A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
"Ryder! Stop running!" Penny called out to me. She grunted as she ran faster to catch up to me then grabbed my hand.
I slowed down as I felt her grab my hand. I looked back at her, noticing her panting. "Why would you still pursue me after what I did to you?"
Penny looked at me and panted softly. "Because...I fucking love you, Ryder! I do. I do! I do! I do! Why...why would you think I wouldn't?! You're my first boyfriend, my ONLY boyfriend!"
Her words still echoed in my head and I just stared at the ground.
"Ryder...why won't you face me..?" Penny asked sadly with tears forming in her eyes.
I turned to look at her. "It's because I hurt you..."
Penny looked into my sad eyes and pulled me to her then hugged me. "You were hurting...I could see the pain on your face. I'm sorry for letting myself get swayed by Amadeus so easily...I didn't know he could use my mind like that..."
Dawn and the others finally made it and noticed me and Penny. Penny held me in a tight embrace, telling me how much she loved me to reassure me.
"It felt so real when you said those words. It angered me how easily he had you all around his finger. It angered me when he called you all his lovers." I said softly.
"We will never cheat on you, Ry..~ You're our one and only. No one compares to you ever. Ever!" Penny said then let go of me to hold my cheeks. "Ever."
I gave her a slight smile. "I probably ruined the day huh..? I just...can't seem to control him anymore.."
"No you aren't at fault here.." Penny said then pulled me in for a kiss.
She kissed my lips and I slowly kissed back. She broke the kiss and stroked my hair. After getting reassured by Penny, Talenta noticed a real Love Sigil appearing on Penny's shoulder.
"So why didn't we stop him when he was tweaking out?" Talenta asked.
"There was no purpose. The damage had already been done." Satan said.
"But still! We should've seen it coming. Him lashing out I mean. After all he's still learning how to control his Alter Ego. We should've at least helped him." Luckie said.
'It's fine you three. No need to argue over me. I'll learn soon enough. Even if I have to stop him myself.'
"You good, Ace?" Noel asked as she walked toward me.
"Yeah. Sorry about all of that." I said.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack." Tao Sun said with a smile.
Dawn smiled and agreed. "Yeah, that was scary to witness. I've never seen anyone get hit that hard. Sent that guy flying couple hundred feet."
"How do you three know Amadeus?" Melody asked.
"He's been going to Oceanview for a while now. I'm surprised you've never met him." Dawn said.
"So one of my biggest enemies is going to the same college I go to. How fucking ridiculous. First Eli, now this shit? Is Oceanview just the home base to this bullshit? And Noel is apparently his sister?" I said.
Noel nodded and held her arms. "Amadeus is my brother, but not in the way you would think. You see, my father had a harem. I have a brother, and a sister. Amadeus comes from a different woman. My sister is an Agent in the Tokyo Branch, the same branch I come from. My sister's name is Bianca Love."
"Amadeus Love. A fitting name for the wielder of the Mask of The Romantic." Satan said.
"Amadeus...he doesn't necessarily agree with the Black Market but still believes he's taking the right path. He was one of my targets. He kidnapped my best friend. We fought. I lost. I had to flee to America under Aunt Charlotte's supervision. My best friend is now dead." Noel said coldly as she stared at the ground.
I looked at Noel then walked toward her. I held her shoulders and she looked up at me. I smiled at her. "I know your pain."
Noel stared into my eyes as I said those words. She closed her eyes and smiled. "I know you do. I know about Matt."
I nodded then held her hands. "Amadeus. What is his weakness?"
Noel looked at me. "I know he can never resist the urge to indulge in his own reflection. He loves to boost his ego about his beauty any chance he gets."
"What are you hatching up?" Talenta asked.
"You five. Do you want to help me take down Amadeus?" I asked.
"Wh-What?! Ryder! They are NOT goi-" Melody started.
"I do." Tao Sun said and smiled a determined smile.
"Yeah, after what that jerk did to us we deserve to beat his ass." Dawn said.
"I-I might not be useful in a fight, but I wanna help you Ryder! The Black Market are now using Oceanview as collateral! I won't stand for it!" Penny barked.
