
Chapter 33 Provisional license.

A few days after we moved into the dorms, a new wave of activity and pressure hit us students.

--Provisional license?

Yes, some of you...

Aizawa-sensei looked at Iida, Izuku, Shoto, Bakugo, and me before sighing and continuing his explanation.

--Some of you have been using your skills quite frequently in public and taking part in fights, normally the Provisional License would be issued in your second year and the license in your third year but due to the attacks of this "League of Villains" they have been changed the rules a bit. The provisional license will allow them to make legal use of their powers as long as it is in self-defense or in the capture of a villain.

--In summary... with that license I can fly with my dragon without being fined by traffic?

At my question, Aizawa-sensei had a slight twitch of his eyebrows, clearly he must be remembering the aerial stunt show during the school trip.

--In theory but keep aerobatic flying to a minimum, Kurogane.


After that Sensei continued with the explanations and guidelines that we would follow for the presentation of the test, if my bad memory is correct, the test is simple, theoretical framework, rescue practice and total fight, some students from other schools, a girl sexy in a skintight rikolino leather outfit (Toga in disguise?) and Aang's bald-faced best friend-to-be ripped off from Shoto, it sounds like just another day at the office.


Two days later we were taken to a stadium/testing hall, on one side were the UA students in our gray uniforms, on the other with black gakurans and military hats the students from Shiketsu Academy and beyond in more normal uniforms the students. from Ketsubutsu Academy, I could only identify some familiar faces, such as the bald airbender, the sexy girl, Uncle Thing's son and Laughter-sensei, also via some rather strange types such as a platypus boy, a well-endowed girl with tentacles for hair as well as a (legal?) blonde Loli with wings, not counting a moderate number of people with a strong air around her.

If I had to complain about something, it's the one that everyone is looking at me with daggers in their eyes, damn if looks were bullets I'd be a strainer.

--You're popular Yuuji.

--Don't fuck Shoto...

--Yuuji-kun your language~

Uraraka who was next to us pinched me for my slight lack of language, to which I only responded with a smile.

--I understand that I'm popular after fighting with All For One but...


Isn't there a lot of hate in the air?

Yes Ladies and gentlemen, the tension is several times above that shown in the canon, the hate in the air is so thick that I can almost cut it and make myself a sandwich.

--I think many have their sights on you, Kurogane."

--Do you know if there's a hospital nearby, Kaminari?"

--I think there's one five blocks from here?"

--Okay~ if those guys want a fight~ I'll gladly give them a free trip to the ER~


Ochako pinched me again but I ignored it.


After an explanatory talk by the staff of the Government Security and Administration Agency, we were taken to the classrooms and presented the written test , some suffered, others responded calmly, and others, like our Seaweed Hair-kun, responded to the test with fervor. scary.

An hour later, the survivors of the written test were called to a new room after changing into our hero costumes.

By putting on the hood of my new Assassin-type outfit I was able to avoid some of the hateful glares, though the hungry glares from some of the girls still burned a bit.

--Why the hood?

--Enjoy the moment Shoto~

--Don't kill anyone.

--I won't~

I fist bumped Shoto before we split up and wait for further directions.


Apparently there are still too many participants for which they threw us into a survival battle, placing three targets on our torso and giving us three colored spheres, we entered an extreme paint ball game. Hit the opponent on target and you're out, simple practical and simple.

--Hunting time~

I lowered my hood further while lowering my stance waiting for the start signal.


--Frozen Throne!


-- What the hell?!

--Dammit Ymir is here!

The survival battle took place in a multipurpose training ground with multiple environments, thanks to the random distribution of participants I ended up surrounded by a group of students from Shiketsu and Ketsubutsu, without any other UA members nearby I might as well go all out.

--Sorry, guys, but I'm in a hurry.

Fast, simple and effective. I froze the entire area in fifty meters, imprisoning all the participants and proceeded to hit the targets, in less than five minutes I took about fifteen people out of the game.



