

[Daemon's POV]

{Congratulations performer! You have just broken the record for achieving the smallest amount of time spent before receiving their first specialized contract. Because of this achievement, you have been awarded 100 system coins.}

I listened to Aegis' robotic voice intently as the sound of party poppers were simulated around me, filling my ears before quickly fading away as though they were never there.

{As this is your first specialized contract, I will explain to you the necessary general information to satisfy your contractor's desires!}

{Each commission, regardless of their type, is seperated into three stages. These include the Debriefing stage wherein you may read through the changes desired by the contractor and, if needed, converse with them for specifics.}

{Due to the nature of their existence and your weak psyche, we will be projecting your conversation via the interface to prevent any mental and physical degradation or destruction caused by aspects of their being.}

{The changes desired will be seperated into three types via their color in the interface. Green represents unimportant changes that have little effect to the final satisfaction rating.}

{Yellow represents changes that are important events that will result in the performer suffering a "slight" discomfort should they fail, and red which are similar but carry heavier punishment. Should the performer fail, the performance may be halted or continue at the contractor's discretion.}

{It is then followed by the performance stage which, depending on the contractor and council, may see you deprived of certain abilities to fulfill their enjoyment, and maintain the world line's stability.}

"What is the point of me gaining abilities if I can't even use them in the first place?!" I shouted angrily as a headache settled in due to the flood of information and my general frustration.

{We understand that this may anger the performer, but we can reassure you that these abilities will return at the end of your contract, and were fairly arbitrated over to ensure the feasibility of completion.}

{Moreover, the performer's soul may be inserted into a newly crafted body and identity that may or may not resemble their true being, or possess and replace the soul of an already existing character.}

{In both cases, information needed to assume this new identity will be provided during the prior stage. This stage is then followed by either the punishment or reward stage!}

{If a change is deemed unsatisfactory or incompete, the performer will find themselves either returned to a system-chosen point of deviation or at the punishment stages.}

{Though the physical body returns to its state at the chosen point, the performer will not recover their mental state and suffer a backlash in the form of phantom pains.}

{Be warned, systemic damage to the body caused by mental overstimulation resulting in sudden homeostatic imbalances have caused severe effects upon the performer.}

{As for the third stage, which one occurs depends on the contractor's satisfaction and the unbiased arbitration of the council of the performer's actions. Should the contractor be satisfied, the performer will be rewarded the system currency offered in the contract, and a limited amount of ability/ies gained in that world line as "incentives".}

{Aegis' guide ends here, does Performer Daemon have any questions?}

Silence once again reigned over me as I tried wrapping my head around the new information presented to me. Admittedly, questions like what happens to the soul I replaced never plagued me, showing how little I cared for the person who I'd be hijacking which did make my stomach turn.

'Was I... always like this before I was here?' I thought to myself with no real way of knowing the answer. The contract never mentioned getting my personality altered, and though there was precedent of performers retaining their memories, such wasn't included with the contract that "I" signed.

I wouldn't place personality or memory alteration beyond the power of whoever controlled whatever this was, but as far as I'd seen so far, this industry functioned like a company.

{Does performer Daemon have any questions?}

"I..., must I accept the contract immediately upon receiving it?" I questioned, only for its answer to not really matter as my gaze shifted to a timer placed just beside the "Accept" button.

{Though unusual, seeing as how the performer has already received coins that they may use, I will be unlocking the System Shop and Multiversal Trade option for the performer to use!}

{Would you like for me to notify you should the timer reach the 30 second mark?}

"That... would be nice, yes." I replied offhandedly as my thoughts naturally gravitated to the System Shop. Pressing it changed the interface to reveal multiple boxes that presented images that I'd assume were of the items being sold.

To the upper right was an image of a blue coin with the capital letter "S" at the center which shined brightly beside the amount indicator. The items being sold were of a wide variety that ranged from weapons, tools, food, and even upgrades to this barren island.

Scrolling down to the very bottom, all that remained was a singular gray square encasing the image of a ticket. Unlike the other items that I could buy, this one refused to present any more information.

'I wonder what this is...' I thought to myself before sighing in resignation as nothing changed no matter how many times I tapped it.

With no real change occuring, I switched the interface over to the special contract subtab, finding the entire situation odd. I had assumed that special contracts would only start appearing once I've satisfied a contractor who wanted my service for another time.

All in all, this seemed too suspicious to not warrant a second thought, but wonder as I might, I knew I won't be getting any answers any time soon.

I'd assume contracts, specialized contracts no less, gains some form of exchange from these being that utilize the system so specialized contracts should be far costlier.

If it wasn't, then open contracts would only exist to satisfy these beings curiosities, though I'm sure curiosity does play a major role to this industry's success.

These beings have specific desires, and those desires are the reason why specialized contracts exist.

Noticing how useless these thoughts had become, I went back to focusing on the pressing matters at hand. This being my first contract made everything an unknown factor.

I didn't know what to prepare, or if I could even prepare anything from this side of the system. I'd assume there was a way considering how the system sold weapons, but 100 coins was only enough to buy a single common dagger.

{Performer Daemon, you have reached the 30 second mark.}

'Ah... I guess I let my mind wander too much...?' I thought to myself as I raised a hand, squeezing it tightly before releasing the pressure. This pain... whatever this form of existence is, even if I have become a slave to this system, I will learn more of who I am.

I won't give up on a future free from this servitude. I'm going to find out who's trapped me in this world... and make them regret ever giving me that contract!

And it was with those thoughts that my eyes were blinded by a sudden rush of light but for the briefest of moments, I thought like I could see a pair of ruby-colored eyes staring at me from behind one of the many purple trees that dotted this island.