
A Ninja In The Jianghu World

A ninja in the modern world was too rare. And the ninja called Ryū from a certain underground organization seemed to be the last ninja in the modern world. After all, the other members of the organization prefer to use modern weapons, unlike Ryū who still used a kunai, shuriken, throwing needles, and sword to perform his tasks. Even so, he was still famous since his success rate in performing his tasks was above 90%. He was a young man equipped with a subtle presence, danger awareness, agility, and strength. Too bad, he is still human after all. He died due to an unexpected accident after he completed the mission. However, his story did not end there. He was reborn as a baby in a world that was foreign to him. He was reborn in the Jianghu world. In that world, he is called Ji Long. There, Ji Long learns that the world he lives in has people who are able to manipulate the spiritual energy within their bodies. Strong people are everywhere. However, he wasn't gifted with talent. No, to be more precise, the meridians all over his body were blocked which made him count as a failure. As a result, he was neglected by others except for his parents and little sister. Later, due to a fortunate encounter, he chanced upon the legacy of the extinct ninja clan. Let's follow the steps of Ji Long to the peak of the Jianghu world as a ninja.

UltimateSenpai · 玄幻
12 Chs

5. Ordering Weapons

After Ji Long got some money from his father, he went out to order his custom weapons. Ji Hao told the location of the most excellent blacksmith, but he was not sure that Ji Long could order himself knowing Ji Long's age was only six years old, surely he would be considered a spoiled brat.

He purposely left him alone to test his son. He wondered what his son would do later.

When Ji Hao was about to follow his son from behind, he was dumbfounded that he had lost track of his son. He couldn't even feel Ji Long's presence in the slightest.

"Huh? What happened?"

Ji Hao jumped on top of the building and tried to focus on sensing his son's aura by calculating the distance from which his son walked to a certain distance in a few seconds. In which, he saw a blurred figure of his son.

"What technique is that? It's incredible. If no one pays attention, no one can find him. But then, where did he find such an incredible technique?" Ji Hao felt something mysterious about his son.

Ji Long was a smart kid, but he never once uttered a complaint or anything like that to his father. When he needed something, he would directly ask his father, such as when he asked to teach him how to cultivate or asked for money. After he reached the first level of the Qi Condensation realm, he never once asked for guidance. If outsiders knew how Ji Long improved without the guidance of others, they would state that Ji Long was a genius.

Meanwhile, Ji Long who was walking felt that someone was watching him. He looked back, but saw no one notice him. It was obvious that the skill was working, but he had the feeling that someone was observing him.

"Tsk. My skill, Clear Mirror Still Water, still has a flaw. I can't use the advanced skill since my meridians are still blocked. With my presence being detected, it's better if I deactivate this skill. If I keep using my skill, no one will know if I happen to be kidnapped by someone. Well, I will be dead meat if that person kills me."

Even though he didn't know that his father was observing him, he still did it just in case.

On the other hand, Ji Hao was shocked that his son was aware when he was being observed. He didn't know if it was an inborn instinct or if his son's sixth sense was too sharp. In any case, it was good enough that his son had awareness.

Ji Long arrived at the blacksmith shop that was told by his father. He walked inside. The shop is decorated with various weapons displayed on the walls and the tables. He also heard the sound of metal clashing from behind which must have been a room for forging weapons. But more importantly…

"Fuck. It's so hot." Ji Long cursed since the shop was in high temperature due to the forging room being so close.

"Hmmm, what are you doing, kid?" A burly man with a bald head and a scar under his left eye noticed a boy coming.

"Oh, uncle, I want to order something."

"Ha, a brat like you wants to order something? Hahahaha. This is not a snack shop, kid. Go to the shop opposite, they sell good snacks!"

Ji Long ignored the burly man's words and grabbed a dagger that was on display nearby.

When the burly man approached Ji Long, he was stunned since Ji Long's figure suddenly blurred and disappeared.

"Uncle, just because I'm a kid, you shouldn't ridicule me! I only want to forge weapons, not to make trouble." Ji Long's voice was heard from the burly man's back.

"How did he…? He is just a fifth level of the Qi Condensation realm. Huh?" The burly man was suddenly struck by his own words.

"You're at the fifth level of the Qi Condensation realm?" The burly man pointed at Ji Long.

Ji Long just shrugged.

"Well, as you can see."

The burly man widened his eyes in disbelief. The kid in front of him should be under 8 years old, but his cultivation level was at that level.

"Damn, this kid should be a genius from a certain clan. I shouldn't mess with him." The burly man said secretly.

He put a smile on his face.

"Ahahaha, my bad. I was just joking, little master. My name is Yan Pu. I'm…" Before Yan Pu could finish speaking, Ji Long interrupted.

"I don't care about anything else. I just want to order something." Honestly, Ji Long was a little annoyed by how thick the man's face was.

"Yes, yes. With pleasure." Yan Pu replied.

Ji Long paid him no heed. He took out a piece of paper filled with several pictures of weapons.

"I would like to order a single-edged sword. But I don't know what size fits me." Ji Long pointed at the katana he drew on the paper.

"Hmmm, wait a moment! Let me call my boss." Yan Pu rushed inside.

After a moment, a beardy man came out of the forging room.

"Are you the one who wants to order weapons?"

Ji Long nodded.

After glancing at Ji Long for a moment, he took a look at the piece of paper on the top of the counter. He lit up his brows for a moment, then glanced back at Ji Long.

"Did you draw this?"


"Putting aside this single-edged sword, these two weapons are the first I've ever seen. What weapon are these?" The beardy man asked curiously. Then, Ji Long explained a little bit about the kunai and shuriken to him.

"Interesting. Who came up with this idea?"

"Will the beardy uncle believe me when I say I was the one who came up with this idea?"

"Nope, hahaha."

"Then, why do you care to ask? Regardless, these weapons are designed for me."

"Heee, designed for you, huh? Interesting. Alright, I'll forge these weapons. Just give me a week!"

The bearded man stroked his beard while looking curiously at the little boy in front of him. He didn't care who wanted to order weapons. What matters is who wears them.

From what Ji Long explained, a shuriken is a tool that can be used as a projectile weapon that is capable of pinning down enemies. If it's accurate enough, it could be useful for killing enemies. Apart from those two, the shuriken can also be used as a tool to distract the enemy when in the middle of a fight. Meanwhile, the other tool is a dagger-like weapon with a unique shape like a cannabis leaf which has three blades. As an experienced smith, such weapons were the most unique he had ever encountered. And the one giving out the blueprints was a little boy. Moreover, the little boy knew pretty well how to use them.

"How much do you need these?" The beardy man pointed at the blueprints.

"One katana, three kunai, and ten shurikens."

The beardy man nodded and walked away. When the smith was about to walk back to the forging room, Ji Long called out to him.

"Beardy uncle, don't you want to measure the size of the sword that fits me?"

"No need, I already knew."

"In that case, I also ordered 20 needles about 15 cm long. Then two small durable pouches that can be used to neatly store kunai, shuriken, and needles."

The beardy man stopped his track and turned back.

"You sure want a lot. Okay. Yan Pu, you handle the payment!"

"Got it, boss."

The beardy man disappeared from Ji Long's sight, then Ji Long walked toward the counter to complete the payment in cash.

After that, he sensed someone approaching.

"Huh, father?"

The one who came was none other than Ji Hao.