
Chapter 53 Training Time~!

It's been three days since Midnight-sensei and I ended up having an affair, it took me a long time to calm her down and try to get her to forget about it, hell for a woman who spends most of the day wearing a BDSM outfit and having mini orgasms, I burst into a rather annoying crisis of morality and ethics.

--I'm… finished… I have to submit… my resignation… my career as… a heroine is over, I also drag Yuuji-kun into this, he has the… Todoroki girl… he's still… a minor Should I turn myself in to the police?

--Nemuri~ calm down and breathe... what happened already happened~ we both enjoyed it and that's what matters~ you're a hero and I'm technically a government hitman, we're not in a situation where we can be judged by the law ~

This conversation was repeated about thirty times until sensei finally got the idea, right now we are flying over Mount Fuji, since we will spend the next 72 hours in this place, before going to Hokkaido to eat crabs.


Mount Fuji crater.

--Repeat to me what we came to do here?

--I'm going to freeze the magma or swim in it~ Whichever comes first~

Ignoring Nemuri's terrified face, I took off my clothes leaving only my thermo resistant boxers, this will be the true test of how resistant they really are.

--I'll wait for you downstairs Yuuji-kun~ I can't in the heat.



Sensei patted me on the butt before leaving, a still hungry look on his face.

--Hahahahahahaha~ I woke up an older woman's libido~ I'm good~

With my ego high I ran into the boiling magma, releasing all restraints and going full throttle without worrying about the consequences.

-- ICE AGE!!!

I put all my power into a single movement, the voices of the Demon Extract screaming incessantly inside my head as the Avalon's energy further increased my body's balance and stamina.


When the frozen torrent met the lava an explosion of steam and mist hid the entire place, only a silhouette could be seen faintly in the mist.


56 hours later.

--This is impossible!

Nemuri Kayama the professional hero Midnight was given the task of accompanying and guarding "Strategic Tactical Asset (STA)" known as Kurogane Yuuji "Ymir" during his training and now search and destroy mission. Right now he stands on the outer edge of Mount Fuji's caldera pit after three days of surveillance, only instead of molten magma and toxic fumes, there is an exquisite purplish ice altar surrounded by steam and mist amidst the magma. seething and in the middle of this strange building is a semi-naked young man sitting in the lotus position with his eyes closed.

Black hair, sharp eyebrows, icy white skin, compact and defined muscles, a demonic-looking birthmark like a tattoo on his chest, and two ice horns on his forehead, his hands parallel vertical over his solar plexus as if compressing a They will form something between them.

--What the hell?

The "Y"-shaped pattern on the young man's chest began to change and spread over his clavicle and shoulders as well as up his neck and face, giving him a bestial and demonic appearance, between his hands a blue glow was slightly formed. .


The light disappeared and the demonic mark reverted to its original form as the entire altar fell down and was rapidly consumed by magma.




Watching her student and lover fall into the burning lava, tears of pain, regret, and helplessness streamed from her eyes as she collapsed onto the bedrock.



Meanwhile at UA


--What's wrong Ochako-chan…gero~?

--No, nothing Tsuyu-chan... I just had a chill.


UA Workshops


--Hatsune-kun... your gloves burn.

--Oh! Yuuji-kun hasn't brought me lunch.

--Hatsune-kun... your gloves burn.

--Oh! TRUE!


--Ready! Loader-sensei…

--...(Come back soon Kurogane-kun)


House of the Todoroki Family.


--Oh~mo, it broke~ and it's the cup Yuuji gave me.

A young woman said as she picked up the pieces of the cup although her gaze was more focused on the diamond and aquamarines ring on her right hand with a tender smile.

--Where is that little bastard?


Mount Fuji.

--Nemuri-chan~did you call~?


The woman named Nemuri after the naked youth, stared blankly at the boy in front of her, standing up and staggering towards him.


A strong slap was planted on the young man's smiling face, five delicate fingers were cleanly marked on the young man's cheek before he was embraced by the flustered woman.

--Are you… are you… are you alright?

--Sorry~ Nemu-chan~ I didn't think I would fail in the last step~ sorry~

--Bastard, son of a bitch, insensitive, coal, pervert...

--I'm sorry~ calm down Nemu-chan~

The woman continued to weakly hit the young man's chest with her fists while being surrounded by his arms.

--Sorry~ though~ you look so cute like this Nemuri~

The smiling young man ignored the tearful and runny look of the woman and kissed her lips deeply, entangling their tongues and pulling her closer to him.


