

A cultivator who lost all his spiritual power was akin to a broken tool. Chu Wanning had become a cripple, a useless person. Most cultivators would say that it was a fate crueler than death. Death was preferable to having their spiritual cores destroyed. Yuheng Elder was a proud man who had enjoyed his status as one of the strongest cultivators in the mortal realm, but he was not superficial like most cultivators. He had lost his cultivation once, and let himself be imprisoned and tortured by Taxian-Jun for eight years. And yet, to the day he died in his past life, he never felt more helpless than today, when he had to practically drag Mo Ran back to Sisheng Peak on his own two feet.

After his spiritual core broke, his body became even more fragile. The antidote pills gave him immense pain in the chest before they dissolved in his body and transformed him back into an adult form.

Chu Wanning knew that he did not have much time left. His external injuries were negligible, but his internal injuries were severe. It was what he got for pushing his body beyond the limit. His internal organs were ruptured and bleeding heavily.

He hauled his disciple on his back and walked step by step toward Sisheng Peak. Every step was excruciating, but he clenched his teeth and moved forward steadily. When he finally arrived at the base of the long stairs leading to Sisheng Peak, he froze for some time.

Was he going to make it to the top?

Would Mo Ran make it?


Chu Wanning's adult form collapsed again and Mo Ran rolled off his back. The little boy took two more of the pills and almost screamed from the chest pain.

-"You should not overuse the pills because they are detrimental to the heart."

Chu Wanning crouched on all fours, breathing heavily while staring at the ground beneath his body.

There was no other way. There simply was no other way.

Back in his adult body, Chu Wanning picked Mo Ran up and started to climb the steps.

10, 11…

Chu Wanning closed his eyes, hoping to numb the pain that spread from his chest to his whole body.

53, 54…

Chu Wanning coughed lightly, but blood started to trickle down the corner of his mouth again.

105, 106…

So heavy…

151, 152…

Chu Wanning's mind went blank. His burden seemed to be heavier and heavier with passing minutes. He did not know what was happening. Did Mo Ran's body become heavier or did he become weaker?

243, 244…

This was bad…

His sight started to become blurry.

500, 501…

Chu Wanning fell again and vomited a mouthful of blood. He lay on his back and panted hard.

-I can't do it… I can't do it anymore…

-I am so tired…

Chu Wanning turned his head and looked at Mo Ran's pale face. He sighed to himself, got to his feet, and hauled Mo Ran on his back before climbing up the stairs again.

1012, 1013…

The pain was too severe. Chu Wanning no longer remembered how it felt when he was still healthy. When was the last time he was pain-free?

1200, 1201…

-Shizun… I missed the time when I was just a child and only knew to play.

Chu Wanning blinked the burning tears away.

-I wish I were born to normal parents.

-I wish I were a human being.

1623, 1624…

Chu Wanning took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind from the painful thoughts. He could not afford to wallow in self-pity. He had to bring Mo Ran back to Sisheng Peak.

2007, 2008…

-Mo Ran… Mo Ran, please hold on.

-You are going home.

-You are going to be fine.

2432, 2433…

The effect of the last two pills dwindled. Chu Wanning put Mo Ran down and swallowed two more pills. The time he needed to recover from the pills' strong adverse effect became longer and longer. When he closed his eyes, all he could hear was the sound of his blood rushing past his ears and the sound of his heavy breathing.

3004, 3005...

-A little bit more…

-Just a little bit more…

Chu Wanning wanted to move faster. He wanted to quickly end this painful climb but he could not. He squinted into the distance and thought that he saw the eaves of some buildings in Sisheng Peak…

3202, 3203…

Mo Ran's body felt cold. Chu Wanning started to get scared. When he arrived at Sisheng Peak, would Mo Ran end up being buried instead…? Blood drenched his robe, but he could not care less. He must hurry... Mo Ran needed to get a medical treatment...

