
Chapter 35 The Big 3!

The days progressed while we waited for the results of the test, while we had to continue with our student life, wake up, have breakfast, go to class, have lunch, train special techniques, train some more, return to the dormitory, have dinner and sleep... after Repeat that damn cycle for a week and a half, I reached my limit.

--I can't stand it anymore... I'm going to hell!

--What the hell is wrong with you Yuuji?

--I haven't seen Fuyumi for two weeks, I need my dose of Fuyuminiun~

I answered Shoto while putting on my shoes and preparing to jump out the window.

--Damned bastard.

--Calm down, Shoto~ it's not like in 10 months you'll be an uncle~

--You (Omae)...

--Don't worry, I'll just take her for a walk in the mountains~ you know, a romantic date~

Shoto looked at me with the eyes of a dead fish while he rubbed his eyebrows as if he was looking for some decent word to say "Leave my sister you bastard son of a bitch" but it seems that he is not ready yet.

--... What will you do with the afternoon classes?

--Fuck Eraeser Head, I'm going with Fuyumi~

Dodging Shoto's ice blocks I jumped out the window and flew over Peterhausen.


Todoroki Residence

--So you skipped class?


--And you escaped from the bedrooms?


--All this just to see me?


--You're stupid?


--Because you did?

--Because I like you.

I am sitting in seiza while my beautiful and cute Fuyumi is scolding me for having run away from AU, although the slight smile and her flushed cheeks give her away, she is upset and nothing is more dangerous than an annoying woman and even more so if it is you lover.

-- And what were you planning to do?

--Date in the heights~ maybe? Eating 5 Michelin star sushi while flying over Mt. Fuji? Or something like that~

--Did you even get permission to fly that dragon of yours?


--Okay then, but don't ever run out of the dormitories again, will you promise?

--I'll ask permission next time I go out~

--Well it's something~ little rascal... how did I accept this...

Fuyumi sat next to me and hugged me, in her hand was the ring that I gave her, returning the hug we stayed like that for a moment enjoying the warmth of our bodies.


In the end we ate on the slopes of Mount Fuji and spent the afternoon at a nearby hot spring inn, I would have loved to stay and spend the night with Fuyumi but she had to go back to work and I had to go back to the academy, even so we didn't part ways until midnight after sharing a heated evening.


I ended up going back to the dormitories at dawn, being received by some very angry Eraser Head-sensei, Nezu-sensei and Midnihgt-sensei, my punishment was quite simple, a ban on leaving and training for a month, they placed a tracking shackle on my head. leg and assigned me as Midnight-sensei's assistant so that I would have something to do and not think of escaping again.

Turning my new routine into waking up early, having breakfast, serving Midnight-sensei coffee and going to class while carrying his things, cleaning his office, serving him tea and cookies, giving him massages, basically I'm his butler outside of school hours, a thing of the past. which I do not complain.

If catering to the whims of a perky dominatrix Rikolina is a punishment, I don't want to know what a reward is.


---Kurogane-kun~ an Icecoffee please~

--Right away sensei.

I prepared and handed over the iced coffee to Midnight-sensei who was totally relaxed in her chair, ignoring the stares of her co-workers as I massaged her numb shoulders.


--Yes, All Might-sensei…

I responded with my best Pokerface to the peace symbol while continuing to knead Midnight's shoulders and back, we both tacitly ignored Midnight's Ahegao, I could give him a normal massage without using the Avalon's energy to soften and rejuvenate his muscles but where would he be? the fun?

--Where did you go when you escaped?

-- To see my girlfriend...


I answered without changing my expression, making All Might frown a little… upon hearing Midnight's shriek.

--Endeavour's daughter?"


--It's good to be young...

--I won't deny it.

--To all this, thanks for helping me there, I couldn't have done it alone... as you can see I'm not in very good condition...

All Might gave a light laugh, he still has some bandages and casts on, his vitality is at its last so Recovery Gril-sensei's treatment is useless.

--I just wanted to see how high the pinnacle of evil is…and from what I saw…I still have a long way to go.


All Might-sensei and I nodded while continuing to ignore the blushing and drooling Midnight-sensei.


Class 1-A

Today Aizawa-sensei oddly enough isn't in his sleeping bag, in fact he didn't even bring it with him.

--Today you will meet the three strongest in the academy, their role models, The big three... come in.

At Eraeser's words, the door opened and three third-year students entered the classroom, two boys and one girl.

--Togata Mirio

The first to describe him in a few words was Tintin on Steroids, blond, with a toothpaste commercial smile and blue button eyes with a bodybuilder's body.

--Nejire Hado

The second person to enter was the girl, long wavy hair that was light blue in color just like her eyes, an innocent smile and an air of warmth and innocence, a pure and immaculate fairy… and to think how much innocence is in such a sinful body.

--Tamaki Amajiki.

Finally, and in my opinion, the most broken being of the three, Tamaki Amajiki, Sun Eater, zampaku eyes, dark purple-blue hair, directly a carbon copy of the Emo-suke Uchiha, a Quirk that allows him not only to eat anything but to manifest it in his body… well spent this guy is unstoppable.


Aizawa-sensei dragged us all to the gym for a little sparring, the big three vs class 1-A but just like canon it ended up being Tintin Muscle Man aka Togata Mirio who faced off against the class.

His Quirk "Pierce" is ridiculously complicated and dangerous both for him and for others, he easily crushed the class, in defense of the girls half of them were scared when they saw Togata's naked body, what I don't understand is why the boys were also embarrassed.

--I'm coming for you~ Ymir-san.

--Let's see you have Nudist-senpai.

In the end we both ended up in a pretty choreographed fight, after multiple near-death encounters during the fight with All For One, I managed to awaken the Perception Haiki and partially master the art of seeing the future in just 2~5 seconds. Go ahead as long as I reduce the perception radius to 5 meters, in that space I can clearly see the future uninterrupted, now I understand why Katakuri's Mochi Man was so broken.

I dodged all of Mirio's blows quite easily and I returned mine but he became intangible, it's a pity for him that being intangible doesn't mean that changes in temperature don't affect him, with each blow he planted on his body the general temperature of his body dropped. your body and in the area.

--Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... it's cold...

--I got you~ Nudist-senpai~

At the same moment that Togata Mirio came out of the ground to shiver and complain about the polar cold around him, I planted a solid kick in his chest sending him flying against the wall.

--Just because you're intangible doesn't mean you're immune to temperature, senpai~

I made fun of Tintin on steroids who looked rather embarrassed as he quickly pulled on his pants.