
Mission Complete

Benedict groaned as I kicked him away then I ran after him. Benedict landed on his feet then fired multiple bullets at me. I dodged each bullet then palmed his stomach, stunning him. I rapidly struck his body then punched his stomach. I turned my fist then sent him crashing into a truck.

I looked at him then stood up straight. My eyes shined and Talenta smiled at me then turned her attention to Benedict. Benedict looked pissed. He gave no second thought and dashed to me then went for a punch. I pushed his arm out the way then went for an uppercut, but luck was on his side when he dodged my attack. I spun around and pointed my gun at him then shot him four times as he did to me.

Benedict stumbled backwards with a surprised expression on his face. He chuckled softly then uncovered his body, showing he was hit in safe areas of his body. "Nice try...Your movements are a lot better. Your mind seems to be completely clear, only focused on killing me. Like a true assassin. A true hitman. You're just like him when he's focused. It's almost like...he lives in you."

Everyone looked at Benedict then looked at me. Rebecca looked at my face and her eyes widened. I gave him a wicked smile. I chuckled darkly then began to laugh a bit.

"None of this feels real. It's almost like a fucking fever dream. I dream I don't want to wake up from. For once in my life...I feel like I have purpose. Even if I am just living a life like the Great and Lustful Shiro Moji...I have a purpose...I have a reason." I said then holstered my gun. "I have a Destiny.."

I dashed to Benedict and threw a fast punch. Benedict's widened as he barely dodged it. I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder. He landed on his feet then turned around just to get struck with my roundhouse kick. He and Luckie looked surprised. Benedict groaned as he was knocked backwards, spinning. He landed on his side and groaned softly.

"His movements. His strikes. They've become so much better than ever. His body moves on its own. He has a completely clear mind only focusing on the goal." Wendy said.

Benedict bellowed as he ran to me. He began to throw faster punches, but I dodged them and parried his next attack. I went for the counter, but he caught my fist and grunted.

"Don't...struggle." I said coldly then pushed him back then sweeped him off his feet with a kick then punched his stomach.

Benedict's eyes widened and he coughed blood. I stood up and aimed my gun at his face. I was prepared to end it, but I was forced to dodge a bullet which allowed Benedict to get up and create distance.

A woman walked forward and her blonde hair flowed with the wind. Her hazel eyes shined brightly. She fixed her tie then adjusted the belt of her pants. She looked at me then smirked.

"The Ace...Charlotte...The Agency...You all are here. I couldn't even finish ravaging my beloved women before selling them off to Acillia." The woman said.

"Barbara Pace. You finally show your fucking face." Charlotte said.

"Benedict. Retreat for now. You are needed with the other Mask Users." Barbara said.

Benedict looked at Barbara then looked back at me. "You may have beaten me this round, but next time we meet...I will have you dead at my feet."

Benedict began to retreat then I aimed my gun at him, but Charlotte stopped me.

"Like I said, we can always get the masks back later. He wasn't our target anyway. Our target is Barbara." Charlotte said then looked at Barbara.

Barbara watched as Eliza and Eve began to heal everyone. She chuckled lightly and held her arms. "Your efforts...they are all futile. This is it, Paid Relationships. All of you are finished!"

She pressed a button then pieces of a power suit flew toward her. The pieces began to form the whole power suit around her body then the eyes of her power suit shined. Her power suit was green and white. It had glowing yellow eyes and wings on its back.

"Say hello to Veridian Knight Mark X!" Barbara bellowed.

"This is it. We are finally faced against Barbara. Our women are in that building. All we need to do is kill her and rescue them! Agency! It's time to kill!" Charlotte said.

I dashed toward Barbara then threw a grenade at her, but she deflected it back toward me. I used a wall of energy to block the explosion then came out the smoke and punched her face. Barbara took the attack then grabbed me and tossed me aside.

Wendy ran forward and jumped up then came down with a powerful axe kick, but Barbara blocked it and grabbed her leg then spun her around and slammed her to the ground. Wendy groaned then was kicked away.

Noel appeared behind Barbara and slashed with her dagger, but noticed it did nothing. She grunted and dodged Barbara's kick then jumped backwards.

