
A Phoenix's Fury

Naruto Phenex mysteriously disappeared over two hundred years ago. Before his disappearance, he was heralded as the strongest living Devil, and a prime candidate for Maou Lucifer, until he wasn't. Unbeknownst to everyone, it was by design. Naruto used a forbidden spell that allowed him to be reborn in another world. And now, he's back. Better and wiser than ever before... and nobody's ready for it.

StrongStyle777 · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Chapter 3 - The Golden Opportunity

One Week Later


Agares Mansion

Lord Agares was amused at the turn of events in the Underworld.

Rias Gremory and Riser Phenex's engagement would be settled in a Rating Game, something that he knows for sure had Sirzechs Lucifer's fingerprint all over.

His thoughts then went to Riser's oldest brother, Naruto Phenex. The very same man to whom he offered the hand of his daughter, Seekvaira.

Well... not that it'll lead to the union of their houses.

Lord Agares simply offered the hand of his daughter to subtly tell the Phenex heir that he has the backing of the House of Agares.

And it seemed Naruto had realized that.

But contrary to what Naruto believed, he was not in control of the situation. He's been gone far too long to even hope so.

Lord Agares was well aware of the timeline at hand. With the Gremory and Phenex engagement nearing its inevitable implosion, there is no better time for Naruto to make his move if he wanted to take back the title that was rightfully his.

Lord Agares didn't know what was currently running through the mind of the Phenex heir, and as such, he had to make Naruto's decision for himself. A decision he would definitely make if he was as smart as Lord Agares gave him credit for.

That being... the decision to be the Maou Lucifer at the earliest opportunity.

The choice Naruto was being forced to make was tricky.

It was either:

a. Make a move now, take advantage of the influential families who would support him, become the Maou Lucifer, and regain control of the situation (where he can decide to fully ally with the House of Agares or subjugate them to his control)

b. Not make a move against Sirzechs now and reject the proposal of the Agares, thus risking him offending the house of an Archduke

c. Not make a move against Sirzechs now and end up marrying the heir of Agares to maintain political balance (a situation where only the House of Agares stands to gain long-term benefits. They would essentially be in control of the next Lucifer in this arrangement)

Holding the rank of Archduke, Lord Agares mediates the political disagreements between the Great King Faction and the Four Great Satans' supporters. At this point, the Satans barely have any control of the situation. And while they had the might to enforce their power, it seems the Four Great Satans are more content roleplaying as Satans rather than properly doing their jobs.

They couldn't outmaneuver the Great King Faction no matter how much they tried because they had let them do as they pleased for too long.

It was disappointing.

With this situation at hand, the Archduke wanted to add in a third player, one that could bring back the balance the Underworld needs.

Naruto Phenex was that player.

Lord Agares did not care if, in the long run, he and his family would end up as mere followers of Naruto Phenex.

In fact, that was what he wanted to happen.

After all, Naruto was a devil with might not just in strength, but also in politics. It was his effective diplomatic maneuvering that led to the collapse of the Old Satan Faction in terms of their overall support and machinery. It was scary how one man dismantled a support system that existed for millennia.

That's the leader devilkind deserves.

As such, it was a shame when Naruto Phenex disappeared 200 years ago, and in the same vein, it is a tremendous blessing that the Lost Son has finally made his return.

Lord Agares has made his choice.

And that is to stand with the winning team.


Phenex Mansion

"If things go south, I will be there to help the family"

'Tch. How gold of you to say that when you haven't been here for two hundred years.' Riser scoffed at the words said to him by his brother. While he did appreciate the gesture, Riser couldn't help but be skeptical because, for him, Naruto had already abandoned the family once and the youngest Phenex son saw no reason to put his trust in his oldest brother just yet.

At the same time, however, he feels the slightest hint of optimism.

If the stories of their parents held true, Naruto never went back on his words. Once Naruto tells you something, you know he will do his best to do just that, or at least that was what Layla Phenex told her youngest son.

For the sake of their family, Riser hopes that Naruto would help out.

A lot of things are at stake with the union of the Houses of Gremory and Phenex, and if things do go south, it'll be the House of Phenex ending up with the short end of the stick.

Riser heard a knock on his door and heard the voice of his Queen, Yubelluna.

"Lord Riser, may I come in?" She requested.

Riser grunted and Yubelluna took that as a sign to enter her King's room.

"You seem deep in thought, Lord Riser," Yubelluna said, noticing the narrowed look on the face of Riser.

