
A New Life As Ben 10

You know how it goes. Guy meets God and get some wishes, then goes to live his new life. There was no explanation or reason for it, God just wanted some entertainment and who is he to refuse? You dont look a gift horse in the mouth. What are waiting for? Go read it. -------------------------------------------------------- Small harem. Genderbent Kevin. System. (These may not be your thing) The system wont have that whole stupid punishment for failing a mission troupe. There will be consequences, but nothing major. (Check Auxiliary) I'm open to ideas, but I do these for my own enjoyment so I will do things my way for the most part. This is more of a side project to my main fanfic. I upload when I feel like it. Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own Ben 10.

PassiveAtom5140 · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Ch 1 The Beginning

(Okay, webnovel is being weird and not posting the updated version, so I'm trying something.)

MC - 'So, here I am...

Who am I' you ask? That's not important. All you need to know, is that I am dead, courtesy of 'Truck-sama' and now find myself infront of 'God'...

Well, that's what they are calling themself anyway.'

God - "That would be because that is who I am... Also, are you almost done with you inner monologue?"

MC - "Okay... So you're God. What am I doing here then? I mean, I'm definitely not a 'good' person, so I know I wont be going to 'heaven.'"

He was still a bit sceptical of Gods claims, but he does seem to be able to read minds or how would he know about the monologue.

God - "Correct, you won't be going to heaven. However, you will be getting a reincarnation, like in those fanfics you love so much."

MC - "..."

God - "So...?"


Like that, he was sold. He was so excited, that he dropped to his knees and threw his hands up in the air.

God - "Done? Good. Well then, you will get some wishes and a random universe."

He was giving God his full attention and thinking deeply about his wishes, but there was the problem of where he might end up.

MC - "Hmm... Is it possible to use a wish to choose which universe I go to?"

God - "That will be fine. I should mention that you aren't allowed to wish for immortality or invincibility. And no wishing to be 'almost' anything or the strongest in the universe."

MC - "Wasn't planning on it. Besides, it seems boring to have unbeatable power given to you."

God looked at him with an appreciative look.

God - "That's good then."

Obviously noticing Gods attitude, he couldn't help his comment.

MC - "I get the feeling that happens a lot..."

God - "*Sigh* Like you wouldn't believe."

MC - "Okay... Anyways, back on topic. I want to ask first, is world altering and the changing of certain set ups allowed?"

God was silent for a moment, seemingly thinking.

God - "Yes, that should be fine, within limits of course."

With Gods confirmation, he was now set on what some of his wishes would be.

MC - "Cool. Then, I want to use a wish to reincarnate in the Ben 10 universe, as Ben Tennyson."

God - "Done. Next?"

MC - "I want to alter the world so that, instead of being born the child of Carl and Sandra Tennyson, I am adopted by them instead. I want to be born on the same day as Gwen still and have the situation develope from there. I assume you could take care of that?"

He received a nod and continued.

MC - "I don't really want to experience being a child again, so I want to take over control of my new body when it receives the Omnitrix, which I also want to have red and black as primary colours and less bulky. I know that the Omnitrix was supposed to go to Max and only went to Ben because he was related to Max, so I will leave that to you, if you don't mind. On the topic of oneself, I want to have all my sentiment to my previous life removed. That way, I won't miss anyone and will be able to better integrate into my new life.

I want to have black hair and red eyes, along with a handsome face, but I want my looks to only be above average before I take over, while I will gradually improve. Don't want to draw too much attention without meaning to."

God - "That is acceptable, but why do you wish to be adopted may I ask?"

Looking at God, one could see a grin on his face, so he probably already knew.

MC - "Aren't you omniscient and able to read my mind... It is so I can be in a relationship with Gwen, without any issues."

God - "Being omniscient can be boring, so I turned it off for this case and while I can read your mind, it would ruin the fun."

MC - "Is that so?"

God - "But I must say, that is quite calculative of you."

MC - "Isn't it just common sense?"

God - "*Chuckles* You would think so, wouldn't you?"

He easily noticed the implication of Gods words and looked at him in slight disbelief.

MC - "Seriously? *Sigh* Idiots..."

God - "No comment."

Rubbing his temples, he couldn't help commenting.