Eliza ran forward and threw a sticky bomb on Barbara's power suit then detonated it. Barbara groaned as she rolled backwards then fired a massive energy beam from her power suit's chest. I protected Eliza with an enhanced shield of energy then grunted as I slid back a bit.

Alice hurried forward then unholstered her dual pistols then fired multiple bullets at Barbara and noticed the bullets bouncing off her armor. She holstered her pistols then took out her sniper then fired a bullet at Barbara. Barbara turned and the beam went straight for Eliza.

Eve raised her arm and a group of roots blocked the beam then an explosion happened. Rhea ran forward and unsheathed her katanas then slashed rapidly at Barbara, but her attacks did nothing to her power suit.

"That power suit is made from metals that can't be scratched by conventional weapons, but it does have weak points." Talenta said as she watched. She pointed at Barbara and exposed the power suit's weak spots to me. "Break her power suit and she will be exposed to all forms of damage."

I nodded then stood up. I was already pretty tired from my fight against Benedict and the Mercenaries, but I pushed through and ran straight for Barbara. Barbara looked at me and went for a punch. I dodged the attack then struck a weak point of her power suit then kicked her away. She slid backwards then looked at me. She noticed my Emblem of Talent shined and noticed energy formed around me and made a replica of her power suit.

"As you know, you can copy anything as long as you have an understanding of it. Ability, Weapon, Power, Skill, anything. That is the true power of the Talent Sigil. We have Talent Intuition by default which allows us to learn any talent possible." Talenta said.

"I kinda figured that out when I subconsciously copied Benedict's Luck Zone. And now I will use it!" I bellowed and a golden field began to form over a vast area.

Charlotte noticed and smiled. "He's already putting everything to full usage."

Barbara dashed toward me and I dashed toward her as well. We went for an attack at the same time then struck each other's faces. I grunted and was knocked back as she was stronger than I was.

"Evolve." Talenta said.

My body began to grow more defensive. Barbara ran toward me again, as she was wanting to kill me first. Rebecca ran past me and tackled Barbara. She rolled forward then Eve caused a wooden pillar to knock Barbara upwards. Rebecca was propelled to the sky by Eve then bellowed and her eyes faintly shined as she palmed Barbara's stomach, another weak point of the power suit.

Barbara fell to the ground and grunted softly. She slowly stood up and looked at everyone. She chuckled softly and pressed another button then a sword flew into her hand. "Veridian Railsword. Activate!" She bellowed then powerful aura began to surge from the sword.

"An Alchemist Weapon!" Eliza called out.

Charlotte equipped her gauntlets. "This is where I come forward.."

Barbara smirked as she noticed Charlotte getting serious. "Charlotte!" She roared.

Charlotte smirked then dashed forward and dodged Barbara's slash then struck her stomach then hit her with a swift uppercut then kicked her away. Charlotte loosened her tie and her eyes shined.

"Her eyes." I said.

"Charlotte was granted a bit of power from Shiro before he left. She has the power to use...Mystic Arts, a form of Alchemy that requires Mana. Watch her closely." Talenta said.

Barbara slashed again then released a cutting wave at Charlotte. Charlotte dodged the cutting wave and unholstered her gun then electricity crackled around the gun then she fired a lightning bullet at Barbara, hitting her. Barbara yelled in pain as she was electrocuted. Barbara bellowed then broke out of the electrocution then dashed toward Charlotte.

Charlotte chanted then mana began to emit from her chest then she pulled a spear from her chest and dashed toward Barbara. They began to clash rapidly then Charlotte parried Barbara's next attack then rapidly thrusted her spear at Barbara hitting her in all of her weak spots. Charlotte slashed with her spear then hit Barbara with a decisive blow, sending her rolling backwards. Barbara groaned as she hit a truck and fell onto one knee.

Charlotte twirled her spear around then it disappeared. She dodged a bullet and looked up, noticing helicopters flying around them. Barbara smirked and stood up.

"Open fire!" Barbara commanded.

I smirked and fully activated Luck Zone then all the bullets fired at us missed, scattering in all other directions. Barbara looked surprised then groaned as a stray bullet hit the chest of her power suit, shattering the orb. Her power suit began to grow weaker, but she wasn't ready to quit. She looked at me then dashed toward me.

