
Chapter 27: Secrets Of The Ghosts (Part 2)

Barry: "Spectres are artificially created ghosts made to kill vampires. They are weapons designed specifically for the current war."

Ro: "I … see. If that's case, then they are creating ghosts who can …"

He goes silent. So,

Ethan: "become demons while still being under their control."

Ethan finishes his sentence for him.

Sneha: "The Spectres can turn into demons and become ridiculously powerful, but because they were created artificially, the ghosts would have probably used some methods to make sure they follow the commands given to them even after they have become demons. Is that what you are saying?"

Barry nods with a matter-of-fact look on his face as he already knows what she would say next.

Sneha: "Isn't this just a speculation then? Unless you know for sure that they are planning to control them after they turn into Demons, there is no way to confirm this, is there?"

Barry: "And what if I tell you I already have proof that they are trying to control the Spectres in that way."

Other three look at Barry with different looks of surprise. Ro is surprised on seeing how much information he actually has.

Sneha is surprised on hearing that there is proof that ghosts may possess something that can control demons.

Ethan is surprised that he is revealing everything to them.

Ethan: "Well, what's the proof?"

Barry: "Take a guess."

He says while folding his arms and sighing as if to tease the others.

Sneha: "What the heck?"

Ro: "Just say it already, man."

It works in aggravating them.

Barry: "Come on, try to think for …"


Ethan: "Angels."

Ethan cuts in with his guess.

Sneha: "Huh?"

Ro: "Huh?"

Ethan: "That's my guess. You did mention they could also become Angels, right? What if they are trying to use the army to do all the dirty work, so the citizens can actually remain in better mental states? By strengthening themselves, a lot of the citizens who have never committed any crimes and truly believe they have never done anything wrong, they may end up becoming Angels."

Ro: "Are you serious!?"

Ro stands from the shock of hearing that.

Barry: "Yeah, he is right on the money."

Barry says while nodding.

Sneha: "S … so, by pitting everyone who is targeting the ghosts against their army, they are trying to distract us from what they are really trying to do behind the scenes. And what they are trying to do is – create Angels."

Barry: "Yeah, that's how it is. Those angels will be able to cancel out the power of the demons and internal conflict can be avoided to a certain extent."

Ethan: "But it won't completely stop the conflict, which maybe the reason for the political problems you mentioned earlier."

Barry: "Yeah, that could be one of the reasons of the conflict. I am sure that won't be the only reason for it though."

As Barry says that, the full-picture starts to become clearer to Ethan.

Ethan: "Barry, if Dyne does come here, do you have some way to know it the moment he enters the island or something like that."

Barry: "If you are trying to measure how powerful I am, I refuse to disclose that information. You aren't a very trustworthy person after all."

Ethan: "I'll take that as a yes."

Barry: "U-uh? Why?"

Ethan: "That agitation confirms it's a yes."

Barry: "Huh!"

Barry sighs with his shoulders dropping a little.

Barry: "You pulled a fast one, huh?"

One of the few things Ethan has going for him is the ability to see the psychic energy surrounding Barry. If Barry was only acting, Ethan would be seeing a slightly agitated movement in the energy, but that's not the case. 'Okay, that's the actual proof it's a yes,' Ethan says in his mind as up until then, everything was a bluff.

Ethan: "Yeah, I actually did."

Deciding to let him think that Barry made some kind of expression that gave him away will let Ethan use this trick again because he won't bother trying to keep the energy around him in his control when he lies as he would be too busy keeping his expressions under control.

Having done all that, he comes back to the topic.

Ethan: "So you would know it whenever he comes here, huh? If what I am thinking is right, he might not be alone."

Barry: "Yeah, there's a fair chance he would bring another person along with him."

Ethan smiles and says,

Ethan: "Yeah, I guess."


As the two dogs, Jack and Jill, had not been willing to let the four of them in the forest, they decided they would call it a ceasefire and take rest at the beach. Barry and Sneha, probably even Ro could easily handle those dogs and anything else the forest may throw at them, but they decided to not let the chance to rest slip by.

And so, they talked with each other. They discussed things even though they were not allies. They decided to share some information with each other regardless. Was this because Ethan and Barry had come to some sort of understanding earlier? Was it because they found some hidden profit by having this conversation? Or did they just didn't consider each other true enemies?

