
Untitled Chapter

"What do you think the witch is up to?" Sophia whisper to the ear of Stella who was never interested in the family drama. " What do you think? " She asked back which made Sophia roll her eyes.

Old Walter who have enjoyed himself laughing and drinking with friends, darted his eyes around it didn't see someone he was expecting.

His brow furrowed and shouted over to Aunty B,

"Bianca, where's Lim?"

He knew the only person Lim might talk to is Bianca as he seem her as a mother. " Traffic, we think. I can calll him and tell him to hurry if you want! " Shouted Aunty B.

" Exactly Dad, don't worry, Lim would definitely come as he promised" said Henry , her husband.

Thomas snorted, " Oh please forget about that. We all know the boy would never come. Maybe he ahev a business trip that seen more important to him than coming to his father birthday"  Thomas snapped. He have had enough of the discussion about the boy. Even in his father birthday party, he still talks about Lim when they should be celebrating! 

" Thomas, I think Lim would come. There is no need to be rude. Besides, this dad birthday party" Brent said who trying to play good sight in front of his father. 

"Good, good, let drink and have fun! I believe my son is coming!"

Then, a cold wind blown that shrivers everyone down to the spine. The devil that all are curious of meeting is coming! 


Then, quickly, the room grew silent. It was like the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. A fork clattered. A mother silenced a child, a wine glass chimed. Then, shoes hoofing on the marble floor, growing louder, each stride resonating with purpose.

A man entered, tall and handsome in a charcoal grey suit. Chest out shoulder, back, hands in pockets. Such elegance and confidence that he commanded the attention of everyone there.

Beside this figure stands a gorgeous lady whose beauty can sweep a man off his feet. Her red gown was incredible and the best out of the best in the hall. All eyes fixed on them as many murmured among themselves, wondering who the lady was.

Tiana's eyes fixed on him and realized that figure. It was like Walter and the lady besides him was no one but Rosary! The same girl that humiliated her in the boutique. But.... But what is she doing with Lim? Tiana curiously asked herself. Many questions pulling on her head, thoughtless and confusion churned inside of her, and then, to make it worse,

Emily spoke, " Uncle Lim is coming! " Emily shouted, and a large number of the ha turned back.

It was indeed Lim! He came just as he had promised.

"Lim, why so late? " Asked Brent, still trying to play the good son sighted in the presence of his father. "Dad has asked about you several times". Brent stood up and went along with Luke, Thomas' son. Got up to meet him and guide him and the unknown lady who their attention wasn't fully on, to a seat next to his father at the head of the table, but Lim pushed past them and held Rosary's hand, leading her to the table.

Everyone was stunned by this and was curious to know the girl besides the devil. Who is she and what is she to him? He had never been spotted in public with a lady before. Seeing this day with one was surprising to all, but not to old Walter. He had already found out who the girl was to Lim. Old Walter smiled and said.

"You are welcome, Lim. I thought you would never come after the invitation" Old Walter said before taking a sip from his wine glass.

Lim smiled devilishly. "Why should I miss a big party when I know something great is going to happen at the end?" 

"And who is this? " Cindy quickly asked to kill her curiosity as she had being dying to know who the hell is the girl beside Lim because she was very sure she haven't seen her face before. But what make it worse, the girl was extra ordinary beautiful than the famous model Tiana.

Since everyone eyes in the party was on the girl, Rose nervous swallow to calmed down her nerves. This isn't her style, she was not the type that attend big fancy party.

"I am..."

"She is Rosary" Lim quickly said before Rose could complete her word. "Oh Rosary? Are you Rosary Draw? The famous jewelry seller in town?" Cindy asked, she really wants to know more about this girl. Her beauty was just undescribable that she bet Rose must be from a wealthy home. But if truly rose was from a wealthy just the ways she had predicted, that means lucky isn't on her side. She wants her son to get married to a well-known lady in the city. In that way, old Walter would be pleased with her son that the lady came from a well-known home.

"No, I am not" Rose said politely even though she thought Cindy acts like a witch who wants to know every damn things about her.

"If you are not Rosary Draw. Then, I bet you must be Rosary Tin since that lady haven't seen out her face" Sophia suggested, she wasn't sure but she thinks. Even though Lim wants to go for a woman, he would definitely go for someone classic and high royal.

"No, I am not" Rose replied, trying to calm down herseft. She once thought maybe his family members might be a good example at least, little nicer than the devil but never had she suspected them even worse than Lim..

"If you are not any of these, Rosary. Then, who are you?" Nick asked. He was surprised to see his gay uncle who he had suspected to be one, comes in with a woman for the first time in history!

Lilah, who was sitting on the other side of the table, was shocked to see Rosary with Mr Lim! She had heard of the man a lot And how he rules the business world as a tycoon Boss in business. There have been different news about his personality due to the way everyone knows him despite his cruel ways in the business world, people still call's him the king of beauty. The man was a true definition of handsome and cute but never had she got the chance to be in the same place with him! She just can't believe it but wonder since his face look so familiar to her, Was he the same man in the photo sent to her by Black? No...no she can't believe it. Mr Lim Walter can't be the same as Don X or even Mr X!

Is there something wrong somewhere? But what is he doing with Rose?

At first, when they stepped in, Lilah couldn't get their faces until they sat down and Cindy started asking silly questions. When she realized that the girl who walked in with the man was Rose, she wanted to scream her name for Rose to hear her but she was held back by Charles.