"Ryder! Here she comes!" Talenta warned.

I nodded then braced myself. I countered her slash then struck her stomach, cracking her power suit. I began to rush her with powerful blows then flipped backwards to dodge a bullet then unleashed a beam of energy from my chest. Barbara blocked it and was getting pushed back. She grunted then groaned as she was blown away.

Barbara's power suit shattered then she rolled on her side like a ragdoll. She stood up slowly then growled. She took out a Philosopher's Stone then it shined brightly.

"What the-" I asked in shock.

"Get that stone!" Charlotte commanded.

Alice tried to shoot the stone out of her hand, but Barbara dodged the bullet and began to awaken the power of the Philosopher's Stone. I ran toward her and went for multiple strike, but she dodged each of them, but was surprised by Noel. Noel stabbed her arm then disarmed the stone then tossed it toward me.

I caught it and noticed it shine brightly. I grunted and covered my eyes from the bright light. Talenta stopped it by surrounding it in a magic bubble then caused it to teleport away.

"I can't let you use that stone. There's no telling what that piece of shit would do to you. I'm not risking it." Talenta said.

Barbara looked around and laughed like a maniac. "I'm actually losing! I'm losing but I'm not going down just yet!"

Barbara took aim at Charlotte then the blade of her sword opened and showed a barrel of a railgun. "I will kill all of you! I will not fail!"

She bellowed and the railgun began to charge up power then she fired a massive beam at everyone. I ran toward them and formed a barrier over everyone then the beam collided with the barrier. I grunted as I knew this was the final clash between us and Barbara.

"Fool! You think you can protect them all?! Try this on for size!" She bellowed and kicked her beam up to overdrive, causing it to overpower my barrier.

The barrier cracked then the Emblem of Talent and the Talent Sigil began to shine brightly. I kept the barrier for as long as I could until the energy of her Veridian Railsword ran out, but the more I held out the more tired I became. The barrier began to crack more then Charlotte held my shoulder.

"Rest...my love. You have done enough." Charlotte said then pulled me back then held her hand out and a magic circle appeared in front of her.

"Charlotte!" I called out to her.

Charlotte fired a powerful energy beam and it collided with Barbara's beam. Charlotte gripped her wrist and bellowed then her eyes shined.

"Destiny...Overdrive!" She bellowed and her beam greatly overpowered Barbara's attack.

Barbara grunted as she tried to stand her ground, but she began to slid backwards. Charlotte let out a roar and her attack broke through Barbara's then struck her. Barbara gave a bloodcurdling scream then her scream began to fade away as Charlotte completely eviscerated her. Charlotte ended her attack then panted. Strands of her hair began to slowly fall over her face.

"This is why Charlotte is known as The Boss." Talenta said then crossed her arms. "Blessed by Shiro himself. Blessed with Mystic Arts and his signature Destiny Overdrive. She's an unstoppable force now."

I looked at Charlotte then slowly stood up. Charlotte looked back at me then smiled then passed out. I caught her and looked at her as she rested peacefully.

"We did it...Barbara Pace is dead." I said then carried Charlotte bridal style.

Rebecca held her hand out toward me, wanting to hold Charlotte. "Let me have her, you go rescue those women, Ace..~"

I nodded and handed Charlotte to Rebecca then hurried to the building with Wendy, Alice, Rhea, and Eliza. We kicked the doors open then looked around. We cleared every room then headed toward the basement. I walked down the stairs then turned a few lights on. I noticed three women tied up, laying on the ground.

"There they are. Eiko, Penelope von Arzo, and Yuna." Wendy said.

Eiko was a woman with blonde hair, fox ears, and tail. Her skin was extremely clean and when she opened her eyes to look at her, they shined an unnatural yellow color. She wore a white kimono and it was tight enough to show off her voluptuous body.

Penelope von Arzo was a woman with short light blue hair stopping at her nape, elven ears, and beautiful aquamarine eyes. Her body was more slender in build than the other two women but was still attractive enough to make it into Paid Relationships. She wore silver armor with blue adornments.

