
Chapter 44 Visiting Loli .

After being found guilty, I ended up as lead guitarist and second vocals for the chorus, with a strangely talented Bakugo on drums and an Ojou-sama on keyboards, as well as Kaminari and Tokoyami on bass and mixing, we began rehearsals and preparations. .

--Kyoka... in the end we will only play one song?

--As much as we rehearse that is the limit.

Kyoka seemed a bit surly at being limited but she was still very happy to be able to bring her passion to the world.

--Hey, Bakugo!

-- Huh ?!

I yelled at the explosive blonde who responded with another yell.

--Can you learn another score?

--Of course I can! Who do you think ?!

--Take this…

I threw down a set of sheet music, for a romantic song something more normal than Kagerou Daze, I just need a guitar and drums.

--Butterfly? Season's Call? Zen, Zen, Zense? What are you a music store?

--Isn't that Jiiro?

Bakugo replied with annoyance but I threw the ball to the other court.

--Let me see them.

Kyoka took the sheet music and her face turned solemn for an instant before she frowned.

--Kurogane where you got it from, these songs are old acquaintances from before the era of heroes.

--I told you my grandparents, I dusted off some old things.

In fact several musicians from my old world existed in this world of heroes only they are relics lost in time, we can say that Boku no Hero World is about thirty to forty years away from the land of my previous life, luckily you are songs exist here.

--I can play them all but… "Butterfly" is complicated "Ice Machine".

--Okay let's forget about that… Which one can you "Princess Boom"?

-- Who are you calling princess "Ice Machine"?!

--Was anyone else in this room kidnapped?"

I hit Bakugo with the facts making him grunt as he lost the rebuttal argument... only being able to snort.

--Season's Call and Zen, Zen, Zense... I can handle both but that and Jiiro's song is too much.

--Let's go with Zen, Zen, Zense, you, Jiiro and me... we have a little more experience... if we add Momo-ojou-chan we can blow up the roof of the stadium~

Bakugo and Kyoka looked at me like someone seeing a madman but they still agreed to my words.


--Kurogane, Midoriya…come with me.



Being called by sensei, Midoriya and I dropped our actions and rushed to his side. With the usual sleepy face of an Eraeser, they informed us about the situation of Eri who had already stabilized and asked to see us, although it was a little later than in the canon, it is still a good sign, this little loli will recover soon.


In the end we got an exit permit and left for the hospital accompanied by sensei and Nudist-senpai aka Togata Mirio.



--Midoriya-kun, Ymir-kun, how are you doing?

The ever-smiling Togata Mirio greeted us with his effusive and energetic personality, having survived the previous battle and retaining his powers, this guy is still the number 1 CheatMan.

--All good~ How are Sir and Bubble?

--Sir is interested in calling you for the agency and Bubble continues the same as always...

--I see~ is she still attached to the tickle machine?


Mirio and I talked to each other while Deku looked a bit out of sorts. Midoriya was quite underrated in the NightEye agency, being Sir, Lemillion and I basically Walking Cheats, not counting Bubble and Centipede as supports, a small hefty with low combat efficiency and self-esteem, not counting the fact that unlike the canon Sir He doesn't fully approve of Midoriya (Well, I put him on the laughing machine when he confused some documents).


--Quiet seaweed hair~

--Yes, yes, Midoriya-kun, Sir is a good guy.

--Stop wasting time and let's go.

--Yes, sensei! x3

Responding in unison we boarded the bus.


Hospital – Eri-chan's room.

Between the white sheets and light blue curtains, a girl of 6 or 7 years old, with ash-white hair and red eyes, cute and petite as a rabbit, looked at the visitors with a small smile on her face but traces of doubt could still be seen. and fear in her lustrous ruby eyes.

--Lemillion-san, Deku-san...and...Scary-onii-san?


I almost fell after hearing the nickname this little unicorn loli gave me, but since she's cute I forgive her.

--I'm Ymir, Eri-chan~

I took a piece of candy from my pocket and handed it to the little girl, some will wonder why you carry sweets on top? Well it's simple, I like sweets~ making fun of people~ and it's always useful for picking up girls (lolis).

Midoriya and Mirio looked at me like I'm a bad guy who kidnaps lolis on street corners but let's be honest you guys are worse than me.


I patted the little girl on the head and let the two heroes do the talking, while I just cut the fruit for Eri-chan with a small ice knife.


After the visit Eraeser informed us of the possibility of Eri-chan being transferred to the AU for study, training and safety, her Quirk is too dangerous and promising to be set free, well it's better to be under the protection of our adorably psychotic director than to be imprisoned in Tartarus or in some secret laboratory to be dissected.

Just like in canon that pair of smiling heroes invited Eri to the Festival, certainly Canon-chan you're a bitch.


--Sensei, it's still early...if you don't mind, I'll come back on my own~


Before he could even finish his sentence, he had already jumped on Peterhausen's back and fled the scene. I'm sorry sensei but there's something I've been wanting to do for a while, and that is to hunt down a certain pair of useless criminals.


A long time ago I wrote a little notebook where I wrote down everything I could remember about this world and a few days ago I went over it again and the future is not all that exciting, so for the sake of my enjoyment and personal struggle against the world, I'm going to screw up a bit of the canon and for this I am going to stop, arrest or mutilate Gentle Criminal and La Brava.

He had already located his residence thanks to the NightSkull forum, although I have been out of service for a few months, the forum is still active and working, now having the location of this pair of human nonsense assured.

--I'm going to take out the trash~

It's nothing personal but for god's sake, Gentle has a potentially broken Quirk too bad he's an idiot with a negative IQ and Brava is the best Buff-support-loli-chibi-waiffu (Legal?) not to mention that She's a computer genius, those two are a riot of talent, almost as big as Jessy & James from Team Rocket…fuck.

I flew part of the way until a police helicopter began to follow me, dropping me into the concrete and concrete jungle, I changed my uniform for my vigilante suit optimized by Mei-chan, although it is still not as advanced as the suit of the Spider-Man Stark Mark, it's pretty close.

Armed and ready, I ran through the roofs of the city with lightness, I must admit, the UA classes are good, although they do not give me an extraordinary improvement, they have allowed me to reaffirm and improve my bases.

To be honest, although the atmosphere full of positivism and excessive youth of the academy is somewhat suffocating, it is fun to see them run in circles looking for their self-improvement and speaking of self-improvement, my good Shoto was confessed to a red-haired logistics girl, a pity that even with all my effort to instill common sense and some humor in that Plagiarism of Zuko, I reject her... hell and she was just the same as Emma Watson.

Back on topic, things will get ugly for next year, league of villains will look like child's play if the canon continues and if the damn Paranormal Liberation Army makes an appearance, I don't remember how many heroes were killed or injured during that disaster, not counting those who retired from service after the war.

--I might as well drop everything and kill them all~

Jump off a skyscraper enjoying the sensation of falling before jumping again and continuing.

--Saving the country~ by becoming the #1 villain?

With those kinds of thoughts running through my head, I landed on a dilapidated building on the edge of a sparsely populated and almost desolate residential area.

--Let's see~ what you can do Gentle Criminal~?