
A Ninja In The Jianghu World

A ninja in the modern world was too rare. And the ninja called Ryū from a certain underground organization seemed to be the last ninja in the modern world. After all, the other members of the organization prefer to use modern weapons, unlike Ryū who still used a kunai, shuriken, throwing needles, and sword to perform his tasks. Even so, he was still famous since his success rate in performing his tasks was above 90%. He was a young man equipped with a subtle presence, danger awareness, agility, and strength. Too bad, he is still human after all. He died due to an unexpected accident after he completed the mission. However, his story did not end there. He was reborn as a baby in a world that was foreign to him. He was reborn in the Jianghu world. In that world, he is called Ji Long. There, Ji Long learns that the world he lives in has people who are able to manipulate the spiritual energy within their bodies. Strong people are everywhere. However, he wasn't gifted with talent. No, to be more precise, the meridians all over his body were blocked which made him count as a failure. As a result, he was neglected by others except for his parents and little sister. Later, due to a fortunate encounter, he chanced upon the legacy of the extinct ninja clan. Let's follow the steps of Ji Long to the peak of the Jianghu world as a ninja.

UltimateSenpai · 玄幻
12 Chs

11. What? A Ninja Art?

Ji Long didn't know if he should hear Xiong Fei's explanation or not. He had indeed learned about other continents. But he didn't learn about uniqueness as Xiong Fei mentioned earlier. That meant the history and culture of the western continent were much different from that of the eastern continent.

All of a sudden, when Ji Long was about to recall his knowledge about the other two continents, his body trembled and then he fell to his knees.

"Hey, what happened?" Xiong Fei asked in concern.


That was an unexpected reply. Instead of Ji Long, it was his stomach that answered his question. Ji Long was embarrassed by that. It couldn't be helped. After five days unconscious and exhausted, surely he needs food intake to replenish his depleted energy.

Xiong Fei just laughed at him, but he still invited him to eat. Xiong Fei carried Ji Long on his back, while Ji Long, who was lying down on his back, examined the surroundings.

He found something odd. The sky was so bright, but he found no sun at all as if the sky was fake. And the split mountain, the place where he passed out, was nowhere to be seen.

"Senior Xiong, where am I exactly?"

"Our domain. The person who was followed by the ancestor created this place for us to live."

"A person? Your ancestor followed a human?"

"Perhaps. According to the ancient record, it was that person who split the rock mountain in half and created a gorge. It was at that time when the ancestor followed that person."

Ji Long nodded. Then he glanced at the surroundings.

"Can you do it? Creating a domain like this?"


He knew that his father was at the level of the Golden Core realm. But his mother was a realm above his father, the Nascent Soul realm. And, he felt that Xiong Fei was even stronger. Yet, there was someone more powerful that could even create a different space and that person's power shouldn't be below Xiong Fei. No wonder he felt something odd earlier.

After a short moment, Xiong Fei put Ji Long down. He saw some red pandas with a height similar to Xiong Fei. Weirdly, some red pandas had at least the same strength as Ji Long's father or mother. And the most intriguing was, those red pandas were actually cooking.

One took care of the fire, one took care of ingredients, one took care of water, and another one took care of the utensils.

The scene was too amazing for him as it was the first time he saw that kind of thing. He thought since the red panda was a spiritual beast, it ate raw meat, vegetables, or fruit. But, he never considered that the red panda acted similarly to humans.

When they were talking to each other, he noticed that only at the level of the Nascent Soul realm could speak in human language. Below that realm, they talked just like the other spiritual beasts.

Seeing the spiritual beasts talking to each other was hilarious as if he was in a show where animals had the same intelligence as humans.

— — — —

After they all finished eating and Ji Long also had his fill, they started chatting again.

At that moment, Xiong Fei said to Ji Long.

"Oh right, I'll continue to explain what we were talking about. But first, I'll tell you something about the history."

Ji Long just nodded. Then, Xiong Fei began to tell him.

"Long ago, there was a time when the demon race was suppressed by a certain group of the human race because the human race claimed that the demon race was a heretic of the god that the human race believed in. Not accepting the human race's claims, the demon race fought back because they had their own god that they believed in. The war broke after that."

