
Faction Reunion (2)

Edited by:Theking13

The next morning, Japan was in absolute tranquility

Citizens made their typical routines from waking up early and preparing to study or get to work to enjoy their day

The streets were full of students who were talking with their friends on the way to school

The workers who walked while chatting on their phones or sending messages

The stores that were starting to open and those that were filling up with customers to buy coffee or breakfast

It was typical ... But in reality, it was only the surface, because while ordinary human beings do their homework

Many humans who knew about the supernatural world were meeting in a certain place ready to go to the meeting scheduled for today.

Not only were they getting ready, but even demons and angels were also in their places getting ready to depart


The new mansion of the Gotei 13 located in the <Underworld> was full of Fairy Guards, all had shiny silver armor with the insignia of a Spear being rolled up by a dragon

It was the symbol of the Dragon Clan ... Which belonged to the Fairy King

His aura were intimidating since none was below a high-ranking demon

The supernatural beings were arriving and entering the mansion to be able to get to have seats

One could give an estimate of approximately forty to seventy percent of the guests had actually arrived

Right in a large room where the meeting was being prepared, there were already many people sitting in different seats around a large table

Behind each one of them where their 'Guardians'

Sitting on a chair around the table was a tall man as he laced his fingers with his hands with his elbows on the table

He had short black hair except for the front part that was decorated with the yellow color giving it a quiet atmosphere

Eyes of violet color that shone lightly while their eyes showed an intellectual expression with a smile on their lips looking all over this place where many supernatural beings met

Azazel: "Don't you find this funny?" The man suddenly spoke as he kept a smile on his lips

The others at the table looked at the man now identified as 'Azazel' with raised eyebrows

Azazel: "What I mean ... is that this meeting was meant to be able to explain to everyone about the acts of the Fallen Angel, but didn't you come here for another reason?" He was clearly aware of everyone's intentions here

The others diverted their eyes except for some who were keeping quiet smiles on their faces

One of them stood out as he gently placed his palm on the table facing Azazel amicably

The man had an effeminate look on his face, blond hair long snow, and green eyes as well as a golden halo that floats on his head.

His clothes were a red and white tunic with ornaments and engravings in the shape of a cross and a cloak with wide and disproportionate shoulder pads.

Michael: "I can agree with your words at this moment, but didn't you come with that same intention?"

Azazel: "Oh ..." He stopped "And why do you think that ?, I just came because I had to give words about the actions of my Faction"

The others knew that Azazel was lying but they did not expose him, they just kept watching the supernatural beings that were arriving

"Lord Odin has arrived!" Suddenly the voice of a fairy woman by the door came to her ears

All the supernatural beings turned their eyes towards the man who had entered

Odin, who had the appearance of an old man with long gray hair and a long beard of the same color, who also wore a kind of glass in his eye he looked at everyone before following with soft steps to a seat

The seats of each Faction were destined to be together ... It was as if the one who organized the meeting was telling everyone that there were no ranks or preferences for anyone

That was an arrogance knowing that many Gods would come today!

But Odin did not seem annoyed as he sat, his seat happened to be right next to Michael

Odin looked up at everyone and with a calm smile "What were you talking about?"

Michael: "It's nice to see you, Lord Odin, we were actually chatting about the real reason for this meeting" Michael's words were polite

After all, Odin was a God

Odin nodded sympathetically "Actually I've heard something interesting recently"

Azazel: "What do you mean?"

Odin: "This meeting is destined to know the reasons for you Fallen Angels, but ..." He stopped noticing the looks of everyone towards him "I could also hear that the same King Fairy plans to talk about something important with us... The other Gods have also heard that and made sure they wanted to come. "

The words they heard all made them frown with suppositions flying in their heads

Azazel meditated a little with his eyes closed before expressing his question "How do you know about that ?, it is impossible for this type of information to escape within the ranks of the Fairy King ... At least ..."

Odin: "You're wrong, this information did not come from the Fairy King, but from the Yokai ..."

Michael: "Yokais?"