MC - "I would hope that any of their plans excluded such situations, but from what I've seen, I'm not holding out."

God - "Probably best to just move on and focus on your wishes."

MC - "You're right. Lastly for the world altering, I want to exchange the Stinkfly transformation for Big Chill. I never did like that one."

God - "No problem. You really took advantage of that one."

He grinned in response.

MC - "For my next wish, I want a personalised system."

God - "Oh? Well then, continue."

MC - "There will be the basic leveling and status function, where I can gain levels from defeating or killing an opponent. Status/attribute points can be gained from leveling, which gives 1 point each stat except Luck and goes up another point every 10 levels, working hard in a corresponding area or from missions, which I'll come to in a moment.

An inventory that stores anything, except; living organisms, undead and sentient plant creatures. (Non-sentient are an exception) And a time manipulation function.

A shop that uses System/Shop Points(SP) to buy things that have a compatibility with the universe. From food and clothing to skills and life saving items.

And finally, a Missions function. There will be no mandatory missions, but can be suggested if they are important to the 'plot'. No major penalties for failing, other than a deduction of SP. It will be possible to be in debt, at which point 50% of mission rewards will be taken until the debt is paid. But, emergency purchases will be allowed(Life threatening). Mission can vary from Repeatable to Unique. They can also be made personally within reason. A Unique mission can have consequences, but they will be no different than what would come from inaction."

God - "That is all acceptable, but why have you placed limitations for yourself?"

MC - "Because it would be boring otherwise... Plus, if I didn't, you more than likely would. This way, I have more control."

His foresight had impressed God and made him smile with happiness.

God - "Quite so. As for the repayment method, in the case of you falling into debt with the system, it is perfectly reasonable."

MC - "Thanks."

God - "Anything else to add?"

MC - "Hmm... I guess having an AI would be nice."

God - "You don't strike me as the type to want or need someone to tell you what to do."

MC - "I'm not. More specifically, I want to have an AI that is fully sentient, capable of expressing emotions and their opinion, but has no control over the system or my actions without my express permission. Or in the case that it is for my own well being. Basically, I want them to be a companion. Preferably a female, because I don't want some dude in my head."

God - "You are being awfully thorough, aren't you?"

MC - "Well, that is thanks to all those fanfics I read. The main character would always ask for a system and when they get it, the thing would have faults like; when you fail a mission, somebody dies. or they get a mandatory mission at the worst time. and then there are stupid timers, that make success nigh impossible, only being complete thanks to plot armour."

God - "Fair point."

MC - "Yeah. And I doubt that I am the only one to ask for a system, at which point, you have probably made such 'defects' to teach those people a lesson. No?"

He gave God a side glance at the end.

God - "Exactly! Hahaha!"

MC - "You would have done that to me, wouldn't you?"

God - "*Cough* Anyhow, do you still have more wishes."

Staring at God with squinted eyes as the subject changed, he carried on with his wishes.

MC - "Fine... I suppose I should wish for some points to spend, so how about a million?"

God - "..."

God just stared at him.

MC - "What?"

God - "Don't you think that is overkill...?"

MC - "Overkill would be wishing for infinite points, but I figured that wouldn't be allowed and didn't want to push my luck on that one..."

God - "Fine, you do have a point and I haven't set many limits on the wishes anyways."

MC - "Thanks. Now then, before my final wish, I have a question."

God smiled knowingly.

God - "Shoot."

MC - "What will be the deal with Paradox? I assume that he will know that I am an anomaly, so what will happen with him?"

God - "The short answer is that, he will indeed know, but he won't cause you any problems. So you don't have to worry."

MC - "Okay... Well, I'm not too sure what I want for my final wish... How about making me half Anodite? Perfectly merged with my human side, so I can switch between the two forms without destroying my human body. And stick with the black and red colour scheme."

God - "That's just cheating..."

Tilting his head to the side, he looked at God.

MC - "How so?"

God - "You would be practically immortal. Not in the sense that you can't be killed, but that you won't die of age and so long as you have Mana, you can constantly heal."

MC - "So, is that a no?"

God - "No... It isn't. You can have it, but only when you reach level 10."