"You had better behave yourself darling, if you don't want the unexpected to happen. Just stay where you are and your friend stays in her spot. As you can see, she is perfectly taken care of by my friend" he whispered beneath her neck, as Lilah shivered down her spine. She clearly understood what Charles meant but didn't say a word and kept quiet while watching Rose with peaceful eyes, that she was fine, unknown to Rosary that Lilah was also present at the same table with her.

"She is a side model!" Tiana shouted who couldn't take more of the shame and disgrace she has been through all because of the same slut! She is really a slut! After what she had made he passed through in the boutique she has the guts to stole her man!

"Slut!" Tiana shouted in her head as much she would have liked to say it out. She should have known, that the girl has finally lead her way to Lim bed since she wants to become a top model in the industry. Any girl could figured out a way to sleep with top rich men for them to just get what they want, and that, Tiana suspect Rosary for doing. She believes Rosary was hungry to become a quick top model in the society that's the reason she offered herself to Lim! She believes Lim can never have an interest on a low life bagger like her.

"What are you saying Tiana? If she isn't any of the Rosary we just mentioned then who did you think she is?" Cindy asked, she could feel the hot tension in the room. And she suspected Tiana have a crush on Lim. Besides, who's girl in their rights sense wouldn't died to be in Lim arms. He is the youngest richest man in the city!

"She just a slut from the pity! Who leads her way to Lim bed!" Tiana outburst not minding the presence of everyone in the hall. She just can't sit down and watch the same slut take over her man after embarrassing her in the boutique!.

"She is not a slut!" Lilah roses from the right side of the table. She couldn't sit down and watch a pig who didn't know her friend insults her right in the presence of everyone!

Tiana turned to Lilah who just spoke rudely to her. " And who the hell did you think you are!" Tiana outburst.

" I am.."

" she is mine fiancee" Charles quickly said before Lilah say make a word, " and also the daughter of Mr Williams" Mr Robin added who was sitting closer to Mr Williams.

" You mean Lilah William?" Aunty B asked, who was getting confused with what going on in the table. She couldn't even understand her what happening but curious to know the girl sitting beside Lim.

Others in the table was also confused but was curious to seen what happened next, as all mouth seen to stop talking to hear the full details of the unknown girl beside the devil.

" Yes, she is mine daughter" Mr Williams replied.

" What are you saying again Tiana? What did you mean the girl is a slut? Have you seen her before?" Cindy asked, she wasn't bother about what Charles and the other girl means to each other. Her concern is on Lim case. Because his downfall would be her success and that of her husband.

The rest of the family members kept quiet to see where this was heading before they joined hands. Rosary's eyes were enlightened when she saw Lilah sitting at the other side of the table. The news she heard hit her like cold water from the stream! Was Lilah the daughter of the same Mr Williams? One of the populous and richest men in the city? Does that mean Lilah has been lying to her all this while? No, that can't be true. They might be playing pranks on her. Lilah can't hide such a thing from her, or can she lie about her own family background to her? Lilah saw the disappointed looks in Rose's eyes but she couldn't describe herself in such a place. She knew Rose might be hurt to hear the truth about her family background but she couldn't stop herself from defending her friend when some asshole bitch was insulting her bestie right in her presence!

"I am saying this girl here is fake!" Tiana said, pointing at Rose. This was the right time she had pretended to humiliate Rosary, just like the way she had humiliated her in the boutique since old Walter's birthday party was captured live. Everything here would be postcast out for the world to know who the real slut is!

"She is just a side model who hasn't stood her feet on the ground of modelling but sleeping with rich men to have fame!" She shouted.

Rosary wanted to answer Tiana's nonsense but her hand was clenched under the table by Lim, who was smiling, watching Tiana and her madness. " Women" he muttered inside, amazed by Tiana's sudden act, but that didn't surprise him either. He had been expecting a show like this to happen and Tiana was just making it happen just the way he had planned it to go.

"Are you sure of what you are saying?" Aunty B asked, " of course, I am sure. You can even ask Lim. This girl is nothing but a slut!" Tiana turned to Lim, and smiled sweetly. " Lim, isn't she a slut? I am not telling the truth?" Tiana asked to gained the support of Lim. She believes even though Lim might have slept with Rose and bought her the prettiest dress that doesn't mean she has anything special about her. She is just like the rest of the girls Lim had bedded before, because she was his only true gem and no one else!

Lim smiled mysteriously, and picked up Rose's hand. He draws it closer to his sexy lips and places a sweet kiss on it.

"What are you all saying about my woman?" His voice was cold and his eyes became darkened, that made Tiana to shriver. Who are the fuckers Commending his woman's reputation?

"I am saying, she is..." Tiana tried to defend herself but Old Walter cut her short. "Rosary is a top model and not a slut!" Old Walter said before Tiana could continue her rubbish. He had find out everything about the girl and didn't need an explanation from anyone, not even Lim. He knows everything that happened between the girl and Lim. If he didn't say a word about the situation, this Tiana girl would rude his party and at the same time, provoke Lim, which he never wanted to happen! He was happy that his son finally showed up at his party for the first time, and now this girl wanted to ruin that chance. He can't allow that to happen!

Everyone was stunned by Old Walter's response. Did he know the girl too? But why is Tiana insulting the girl in front of everyone when she knows this is creating a big scene not just for the party but also for the media? Was she that desperate to beat her following model even in a crowded place? Although no one knows about Rosary's true identity, they can't stand Tiana's unpleasant outburst about the girl.

"Do you know her Dad?" Thomas asked, who had kept quiet for a long time to understand what was going on there.

"Yes!" Old Walter sharply answered. "And you Tiana Brenton?" He turned to Tiana who was still in her shock stage.

"You should mind the way you talk about people, especially at my party! Stop saying nonsense when you know anything!" Old Walter said sternly.