Everyone got confused while they looked at each other

Although none had a peace treaty at least he expected some to reveal some things about this meeting in the hope of being able to understand the total power of the Gotei 13

Azazel: "Can you enlighten me why do you trust the words of the Yokai?"

Although everyone knew that the Yokai had some kind of relationship with the Gotei 13, everyone could only suppose that some kind of commercial agreement

Odin: "They closed their branches while they told all these factions that were presented at this meeting ... The reason?" Each of them continued saying that an important announcement would come that the same King will do "

Azazel and Michael for the first time since they came in frowned as they thought about what this meant

It was not just them, they were all thinking about this ... Is it a trap?

Seeing this place full of supernatural beings ... If someone attacked them there would be unimaginable losses

But why would the Fairy King attack them? Nobody thought that this was so

Valuable information? Maybe the King Fairy discovered something that could endanger the supernatural world?

Many conjectures were formed in their heads, Odin looked at them with amusement

Azazel: "I ... I've recently heard that the Himejima Clan was attacked by unknown people ... Will it have anything to do with this?"

Suddenly when they heard the words of Azazel everyone could realize that maybe this meeting was to inform about some kind of danger

Odin also said that he thought the same way and looked through this place

He did not care about the lavish decorations or anything, his eyes were fixed on the woman next to Michael

She was a totally beautiful woman with long curly blond hair and a voluptuous figure

Her blond hair was being decorated with a pale white flower on her left side which gave her a fragrant and unique feeling

Her body wrapped in a white robe similar to Michael's hiding her body made her look even more Saint-like

There was a golden halo flying over her head which meant she was an angel

She was the Gabriel Serafin who was currently next to Michael sitting

Michael noticed Odin's gaze on his sister and became confused

Michael: "Lord Odin?"

Odin: "Mmm ... Serafin Gabriel ... You've been staying in the Yokai Faction for a while, haven't you?"

Instantly the eyes of everyone went to Gabriel who seemed to be bored, even though she did not pay attention to others and nodded clearly giving a 'Yes'

Everyone looked at Gabriel with narrowed eyes

Even Irina who was behind her acting as 'Bodyguard' looked at her closely while remembering Yukio.

Remembering all that Yukio had confessed she could not help but let out a sigh and remained quiet next to Xenovia.

Odin: "I see ... In that case, you've spent a lot of time with them ... Do you have anything to say about any of them?"

Gabriel: "What do you mean?" She was not so stupid ... She only had a facet of naive girl but she knew that Odin wanted information about something ...

But she would not give it easily so she decided to wait to know what exactly Odin wanted

She would only reveal superficial information so as not to fall into bad terms with Odin

About the rest ... She would not say anything beyond the simple, after all, she did not want Yukio to deny her re-entering the Yokai faction

For her, that place became a warm home

Odin: "It's not much, I just want to know ... Do you know anything about the Gotei 13 treaty towards the Yokai Faction?"

Gabriel: "Treaty?" She thought a little. "If you mean what kind of agreement they have, I don't really know ... I never ask them about that kind of thing, but I can tell you that they are really friendly"

Actually, she never cared what deal they had between these two factions, she was only interested in knowing about the Fairies

Azazel: "Friendly?" He could not help muttering that while his eyes rested on Gabriel thinking those words

Michael also looked at his sister, he had not had time to ask about it

Odin: "With what it is like ... It's interesting in that case, but do you know anything else? ... For example ... What kind of person is Agarus?"

Although Odin had met Agarus before, he did not know much about it and if he could find out something it was really useful for future conversations

Gabriel put a pensive expression while his finger touched her chin, she then nodded "Agarus-sama ... He's a very nice man, although I could only see him twice since I was staying in that place I've heard a lot about him ... "

Azazel: "You have heard about him? What exactly have you heard?" Not only did he feel curious

Even everyone presents sharpened their senses to hear every word.