No matter what it was, many hours have passed now and the morning sun is rising. This is the time they have to start to do what they need to do. The dogs won't come in their way as soon as the sun rises is something both Barry and Ethan knew of. So they would now be free to enter the forest and start to work towards their goals.

And so, on the beach right now, only Ethan and Sneha are remaining.

Sneha: "Do you really think it was a good idea letting them go in the forest first?"

Ethan: "I do."

Sneha: "Any specific reason for you thinking that?"

Ethan: "Actually, there is."

Sneha: "And what's that?"

Ethan: "I noticed something last night while we were talking to them. The fact that every person on this island has a different arsenal of abilities is pretty confusing, right?"

Sneha: "It is, though I don't know if saying 'different arsenal' is right. I mean, Barry's abilities are basically like a mix of Ro's and Kais'."

Ethan: "I suppose, but you know what I mean. Anyway, my point is – maybe we should shift our perspective a little."

Sneha: "Okay?"

Ethan: "Let's say – you and I are like the Aural faction here."

Sneha: "Are we?"

Ethan: "You are an Aural and I do have good relations to other Aurals. Besides, what other group is on better terms with them than us."

Sneha sighs and nods.

Sneha: "That's fair. What about it?"

Ethan: "Well, Barry and Ro are definitely the Vampire faction. I am pretty sure Kais and Sona can be put in the same faction for being the ones who are the most unstable elements of us all."

Sneha: "That would be a weird faction."

Ethan: "Yeah, I know. But anyway, the dragon and the girl can be considered a different faction too, couldn't they?"

Sneha: "Okay, so you are basically trying to look at it from the perspective of where our interests align in this upcoming war, right? And it somehow seems to be that every side has two members."

Ethan: "Yeah, and I don't understand why, but I think 'god' wanted it to end this way. He is a big reason why we are in this position after all."

Sneha nods in understanding. The two of them know very well that Ozyllus was not as noble of a soul as the records claim him to be. They also know his soul is still trying to mess with the real world. So they are able to come up with such a theory.

Sneha: "So how exactly does it all tie up?"

Ethan: "Not sure about that, but if this is indeed not-a-coincidence, then two representatives of Ghost Nation will be sent here."

Sneha: "And … what about it? You are wondering who the second one will be?"

Ethan: "Yeah, that's exactly what I am wondering."

Sneha: "Well, that is an interesting question. And you let them go in first so we could wait for those two to arrive here, is that it?"

Ethan: "Yeah, precisely. The dragon and consequently, the whole island is gonna die in three days. I doubt the Ghost Nation can afford to wait any longer before sending them."

Sneha turns to look at the sky. No indication of anyone coming can be seen so far.

Sneha: "I don't know if you are right about that or not, I mean for all we know, they may actually not even know that the island is going to get destroyed."

There comes no reply. So, she continues,

Sneha: "There is something I wanted to ask you, Ethan."

Ethan: "What's that?"

Sneha: "The first time that girl sees the dragon out of the tomb, the island will be in its final days, what's up with that prophecy? How'd you do it?"

Ethan: "Well, I would like to tell you, but I can't risk anyone finding out about that. Sorry about this."

She sighs as she keeps looking at the sky and smiles.

Sneha: "Well, it's fine. Not like I actually expected any answers in the first place."

Hearing that, Ethan also sighs and also turns to the sky. In his thoughts, he gives Sneha the answer. He tells her that there is no reason for the island to get destroyed. So why would it be destroyed? Even the dragon doesn't know why it would happen. All that Ozyllus told him is that it will happen. But Ethan knows the reason for it. In his mind, he tells Sneha that the only reason the island would be destroyed will be because of the girl. It will be because she thinks the island would end that it would end. That's how powerful she truly is.

The dragon may have created her, but someone else has done some modifications on her, and now because of that, she can vaguely understand the value of names, she can vaguely remember pointless things that the dragon programmed her brain to forget after a while. Those modifications are why she is now so powerful that if she thinks about something strongly, it would happen. In other words, Ethan Kales never did any prophesying about any destruction, he is the one who set up the said destruction.

After all, he is not someone who warns people of tragedies. He is the one who causes them.


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