
A Second chance in a world of magic and myth

JeanPierre · 奇幻
3 Chs

Chapter 3: A New World

Arceus rose from his throne and approached Kaito. "It's time for you to embark on your journey," he said. "But before you do, I shall send you to the new world." Arceus raised his hand, and a dazzling light emanated from his fingertips. Kaito was enveloped by the light, feeling himself being lifted into the air. As he rose, he saw the other gods bowing their heads in respect. He was filled with a sense of wonder and amazement at the power of Arceus and the other gods.

During his transport to the new world, Kaito felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. It was as if the blessings of the gods were awakening within him. He closed his eyes and allowed the sensation to wash over him.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in the middle of a vast and stunning forest. The trees towered above him, and the leaves rustled in the gentle breeze. Birds sang in the distance, and the sound of a nearby river could be heard. Kaito was overwhelmed with a sense of peace and serenity. He felt alive like never before.

As he opened his status window, Kaito felt a jolt of energy overwhelming him. His muscles stretched and hardened, his bones cracked, broke and reformed. His magic circuits formed, grew, and expanded. His senses were enhanced, the noise ringing in his ears and the rich and putrid smells overwhelming him. After what felt like hours, Kaito lifted his head to take a look at his status.

Name: Kaito

Level: 1

Class: Magic Swordsman


HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

Strength: 15

Dexterity: 15

Intelligence: 20

Magic: 20


Fireball (MP cost: 10)

Ice Shard (MP cost: 10)

Lightning Bolt (MP cost: 10)


Beginner Sword x 1

As he was admiring his new status window, Kaito heard rustling in the bushes. Kaito cautiously approached the source of the sound, and soon saw a group of small creatures with green skin and pointed ears, Goblins. They were armed with crude weapons, and seemed to be arguing amongst themselves. Kaito tried to sneak past them, but his foot caught on a branch, and he stumbled forward.

The goblins turned their beady eyes fixed on Kaito. With a vicious snarl, they charged at him, brandishing their weapons. Kaito summoned a ball of flame and hurled it at the goblins, hoping to scare them off. But they were undeterred, and one of them managed to strike him with its club. Kaito felt a sharp pain in his shoulder and stumbled back. He could feel blood oozing from the wound, and knew that he was in trouble. He backed away, trying to put some distance between himself and the goblins, but they pursued him relentlessly.

Kaito summoned another ball of flame, but it fizzled out before he could throw it. He realized that he had used up too much mana too quickly. He was defenseless. The goblins closed in on him, their weapons raised for the killing blow. Kaito remembered the inventory option in his status window and retrieved the sword from there , wielding it with a trembling hand. He swung wildly, his movements uncoordinated and clumsy. But the goblins were taken aback by the sudden attack, and Kaito managed to strike one of them down with a lucky blow.

The other goblins hesitated for a moment, and Kaito seized the opportunity to retreat. He stumbled through the forest, his shoulder throbbing with pain, and his heart pounding with fear. He knew that he was in a new world, and that the creatures here were not like anything he had faced before. He had to be careful and learn quickly if he wanted to survive.

As he stumbled through the forest, Kaito heard a sound that made him freeze in his tracks. It was a deep, guttural growl, unlike anything he had ever heard before. He looked around frantically, trying to identify the source of the sound. And then he saw it, a massive creature with fur as black as night and eyes that gleamed like rubies.

It was a Black Direwolf, one of the deadliest predators in the new world. Kaito knew that he was no match for such a creature, but he had nowhere to run. He raised his sword, ready to fight for his life.

The Black Direwolf charged at him with blinding speed, its jaws wide open, ready to tear him apart. Kaito closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable. But then, something strange happened. A surge of energy coursed through his body, and he felt a strange sensation in his chest. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that his sword was glowing with a bright light. He swung it at the Black Direwolf, and the creature howled in pain as the sword sliced through its flesh.

Kaito could hardly believe what had just happened. He had never felt so powerful before. He looked at his status window again, and saw that his level had increased to 2. He had gained more strength, dexterity, intelligence, and magic.

Name: Kaito

Level: 2

Class: Magic Swordsman


HP: 120/120

MP: 120/120

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 20

Intelligence: 25

Magic: 25


Fireball (MP cost: 10)

Ice Shard (MP cost: 10)

Lightning Bolt (MP cost: 10)

Holy Sword (MP cost: 20)


Beginner Sword x 1

Kaito smiled to himself, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He had survived his first encounter in the new world and had emerged victorious. He knew that there would be many more challenges ahead, but he was ready to face them. He sheathed his sword and continued on his journey, eager to explore the wonders and dangers of this new world.