Gabriel: "When I spoke with a fairy, everyone told me about the salvation of their race by Agarus-sama, I could also discover that none of them is currently living in this world ... It's more as if they lived in a different dimension, something like the demons with the <Underworld>"

She continued saying: "I could get to know about books that had been given to me that their world was called 'Fairy Garden' 'previously but after Agarus-sama saved them to be called' Garden of Destiny '', I found out by a Fairy who used this name because of the last war where Agarus-sama changed destiny ... His phrase was 'Fate exists only to be changed, not to destroy it ...' I could not know more information about why it was used I do not know much about that place either ... The only thing I can say is that in fact there are immense and different races that are all under the command of Agarus-sama"

But the most surprising thing was that if Gabriel's words were true ... Then this 'Agarus' actually had in his possession a huge army behind his back

This clearly demonstrated how capable this Gotei 13 could be

Those who were present felt a slight sense of fear in their hearts, some comrades looked at each other and nodded.

For them, it was better not to cause problems with this mysterious Gotei Faction 13

Michael: "... Is there anything else you think we should know about him?"

Gabriel: "Anything else?" She stopped before remembering "I do not know if it's important ..."

Odin: "It doesn't matter anything about him is quite useful"

Azazel: "Yes, even if it turns out to be insignificant information, it's also useful if we use it well"

Listening to everyone telling him to continue, Gabriel gave up and made his words known. "Agarus-sama is also known as Yukio ... I do not know his last name but that's his real name ... besides ..."

Michael: "Also?"

Gabriel blushed a little. "He's married to a lot of women."

The instant he said those words everyone looked at her strangely

Why was it necessary to know this information? It was also normal for someone from the supernatural world to marry several women

But Gabriel was not finished, she really wanted to say that she knew some, but before she continued she opened the doors again

The voice of the female fairy near the door rang again

"Lord Hades has arrived!"

"Ladyship Nyx has arrived!"

"Lord Sun Wukong has arrived!"

"Lord Indra has arrived!"

"Lord Shiva has arrived!"

"Ladyship Artemis has arrived!"

"Lord Susanoo has arrived!"

"Ladyship Tiamat has arrived!" ...


The more names sounded the more uncomfortable they all began to feel, there were gods that you would never see arrive so suddenly

Even those who did not like attending events had come

But the problem was ... Why is that woman naming all 'Lord' and 'Ladyship' is not that disrespectful?

They are Gods!

But the fairy woman did not even look at them and rolled her eyes as she looked back at her notebook

Everyone could not help feeling strange, even the newly arrived Gods were somewhat uncomfortable but they were not demanding nor would they set up a show in this place

Everyone took their respective seats around the other Leaders

Sun Wukong looked briefly and noticed that Yasaka was not yet in the place, he could not help frowning because it was rare that this woman was late to some place, he decided to sit and wait for her.

As for Tiamat she only came because she wanted to be sure about something ... She took a seat and stayed calm without looking at anyone

But each pair of eyes were looking at her strangely ... This woman had never appeared until today, hence the difficulty of being able to see her

Many supernatural beings felt somewhat apprehensive with the vision of so many Gods and powerful beings before them

They simply diverted their eyes with forced smiles to talk to their peers

Sure but the tranquility of the place only lasted briefly about ten minutes

Nyx: "... Why are we all still sitting here? ... Are not we supposed to be the guest of honor?" She who had barely arrived showed dissatisfaction when she could notice that not even the Fairy King was in this place

Odin: "We just have to wait a bit" He spoke something low after all, Nyx was a Primordial God

Even so, Odin could not calm the insult of Nyx. "Do you expect us to wait here all day without even giving us something to refresh ourselves?"

She spoke to the fairy woman who was at the door, the woman looked at her before smiling "Refresh? Are you not a 'God'? Your body does not even need water to survive, why do you need something to cool off? ? "

Nyx: "Eh? ..." She was surprised, it was not only her

Everyone present felt very hard to believe that a simple woman would speak to God in this way

The woman just smiled and kept watching her notebook carefully

Hades: "Nyx ... You should calm down, it's like she says we do not need even water to live, do not cause problems"

Nyx: "Problems ?! Do not you see the tone in which she talked to me?"

Hades: "I understand, but is it really necessary?"

Nyx was about to complain but Shiva coughed "Please, do not disturb the others ..."

