
A Second Chance: I'll make ammends

Su Lihua gets into an accident with her husband, the man she supposedly hates, but during the ordeal realizes she cannot live without him and dies. Waking up again, she finds she has been reincarnated seven years before the accident and a year after her marriage. With this she is given a second chance to make amends, but with difficulties along the way and her having to do the chasing, can she succeed and manage to pull through?

The_dark_rose14 · 现代言情
18 Chs

Chapter 13: Revel in fear

Su Lihua stood staring in the mirror splashing her face with cold water. All that was going on in her mind was how confident she was just minutes ago, and where it had all gone,

Remembering Chen Zhilan storming out just minutes ago sent little chills down her spine, It was like she was a badass or something,

She let out a small laugh, 'It was nice actually' She dried her face with a plush white towel and walked out of Fu Hao's break room

"I'm done Hao, can we go now?", without waiting for a response, she walked out of the office. They were going to have dinner at a restaurant, and although it was her idea, she was now dreading it,

He was obviously going to bring up what had happened, and since the kickass Lihua was gone, this Lihua, wanted to avoid that

She briskly walked down the passage towards the private elevator and pushed the button while letting out a sigh,


She froze on the spot and felt like crying, 'Oh crap, how did he get here so fast?'

"Yeah", her voice was shaky but it was barely noticeable, which was impressive considering how embarrassed she was,

He walked over to her, "What's with all your running?"

"Running?, what running?, I'm not running, you must be seeing things"

He eyed her sceptically, "Yeah... I'm, seeing things",

The elevator gave a *Ding*, and they both went in, Lihua quietly hyperventilated in a corner while avoiding eye contact with him, the elevator was surely taking its time,

"Oh right, back in my office..", he suddenly spoke up while looking down at her receding figure

She closed her eyes as she waited for the dreaded question,

"What was the whole 'I've been writing business proposals since I was fourteen' thing?"

"Uh", She felt like a load had been lifted off her shoulders, so she had been panicking for nothing. A relieved sigh escaped from her lips and she turned to look at him, "Oh yeah, I was just telling the truth"

He raised a brow, suspicion evident on his face,

"Just because I don't look it, doesn't mean I'm lying, but if you still choose not to believe, I'll leave you with the benefit of the doubt", She gave a huge "hmph" while crossing her hands and pouting,

The elevator stopped and the doors opened under the inquisitive eyes of the employees, and they watched as their so-called indifferent boss, walked out with an attractive lady in tow.


-Imperial Hotel: History's launch party

Lihua peered out secretly from behind the doors of the changing room, a lot of people had shown up, all from different industries.

She had finished having her hair and make-up done and was already in her dress, one of the centrepieces of history's newest releases

She moved back in, the crowd still impervious to her presence, "Alright Lihua, Director Mei has started with her speech, you'll soon be called, I'm sure you know the drill", Xie Yan walked into the room while informing Lihua of the current happenings,

"Of course I do, I'll just have to try my best"

"Not try, DO"

"Alright, Do, I'll do my best", just as they finished talking Director Mei announced their newest spokesperson and a round of applause could be heard,

"Well then Sis Yan, wish me good luck", She drew in her breath and strutted out into the spotlight

Most people from the audience were impressed, she not only was enthralling, but she had a hint of refinement to her. She got on stage and gave a little wave with a slight smile on.

Director Mei was once again pleased. She complimented the dress flawlessly and was the ideal and total definition of their new line, Femme Fatale.

Her dress was a high neck, off-shoulder evening gown in a dark red colour. It was tight in all the right places and accentuated her hourglass figure. The long slit from her thigh highlighted her slender legs in glamorous maroon heels. Her makeup was simple as usual, and her long hair was left cascading down her back in lovely waves.

"It's a pity you weren't the one picked as the spokesperson Jiao", Su Jiao and her manager were part of the crowd watching. They stood together at a small distance from the stage,

"Oh don't say that Sis Boqin, I'll get one soon, Lihua was really good, she deserves it" The sweet smile on Jiao's face greatly conflicted with her inner thoughts, there was nothing but jealousy brewing in her. She silently clenched her fist and sneered in her heart, she was supposed to be the one up there receiving those praises and not her stupid sister, it was always her sister. Anger raged in her heart, but with the content facade she had on, no one would ever suspect a thing.

If people could see her heart's true contents, they would revel in nothing but fear.