
Chapter 47 School Festival!

One day before the festival.

--Good job everyone..."


With a small round of applause we finished our last dress rehearsal, thanks to my foolish idea to play one more song everything became a bit more complicated but thanks to the kind Officer Kyoka Jiiro and Agent Ashido, both the music and the dance are perfectly coordinated, if I had to mention something it would be that we changed the special effects a bit for the presentation.

Instead of making poor Kirishima run with a block of shaved ice, I will float hundreds of thousands of small ice crystals, as well as ice birds and butterflies which will glow when lasers courtesy of Aoyama (The Frenchman) creating a spectacle of It looks even more elaborate since I can literally move and coordinate each figure to fly in a certain formation, sorry for Aoyama but he's going to end up running to the bathroom when we're done.

--A round of applause to our director and main vocalist Kyoka Jiiro~


Be guided by my words another round of applause resounded in the gym, bringing a deep blush to the introverted girl's cheeks.

We all sneered a bit and headed back to the dormitory under Hound-sensei's unintelligible grunts.


It seems like a few days ago Eri-chan visited the campus but I missed her visit as I was caught between Mei's suggestive curves. The final day was much more relaxed than in the original, Gentle and his legal Loli followed my advice and their last video was of them boarding a ship to Korea, let's hope that silly Gentle doesn't look for trouble with the people of "Vanguard" and the "Anvil Hero", hell I almost hit my pants when I saw the list of World Agencies, I'll put it another way, South Korea is scary Very Scary! There are at least 5 heroes who are the incarnation of the reference... I won't even set foot on that peninsula.

As a curious fact, Korea is still divided, even in this world of super humans, that family is still in power, what can I say except... shit, they are tough.

Returning to the subject, we are practically ready to start, instruments, audio, lights, sound, dancers, costumes, everything, the only thing that could be highlighted is the fact that, at the request of Mina and Toru, I put on my Ice horns, apparently Although our class is "Hated" by all the other students, Ymir's heroic character is quite accepted by the collective.

--My horns~?

--Yes, yes, Yuujii-kun~*

--You're popular Yuujii-kun.

--Am I popular~?

--Yeah! x2

--Well, I don't have a problem with that~

Wearing the yellow orange outfit just like in the canon, I picked up the black electric guitar, tying my hair that now reaches just below my shoulders into a ponytail, placed the Oni-like horns on my forehead.

Looking in the mirror I could only force a crooked smile, hell at least my hair isn't blonde or I'd be the lost brother of Ibaraki-doji's Banana Oni, even though Shuten-doji is sexy.

--You look good, Yuuji-kun~*

--Thank you Toru-chan~ but it doesn't make me happy~

I ignored the invisible girl and focused on the next event, I have to do many little things and bigger ones but I can still do it.


Gym – Presentation of class 1-A

On the dark stage several figures could be distinguished by the dim light that illuminates the hall.


The rhythmic sound of drumsticks echoed throughout the gym followed by a loud bang and a joyous whoop.


The voice of Kyoka Jiiro, the energetic drums of Bakugo, the rhythmic bass of Kaminari, the unstoppable guitars of Tokoyami and Kurogane and the keyboard of Yaoyorozu, filled the auditorium with their music, the dancers for their part did not stop, each step, each smile, each throw, everything conveyed a single message, "Happiness and Enjoyment".

Figures of ice and frost flew through the air, reflecting the light from the searchlights, giving the illusion of a sky of stars.


The girl's voice filled the space and a young man in strange armor was thrown into the air.


Hundreds of lasers flashed everywhere, further illuminating the already dreamy spectacle, making it even more eye-catching, building ice corridors in the sky, levitating the spectators, creating an effusive and catchy choreography, all to bring joy to the audience.

--So~ want to sing~

The show continued for several more minutes until the petite black-haired girl handed over the microphone to the ice-horned youth.

--Thank you all for coming~ UA students~ Are you having fun ?!

The young man yelled at the audience who could only roar in response.


--That's the mood! Now this is a song for all those who pursue a love, a goal, an ideal~

The young man's guitarist wailed before a soft, melancholic voice filled the stage, followed by strong drums and keyboards.

(BGM-- Radwimps - Zen Zen Zense)

--Until finally, you have to wake up~

--I still want to know why, you still don't look at me anymore?

--You Say Also~

--"I'm late~"

--But you know I did my best to be here~


-- That my heart got here before my body!!!

-- Your hair and your eyes cause the heart a strong and great pain~!!!

-- Breathing the same air with you is an eternal and magical moment~!!!

--That voice that from a long time ago, I remember and that I knew.