He was clearly very interested in this meeting and did not want anyone to cause problems

Nyx looked at him unsatisfied but snorted and sat quietly

Not that Nyx was afraid of Shiva, it's just that she knew she was being incoherent, even though she would not admit her mistake

Shiva turned his gaze away from Nyx so he could notice the others in the meeting room and could see old acquaintances

Shiva: "Your Faction has caused quite a bit of trouble recently ..." He laughed lightly.

Azazel scratched the back of his head while nodding "Even though it's hard for me to accept it, my Faction has been causing problems behind my back ... It's a big headache"

Shiva: "Yes? So what do you plan to do?"

Azazel: "That ... Should not I say it when the meeting starts?"

Shiva looked at him carefully before nodding "That's true"

Penemue who was behind Azazel along with Vali looked carefully at Shiva's expression to see if he noticed any irregularity

Seeing that nothing bad would happen, she relaxed, her gaze fell on Vali who seemed to look towards the door as if expecting something.

Penemue: "Does something happen, Vali-san?"

Vali: "... No" He shook his head and continued looking at the others present

Penemue did not believe her but did not investigate anymore, she only had to pay attention to this meeting

Michael who was sitting quietly all this time finally spoke: "Don't you find it strange?"

Odin: "What do you mean?"

Michael: "I mean ... It's been a while and we've even arrived, but where is the Maou?"

When he said those words, the others also thought about it ... Maou Lucifer had organized this meeting ... Why was he not present? "

Azazel: "You think ..." Just when he planned to keep talking the door came back open

From the door emerged a couple of people walking with tranquility

"Lord Lucifer has arrived!"

"Lady Nami has arrived" (Actually wife of Sirzechs)

"Lord Beelzebub has arrived!"

"Lord Asmodeus has arrived!"

"Ladyship Leviathan has arrived"

"Miss Sona Sitri and her Peerage has arrived"

"Peerage of Sairaorg Bael has arrived!"

The newcomers greeted with their hands and took their respective seats

Everyone glanced at them, waiting for the meeting to begin, as the organizer of the meeting had arrived.

But for his surprises Sirzechs did not do such a thing, he just sat there while chatting with the other Maou and his wife

Nyx is immediately impatient "What do you think you're doing ?! Why are not you starting the meeting? We've already arrived, the guests, are you planning to have us here all day?"

She got up while pointing to Sirzechs, she was someone very impatient after all

Her impatience was at the same level as her arrogance ...

Sirzechs looked at her a few moments before smiling bitterly. "Even though I've arrived ... The fairy King has not come yet ... Do not you think we still have to wait a little longer?"

He was clearly trying to appease things with Nyx

But Nyx rolled her eyes. "And what does that have to do with it? The Fairy King can make his own meeting if he needs to tell us something, I've come to know what the hell is happening to the Fallen Angels recently."

Although Nyx was also curious about what the Fairy King would say, her main objective was to know what was happening with the Fallen Angels and if they were trying to reveal themselves against all

We must know that without the equilibrium of the world it was quite obvious that an unimaginable disaster would soon come to an end.

Repeating what happened last war could happen when the balance was broken that's why Nyx was somewhat tense about all this

Indra: "If you excuse my opinion but I have also come to know what happens with the Fallen Angels recently"

Sun Wukong: "The same thing, is it really necessary to wait for the Fairy King?"

Artemis: "Boys, I think we should wait, do not make things harder"

Susanoo: "Maou Lucifer, I think it's better to start with this meeting right now, we can not keep wasting time like this"

All those who complained were Gods who did not want to waste their valuable time sitting here

In the distance there was a group of people watching the scene calmly

Among them was a woman who has crossed arms with a cold expression on her face

The woman wears transparent gray glasses

Her red eye color was intense while her hair was almost blonde with two bangs showing her front liza

Her body is wrapped in a blue shirt with long sleeves and a skirt that reaches her thighs

She was beautiful but her cold eyes gave a feeling of untouchable

Beside her was another woman who looked like a teenager

She was a young woman with colored glasses

With a thin figure, black hair with a short cut and violet eyes.

