Gregori Hastur was a happy man. His wife and his little bundle of joy Annie were all that he needed. But strange incidents and tragedy strike. And so begins his journey to find his daughter while also raising another in the process. Runeterra is dangerous and he? He is even more so. This story is Arcane adjacent. So if you have seen the show you can just pick it up and not worry about anything. The characters don't go to Piltover or Zaun until half the story is complete.
"Demacia!"~ Garen, The Might of Demacia
Surprise character introduction!
Well guys... I have a solid outline of what will be happening in the story for now. The only thing I want to make sure, is if you guys want the Ruination storyline to take place. And I will change how it pans out and which characters become sentinels (Expect a major change to that story). Also this would be like the second to last arc for the story, even without it the story would still be fine.
So do you want it? Leave a comment on the option you would like.
He had hit a faster pace in his travels, with nothing of value happening in his journey. Gregori had half a mind to change course to go to the wreckage of his home when he started recognizing some of his surroundings.
But the moment he looked at the sky, he changed his mind.
The star pointed south-east, while his house would be north. Even Delverhold was out of reach with in being north-east.
It would be a pointless excursion. And would achieve absolutely nothing other than delay him from his destination. It had nearly been three weeks since he set out.
But he could now predict Annie's position now. The Immortal Bastion. Or at least he hoped she was at the Immortal Bastion. If she was at Basilich, then there would be a problem.
Basilich was a connecting point.
People moved from Ionia to Noxus and vice-versa that way. People from Piltover and the occasional Zaunite did the same.
Taking a child there would be the fastest way to ship them away from Noxus. But the star hadn't changed direction or location in the sky for over eight months. That had to mean that she was in a permanent or semi-permanent location for the foreseeable future.
That would in turn mean that she wasn't at Basilich.
He had found a new life there but Annie did not need that. She had him and would continue to have him till his last breath.
And getting to Basilich from his current position would take a couple months. It was far. He would make the journey if Annie was there but children were not meant for long travels. They did not possess the stamina or the mental fortitude necessary to travel for months. Not to mention Annie's mental state when he found her, she would be fragile and a long travel would be disastrous.
Gregori had run out of food supply after the first week. Since then, he had spent a few hours every few days to hunt and forage for food. The increased physical performance was a godsend. That and his current proficiency with magic made for easy hunting.
Spot a creature he wanted to hunt. Use his magic to pull it to the ground. End its life.
A very straightforward hunting strategy.
He had started to harvest the pelts of the creatures he had killed as well. Selling them for money would be a source of income. Income he currently did not possess. He was practically a pauper. And if he needed to collect information, he needed to visit taverns, he needed to stay at inns.
That needed money.
His immediate future required an unknown amount of money. Enough to last him months, maybe even up to a year. Things were not as easy as walk in, get child, leave. He would find someone to sell the fur or pelts to, at a good price at that. The bones and teeth he had brought along with him could also be sold at a high price.
He could also barter with travelling merchants for travel to the Immortal Bastion. He could get a ride in their caravans.
That would greatly affect his travel time.
It would also make for a way to gather more information. Merchants , especially travelling ones would gush information if he said that he was searching for his daughter. They often left their families behind to travel and sell items so they tend to like anyone on quests for their family.
They would also freely get him up to speed on the current political climate in the capital.
Arriving on to flat lands, Gregori figured out his current position.
Dalamor Plains.
Wars had been waged in these lands. Like any other land, yes but this was one of Noxus's first conquests.
He needed to get to Drugne. There would be merchants or travelers there.
Sticking close to the tree line, he maneuvered through the plains. Reaching locations he knew had filled him with new vigor. A sense of homecoming. That burst of energy carried him forward. The winds were pushing him forward, the weather warm and sunny. It was as if the world itself was on his side. For once, he felt the ever present rage disappear as he looked forward to the future.
That was until he chanced upon a sign board in front of a large tree.
He squinted as he read the sign.
Kled was probably some kind of land owner.
But what was the property he owned?
Was it the plains?
The trees?
The small river that passed by?
As he stood in thought, he caught sight of something rush through the foliage.
It was a two legged lizard creature. Its tail flicked side to side as it watched him. Its head tilted to a side. An iguana on its back legs and missing it arms, would be the closest comparison.
A Drakalops.
These were speedy creatures, known famously for their timid nature. For a name as threatening as Drakalops, these guys were anything but scary. They tried to look intimidating when they opened up the frills on their neck, a sort of defense mechanism against predators. But no predator was going to fall for that. Their faces were extremely hard to understand. The only emotion anyone could make out was fear, any other moment not a single thought passed through their head.
He stared right back at it.
It did the same.
A moment of silence passed between the two.
Then it flicked its tongue out.
And licked its large eyeball.
Gregori nodded and walked onwards.
After covering more distance, he heard someone yell from behind him, "Damnit, Skaarl! I hate walking!"
He turned to see if he could spot the source of the noise but he saw nothing out of the ordinary.
Shaking his head, he continued on his journey.
By nightfall, he had made it to Drugne.
What greeted him was a sprawling town, even though it was quite early into the night the residents were out in full force.