With his shoulder fully healed, Kaito was eager to face the goblins that lurked in the forest. As he cautiously made his way through the dense foliage, he kept his sword at the ready, knowing that he could encounter the vicious creatures at any moment. Suddenly, he spotted a group of goblins ahead of him. Kaito hid behind a tree and opened his status window, evaluating his skills and blessings. He knew he had to act fast if he was going to survive the upcoming battle.

Name: Kaito

Level: 2

Class: Magic Swordsman


HP: 120/120

MP: 120/120

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 20

Intelligence: 25

Magic: 25


Fireball (MP cost: 10) Lv2

Ice Shard (MP cost: 10) Lv2

Lightning Bolt (MP cost: 10) Lv1

Holy Sword (MP cost: 20) Lv1


Blessing of accelerated healing

Blessing of mana

Blessing of wisdom

Blessing of strength and speed

Blessing of enhanced senses

Blessing of fast growth


Beginner Sword x 1

As he peeked around the tree, Kaito came face-to-face with a goblin. He was momentarily frozen with fear but quickly regained his composure and cast his Lightning Bolt ability. The goblin convulsed as the lightning coursed through its body, its eyes rolling back in agony. Without hesitation, Kaito thrust his sword forward, the blade sinking deeply into the immobilized goblin's chest. Blood spurted out, coating Kaito's sword and hand in a sticky red mess.

As he pulled his sword free, Kaito heard the sound of more goblins approaching. He knew he had to act quickly, so he unleashed his Fireball ability, sending a searing ball of flames hurtling towards the approaching creatures. The goblins were caught off guard, their screams filling the air as they burned alive. Kaito charged forward, his sword glowing with holy energy, and he hacked and slashed his way through the remaining goblins. Limbs were severed, and blood sprayed as Kaito fought with savage ferocity. Finally, the last goblin fell to the ground, its lifeless eyes staring up at the sky. Kaito stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion and his body covered in gore.

He knew that he had proven himself in battle, but he also knew that he couldn't let his guard down. This world was full of dangers, and he needed to stay alert if he was going to survive.

As he continued his journey through the forest, Kaito reflected on the blessings and skills that had helped him emerge victorious. He knew that he had a long way to go before he could truly call himself powerful, but he was determined to keep growing and learning. After all, in this world, strength was the key to survival.

After wiping his sword clean on the grass, Kaito took a deep breath to calm his racing heart. He scanned the surrounding area for any other potential threats but the forest was now silent and empty. Sheathing his sword, he took a moment to gather himself before walking over to the fallen goblin bodies.

As he approached, he noticed a glimmering object on one of the corpses and decided to investigate. It turned out to be an intricately designed golden pendant, featuring a single gemstone in the center and a tree engraved around it. Kaito carefully picked it up and marveled at its craftsmanship, intrigued by the story it might tell.

Upon examining the pendant, Kaito noticed a faint inscription on its back. Despite the strange handwriting, he could make out the name "Alice". Afterward, he searched the rest of the goblin corpses for any other valuable items, but all he found were a few copper coins. Kaito stored the coins in his inventory and checked his status window, noting that his level had increased by two and that he had undistributed points.

His status window displayed the following information:

Name: Kaito age: 16

Level: 4

Class: Magic Swordsman


HP: 120/120

MP: 120/120

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 20

Intelligence: 25

Magic: 25


Fireball (MP cost: 10) Lv3

Ice Shard (MP cost: 10) Lv3

Lightning Bolt (MP cost: 10) Lv2

Holy Sword (MP cost: 20) Lv2


Blessing of Accelerated Healing

Blessing of Mana

Blessing of Wisdom

Blessing of Strength and Speed

Blessing of Enhanced Senses

Blessing of Fast Growth


Beginner Sword x 1

Copper Coins x 10

Undistributed Points: 10

As Kaito gazed at the pendant in his hand, he couldn't help but wonder about the identity of Alice and her connection to the goblins. Was she a captive or a lost traveller? There was no way to know for certain. He let out a sigh and resolved to resume his journey, deciding to wear the pendant around his neck without truly comprehending its significance.