
A priest dangerous Temptation

Whatever ivory blade wants she gets and on the top of her list is CORY MAXIMO. From the moment she saw him, she desired him. what she felt was just a mere lust and as she always does, she's gonna Tame him, use him for her own pleasure then get rid of him when she gets bored. Cory isn't just a regular guy, Aside from the fact that he's an ordained priest, he's a man of integrity faithful to his principles, A hard nut to crack and he isn't just gonna let any woman con him to sin. Not even the female devil called IVORY BLADE.

Faith_Menya_7537 · 现代言情
10 Chs

Chapter 9

Ivory POV

I have always hated mornings but not today. Today was the opposite.

I've been craving for a new day ever since I left the priest yesterday.

As the sun shone in my eyes, I woke up and admired the orange color reflecting on the curtains. I never knew nature was this beautiful until I stood at the window staring out the view outside.

The greens blanketing the earth tallied up with the orange sky gave off beautiful disposal and there I stood smiling cheekily.

Do you think the Audience of my bliss is those birds playing up high, yes I may be staring at them but I'll be kidding If I don't admit that the joy of carrying out my plans on that flower boy today is driving me crazy?

Finally after some minutes of standing by the widow. I started getting ready and after a like eternity of shuffling through my wardrobe, I finally settled for a one-shoulder purple hot dress that have too many slits at the side, the length stopping just below my butt.

Yeah, I usually take hours to decide on an outfit for the day, that's what happens when your wardrobe is more of a boutique than an average wardrobe also I took an extra hour today cause of my ambition to slowly seduce Mr holiness.

I need to show him that you don't resist me, Ivory blade and I see he's not one to be enticed with words or move so I've to make my sultry disposal do that job for me. Staring at my reflection of myself in the mirror, a smile of triumph flickered across my face.

"You are one hot bitch ivory" I bubbled to myself. Call me proud but with my reflection right now, if I was a man I swear I'll trade my net just to have this gorgeous body on my bed.

Red is always hot but attractive when's on perfectly shaped lips like mine, my makeover wasn't extreme but stunning.

My outfit hugs my body perfectly as though it was designed by me and my black boot heels appreciate my slender legs. As I was ready to walk out of my room, my phone came ringing.

God! That better not be a dad calling to get me occupied cause for the first time in years, I might have to decline.

That was my thought as I walked to the dresser to pick up the phone. Thankfully, it wasn't dad but Heather.

"Hello, Heather what's up?" I sigh while bringing the phone to my ears.

"Heyyyy. I and by are going on a spa at lush SPA Wanna tag along?"

"Nope. I'm busy."

"But we are on our way coming."

"I thought you called to confirm."

"I just called for formality's sake. Today is Sunday and you never forfeit an outing for your father's business remember?"

Right! I know and I'm surprised myself but I ain't bothered. I would rather be with my new prince charms than waste my time over some spa. Perhaps I do that all time. Things get old. Declining once more I just insisted that I'm busy and hung up.

I was about to open the door when the door opened and I walked, Aiden.

"Where the fuck are you going? Wait you certainly aren't going to club at this time of the morning and don't tell me you are going on a mission looking like a stripper?"

A mission? Maybe.

I just brush it up by saying. "I'm going out okay. It's quite sunny today so I decided to wear something light."

"Something light is different from being half naked. Tell me what are you up to?"

I crackled with a laugh. "Hold on are you trying to caution me right now? Well, I'm not ready for that. I've to go now I'm running late."


I was out.

As I went out, I spot my dad talking with Jericho and some guards standing on guard behind them. They look like there were on a serious topic which was an advantage to me cause I left quietly without them spotting me.

I don't seriously know why I'm avoiding them, dad, especially. well, maybe I'm not ready for some unnecessary interrogations. I'll rather not give dad a reason to suspect me.

From the moment I walked out of my sport car at the parish, I felt eyes on me from all angles. The eyes followed me as I walked out of the garage heading to the main building.

"Jesus what on earth is a slut doing here in the parish" my ears caught that. I stopped but decided to ignore it when suddenly another voice spoke.

"Some people are so drunk in sin that they don't sit to consider the consequences of their actions. Stepping into a holy ground half-naked is as good as asking for a free pass to hell in the next seconds. Her savior now is that I'm not God? Tsk"

'Who's she going to meet even?"