--What the hell is that?

A pillar of frosty blue light rose into the air like "Independence Day".

--Ummm… should it be Aoyama French?

--You-you-you-you are Ymir!

--Yep~ now bye.

I hit the absent-minded guy next to me and continued walking towards the Death Ray while mauling some stragglers.

--Oh~ that's a nice butt~

A girl unsuccessfully tried to hide behind a container, too bad her rear was exposed.

--…Yep~ that's a nice butt~

Forgiving the pretty girl I continued my walk of destruction.



Along with the noise of the siren the battle for survival ended and I must say it, damn world correction force the survivors are exactly the same as in the canon except for me and one other extra but now is where the real test begins.


--Now the rescue evaluation will begin!


Multitudes of explosions resounded throughout the stadium and every single structure collapsed, our job to rescue the "survivors/actors" from the rubble.

--Hey, Hanta come here, you too Talking Grape.

Having found one of my classmates I quickly dragged the Industrial Tape dispenser to my side.

--Ku-ku-kurogane... what's wrong?


I greeted Hanta with a pat on the shoulder while kicking Mineta in the face.

--Hanta this is your time to shine~ How much Ribbon can you take out and control at once?

--About 300 meters... why?

Hanta looked at me doubtfully as he watched his tiny purple ally convulse.

--We have to rescue the people but the buildings are broken or somewhat unstable, I could freeze their structure and take the people out with brute force but this could collapse the building and crush us... there you and the Talking Grape come in.

I said it pointing to his elbows and Mineta's hair.

--They will reinforce the structure with their Quirks and once reinforced I will freeze it so we can get Rayford and everyone out practically and safely~

At my explanation, the eyes of Hanta and Mineta shone, they both have a small feeling of inferiority and underestimation but now they are more motivated than ever.

--Is our moment?

--Yep~ it's your turn~


--Stop whining Talking Grape and get to work~

Hanta jumped towards the building without me saying anything and began to reinforce the structure while I threw Mineta into the air, he ripped the "grapes" from his head and threw them with exceptional precision during his fall, he may be a pervert from shit and a nonsense of a hero but as a support and rescue he has potential.


After dragging Hanta and Mineta to a systematic structural reinforcement and rescue operation for about three buildings Hanta was a little tired and Mineta looked like he was taken from a horror movie because of the blood that ran down his face, well the bastard got a Busty Onee-san from the volunteer cast hugged him after he saved her from being crushed by a piece of concrete, the little pervert went berserk and ripped out his soul seeking another dose of hugging from Onee-san.

--Kurogane...is he alright?

--Let him be~ he's living his dream~

We both saw Mineta with a perverted smile as she laughed on top of a rubble hill, all bathed in her own blood.

--The dream?

--Yep~ the dream... (To touch a boob...poor imbecile, maybe that's the only way I'll get to touch a real one, well that and the red light district...)

--We'd better leave him alone. What does Kurogane say?

--Yep~ let him be happy.

We both left Mineta while we escorted those affected to the safe zone, I wanted to give them a free ride in Peterhausen but since there are old people, I ended up making a big ice sled with a group of wolves.

--Everyone ready~ let's go~

Without the need for reins, the ice construction began to move, although it is a headache to control the six wolves and freeze the road at the same time, it is a good training.

--Kurogane how can you do all these things?

--Practice, A LOT of practice~ Hanta~


Those affected were delivered to the safe zone perfectly safe and well, I already knew that the next phase was the simulated battle against the professional hero "Great Orca" but to my surprise I was called to the offices and they exempted me from presenting that part of the test and instead they offered me to participate as a villain.

--Is seriously? Do you want me to join Orca-sama?

--Your combat capacity is more than verified, which is why some high commands want to see you in action in another way.

--Okay~ I'm in~

I grew a pair of ice horns on my forehead and covered my arms and legs in intimidating armor.


Going into villain mode I jumped straight into the Arena with a vile grin.

--It's time to hit the main cast.