He didn't really understand why he had to wait until he was level 10, but it wasn't a big deal.

MC - "Sure. Well, that is everything."

God - "Indeed. I will send you on you way then. Oh, I will be making a few changes to keep things interesting."

MC - "What kind of changes?"

God - "That is something you will have to discover on your own. Now, off you go."

MC - "Okay. Thanks for this opportunity."

God - "You're welcome. Have fun, Ben!"

And with a wave of his hand, God sent Ben away.

God - "I look forward to the entertainment he will bring."


[27th December 1995]

Today, two children were born in Bellwood general hospital.

The first was a girl with a patch of orange hair. While cradled in the arms of her tired, but happy mother and overjoyed father, she was named Gwendolyn Catherine Tennyson.

But, in a neighbouring room, a lone woman had similarly just given birth to a boy. However, the scene taking place is not even close to being like it's neighbor's.

The woman in this room had given birth to a little boy and was now holding him, tears in her eyes as she looked at him with love and sorrow.

Woman - "My baby boy... I'm so sorry, but I won't be there for you. I hope you find a good family. I love you."

She kissed his head and pink energy passed into him.

Woman - "Live a normal, safe life my son."

After she said that, her body went limp.

Doctors and nurses, rush in. They tried to revive and save her, but nothing they did worked, leaving them standing there solemnly.

After a moment, they snapped out of their stupor.

Doc - "Well, this is an unfortunate turn of events, but we should get to work. Nurse, take the child to the nursery and I will try to find out if there is any family to take him in."

Nurse - "Yes, Doctor."

- 1 hour later -

(I don't know how long it would be. Or anything related to the situation for that matter.)

The two babies were now left to rest in the nursery.

After talking with his wife for a while, Frank (Gwen's father) left her to rest and went to the waiting room, where his brother and his wife were waiting to congratulate the new father.

When they saw Frank, they stood up and Carl hugged his brother.

Carl - "Congratulations!"

Frank returned the gesture with a smile.

Frank - "Haha, thank you!"

Sandra - "You must be so happy!"

Frank - "Yes, I am. Would you both like to come see my daughter?"

Carl - "Of course, we would love to."

Sandra - "Yes!"

And so, the three of them went off in the direction of the nursery while chatting.

When they got there, they saw a couple Doctors discussing something infront of the viewing screen.

With clear nervousness, worried that it may be related to his daughter, Frank went up to them.

Frank - "Doctors, is something the matter?"

Looking over to the speaker, the two Doctors recognized Frank and saw his worry, they stopped to explain.

Doc1 - "No need to worry, Mr. Tennyson."

Frank - "Oh, thank God."

He immediately relaxed, but Sandra was still curious.

Sandra - "What seems to be the matter?"

With the question posed, the two Doctors looked at each other.

Doc2 - "Well, you see..."

He looked over to his colleague, not sure what to do.

Doc1 - "There was another woman to give birth today, and while the child came out perfectly healthy, the mother sadly passed away and there are no other relatives to take him in."

Silence hung in the air around them for a moment.

Sandra - "What about the father?"

Doc2 - "Died in car accident unfortunately."

Sandra - "Oh... So what will happen to the child?"

Doc2 - "He will have to go to an adoption agency."

Carl, who had been silent throughout the conversation, saw the concern his wife had in the topic and decided to speak up.

Carl - "What if we adopted him?"

The other four stopped and looked at him, while Carl looked at Sandra.

Carl - "We have been trying for a child of our own without success, so...?

Sandra's eyes lit up at the prospect.

Frank - "You're right! And it would be nice for Gwen to grow up with him."

Sandra started forming a whole picture in her head, causing her to smile and nod her head in agreement to her husband, who was still looking at her for an answer.

Seeing his wife's nod, Carl looked towards the Doctors.

Carl - "So? Is it possible?"

Doc1 - "If you are both sure, then so long as you fill out the necessary papers, it will be fine."

Carl - "Great! Well then, honey, should we get to it?"

Sandra - "Yes! As soon as possible!"

Seeing his brother and sister-in-law, Frank laughed.

Frank - "Haha, I guess I have to congratulate you now!"