Noel listened to them rally and smiled. "You realize the risk of this right?"
"Hell yeah we do!" Dawn said.
"I want to be like Lady Liao Ru! I want to be useful! She's saved my hometown so many times! I want to be like her!" Tao Sun said.
"My sister Nina is amazing at fighting. She learned from Wendy and Rhea. It's time I finally be strong! This is a revolution!" Penny bellowed.
"A revolution!" Dawn and Tao Sun yelled.
"The Anime Club Revolution!" Penny yelled.
"The Ani- Ehh..?" Dawn asked.
I smiled then pumped my fist in the air. "The Anime Club Revolution!"
Penny smiled at me and nodded then pumped her fist in the air. "The Anime Club Revolution!"
Dawn and Tao Sun smiled at us then decided to join in. "The Anime Club Revolution!"
"Eh whatever. We're a team anyway. The Anime Club Revolution!" Wendy laughed.
"Can I join the Revolution?" Noel asked.
I grabbed Noel's hand and raised it. "You don't even have to ask..~"
"The Revolution!" We all said as one.
Charlotte smirked as she watched from a distance. "The Leadership of the Ace. No. The Leadership of Ryder King. These women are willing to put their lives on the line for Ryder. Well so be it..~ This was my plan anyway. Paid Relationships will never fall. My family will never falter. All we needed was the right push and we found it. Syndicates...you are finished."
"Who are you talking to?" Rebecca asked and laughed.
"Will you shut up, you reckless succubus?!" Charlotte bellowed.
I heard the two bickering in the distance and smiled. Rebecca laughed and teased Charlotte for monologuing and Charlotte was getting pissed off.
"Come on, let's go." I smiled.
The next day...
Rhea was finished making breakfast then she heard the doorbell ring. "Becca!~ Can you get that please?~"
"Yeah I gotcha, babe!~" Rebecca said then set the remote down and got up. She put on her slides then hurried to the front door, skipping down the stairs. "Hup! Hup! Hup! Yello?~"
Penny smiled at Rebecca. "Heya!~ Is Ryder home?~"
Rebecca looked back. "Love bug!~ Your cute little bunny is here!~"
Penny got flustered over the nickname Rebecca chose for her. "Bunny..~"
Rebecca smiled at Penny then gently squished her cheek. "He'll be down in a moment, come in and make yourself at home as always~"
Penny nodded and walked into my house. She went to the kitchen to say hello to Rhea. "Rhea!~"
Rhea looked at Penny and smiled. "Oh!~ Hey, Pen!~ I didn't expect you to arrive so soon!"
"The Anime Club has a very important mission today so I came by to get Ryder!" Penny said.
"Won't you stay for breakfast?" Rhea asked.
Penny nodded. She loved Rhea's cooking. Every time she comes over to spend a few days with me, she would always look forward to cooking with Rhea.
I walked down the stairs with my hair in a ponytail. I had an eye patch on for my left eye. I wore the promise rings Penny, Dawn, Melody, and Tao Sun gave me. I wore my earrings on both ears. My black long coat with split tails flowed behind me as I walked down the stairs.
Penny heard me and went to greet me and looked surprised to see my appearance. "Whoa you're going out dressed as The Ace, Pre Barbara?"
"Noel and I will be training you all. We can't have you going into battle with no experience at all." I said.
"You're training people?" Rebecca asked.
"We ran into Amadeus yesterday. He put some of my lovers in a Love Spell. They wanted revenge for being used in a way. This is the revolution." I said and smiled at Rebecca.
"Mind if we join?" Rhea asked.
"Not at all, it would be great if you two did." I smiled.
Talenta looked at both Rebecca and Rhea and noticed they already had a Love Sigil. "I don't know why I am surprised. These two have the purest love for Ryder that I've ever seen. Especially Rebecca. Her Love Sigil is so powerful it pretty much has an infinite supply."
"I don't think anyone can love Ryder more than Rebecca. No matter what hoops they jump, Rebecca is so infatuated with Ryder to where she's willing to have his child. I guess I should work my magic to make the child as normal as possible." Satan said.