The woman walked towards Riser and sat by his bedside.

"Is it about what Lord Naruto told you?" She asked, and earned a nod from Riser.

"Riser is incredibly worried about this arrangement, Yubelluna. No matter how I think of it, there is no angle that we will walk away victorious. Riser is scared of what this would mean to the House of Phenex," Riser confided to his Queen.

Yubelluna remained silent. She, of course, shared the same sentiments as Riser. The interference of Sirzechs Lucifer in the negotiations between Riser and Rias meant one thing: he did not want this marriage to happen. In turn, sullying the good name of the House of Phenex, a family her king took great pride in being part of.

"Riser's only hope is his Lord brother, Naruto Phenex. But even then, Riser does not know how exactly can he help out. The man has been out of the Underworld for 200 years. Surely, his influence has since waned," Riser continued.

Yubelluna finally spoke.

"Perhaps Lord Naruto has realized something that most have yet to realize, Lord Riser. He does not strike me as a man who would make empty promises. Let us hope he can lend us his strength for what's to come."

Riser smiled at his Queen.

"Riser hopes for that as well."

Unknown Location

A man with black hair, golden bangs, and a black goatee leaned on his chair, reading a report brought to him by an informant.

"Heh, truly a one-man army, isn't he?" He remarked.

This man was Azazel, the leader of the Fallen Angels.

He was currently reading a report documenting Naruto Phenex's dismantling of the Old Satan Faction. All divisions of the faction had been wiped out, with all bodies notably missing their heads.

The informant did not know who was the culprit in the massacre, but Azazel is smart enough to put the pieces together.

1. Naruto Phenex returned to the Underworld

2. Naruto Phenex held no tolerance of the Old Satan Faction

3. All bodies were without heads, the very same way Naruto had disposed of his opponents in the past

4. No one else is strong enough and had enough motivation to do it aside from him.

It couldn't be under the orders of the Four Great Satans. After all, they were still embroiled in a tug-of-war for influence with the Bael's Great King Faction.

'I wouldn't be surprised if those Satan descendants wound up dead as well' Azazel thought to himself.

Things were moving too quickly the past couple of weeks.

It's as if the world was hurled in the middle of a maelstrom.

And that's fine by Azazel.

The world has already been too boring for too long.

It's time someone challenges the status quo.

'And hopefully, we'll find ourselves closer to peace'

Two Days Later

Kyoto, Japan

Naruto had a blank expression on his face as he looked at Yasaka, who was giggling at him.

It was the first time he had visited since his return to the Underworld, and of course, Yasaka was very happy to host him in her house. The woman brought him drinks and cooked dinner, the latter being the reason for the stand-off between the two.

"Really, Yasaka? A fried chicken? What's this supposed to mean?" Naruto asked.

Yasaka sent him an eyesmile.

"That meant: drop dead, blonde idiot." A menacing aura found engulfed Yasaka as she said that.

"And pray tell why?"

"Didn't you promise to visit as soon as you could? It's been two weeks, Naruto Phenex."

Naruto stared at Yasaka.

Yasaka stared back at Naruto, unflinchingly.

The blonde-haired devil sighed.

"A lot of things have been going on at home. I had to deflect numerous marriage proposals, and I had to gather more information."

"The third, which you can do using your clones." Yasaka countered.

"And I had to make sure Serafall wouldn't murder me."


"Why would your best friend, one that's in love with you, want to murder you?"

"She found out Lord Agares offered me the hand of his daughter. She probably thought I'd be marrying her given the Agares held the rank of Archduke." Naruto replied.

Serafall definitely needed to chill out sometimes. If the Leviathan Satan stopped for a moment and thought things out, she would never reach the conclusion that he'd marry Seekvaira Agares. While Naruto had nothing against the Agares heiress, she was still too young for him, and on top of that, he'd rather not be under the control of the House of Agares by virtue of being indebted to the family.

"Are you?"


Yasaka smiled and patted Naruto on the top of his head, much to the taller man's annoyance.


Naruto stared at Yasaka.

"And why are you so invested in it?"

Yasaka glared at him.

"Because I'm a woman and I understand where Serafall is coming from. Honestly, for someone so powerful, you are incredibly dense!"

Yasaka shook her head. From all the stories she heard from the blonde devil, it is clear as day that Serafall Leviathan is in love with him. Well, Naruto probably knows about it, but that damned knucklehead isn't acting on it!