3798, 3799…


Chu Wanning collapsed again on the ground and Mo Ran rolled next to him. Chu Wanning struggled to breathe while lying on the stone steps.

The main gate of Sisheng Peak was wide open. A few disciples were asked to guard the main gate while Sisheng Peak dealt with the aftermath of the Heavenly Rift. When they saw the two figures who lay in front of the main gate, they were almost shocked to death.

"It's Yuheng Elder!"

"Yuheng Elder took Senior Mo back to Sisheng Peak!"

"Inform the Sect Leader!"

That was the last thing Chu Wanning heard before he passed out.

When he woke up again, his body was burning with fever. Someone was screaming hysterically in the room.

"Tanlang Elder, I beg you! Please save my Shizun! I know you can do it!"

A soft sigh was heard as Tanlang Elder patiently explained Chu Wanning's condition to Xue Meng one more time.

"Young Master, Chu Wanning's internal organs including his heart are heavily damaged. I am sorry but he is beyond saving."

Xue Meng discarded all manners and grabbed at Tanlang Elder's lapels.

"Lies!" he hissed. "You hate my Shizun. You always hate him. That's why you do not want to help!"

Tanlang Elder shot Xue Meng a glare and slapped his hands away as he shook from fury.

"I may have personal differences with Chu Wanning at times, but it does NOT mean that I want him to be dead! Young Master, please watch your mouth!"

Xue Meng broke down into tears as he fell to his knees and clutched Tanlang Elder's robe.

"If that is really so then help him. Help him. I don't care how, just help him!"

A soft, cold hand pressed against Chu Wanning's forehead and he opened his eyes slightly to see Madame Wang's tear-streaked face looming over him.

"Meng-er," Madame Wang called, her voice slightly hoarse from crying. "Yuheng Elder is awake."

Hearing that Chu Wanning was finally awake, Xue Meng rose to his feet and rushed to Chu Wanning's bedside. Grabbing Chu Wanning's hand, he said, "Shizun… Shizun, are you in pain? Please wait for me. I will go to Rainbell Island now to beg Jiang Xi to come and save you, okay? Shizun, please say that you will wait for me. Please say that you will stay alive…"

Xue Meng's words were lost in a river of tears. He clutched tightly at Chu Wanning's hand as if he could preserve the latter's life that way. But Chu Wanning's time was running out like sand in an hourglass. It did not matter how hard Xue Meng try, he would not be able to prevent the sand from running down the gaps between his fingers. When Chu Wanning took a breath, he did not know whether it would be his last or whether there would still be another.

Chu Wanning gently squeezed back at Xue Meng's hands.


Chu Wanning tried to reach Xue Meng's face, but his hand could not reach him. He already transformed back into his child body. Xue Meng moved closer so that Chu Wanning could place his hand at his disciple's cheek.

"Xue… Meng…"

Xue Meng covered the hand on his cheek with his own.

"Yes, Shizun…?"

"I am so…"

-… rry…

He wasn't even able to say the full word of sorry anymore.

-Sorry, Xue Meng.

-Sorry for lying to you.

-I am sorry that I won't be able to eat fried dumplings with you again.

-I am sorry that I cannot accompany you anymore.

-Thank you for always standing by me in two lives.

-If there is a next life...

Chu Wanning's eyes closed slowly.

Inhale… exhale…

Inhale… exhale…

-If there is a next life, Shizun will protect you for a lifetime...



-Good bye, Xue Meng...

When Chu Wanning finally breathed his last, he let go of all the burdens that he carried from both lives. He had done his part to the end. The Heavenly Rift was sealed. Mo Ran and Shi Mei were both alive. Mo Ran was not going to spiral down into the path of destruction. The cultivation realm was safe from Taxian-Jun.

He was finally, at last, in peace.

It was a relief.

Thank Heavens.

He could not hear Xue Meng's heart-wrenching scream as the latter held onto his small body and shook uncontrollably from immense grief.

A few hundred meters away from where Chu Wanning lay, Mo Ran regained his consciousness.