Her height was average and her clothing was her Kuoh school uniform, but still showed a touch of beauty in her and her intellectual aspect was quite hypnotic.

Sona: "Do you think things get difficult at this time?" She who was the second girl spoke quietly as she stood next to the first-mentioned woman

Seekvaira looked at Sona coldly before responding "Possibly this ends in a battle, that is what happens when you gather so many gods who are wrapped in arrogance at the same place"

Her words were harsh, but they were true looking at the current situation

Sirzechs soon found himself cornered was absolutely normal after all those who were complaining were all Gods or powerful beings

Even with Artemis trying to soften the situation she could not do much was because these gods lived their life with arrogance

Sirzechs: "Please, I don't ask you much just to calm down and wait patiently it is really necessary to wait for the Fairy King to start the meeting"

Nyx made an expression of dissatisfaction on her beautiful face. "Are you kidding us? Do you think you can keep us here all day just to wait for someone we don't know?" She spoke coldly, pointing at Sirzechs.

Hades: "I have the same opinion ... Do not you also want to bring us tea and cookies to pass the time?" He was obviously making fun of this

On the other hand, Odin looked at Hades and Nyx with exasperation on his face, these two were being very problematic

Shiva: "... King Lucifer, seeing things this way, what will you do?" He did not become an ally of anybody, he was only neutral looking at the situation

Sirzechs looked at everyone carefully before sighing

If it was before he could grudgingly accept his words ... But did he have to do it now?

Sirzechs only negotiated with his head "Although I do not want to offend them, I have already said my words ... Everyone has to wait for the Fairy King now if they wish to leave they are free of it"


As if his words were an explosive bolt, everyone's mind seemed to take on the chaos

Did this man ask the Gods to leave if he continued to bother?

... Did he go crazy?

Although it is a Maou ... They are gods!

Things were getting warmer and with the words of Sirzechs all the faces of the Gods who had been complaining so far darkened a little

Even Artemis put on an uncomfortable expression because she had not thought that Sirzechs would do such a thing

Sona and Seekvaira looked at the actions of Sirzechs without being able to understand anything

Nyx who had already lost patience could not stand those words of Sirzechs "You ... Are you playing with me ?!"

She got angry and her aura exploded causing fluctuations in the air it was as if at any moment she would attack Sirzechs

But Sirzechs was calm and spoke calmly "I do not play with any of you, this meeting is organized by me and the Fairy King, we just need to say something to you if you do not want to listen to it you can just leave"

Hades stood up and looked at Sirzechs with some mockery "Well ... I realized that you have lost respect for us in these times ... How do you think we should solve this?"

He was clearly saying it to the other Gods

Some stood up with the same intention could not stand such an offense

Odin looked at them with his eyes half closed this was going to be a problem

Artemis: "Guys ... Please avoid the problems, we just came to a meeting not to fight" She tried to calm them all but nobody heard her had to sit down in her chair again

The members seemed to be divided into those who wanted to cause problems and there were those who just wanted to hear the meeting with ease.

The problems here were Nyx, Hades, Sussano and Indra.

While those who were calm were Odin And Artemis

Sun Wukong, Shiva and Tiamat remained neutral along with Michael and Azazel who watched everything with attention

Nyx took a step forward in the direction of Sirzechs, she was emanating a really powerful and oppressive aura her intention was to cause fear in Sirzechs

Nyx: "Kneel ..." She said aloud as she continued with gentle steps

It was as if she asked everyone to kneel before her presence

Sirzechs: "I'm sorry, but I do not think I can do that ..." He just smiled bitterly noticing that Nyx was getting closer

Sirzechs took his wife's hand to calm her, Nami looked at him and smiled a little forced, but she did not withdraw her husband's hand.

Nyx: "Then no ..." Before he finished his words an oppressive wave of power emerged from somewhere in the great hall

Nyx's aura snapped and she staggered back slightly stunned

"So what? ... Are you looking for problems in our territory? If so, I welcome you ..." A melodious voice echoed in everyone's mind

It was a soft voice and gentle but also maintained an incredible tone of arrogance, as if it were an empress dictating some command

Followed by the soft voice of a woman in their minds everyone tried to discover where they came from and they could see someone new in the room

Everyone could now notice an absolutely beautiful woman standing in the doorway looking at them calmly.