And so, a few days past, in which Carl and Sandra Tennyson went through the adoption proceedings. The two babies were looked after in the hospital, to make sure there were no issues, along with visits from friends and family, including Max Tennyson, Carl and Frank's father.

After some time and a lot of paper work, the adoption was finalized and the family of two, became a family of three with their new son.

All that was left, was to name him.

Natalie - "So, what are you going name him?"

Sandra, holding her new son while smiling, looked at her.

Sandra - "We decided on Benjamin Mark Tennyson."

(A/N: I ain't calling this mofo 'Kirby'...)

Frank - "That's a good name."

And like that, they all looked towards the new addition to the family with happy smiles.


- Years go by -

'Ben' wasn't the most expressive child. He would do the bare minimum in everything. He intelligent, but showed barely any emotion.

When with his parents, he was affectionate to a degree and was well behaved, so they assume that that was just the way he was and loved him regardless. Although, his eyes did look dull and empty the majority (All) of the time.

'Ben' and Gwen spent a fair amount of time together due to their parents.

Gwen often found it difficult because of how unresponsive her cousin was, so she would frequently try to get something out of him by insulting him with silly, childish names, despite never succeeding.

When it came to school, 'Ben' always did well and was above average in all subjects, particularly sports.

The teachers initially found it difficult to deal with him because of his behaviour or lack there of. But, he never caused any trouble in class or with other students and he wasn't behind in anyway, so they just forgot about it and let him be.

This continued all the way up to the end of fifth grade and the start of summer vacation.


- 2006 the beginning of summer vacation -

Today is the start of summer vacation and the school bell just rang, signalling that school was going to be let out.

The teacher addressed the class, telling them to be safe and have fun over the break.

After she was done, she told them that they were free to go and as soon as she did, one figure shot out of the class, surprising everyone.

That figure was 'Ben', the one person nobody expected to do this, given his usual behaviour.

Meanwhile, the person in question was rushing home to pack clothes and some other necessities that needed to be prepared.

The reason for this is because he will be going on a trip with his Grandpa Max, as his parents and Grandpa thought it would be good for him.

So, after getting home, he immediately went to his room. It was quite plain despite being for a child, and not because his parents were in any way strict or controlling, quite the opposite, they were lax and doting.

Regardless, what is important, is that he had what was needed and then some.

After waiting for about 30 minutes, the sound of Max's RV pulling up could be heard.

'Ben' ran down stairs, gave his mom a hug and said goodbye. His dad was at work, so he said his goodbyes earlier that day.

After saying goodbye, he left the house and headed to the RV, aka 'the Rustbucket' and opened the door.

When he entered, he saw his Grandpa at the drivers seat looking back at him with a smile and at the table was none other than his orange haired, green eyed cousin, Gwen, looking at him with a hint of awkwardness.

'Ben' - "Hello."

His voice was completely monotone.

Gwen - "Hi."

After the brief greeting, she started to focus on the laptop infront of her.

Max - "Hello Ben. Good to see you. Why don't you buckle down and we'll be on our way. I hope to get to the campsite before the sun goes down."

After nodding in response, he sat down at the table, across from Gwen and shut his eyes.

Seeing that everything was good, Max hit the gas and started driving to their destination.

After a while of driving, Gwen looked up from her laptop to see her cousin sitting there like a statue, with his eyes shut.

Gwen - "Hey, robot. Why don't you do your homework or something?"

He didn't even open his eyes as he replied.

'Ben' - "I have already done it."

There was disbelief written on her face.

Gwen - "No way! Are you a computer or something?"

Hearing the bout between his Grandchildren, Max chuckled and continued driving.


After a few hours of driving, it was a little after 8 PM when they arrived at the Shenandoah national park in Virginia.

(A/N: I will try to make things Geographically correct, but if that doesn't work for you then just think of it as nonsense.)

Finding a place to park the Rustbucket, Max got up and set up the bench outside so they could eat.

Moments later, he was finished and returned to inform his Grandkids.

Max - "We're all set, why don't you two come on out?"

Hearing this, 'Ben' got up and went outside with Gwen following, somewhat reluctantly.

When they got outside, they sat down on the bench. And when they did, Max put what could only be described as fish bait infront of them.

Max - "Enjoy!"