His head swiveled in fascination at prospect of so many people being outside at this time. Not something people in Noxus would do. Most prefer to spend time alone.
He walked to a nearby merchant, "Hello friend, is there any chance you would buy some of these pelts off me?" He gestured to the spoils of his bi-daily hunts.
The merchant looked at him, "A bit late to be selling things isn't it?"
Shrugging, Gregori answered, "Been travelling a while and just reached Drugne.... I also don't have any money on me. So, selling seems to be my only option."
The merchant grinned, "Aye! I've been through similar situations as well." He took a breath, "Go on then, lay they products out and I'll pick some of them out."
Reaching into his bag, he pulled out some of the fur pelts and laid them out, "These are all I got..."
As he reached to put his bag on his back again, the merchant's hand shot out. "Woah! Just a second... are those fangs and bones? What kind of creature did you get in from?"
The merchant's eyes sparkled upon spotting the bones and teeth in his bag.
"Yes. Freljordian beasts. A few Druvask tusks, some fangs from a Wildclaw. And bones from similar creatures." He answered. "But I know what these are worth, I was planning on selling them at the capital. They will be willing to part with a solid chunk of gold for this."
"I WOULD!" The merchant started loudly before calming himself, "I would spend a pretty penny for a few of these, I'll also give you a good offer on these two pelts." He finished as he pointed to two of the pelts.
Gregori, sucked in air through his teeth, "I don't know friend..."
"Just trust me brother. I will offer you a good deal for them." The merchant spoke.
And offer a good deal, he did. A great deal. Walking away with a heavy bag of gold, Gregori smiled. He had laid the trap and the merchant fell for it without even thinking. Acting like he wanted to sell something, while subtly flashing something of a higher value to gain the interest of someone was a very easy tactic to pull off.
Especially when, Freljordian beasts were valued. They were fierce, and bones and fangs of these creatures were used as a symbol of prosperity. To show their might. To show that they meant business.
The merchant would sell them for higher but he was satisfied with this. He had enough gold to last him a few months at least. He could sell the rest when he ran out.
Not conversing with anyone else, Gregori walked into one of the taverns and got on the barstool.
A couple eyes were on him but carrying a shield as an only weapon would do that.
"Barkeep." He called out. "An ale please."
The man walked to him. A heavyset man. Rugged but large. The kind who looked like they took no nonsense.
"A new face?" He spoke. "Two in a day is nice." Pouring out the ale into a large cup, he slid it in front of Gregori. "Want anything else?"
Gregori grabbed the ale and took a sip. Looking back at the barkeep, "You've got grub?"
"Got some chicken stew if you'd like."
"Aye... I'd have one of that." Gregori replied.
The barkeep walked to the door on behind him, stuck his head in and called, "Chicken stew for one."
He stood and watched Gregori, as he took another large sip.
"So, what brings you here?" The barkeep spoke.
Gregori looked at him, "I'm on my way to the capital. Needed a place to sleep. Came to Drugne. I'll try to get a ride with one of the travelling merchants come morn."
The barkeep nodded. Then he turned, "And you lass? Anything you'd like? Dinner?"
Gregori turned his head to the right and looked toward the person the barkeep was speaking to.
"No barkeep. I've had a heavy lunch." The person spoke. "The drink is all I need for the night."
A woman in her mid twenties, with blood red hair. She had a large cloak covering her body with just her head left uncovered. Bright green eyes. There was one striking feature, she had a scar running down her left eye.
The scar did not take away from her looks. She was a beautiful young woman.
She made eye contact with him. He gave her a small nod and looked at the barkeep, "I've seen a few signs on my way here. 'Property of Kled'. Does this Kled own the plains?" He asked.
At the question, the barkeep laughed. A few other patrons of the tavern also laughed.
"Kled huh?" He chuckled, "He doesn't own anything, just puts up signs and fights anyone who tries to remove it."
Gregori furrowed his brows, "No ones kicked him out?"
More laughter.
A patron called, "They have tried."
A few more laughs.
Gregori turned his head around, spotting most of the patrons smiling.
The barkeep answered, "Some moron sent two battalions to kill him. Not a single one survived."
Gregori's eyebrows rose.
The barkeep continued, "The moron got executed by general Darius himself. The yordle is a decorated soldier apparently."
"He's a yordle?" Gregori asked.
"Indeed." The barkeep nodded. "Quite harmless really... rides around on his Drakalops and yells at passersby's. Claims to have annexed sixty gazillion acres and all of it his property." As he finished he started chuckling.
A Drakalops?
The yelling he heard made sense now.
"To a gazillion acres!" Someone toasted.
Gregori turned and raised his glass. A second later he took a sip.
The girl beside him did the same.
A few moments later, his stew arrived. Brought in by the barkeep's wife.
As he dug into the stew, "The stew is great. My compliments to your wife."
The barkeep gave him a nod and a smile.
"Anything interesting going on?" Gregori asked.
"Well, nothing much. Demacia's got a new ruler now. If you didn't know." The barkeep shrugged.
"Stepped down, did he?" Gregori asked.
The barkeep shook his head, "Killed. By some mage who staged an uprising."