As Naruto's friend and self-proclaimed teacher on the matters of a maiden's heart, Yasaka will make sure that Naruto would take accountability and make Serafall his.

"I know what you're thinking, Yasaka. I'm well aware Serafall is in love with me. It's just that, I'm still afraid. After all, I hurt her tremendously when I left," Naruto confided to Yasaka, whose eyes softened after said confession.

"That's true. But that doesn't mean you'll have to walk on eggshells around her. Despite everything, she still yearns for you, does she not?" Yasaka rhetorically asked.

Of course, she knew the answer to it. The way Naruto told his story, especially when he was about to leave the Underworld, made her see just how much Serafall loved Naruto. This was a woman who had her eyes on the blonde devil ever since their youth and when Naruto felt like committing to a relationship, he just had to do it with someone who he just knew.

That would have crushed any other woman.

But not Serafall.

Serafall continued supporting him even if the one Naruto loved... wasn't her.

She was there every step of the way, may it be advice on what to do when Grayfia was mad at him, or tips on what gifts he should give Grayfia, or even lending an ear that'll listen. Serafall was a willing provider.

As long as Naruto was happy, she was willing to help.

When Yasaka heard their story, she promptly tore Naruto a new one for being dumb, and for hurting such a wonderful girl. Of course, Yasaka was aware that just because Serafall loved Naruto first, it doesn't mean that she was entitled to be loved back. The reason for her rage was the mental torture Naruto unknowingly put Serafall in.

'That's why edge lords should just go die in a ditch somewhere,' Yasaka thought to herself.

It was definitely a blessing that Naruto had a revelation when he was reincarnated into Naruto Uzumaki. Now that is a real man... even if he's as dense as a brick.

Yasaka was cut from her musings when Naruto spoke.

"She does, and that is what makes me even more guilty for what I did to her. How could she still love a man who treated her like that?" Naruto said.

"You're such a dummy. You're better off not thinking about it if I were you. Just grab the opportunity and then treat her right. What are you? A teenager?" Yasaka teased Naruto, who rolled his eyes in response.

But the blonde wouldn't have it any other way.

Yasaka is among the greatest friends a person can ask for. She's not afraid to point out your faults, and she'll help you realize where you went wrong and how you're going to fix it. He liked that, and that's why he found it easy to trust the Yokai and share with her the truth about his disappearance.

And as expected, Yasaka lectured him.

It was like having an older sister, even if he was older than the Fox Yokai by about 50 years.

An older sister who'd perv on you at every opportunity, that is.

Not that he minds.

A beautiful girl checking him out is good for his natural ego as a devil.

'She should learn to at least be subtle about it though' Naruto thought and chuckled at remembering how obvious Yasaka can be when she tries to check him out.

Yasaka's eyes twitched.

"You're making fun of me now, aren't you?"



Suddenly, a meek voice belonging to a child made itself known.

"Kaa-san, what's a dickhead?"

Naruto laughed hard as Yasaka sputtered out incoherent words after being caught by her daughter.

"I'll tell you when you're older," Yasaka told Kunou, and then shot the laughing devil a glare.

"Hey, it's not my fault you have such a foul mouth!"



Phenex Mansion

After hanging out with Yasaka, Naruto made his way back to the Phenex mansion. It was quite the week for the blonde as he spent most of it enacting the plans he had in mind. These deeds ranged from securing support from Underworld Houses to widening the reach of his Intel Network.

'Only three days left,' Naruto thought to himself.

3 days from now, the rating game between Riser Phenex and Rias Gremory was set to unfold. Unbeknownst to most people, this would be the catalyst for a massive change in the Underworld.

The pieces are already set, all there is left, is the execution.

Naruto had no doubts that Riser would win the rating game, but regardless of the outcome, he already has a plan in store.

'Never hurts to have multiple safety nets.' Naruto thought to himself.

Kurama snorted.

"Heh, that Shikamaru really rubbed off on you, didn't he?"

Naruto laughed. Of course, that's bound to happen. You can't have the smartest man alive as your lead advisor and learn nothing about strategizing and scheming.

"Maa, maa. It's not like it's a bad thing, 'ttebayo! Would you prefer me acting recklessly as I did before?" Naruto replied to Kurama, who said nothing in return.

Naruto took that as a sign of agreement.

But that grumpy fox should vocally give him credit once in a while.

"Brat," Kurama said.

"What now?"

"That Agares guy. He's a rather shrewd one, isn't he?" The fox said.