"A whole lot of yapping for you to say a whole lot of nothing." Luckie said.
"Mammon, come get your daughter before I beat her ass!" Satan said.
"Goddamn, do you three ever shut up?" I asked as I watched Talenta, Luckie, and Satan swarm around.
Penny was shocked that she was able to see them. "H-Have they always been there?"
I nodded and looked at Penny, smiling. "I'm in my own house so they have no reason to conceal their presence. You should be grateful to not have to go through this..~"
"I am..~" Penny giggled softly.
"Floor 99 is known as The Ace's Floor. Since you are planning to train a few women yourself, you can use this indestructible room for all training purposes as only myself and the Agency are allowed in our training floor." Charlotte said.
"This room also comes with a virtual training device so you can immerse deeper in your training. Good luck~" Charlotte smiled.
I nodded and watched Charlotte leave. The women looked over at me and awaited their instructions.
"Okay...so the first thing we need to work on is awakening your energy source." I said then pressed a button on my remote and the room transformed into a prairie.
"How will we be doing that?" Tao Sun asked.
"Like this." I said then sat down on the grass. I closed my eyes then began to concentrate and my aura slowly formed around my body.
Penny, Dawn, and Tao Sun looked at me in awe. Melody was also impressed on how easily I was able to generate my aura. Noel, Rebecca, and Rhea smiled.
"If you want to know a fact, a presence is stronger than aura." I said then began to extend my aura to fill the room.
Everyone felt my presence then Talenta noticed I had copied Amadeus's Mesmerizing Presence and made it into my own.
"Amadeus had Mesmerizing Presence, this feels different." Talenta said then closed her eyes.
"This presence.." Rebecca smiled and closed her eyes. "So warm...so loving."
Penny sat next to me and her Love Sigil began to shine on her shoulder. She smiled and closed her eyes. "This energy I feel...it's so beautiful."
Dawn nodded then sat down beside us. "It feels like his energy, but it's so comforting."
"I want us all to win together. If I can prove to Charlotte that you all can do this...She might consider letting me have my own team to protect Oceanview. The Mask Users now know the location to HQ. Attacks will be frequent. I will not fail you all." I said.
Penny, Dawn, Tao Sun, and Melody all sat around me and smiled at my Lover's Presence.
"Lover's Presence." Satan said.
"What is that?" Talenta asked.
"It's a completely original skill. This presence is used to bond with his lover's. It induces one with Undying Loyalty. They will always follow his footsteps." Satan said.
Talenta noticed how calm everyone was around me. She could sense slight energy coming from them. She smiled and closed her eyes. "We can not lose."
"We won't." Satan said and crossed her arms. "I won't allow us to."
Talenta and Luckie nodded in agreement.
Amadeus had walked into campus only to be stopped by Mark himself. Mark glared at Amadeus as he felt his evil intentions.
"Coach Mark. You, a normal human, dare to stand against me?" Amadeus asked. "Step aside."
Caroline walked up and cracked her knuckles. "Charlotte warned us about you. We won't let you walk as you please."
"So you want to fight me? Are you an idiot?" Amadeus asked.
"Nah.." Mark said then stepped forward. His Crest of Brotherhood shined on his hand. "We want to kill you. I can hear his voice in my head, telling me to fight."
Mark heard a motorcycle pulling up and noticed someone had pulled up beside him. "Took you long enough."
The man took off his helmet and smiled. "Sorry, my sister was bothering me."
"Who is this?" Amadeus asked.
"The name's Erik Sanders. And no I didn't come alone." Erik said then old members of the Karma Gang thag existed ten years ago arrived and surrounded Amadeus.
Amadeus heard a giggle and turned around.
"I've never had to use this once...but if Handsome Shiro wants this, we shall make it happen." Chloe said then Maple began barking at Amadeus. Her Destiny Charm shined on her hand.
"Ahh the Destiny Island crew. Heh...This will be fun." Amadeus said then his Mask appeared on his face. "Let us begin this slaughter then!"
To Be Continued....