Yuna Fornication was a demon, clearly, but she wasn't what I imagined her being. Although her body was curvaceous, mature, and would make any man bark at her command, she seemed reserved and scared. She had long pink hair, magenta colored eyes, and white horns protruding from her head. She wore a black dress with demonic adornments.

We set the three of them free and they thanked us unconditionally.

"Most of the thanks should go to our Top Agent." Wendy smiled and looked at me.

"He's saved us more times than we can count.." Alice nodded.

"He?" Eiko asked and her tail swayed.

I took off my mask and exposed my face to the three of them. "My name is Ryder King also known as The Ace. I am happy to have been able to save you three. You don't have to worry anymore...Barbara is dead."

Penelope looked at me then studied my build. She noticed the Emblem of Talent in my left eye. She crossed her arms. "He checks out." She said. Her voice was strong, yet gentle at the same time.

Yuna stared at me and her eyes glowed with happiness. "The first ever male Agent?! You have to be some kind of hardcore human! Ryder correct?"

I nodded. "Correct."

I watched as Yuna walked forward to me and gently hugged me. I looked at her and noticed her demon tail swaying with happiness.

"Thank you..." She said softly. "Because of this...We will be yours to use however you please."

"E-Ehh?!" Eiko said in shock.

"Come on! He risked his life for us despite being new to this." Eliza said. "I say it's only fair that he gains access to your branch and women at any point of time he wants when he's in Louisiana."

I looked at Eliza. "I can already barely handle the eleven women around me at all times. Now we're adding more?"

"That's the cost of working with us and being practically the only male working with us. You're our scapegoat unless one of us gets rented out which will never happen since all Agents belong to you. The normies however, you'll have to buy them but it shouldn't be a problem for you. After all, you live around Rebecca and I everyday." Rhea giggled.

I smiled at her then looked at the three women. "They are supernatural though. One is a Kitsune, one is a literal Fantasy Knight, and one is a straight up demon."

"You have me." Eliza said, licking her lips.

"You're different. I can deal with a Vampire." I said and looked at Eliza.

"Don't worry, we'll play nice..~" Yuna said and began to show her true, devious side.

I looked at Yuna then chuckled a bit. "You better, I'm still new to this dating an Agent business."

"Don't worry..~ We'll make sure you can handle us." Yuna said then kissed my cheek and let me go.

I smiled at her then put on my mask. "Let us get away from this area and go home."

All of us left the basement and made our way out the house. Our military helicopter landed in front of the house then we got in and flew off to the Louisiana HQ to drop off Eve, Eiko, Penelope, and Yuna.

"Come visit sometime!" Eve waved and smiled.

"I will." I said and waved back at her.

The doors began to close and the rest of us took off back to Texas.


A few days went by and I parked my car on campus and got out then made my way toward the courtyard. I showed up with new clothes, accessories, and a new attitude.

The students looked at me in shock. Gossip began to spread that I had returned and people looked at me amazed.

Abby heard the commotion then looked over and noticed me. She looked surprised and tears formed in her eyes. "Ryder!"

"Ryder?!" Jazlynn asked in shock.

Penny stood up quickly and gasped. "Ryder!" She squealed in excitement.

I noticed Jade and Allie then chuckle softly and stood at their table. I felt the same excitement as I did when I came back to Trinity Valley from my break.

"I'm back..~" I said then watched them rush to me and hug me. I hugged them back and smiled. "I didn't come alone.."

They looked at me and noticed Noel walking onto the courtyard as her normal self. She felt shy and brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Who's that?" Abby asked.

"This is Noel Love. The real...Noel." I said.

"Hey girls. Sorry I tricked you into thinking I was a guy, but...this is who I truly am. I had to hide my appearance for reasons, but I'm willing to start over and let you all see the real me." Noel said.

They looked at me then back at Noel. They all decided to forgive her for lying to them for so long. They just assumed that I talked her into showing then her true self, although that was the case.

Once again I was back to living a normal life after Barbara's death and nothing made me more happy than to getting back to my old routine with the women I loved.

[𝙰 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙]

Season 1 has only just begun. Keep reading to indulge in the double life of Ryder as the balances the life of Ryder and the life of The Ace.

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