alone, while the black-haired man ran to the kitchen to ensure his high-protein diet.

--Master, enlighten me with your greatness!

--The Talking Grape shuts up~


I kicked Mineta's face out of reflex but the perverted grape endured the blow, I sighed, I have to admit it, the pervert has become resistant.

--*Sigh*... Listen well Talking grape~ you are small, weak, light, your suit is ridiculous, your Quirk is somewhat self-destructive and restrictive in its modes of use, in short you are a bad excuse for a support hero, outside of teamwork in a rescue situation... you are officially "Dead Meat"...

I spoke in a flat tone, as one of my ice golems handed me a shark steak and a cup of contraband wine.

--*Chomp*…But even "Dead Meat" has its uses~ so Talking Grape~ Tell me, do you want to be a bad excuse for a Hero or do you want to become a true Support Hero?

I sipped my wine slowly, enjoying the fragrance as a battered Mineta trembled as he contemplated the reality of his situation.

Now that I think about it, my presence has changed the dynamics a bit within the characters, some remain the same but others like Shoto, Ochako, Toru and Midnight have changed for better or worse, they are more aware of the cruelty of the world and are less idealists, in any case~ *Gulp* This wine is delicious~

--Master!... I want to stop being weak!

Minoru Mineta roared in a deep voice as he clenched his hilarious little fists.

--Good~ Good answer~ Just like Hanta you are physically a disgrace but nothing that diet and intensive exercise can't fix, eat and train as if your life depended on it, maybe you can grow a few more inches~

--I will follow your guide Master...

Like his other two friends, Mineta ran taking the first step to stop being just a pervert and become a hero.