No one interrupted Xiong Fei. All of them listened to him carefully.

"The group that provoked the demon race was pushed back. The humans who shouldn't be involved with the group provoking the demon race were dragged into the war. As a result, many humans died, and several girls and women were brought to the demon continent to be used as slaves."

"Hiss. Something like that happened in the past? But, where is the demon continent? And what happened next?" Ji Long asked curiously. Then, Xiong Fei replied to him.

"The demon continent is located in the northwest of the western continent. Of course, now you have to cross the sea if you want to go to the demon continent."

"Hold up, wait a minute! You said, "Now" just now. That meant the western continent and the demon continent were originally connected to each other?"

"Yeah. As casualties fell on the innocent side, the group incited the others to exterminate the demon race. And the big war happened. The demon race was pushed back. As a result, the demon race colluded with high-level spiritual beasts to regain their feet. Because many years of war left the land in chaos, someone interfered. I don't know exactly what happened then. To be sure, the land of the demon race separated from the western continent after that happened."

Ji Long rubbed his head. He didn't really care about that. But, some of Xiong Fei's words caught his ears.

"So, you're going to say that the demon race and the spiritual beast have a deep connection? What's that got to do with my mother?"

"Most high-level spiritual beasts can transform into human form. Don't you know? So, what I'm thinking is that your mother is a descendant of both the demon race and the spiritual beast."

"Mother is… So that's why they still call her little princess despite her human appearance. And it's likely that mother is from a royal family or something, which is where they should really hate humans. And I? Mixed blood of a demon, spiritual beast, and human?" Ji Long muttered after he concluded what Xiong Fei said. He might still be alive if he fell into the hands of the demon race. But if by accident, the crazy group that Xiong Fei mentioned earlier found out Ji Long's identity, his life and even his father and sister's lives would end.

This caused him to be impatient to unblock his meridians to become stronger so he could protect them. Unfortunately, after knowing that the place he was staying in was in a different dimension, it would be impossible for him to get out on his own.

"Ji Long, how did you get here with your current strength?"

When Xiong Fei asked that, he initially wanted to reply, "I was sent by a Truck." But then he heard Xiong Fei speak further.

"Especially with the wound and the blocked meridians before. And I'm pretty sure that wound wasn't caused by a spiritual beast." Xiong Fei suddenly asked after seeing Ji Long like he was contemplating something.

Ji Long raised his head. He wondered if he should tell Xiong Fei or not. But, after considering how Xiong Fei took care of him in the past few days, he opened his mouth.

"It's my inborn skill."

Ji Long activated his skill. And as soon as he did, his figure disappeared.

Xiong Fei widened his eyes. The skill Ji Long displayed showed that it was on par with Gold grade skills. It was an incredible skill that could disturb someone's senses. If no one had paid attention to Ji Long before, anyone below the Nascent Soul realm would find it difficult to detect him. And he was completely undetectable to anyone below the Golden Core realm.

"Well, your skill is pretty nice. Still, don't be overconfident. Some spiritual beasts could easily find you by smell or instinct. And some people…" Xiong Fei paused his words as he formed a hand seal. Or maybe a paw seal.

He muttered. "Ninja art, ground spike!" Then, he slammed his paw to the ground.

Ji Long was about to shout when he saw what Xiong Fei did.

But, in that instance, Ji Long felt something that locked him from the ground. He had a bad feeling about that, so he immediately jumped into the air as the ground beneath him formed a spear stabbed where he had been standing earlier.

After Ji Long landed on the ground, he pointed at Xiong Fei with his index finger.

"What the heck are you doing? I would be dead if I didn't sense something amiss."

"Well, well, don't be angry. I just used a percentage of my strength. I'm just testing your reaction. If you have the ability to reach the gorge, it won't be strange if you can dodge my technique just now. Moreover, if I wanted to kill you, one blow of my breath would be enough, Gagagaga."

Ji Long was annoyed by his reply. But, the more important thing is…

"How can you perform ninja arts?" Ji Long only saw Xiong Fei clapping his paws before performing ninja art. And he was certain after he heard his mutter before the technique was released.

Xiong Fei flashed his eyes as if he found something after years of failed searches.

"I finally found him." He exclaimed secretly.