
Chapter 32 Special Techniques? Hello~Plagiarism-sensei?

The classes started without many problems other than the annoying paparazzi wave stationed at the fucking entrance of the UA, I don't know if it's because of old All Might, because of me or both, the only thing I know is that it's not my problem, our adorable and psychotic director will take care of them. Maybe he will compost them or something?

At the end of the day I'm still…technically a high school student…I think? Although I am confident in my strength, that new mode "Winter of Avalon" is too consuming and too risky, if I accidentally release the full capacity of the Avalon... I will stop aging and end up literally cut off from the flow of time irreversibly, if I will be absolutely invincible and I won't die even if they kill me, it sounds great but there are several drawbacks, I won't age anymore, so I'll stay as a fucking brat for the rest of my infinite days, I won't be able to have offspring since my body will stop excreting or produce fluids, hell in fact I can't even make the delicious one with Fuyumi or Mei since it won't stop and that's just because of Avalon, the Demon Extract is worse, the madness knocked me out for three damn days, thank goodness the "hangover" was just horrible hunger and nothing more, if it was an urge to kill or have sex it would be a straight trip to a maximum security cell in tartarus right next to All For One.

--Today we will have a practical class, change into your hero costumes and meet at court D-3 in 15 minutes.

Mama Caterpillar aka Aizawa-sensei spoke while crawling into her sleeping bag, following her orders we all went to the locker room and changed, for my part my suit was shattered after the fight against All For One, but the suit company he was very kind and gave me a new suit improved by his designers and stylists.

My previous super suit was a black and white base color German or British military uniform with a matching trench coat and hat, now it's more of a mix between Assassin Creed tunics and a blue gray and white German military uniform but still keeping the demon brand embroidery on the back, as well as the frontal tightness to show off my assets, if I'm a narcissist, I'm in better shape than Kirishima and Bakugo combined, damn I have the abs and pecs of a Joestar.

Anyway, we all changed and headed to training ground D-3.


--And...in short, they will practice their special movements... Cement!


After a short explanatory talk by Aizawa-sensei, our commissioned architect and math teacher Cementos-sensei turned the cement floor into a fucking mountain range almost straight out of a Wuxia movie, certainly the power to manipulate cement is disgustingly OP in a urban, I don't know how the fuck Cementos-sensei is here teaching while the lanky man from Best Jeannis is a top 10 hero, if you control the fabrics but Gigantomachia walks naked and I make it easy for him to break your face, damn I can beat him with one hand tied behind the back.

--Well, practice or whatever you want...

With those emotional words, Aizawa-sensei went to sleep in a cabin provided by the always kind Cementos-sensei.



--Ochako-chan...do you need something?

--Could you show us some of your moves~

--My movements?

Uraraka, Tsuyu and several other of our classmates looked at me too intensely for my liking, Oi! Zuko emo avenger plagiarized don't laugh! Resisting the urge to punch Shoto, I faked my best smile and answered the question with another question.

--Why do you want my moves? Shouldn't you develop your own?

At my reply a pair of gloves and boots jumped forward.

--We have no idea where to start Yuuji-kun~*

--I understand... Well I can help with your martial arts but only that.

--Thank you Yuuji-kun~*

The gloves and boots jumped on me in a warm hug, Toru is cute... a pity she's invisible but I must admit that the fact that she can hug me while I'm "technically and literally" naked makes me think a lot of things.

--*Coff*Coff¨*… Well, those who know martial arts but have no idea how to use them for an ultimate technique, please raise your hand.

At my request, several raised their hands... damn what a lack of imagination they have, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Kaminari, Mineta, Yaoyorozu, Kyoka, Satou, Toru and even our protagonist Seaweed Hair-kun raised his broken and gangrenous hand. Ok I'm going to enjoy this.

--Okay, first of all... Seaweed Hair, come here...

Being pointed at an energetic Midoriya Izuku stepped forward and walked towards me.

--You're going to attack me with what I think would be a special move and I'll block it with martial arts and try to emulate their combat styles… first I'll start by imitating Yaoyorozu.

I got into an offensive position with my arms out in front with my guard up and my legs slightly bent.

Midoriya jumped back and crouched down taking an Olympic runner starting pose, a slight green glow shone in his eyes, it seems he managed to control 10% without maiming himself, that's progress.


--Garland Smash!

A telegraphed punch with his right hand, I quickly created a pair of ice tonfas like the ones Yaoyorozu usually uses, moving my body a little apart from the incoming fist with my right arm covered by the tonfa and with the other I gave a strong thump against the Midoriya's unprotected back sending him crashing into a concrete pillar.


--And this is more or less how the Tonfas use, although it requires practice and good reflexes, Momo-ojou-chan should look for a weapon that allows her to attack and defend at the same time and practice, reducing time and taking some proficiency with her use in combat, there are also spears, tridents, shields, nets, bolas, stone throwers, disc throwers, among other weapons with a simple and practical structure.

I spoke while creating ice replicas under Yaoyorozu's somewhat annoyed gaze.