"Well, it's not like his schemes would harm me directly. The guy seems to just want changes to happen. He could have just told me instead of trying to manipulate me to act quickly though." Naruto replied.

Of course, he knew where Lord Agares was going with that proposal that he made. It was a play that urged him to move in one specific direction, one that Agares had been banking on him to make.

To become the new Maou Lucifer.

"Well, I suppose he just made my next moves easy. I swear I'll get him back someday, 'ttebayo!"

Naruto pouted.

While the situation worked in his favor, he felt a little salty that he was pushed by Lord Agares to pursue the path he was currently taking.


"Come in!"

The door opened, revealing a man with slicked-back green hair and blue eyes. The man had a cool aura to him and upon seeing Naruto, the man sent him a smile.

This was Ajuka Beelzebub, the current Beelzebub Satan, and one of Naruto's closest friends.

"Look who just got out from his man cave!" Naruto joked.

Ajuka shook his head in response.

"Always with the jokes, Naruto. Glad to know that part of you hasn't changed," Ajuka replied.

"Maa, maa. You know me! Come, take a seat." Naruto pointed to the couch across from him, which Ajuka then sat on.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Ajuka asked.

Naruto then wordlessly summoned a sealing scroll and upon the chant of "KAI," three heads rolled out from the scroll. Ones belonging to the leaders of the Old Satan Faction: Katerea Leviathan, Shalba Beelzebub, and Creuserey Asmodeus.

The two Super Devils intently stared at one another.

Ajuka then spoke.

"Never thought I'd see the day these three would be treated like fodder"

Naruto laughed before a serious expression made its way to his face.

"Ajuka, it's time for a change."

The Beelzebub Satan remained silent, opting to examine the heads belonging to what used to be their mortal enemies.

"It would have been easier if you had never left," Ajuka said.

"Perhaps. But I needed that time away. If it weren't for that, who knows what I'd be up to?" Naruto replied.

Ajuka sighed. "Is this the path you wish to take? I will support you, Naruto... but I warn you, things would never be the same again."

"And who said I like things as they are, Ajuka?"


"I hate it when people who have the power allow despicable things to happen under their watch. This world that we have... it needs to be challenged." Naruto continued.

"Are you sure this is not you acting in pettiness towards Sirzechs?" Ajuka asked.

Naruto snorted.

"If I held Sirzechs in contempt, I would have killed him by now. All I feel towards him and Grayfia is apathy. They can live however they want. This is different. The world is already changing... much faster than you know." Naruto said.

Ajuka elected to stare at the blonde, who gave him a more intense stare.

"We are losing the very thing we fought to have: an Underworld where everyone has the right to feel free, an Underworld free from the shackles of outdated traditions. You know this, Ajuka."

Ajuka sighed. Naruto had a valid point. The Four Great Satans... have practically been reduced to mere symbols, with the Great King faction's influence growing by the day. Perhaps, if Naruto never left, then this wouldn't be a problem.

'But then again... it's unfair to put the blame on the shoulders of one man.' Ajuka thought.

"Ajuka," Naruto said, again gathering the attention of the Satan. "If none of you have the guts to take control, then I will." Naruto declared.

Ajuka smirked. "The years have definitely been kind to you, Naruto. You have my support, Lord Lucifer."

"Be careful, you might just see yourself killed for treason!" Naruto chided Ajuka, who shook his head.

"Let them try," Ajuka replied.

Same Time - Phenex Mansion


Serafall Leviathan was not happy.

Apparently, Naruto and Ajuka had a secret meeting... which was fine.


They didn't even invite her!

'Mou~! I thought they loved me. If they were planning something cool, they should let me know!' Serafall thought to herself and pouted.

"Let them have their moment, Serafall. Those two haven't gotten the chance to properly catch up, you know?" Layla Phenex said, interrupting Serafall from her sulking.

"Bu...but! I thought I would have Naru to myself today," Serafall reasoned.

A male voice then made itself known

"That's a little selfish, don't you think?"

"Ajuka-tan!" Serafall greeted the Maou Beelzebub before shooting him a glare.

"How dare you take Naru away?!"

Ajuka snorted.

"I'd rather die than let this mad scientist take me away! He'd probably take away an organ or two," Naruto said, making his way to the gardens.


Serafall ran up to Naruto and tackled him down to the ground.

Ajuka then turned his head to Layla. "Quite nostalgic isn't it, Lady Phenex?" Ajuka asked.

Layla giggled.

"If only they'd give me grandkids now."

