

Adrian’s POV

“So when do you plan to go to Villa Green Island?” I asked.

“As soon as possible,” John said. “Actually, I plan to go tomorrow, to meet the wedding planner. To discuss all the details needed in the wedding.”

“How about Mary Ann? Is she coming with you?”

“No, I’ll go first with the wedding planner.” John’s expression suddenly changes.

I frowned. ‘What’s wrong?”

John cleared his throat before he spoke. “Bro, I really want to tell you something.” John looked at Mary Ann as they looked at each other and stared at me. “The wedding is coming sooner, sooner than expected.”

“What do you mean?” Adrian frowned.

“The wedding will be held on Green Island, the first week next month, still choosing the exact day next month,”

“What? Why so fast? You both told me after two months? I still need Mary Ann,” I said with confusion on my face. I didn’t expect the sudden change of the plan. “Why? What happened? There must be a valid reason for this change of plan?”