Gwen looked nauseous at the thought that this was their meal.

Gwen - "You can't be serious, Grandpa!?"

She couldn't help shouting questioningly.

Max - "Well of course I am. They are full of protein, you know?"

With this taking place in front of him, 'Ben' simply took out a couple sandwiches from his bag and pushed one of them towards Gwen.

Gwen - "Thanks..."

She awkwardly received the sandwich, but that didn't mean she was any less grateful.

'Ben' just nodded in response.

A little more than thirty minutes had passed and it had already turned dark when 'Ben', who had been sitting with an empty expression for a while, as if awoken, he suddenly opened his eyes, startling his cousin.

Gwen - "What's wrong? You short circuit or something?"

She didn't forget to throw in a jab despite her genuine concern.

'Ben' - "Nothing, I just thought that I would go for a walk."

With that, he got up and headed towards the woods under the gaze of Gwen.

Gwen - "Weirdo..."


After a few minutes of walking, 'Ben' came to a stop and looked up.

In the sky, there was a light that looked like a shooting star and when he looked towards it, it was head directly towards him.

Seeing this, 'Ben' didn't react and just remained standing there with a blank look on his face.

The object came flying his way and smashed into the ground a few feet away, sending him skidding a few metres.

After coming to a stop, he got up, walked towards the newly formed crater and jumped in.

Inside the crater was a big metallic sphere.

When 'Ben' approached it, it suddenly opened and presented a bulky black watch with an hourglass symbol on the face.

He proceeded to reach towards it, and just before touching it, it jumped and latched onto his wrist.

It then started to speak with a robotic voice.

Omnitrix - "Host found. Beginning synchronisation process... Missing records discovered... Replacing missing records... Please hold."

With those words, he passed out...


Not long after passing out, Ben woke to the soothing voice of a woman. This time, the body had a fully functional soul to go with it.

??? - "Host, please wake up now, the installment is already done."

Ben - "Ughh... I feel like I have been hit by a truck... Oh wait, I was! Hahaha!"

??? - "Host, that joke is in bad taste."

Ben - "Hehe, I know. So, are you the system AI?"

AI - "Yes. Welcome to the Ben 10 Universe."

Ben - "Cool. Give me a few minutes to adjust... My heads a bit jumbled."

- A few minutes later -

Ben - "Alright... So, how long was I out for?"

AI - "About 15 minutes."

Ben - "Okay. Jeez, I understand that 'he' didn't want any personality conflict, but couldn't 'he' have made the 'bot' a bit more human-like? I mean, oh my God he was boring! Not to mention that the damn capsule almost hit me!!"

He point to the capsule, the proof of how he was almost smushed.

Ben - "*Sigh* Whatever..."

AI - "Host, it is advised that you return to camp."

Ben - "Yeah, you're right... Uhmm... What should I call you?"

AI - "That is up to you to decide."

Ben - "How about Oracle?"

AI - "Seriously?"

He could hear the disappointment in her voice.

Ben - "Nah, just kidding."

AI - "Could you please not joke about this."

Ben - "Sorry. I'm just not very good at naming, so how about Gabriel? Considering who created you."

Gabriel - "Not very original, but it is better."

The now named Gabriel, clearly wasn't very impressed, but she still accepted his effort.

Ben - "Sorry..."

He felt a little bad that he couldn't do better for his companion.

Gabriel - "It's fine. Anyways, isn't it about time you get going? It has almost been half an hour."

He nodded.

Ben - "A couple things first."

He went over to the capsule and stored it in his inventory for later use.

Ben - "That's one. And now..."

With a huge grin, he turned his gaze to his left wrist.

Instead of the original bulky monstrosity that was in the capsule, the Omnitrix had taken on the design from Omniverse, but black where the white was, grey where the black was and dark red in place of the green.

The latch and dial faded from black at the top to red at the bottom.

Rather than a hologram interface, which would stand out, it used a button to pop the hatch and show the dial, where it used the original icon format.

(You can picture it however you want.)

After revelling in the moment, he brought his arm infront of himself, popped the latch and then scrolled through the icons, coming to a stop on heat blast, he pressed the dial down.

When he did, there was a flash of red with some black mixed in.