--Momo-ojou-chan?... Do you have a problem with me Kurogane-kun?

Yaoyorozu said while pouting. God how can he have such childish reactions with that body that incites crime.

--Well, you're an Ojou-sama but adding the "sama" makes me lazy, don't take it the wrong way Momo-ojou-chan~

I winked at him and proceeded to my second imitation.

--Okay, since our participant is back, let's go with the next participant, Kyoka and Kaminari, their Quirks are long and medium range, not counting area damage as long as they can finish off the enemy before reaching melee they will be fine, otherwise, Kyoka could use your gloves to give a combo of tai chi and sonic waves, the same applies to Kaminari only with his electricity he has more variety of martial arts to combine, but I suggest the soft fist technique…Seaweed Hair, come on~

Taking a stance identical to that of a certain white-eyed deceased ninja, I called my punching bag and said classmate.

--Texas Smash!

A simple downward blow while taking a small jump upwards, the detail leaves your torso bare.

--12 palms!

I hit twelve pressure points located between his torso and arms, finishing him off with a single open palm over his liver launching him a few feet into the air, but this time he managed to land only rather sore and shaky.

--The soft fist attacks the acupuncture points of the body, which can damage the enemy's body and generate a wide range of side effects, if you add low or high frequency waves or electric shock to it, you can easily knock out, disable or kill the enemy opponent without much effort, I suggest studying tai chi and acupuncture points on the internet... the drawback is that it requires a lot of precision and speed to be able to use this technique.

--Now, Sato go watch wrestling or pro wrestling videos don't waste my time, let's continue, Ochaco-chan and Tsuyu-chan their Quirks give them the advantage in melee and any grappling and submission martial art will give them an advantage and you already know, so I won't say much, Ochako, focus on submission techniques, the triangle neck lock is perfect for both, and Tsuyu-chan, Campoeria or Brazilian Karate will bring out the strength of your legs since it is based on in skids and kicks along with grabs, to prove it… Seaweed Hair-kun's~

A trembling and frustrated Deku clenched his fist tightly, several bright red lines as well as a green glow covering his body before leaping up for a beautiful ax kick.

--Shoot Style! Colorado Smash!

I quickly rolled to the side, rotating on my shoulder and extending my legs up like a pinwheel like a break dance dancer digging my heel into her hundred as I propelled myself with my arms, following the momentum of the spin, I caught her arms and placed his neck in a perfect scissors lock, although a Deku at 10~15% is strong he lacks experience and knowledge of martial arts, you can be strong but dude you are not The Hulk to go around dealing Punches and save the day with that At most, you are Cap without a shield or his boyfriend, El Mocho del Invierno.


Mirodiya quickly hit the ground three times in redemption from being caught in a deathlock, I let go and continued my explanation.

--As you can see, it all depends on experience and reaction time... in this case though Seaweed-kun here has a lot of raw strength, his reflexes are still adjusting to his speed, as long as you can find a gap in the opponent's moves you can perform this type of counterattacks, Tsuyu-chan has good reflexes so it should be easy for you and with the strength of your legs a kick from you should send most villains to the hospital.

--Thank you, Kurokyon~

Tsuyu Asui nodded before going off to practice kicking and cartwheeling a bit further along with Ochako.

--Yuuji-kun~* Yuuji-kun~* I~* I~*

--Well, Toru-chan~ is a special case...

--Am I special~*?

--Well you're invisible... and that... if you reflected sunlight you could use that to blind people but nothing else, you also don't have the strength to knock someone out or apply an effective hold... so I don't know how to help you... I can only telling you to improve your stealth, presence erasure and… assassination techniques, weak points of the human body and such?

--Thank you, Yuuji-kun~* Chuuu~*

Toru gave me a small kiss on the cheek before leaving to exercise.

--Master, please enlighten me!

--You're still here Talking grape...

--Master, please.

Mineta clung to my leg while crying, I looked at Midoriya who was pretty beaten up but still had his spirits and was muttering a lot of unintelligible things, he must have thought of something... Why don't we help him out a bit?

--Oi, Seaweed Hair... go to the Support Workshop and find Hatsune Mei, ask her for gloves and boots to shoot "vacuum waves", you'll break your bones trying to imitate the old Curco~

--Vacuum waves?

--Yes... do you have algae in your brain? If you want to imitate All Might so badly, it's clear that you're looking for his air pressure blows or vacuum waves, with your current strength you will be torn to pieces before you even achieve it.

Midoriya seemed to think about it for a moment before giving a wide, stupid smile as if he had understood something and leaned in fundamentally.

--Thanks for the help Kurogane-kun.

--You're welcome~ (I'm just saving you about 3 canon arcs and a dozen broken bones and muscles)


--You have 2 seconds to get out of my sight, Talking Grape.


Before I could say anything else my leg was covered in an exquisitely hard ice boot with which I kicked Mineta like a football through two parallel concrete pillars.

Mina Ashido, along with Toru Hagakure raised their arms and shouted with laughter.


If it was a good field goal.