"Who cares? Probably here for attention..."

Having fed up, I flipped my hair back and turned to my side to see the two idiots with the temerity to gossip about me. I stormed down to meet them before they could walk off that spot.

"If you'll go about libeling someone's name didn't your IQ tell you not to be too loud?" I spat as I was now facing the sorry excuses for nuns.

"Or wait do you even have an IQ? I don't think so. Your brains are as mutilated as your ugly faces. Why don't you admit that the reason you are being so jobless to talk about me is because of your jealousy? You wish you could get attention like me but even a gorilla stands chances over you. Probably that's the reason why you decided to hide your shapeless bodies in these saggy clothes as an excuse for nuns. I'm pretty sure your Bible doesn't teach you to gossip around no?"

They gawk at me for a while and without saying a word, they shook Their head and was about to walk out.

Hell, I can take everything but I won't have anyone walk out on me. It's a sacrilege and that's a risk none of my mafia members ever dares to take so I won't have a commoner do that to me. No. Dragging both their hair back I yelled "how dare you to walk out on me?"

"Let go of me" they both cried as I was yanking their hair and slamming their head against each other.

"After today you'll know to shut those gutters you call mouth whenever Ivory is in the picture. Yes, I'm ivory. Go ask about me you morons" I yelled while spinning them around and jamming their heads together.

Their forehead was already getting red as their voices hovered over the place but I had no plans of stopping any sooner.

They should be glad I'm not with my gun. I could hear voices telling me to stop as people starts gathering, yeah men and women on white but none came any closer to me-which was their luck cause I don't mind killing bunches of idiots with my bare hands.

My fun section was interrupted when I felt a cold yet soft palm gripping my left hand, I didn't have time to wonder who the hell got such temerity to hold me when a familiar voice yelled my name.

"Ivory..." letting go of the bitches, I twirled around and I was met with the fiery face of my dream boy. If I've intended to hurt the person who interrupted my fun before, right now reverse was the case as I discovered it was father cory. All my anger flush down the drain replaced with a sense of bliss.

"Wow, Father co..." I was cut off when he tugged my wrist again, this time around his grip was fierce almost breaking my wrist bones.

He took glances at the curious eyes of the people staring at us, a glitch of frustration etched on his face, and glaring back at me, he dragged me along with him. Brushing past the people gathered. In confusion, I kept yelling at him to let go of me. his grip was really strong and I was beginning to feel the sting.

"Where the hell are you taking me? You are fucking hurting me cory. Let me go" I kept rambling as he drag me along with him.

He dragged me into a hall that was a field with so many benches. arranged in three long rows. Must be a church I guess.

"What the hell was that for?" He yelled as he finally let go of my hands. "No, the question should be what on earth are you doing here? What are you really up to huh?"

He look so much like he was going to eat me up, I stared at him for a while frowning at his unexpected outburst.

"Hello, in case I need to remember you. You ask me to come today." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Maybe I did. But in case I need to tell you, this is the house of God. A sacred and holy place. You are supposed to treat his servants with respect. Causing trouble out there with the nuns is a sacrilege and..." he stops. Stared at me up and down. As if sizing me up. His eyes went Intense and if I could have an eye of an eagle I swear he lusted over my body or so I thought because my hutch was betrayed as he clears his throat to make the next statement.

"Whatever excuse for clothes you are putting on is Unpresentable here. You are defiling the house of God with your immoral, slutty, brazen anything disgusting disposal and perhaps you weren't supposed to be here until twelve..." I wasn't expecting that. Rage surged through my veins like adrenaline.

I open my mouth to lash out at him but suddenly realize matching his energy isn't uncalled for, (perhaps I do more of blowing skulls than ranting.) I spoke softly.

"Well, don't I deserve a commendation? Coming here early shows that I'm punctual right?" I winked at him.

Silence fell as he just stared hard at me. Getting tired of standing I just moved to the nearest seat. "Let's just get this started," I said crossing my legs.

"What were you doing in father lane's office that day I first saw you here in the parish?" That sudden question sucked the air away from my system, I suddenly couldn't breathe. My heart which rarely beats fast than normal picked a sudden pace.