Hot springs inn.

Two people were resting on a double futon after a session of horizontal exercises.

--Now…tell me what the hell you were trying to do up there.

--Freeze time~


--Well actually, it's lowering the relative flow of electrons in space~ which in turn would create the relative effect of freezing time or space itself~

--And does it have to be in a volcano?

--Unless you want to see how a city and all its inhabitants turn into ice sculptures if I make a mistake~ we might as well go back to AU~

--Is it so dangerous?


--Why do you have to develop such a horrible technique?

--Why doesn't the government kill old All For One?

--Don't answer me with a question Yuuji-kun!

The beautiful woman pinched the young man's side with her fingers and twisted.

--Atatatata~ I give up, I give up, Nemu-chan~ I give up~

--Answer or else~

The female extended her hand to grab a certain part of the young man's anatomy and squeeze it hard.

--Argh...Nemu-chan~ the War is next year, many will die, including you, although I won't let that happen, I'm going to find Tomura and that Re-Destro guy gift-wrap them and throw them in the face of the Minister, although I'm still waiting for the information from the "Fried Chicken"~ who hasn't called yet~

--Who is that "Fried Chicken" you speak of Yuuji-kun?


--Hawks? Hero #2 Hawks!

--Yep~ it's just a Fried Chicken or Feathered Troll~ it was raised as a tool by the government it's the council's brainwashing project, their trump card~

The young man said tiredly as he caressed and combed his partner's hair.

--Only you can call the #2 hero "Fried Chicken" or "Feathered Troll"… well you called Endeavor "Father-in-law" on national TV and pay-per-view~


--And now you cheat on his daughter with me~


--Can I stab you~?


The young man continued caressing the woman's hair, face and back tenderly, ignoring the scathing words or the strong grip of the woman on his waist.

--Why are you like this?

--I decided to stop lying~ as simple as that~

--You're not cool~

The woman puffed out her cheeks in a cute pout.

--You're adorable Nemu-chan~

Without waiting any longer, the young man attacked his wife's lips.


A few days later somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.

Two people were calmly sailing in the middle of the infinite blue ocean.

--And why did we come to the middle of nowhere?

--I'm going to fish for tunas or sharks~ whichever bites me first~

--Forget it~ this mission has become my vacation~ do what you want Darling~

--See~ you're already getting used to the idea Nemu~chan~

The young man placed a soft kiss on the cheek of the woman next to him before he plunged into the cold waters.

--I don't know how I ended up in this but... I don't dislike it...

Pronounced the woman in a revealing bikini as she lay carefree on the deck.


Several meters under water.

--...(Okay, at this depth it should be enough~ this ocean current goes straight to the pole and has little impact on the formation of hurricanes and storms so... It should be safe? Right?)

After falling into the lava after failing to freeze space-time Kurogane Yuuji got a little enlightenment on how he should train and improve his technique, and what he came up with was… Raise the Pressure!

Plunging into the ocean, under countless tons of water pressure, pushing your body and mind to the limit, this is where you will exceed your ideals and sublimate your goals.

That or it will just be fish food after the global temperature drops a couple of degrees due to the flow of currents.

--...( ICE AGE!!!)

Again an altar was formed around the young man who immediately sat in the lotus position and placed his hands in front of him shaping a sphere of freezing light while the mark on his chest spread further down his body.


Somewhere over Japan's airspace.

A blond man with red wings on his back was flying at high speed above the clouds, an aged voice came from his comlink.


--I! Minister-sama! Any problem?

--We managed to get the support of "Tea", we need the location of the objectives.

The man's golden eyes widened before stopping dead in midair, letting some of his feathers fall from inertia.

I heard, I heard, I heard! Are you serious ?! The crazy boy accepted the deal ?!

--Hawks... Ymir may be crazy but he still has heart and weaknesses, we only offered a price according to demand.

--Hahahaha~ Making a deal with one devil to kill another?

The winged hero "Hawks" sneered.

--Hawks, the situation is precarious...we can only hope that Endeavor can fill in for All Might and that you and that boy can put out the embers before the fire breaks out.

--Using a child... Minister-sama are we that bad?

The hero asked with a tired and annoyed tone.


The old and tired voice answered full of remorse.

--Okay, I'll try to earn your trust faster. Hopefully we can keep casualties to a minimum.

--I hope so, we count on you Hawks.


The flying hero could only nod and continue his flight with an even heavier heart than before.