--I don't know what the first words could be~

--And I just KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, that I look for you~

--They cross time in every direction.

--While looking at that awkward smile, I was able to reach where your love is~

--And I just KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, that even though I could lose everything and disappear.

--I wouldn't doubt it, I've started again, so I can find you~

--Or for the universe, started from scratch, even I can find you~



--Where is that~

--Should I start~ ?

--Everything has happened to me while you still haven't woken up~

--A story, I'll tell you~

--From millions of light years ago and a long time ago~

--But now your figure before my eyes is going to be reflected~


-- I 'll play and have fun with your new side in all its splendor~!!!

-- And I will never stop loving you despite this pain~!!!

--At the end of the constellation, I will find you~

--And how~ can I hold~ your hands~ without~ breaking you~?


--And I just KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, that I look for you~

--They cross time in every direction.

--While looking at that awkward smile, I was able to reach where your love is~

--And I just KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, that no one will be able to stop, the eve of our revolution.

--I wouldn't hesitate, I'll put a flaming flag in your heart~

-- You woke me up and now thanks to you, I won't give up~



The young man began to chant and hum with his palms and was soon followed by the other dancers and the audience.


Everyone applauded with a big smile in their eyes.


The young man smiled and created hundreds of ice birds that fluttered across the stage like shooting stars.


An extreme acoustic solo resounded throughout the gym, bringing cheers from the audience as shooting stars covered the sky.


-- And I just KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW that I will look for you, they cross time in every direction!!!

--While looking at that awkward smile, I was able to reach where your love is~

--And I just KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, that even though I could lose everything and disappear.

--I wouldn't doubt it, I've started again, so I can find you~

--Or for the universe, started from scratch, even I can find you~

All the ice birds exploded, dropping a beautiful rain of crystals on the audience. On stage, the young black-haired man smiled broadly, while his chest rose and fell through the air.

Along with the rest of his companions, he stepped forward and they all bowed together.


After touching up and cleaning the gym, the students of class 1-A were free to wander around the campus.

For my part, I ended up getting caught by Toru-chan on my way to visit Mei-chan since "My love, My life and My queen Fuyumi" couldn't attend.

--Yuuji-kun~ let's go for a Takoyaki~*

--Okay~ come on Toru-chan~

Surrendering to the invisible girl who, for some reason, climbed on my back, we wandered around the many food and game stalls.



While carrying a cheerful but lazy invisible girl we meet the teenage single father and his daughter//loli waiffu aka Mirio-senpai and Eri-chan.

--Eri-chan~ Are you having fun?

--Yeah … Ymir-onii-san sang a song, the long-eared girl too, it was all so much fun!!!

The little girl showed a big smile that reached her reddish eyes now full of joy.

--You sing very well Ymir-kun Even though it wasn't a love song? Is your girlfriend very happy?

Said senpai pointing to the female uniform hanging on my back.

--Yes it's a love song~ but she's not my girlfriend~

I gave a little squeeze to the thighs of the sleepy Toru who jumped off my back and introduced herself.

--Ittai~ I'm Hagakure Toru, classmate, Togata-senpai, Eri-chan.

--Bride? Invisible-nee-san? What is a girlfriend?

The little loli tilted her cute face at the mention of new words, before Nudist-senpai could give a misunderstood and potentially FBI-reportable answer, I answered the little girl.

--A girlfriend is a girl who likes a boy very much and he loves her too, and these two eventually get married and start a family.


The little girl nodded and looked doubtfully at Toru and then at me.

--Ymir-onii-san doesn't like Invisible-nee-san?

A big drop of cold sweat formed on my forehead, damn I avoided that senpai was classified as a pedophile (Well even more) and ended up shooting myself in the foot, Karma-sama could you let me win one?

--Well~ I like Toru-chan but not in that sense~ Eri-chan you shouldn't worry about those things and senpai don't teach Eri-chan weird things or~

Eighteen icicles floated around senpai's head, making him sweat.

--Okay~ enjoy the festival Eri-chan, Togata-senpai... come on Toru-chan~

I took the hand of the frozen Toru, as I let the Father-daughter pair go their way.


Dragging Toru to a slightly secluded area, Toru finally began to whimper and cry softly,

--Toru-chan... I'm sorry.

--No, no, no~ Yuuji-kun is a playboy after all.

If I had to name one of my weaknesses, it would be the tears of a woman, it's my kryptonite, I just can't handle them.

--Toru-chan... I'm sorry.

I hugged the girl's trembling shoulders and hid her face in my chest, we stayed in that position for a long time.