He had a long loose hair that flowed against the wind of jet black color

Bright golden eyes and perfect facial features

What stood out was a pair of pointed ears protruding from her black hair which added a touch of beauty to her impeccable appearance

Silky white skin while her body was wrapped in a white tunic with blood red edges

On the chest of her robe was an Insignia with the drawing of a spear being rolled up by a dragon

This woman was clearly a person under the Fairy King

They all stopped breathing ... Not because of their beauty but because of their power

Each of them could instinctively feel some fear towards her ... Even Nyx who had been knocked down just by the wave of aura felt slightly frightened

When things were about to stabilize suddenly, the fairy woman responsible for naming the people present smiled and spoke out loud to notify everyone

"Queen Fairy Saemys Doragon has arrived!"

When they heard those three phrases 'Queen Fairy Saemys' the place was in total silence

But it did not stop there ... Just then the door opened as if they were waiting for this exact moment

"Captain Bill has arrived!"

"Captain Sairaorg Bael has arrived!"

"Guardian Fairy Kalawarner has arrived!"

"Lieutenant Raynare has arrived!"

"Professor Magica Rossweisse has arrived!"

"Faction leader Suzaku Himejima has arrived!"

"Imperial Guard Griselda has arrived!"

"Fairy Queen Yasaka Doragon has arrived!"

"Princess Fairy Kunou Doragon has arrived!"

"Concubine Ophis has arrived!"

"Dragon Clan Lover Great Red has arrived!"

"Queen Fairy Grayfia Doragon has arrived!"

"Queen Fairy Shuri Doragon has arrived!"


The more they listened to the honorifics of these more stupid people were their expressions.

Surprise, curiosity, horror, and envy were on the faces of many present

They could not help but look in an amazing way when the people named above sat down and talked with each other.

Hades: "... Concubine Ophis? ..."

Michael: "Imperial Guard Griselda?"

Azazel: "... Lover of the Dragon Clan: Great Red?"

Odin: "Professor Magica Rossweisse?"

"What the hell!" It was everyone's words right at this moment in their heads

Everyone felt that they were playing a bad joke on their faces

Is that only with those words caused a thunderous moment between the hearts of all!

Yasaka as the wife of the Fairy King ... That meant that the Yokai Faction was in the hands of Agarus now


You could not forget the two superweapons that were next to him right now

Great Red as a lover of the Dragon Clan and Ophis as a concubine !!

Where the hell was logic at this moment ?!

And without forgetting what the hell ... Rossweisse professor of magic ?!

Everyone gave a strange look to Odin who was only with a disbelieving look in his eyes wide open in shock

Even Sun Wukong was petrified looking towards Yasaka who was dressed in a white tunic with red embroidery


Just when they wanted to recompose the door was opened again and this time ... The name that everyone expected had arrived

"Queen Hada Rias Doragon has arrived!"

"Fairy Queen Misla Doragon has arrived!"

"Lover Fairy Coriana Andrealphus has arrived!"

"Peerage Gremory has arrived!"

"... Great King Fairy Yukio Doragon has arrived!" The fairy woman said aloud with satisfaction in her tone

But nobody paid attention to it ... Everyone was looking at the man called 'Yukio'

There was not to be smart to notice that this young man was Agarus

Yukio walked slowly along with his companions and wives while he was dressed in a white robe with blood red embroidery

His face showed a smile and I look at everyone "It is a pleasure to have the presence of all present ... Noting that I am the last to arrive, should I start the meeting immediately?"

He asked with a smile while from his body emanated a powerful and oppressive aura towards all

This was not intentional ... It was just the aura that leaked from his body

Each of those present stood looking at Yukio who walked to a seat and sat quietly surrounded by his wives

Then Yukio placed his hands on the table gently with a smile on his face "We shall now start the meeting"