"I would pray for Naruto when that happens, and prayers give me headaches," Ajuka replied.

"He deserves it for disappearing for so long," Layla said.

Upon hearing the conversation between Ajuka and Layla, Serafall quickly got away from Naruto and blushed profusely.

'Babies... with Naru. Uwaaaaaa~' Serafall grabbed her cheeks and gushed at the thought.

"Now, you guys sent her to dreamland." Naruto dryly said.

Serafall then recovered.

"Now that both of you are here, how about all of us spend the day together? It's a great idea, right? Right?"

Both Ajuka and Naruto could have sworn that Serafall's eyes turned into stars. Maybe the entire Magical Girl schtick led to her discovering a new magic?

"I'll pass. I wouldn't want to impose on your Naru-Sera time, as you put it, Serafall," Ajuka said.

Naruto shot the man a glare and mouthed off "traitor" to Ajuka, who disappeared into a magic circle.

"Ajuka-tan is a great guy, isn't he?"

Naruto chuckled.

'Well, it's not like I haven't been looking forward to hanging out with Serafall,' He thought to himself.

"Naru, carry me on your back!" Serafall demanded as she leaped on the back of the much taller man.

Naruto turned his head to his mother, who smiled at him.

"Hey, mom. Sera and I gotta go somewhere. See ya!"

The ground beneath Naruto glowed, revealing the Phenex Magic Circle.

"Give me grandkids already, alright?"

"Damn it, mom! We aren't even married!"

"Then marry me Naru!"



"So you'd marry that Seekvaira girl instead?"

"Now where the hell did you even get that idea from, dattebayo!"

Before Layla knew it, she was left alone in her garden.

"Dattebayo?" Layla said to herself and shook her head.

Her son has been saying the strangest things since he returned.


"So where do you wanna go, Sera? I don't think you'd want to just roam all over Lilith." Naruto said.

Serafall nodded happily on his back.

"Mhm-mm~! You really know me well, Naru! How about we visit So-tan?" Serafall replied.


"My little sister. The cutest little sister in the world!" Serafall exclaimed happily.

"Hey I have a cute little sister too, I think she's cuter!" Naruto replied.

"You haven't even seen her yet," Serafall dryly said.

"That's true. I'll see her in three days, I guess."

"You're such a horrible big brother, Naru~!" Serafall teased the blonde who shook his head.

"You sure you want us to go to Kuoh? I don't think Sirzechs' little sister would like seeing another Phenex in her territory," Naruto replied.

Serafall pouted.

"Who cares what she thinks about? I will see my So-tan!"

"We'll just drop by for a bit and go, alright?"

"Mou~! Fine!"

Kuoh Town

Kuoh Academy

Sona Sitri or Shitori, as she goes by in the Human World, was having a rather routine day. While some may find signing off paperwork mundane and boring, Sona relishes it because, for her, it's her way of ensuring the Academy stays in order at all times.

It was a good day for Sona and hopes the rest of her day would be calm.

And then, a magic circle appeared in front of Sona, leading the Sitri heiress to be alarmed.

After all, it was the Leviathan magic circle, a major flag for a "Wild Serafall Sighting."

Her worries turned into reality as she heard the loud shriek of "SO-TAAAAAAN" coming from her sister. What she didn't expect, however, was another person emerging from the magic circle.

A blonde-haired man with blue eyes.

And was that Serafall clinging to his back?

Sona took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes. The woman wore her glasses again and saw the same sight.

'This is turning into a headache already' Sona thought to herself.

"Hello," the man greeted Sona.

Sona gave the man a nod and then stared at her sister, who was still clinging to the back of the man.

"Hey, So-tan! Meet my Naru!" Serafall happily said.

'Naru?' Sona thought before her eyes widened.

That's right! The heir to the House of Phenex has returned a couple of weeks ago.

Naruto Phenex, the strongest Devil.

And the only person Serafall loved more than she loves her.

"Your behavior is unbecoming of a Satan, onee-sama," Sona said, causing Serafall to pout.

Naruto laughed.

"Tell me about it," Naruto said, which led to Serafall biting his shoulder.

"Ouch, that hurts, Sera!"

Sona coughed. "What brings you here to the human world, onee-sama?" Sona asked.

"Oh! I just wanted to introduce you to Naru!" Serafall replied.

"A pleasure to meet you, Sona," Naruto said.

"The pleasure is mine, Lord Naruto," Sona replied.

