

ERIC:What??(I asked confusingly closing my laptop)

MAN: Sirr..(he was hesitating)

ERIC: Speak up!!!!(I said in frustration he flinches and said)

MAN;Sir ..Ms Maya and Henry are circulating in every news channels (I stood up in shock)They are at ZZZ mall without any security (I made fist in anger)

ERIC: Who the heck allowed them!!!(I said with so much anger and punch the table which shattered into pieces cutting my knuckles too but my anger is really high right now)

I quickly went out of my office and sat in my car while my guards are behind me in my another car

ERIC:What is the news?(I said to my man who was sitting beside me ,he opened the news from his mobile,I was focusing on road while my ears were focused on the news ,I can hear Henry's cry and Maya's shout, making my eyes closed in frustration)

I was listening the stupid questions of media too,they are out of control now , I'm really angry at dad and uncle too how they allowed them to go away without informing me,the vein in my head was throbbing in anger

I was near at the mall where they both were but suddenly many reporters surrounded our cars ,I groaned in frustration

ERIC: Get a side!! (I shouted but they were uncontrollable,I saw my guards trying to get them away from my car but they were just jumping on then like animals,I took deep breath controlling my anger and came out of my car) I'll answer each and every questions of you all but for this you all need to act like mannered human being!!!(I shouted and everyone went calm ,my eyes were cold with expressionless face when reporters one by one started questions and again there was a chaos)

REPORTER: Sir..how come Ms Maya and Henry are going outside without any security?(I was speechless at this question,I don't know what to say which was making my blood boil)

REPORTER:What words will you say about the allegations that are roaming around you?

REPORTER:There are many women that were claiming that you harassed them…

On their each and every question my blood was boiling

REPORTER: Ms Maya is your mistress??

REPORTER: Are you blackmailing Ms Maya and Mr Dalton for their company and to get his daughter in your bed (that was the peak of my patience I punched that reporter's face making his mouth bleed)

ERIC: Think before you speak..ohh..I forget you all just bark ..(I said sarcastically,I took a deep sigh,I know I did a mess by hitting the reporter and now they all are throwing more questions at me and now I know the only way to get away from this situation and meet Mama and Henry)Ms Maya is my fiance (Everyone went silent , everyone were in shock even me too but I didn't showed it on my face ,I continue with the same straight face) and about the allegations they are all wrong I'll prove you all (I said this while looking into the camera with my burning gaze I know those bastards would be seeing me )


RYAN: That bastard knows…I'm watching him.. (he said chuckling while sipping his drink) it's just a starts my boy..you are new in this game and I'm as old as wines..and this game of fiance is new ..(he was a little bit jealous but someone was more jealous and was burning)



ERIC: I'll prove all the allegations wrong just wait and watch (I said and quickly sat in my car)

My guards made me route to reach at Henry and Maya

ERIC: I want the area empty !!(I ordered and my men quickly get out of my car and emptied the area for me )

I quickly get off from my car and ran inside the mall and I look Infront of me and saw Henry frightened and crying while hugging Maya who was crying, shouting and trying to protect Henry ,I angrily went towards them and I grabbed Maya's hand she looks up and was scared from my look ,I roughly grab her hand and took her out of the media who were silently watching us ,Henry was holding Maya's hand ,I cane towards my car and made them sat inside I didn't utter a single word ,I was burning in anger ,if now my mouth will open I'll not be able to control myself








sorry guys for not updating for almost a week I wasn't mentally well..bit now I'm good and here we are with chapter hope you enjoyed