Naruto laughed. The contrast between the two sisters couldn't be more obvious. While Serafall clung to her inner child, it seems her little sister Sona was trying to grow up quicker than she should.

"Maa, maa. There's no need to be formal! I do apologize for our abrupt arrival in your office." Naruto said.

"Eh? Why are you apologizing, Naru? We can visit So-tan as we please, okay?" Serafall said in a reprimanding voice.

Sona stared at her older sister.

"I'd rather save myself from any possible heart attack your sudden arrival would bring, onee-sama."

"Mou~! Don't say that! I know you love me, So-tan! That's why Naru and I dropped by to check on you." Serafall sent her sister a wink. Said sister just sent her a blank look.

"Well, it really was nice meeting you, Sona! But I think it'd be best if Sera and I go now. I wouldn't want to be a bother. See ya!" The Phenex magic circle appeared beneath both Naruto and Serafall.

Serafall, of course, complained at the blonde, saying she "needs 5 more minutes with So-tan" and then playfully punching the top of Naruto's head.

Sona was then left alone in her office.

'So that's how onee-sama behaves when Naruto Phenex is around.' The Sitri heiress thought to herself.

It was an amusing sight for Sona. Perhaps that's how other people saw it when Serafall was clinging to her?

Sona shook her head.

It's still embarrassing.

With Naruto and Serafall

"So, what do you say? So-tan is the cutest, isn't she?" Serafall bragged.

Currently, Naruto and Serafall are walking through the streets of Kyoto, headed toward Naruto's favorite ramen place in town. Serafall was no longer on Naruto's back, opting to walk by his side.

And from time to time, she found her eyes directed to Naruto's right hand.

'I wanna hold it,' Serafall thought to herself but resisted the urge.

"Ravel is probably still cuter," Naruto replied.

Serafall pouted for what was the nth time of the day.

Naruto shook his head before grasping the woman's left hand with his right hand, much to Serafall's surprise.


Naruto laughed and said, "You've been looking at my hand for quite some time already. I can take a hint, you know?"

"Dummy," Serafall whispered and failed to hide the wide smile on her face.

A couple of minutes later, Naruto and Serafall found their way to the entrance of a ramen shop. It had a homely vibe to it, which was what Naruto liked as it reminded him of Ichiraku Ramen from his life as Naruto Uzumaki.

"Hey, old man! Two miso ramen, please!" Naruto yelled out.

"That voice...HAHA! Naruto, you're back!" The ramen chef replied.

"Hai hai. Now make it quick old man, we're hungry already!" Naruto responded.

The ramen chef shook his head.

"So, is this your date?" He said, referring to Serafall, who blushed at the question.

"Probably," Naruto said.

Serafall then stomped her foot on Naruto's shoes, clearly not happy with his reply.

"Heh, said like an A-Grade playboy. You better be careful, kid! Women are different monsters altogether." The ramen chef said.

"Tell me about it."

Three minutes later, the ramen chef reemerged, bringing Naruto and Serafall the ramen they ordered.

"Ya better eat slowly kid! Can't have you eating like a damn pig when you're with a woman!" He teased Naruto, who laughed.

Naruto felt a tug on his sleeve and turned his head to Serafall, who was pouting at him.

"Tell me this is a date, Naru!" She said and shot Naruto a glare.

"Maa, maa. Relax, Sera. I was just joking. Consider this a date," Naruto said, patting the girl on her back.

"Mou~! You should be careful about the things you're saying when there's a maiden with you!"

"Sorry, sorry!"

"Hmp! Fine. Apology accepted... this time."

Naruto smiled at the Leviathan Satan, who found herself blushing at the attention.

'I promise, I'll make things up to you, Sera.' Naruto thought to himself. He is aware of Serafall's affection toward him. However, he still doesn't know what to make of it. After all, he has lived 65 years of his life married to Hinata, before she passed 15 years ago. Hopefully, Serafall can still wait a little longer.

Time allows you plenty of time to reflect, which, Naruto could attest to. Perhaps, in due time, he can find his answer to Serafall's love for him.

But now, Naruto had other priorities in mind.

Priorities that he'll deal with soon enough.

After all, Naruto Phenex is never one to let a golden opportunity pass.

End of Chapter

A/N: I don't know if the story is a little fast-paced for everyone's liking but I felt like I can chuck out chapters faster if I follow this pace. Next chapter, the rating game between Rias and Riser! I've been looking forward to writing it and well... now, we're almost there.

See you guys in the next chapter!