And there, standing in the place of the once human, is an alien with a body made of rock and magma, with its head on fire.

Ben stood there observing his body.

Gabriel - "Not going to call out the name?"

She joked with him.

Ben - "Nope, that's too cringe."

After ther brief exchange, he began to experiment with making flame and a few fireballs, but he stopped to think about something.

After a brief moment, he looked up to the sky, bent his knees and pressed off of the ground, shooting into the sky with a trail of fire behind him.

While flying, he started to do loops and would shoot off blasts of fire every once in a while like a firework.

- Back at the camp -

Max and Gwen were becoming concerned about Ben, it had almost been an hour since he went off.

Max - "Where could he have gone off to?"

Gwen - "Hey Grandpa, what's that over there?"

Gwen pointed towards a glow in the distance, with slight signs of smoke.

Max - "Looks like a fire."

Gwen - "That's the direction Ben went off to."

When Gwen that out, the two of them looked at each other, then at the glow and then back to each other.

Max - "Grab a fire extinguisher!"

After grabbing the fire extinguishers from the RV, they both rushed to where they thought the fire was.

- Back to Ben -

Still flying in the air, Gabriel decided to speak up.

Gabriel - "Don't you think this is enough?"

Ben - "I suppose you're right. And those two are probably getting worried."

As he said that, he looked down and saw a fire.

Ben - "Oops..."

Gabriel - "Dummy."

Ben - "Yeah, my bad... Oh, speak of the devil!"

He spotted his Grandpa and Gwen, who were putting out the mess he made. So he decided to go towards them.

- Back with Max and Gwen -

The two of them were going along while putting out fires.

Suddenly, they heard an impact on the ground behind them and turned around.

??? - "Hi guys!"

Gwen - "KYAAAA!!!"

Gwen, frightened by the magma monster, couldn't help screaming and in her panic, she doused him with the fire extinguisher.

The creature, being hit by the foam, placed its arms infront of itself and started coughing while the fire on its head went out.

This creature was obviously Ben.

Ben - "Ahg, ahh, stop! Stop! It's me, it's Ben!"

Max/Gwen - "Huh?"

Gwen, hearing his words, stopped her assault.

Meanwhile, Max, who had been trying to figure out what an alien was doing on Earth, was now even more confused by the situation.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Max decided there was more important matters at the moment.

Max - "Ben, we'll talk about this later, right now we need to do something about this fire!"

Ben looked like he suddenly remembered.

Ben - "Oh, yeah. My bad, give me a moment."

With that, Ben shot to the sky and hovered there with his arms infront of him.

Slowly, the flame started to be sucked into his hands and in moments, they were all gone.

When he was done, Ben went back down.

Ben - "All done."

Gwen was slightly slack jawed at the sight, while Max was looking at him with seriousness.

Max - "Okay... Now, let's talk."

Gwen - "Yeah, like about how you became a monster!"

Ben - "Alien."

Gwen - "Huh?"

Ben - "Alien. Not monster."

Max - "What exactly happened?"

And so, Ben spent a couple minutes telling them what happened, along with some embellishment.

Max - "So, can you turn back?"

Ben - "Uhh... Yeah? Let me try."

After saying that, he tapped the hourglass symbol on his chest and turned back to human with a flash of grey light.

When Ben changed back, he looked at the other two and saw them looking at him like he was a stranger.

Ben - "What's up with you two?"

Rather than an answer, he recieved a question.

Gwen - "Is that really you, Ben?"

Ben looked at her strangely and with confusion.

Ben - "Of course. Seriously, what's the problem?"

Max - "Let's go back to the camp first."

Max was looking at him even more oddly.

The reason for the twos attitudes was because when Ben turned back, rather than the usual expressionless face and dull eyes they were accustomed to, they were met with one that was full of life, bewildering the two of them.

- Back to the camp -

Ben was now with the other two, sitting around a campfire while under their scrutinizing gaze.

Max - "So, what else happened besides what you've already told us?"

Ben - "What do you mean?"

He genuinely didn't understand.

Gwen - "You're acting weird. I mean, weird for you."

Hearing this, Ben understood what their problem was and began to give an explanation.

Ben - "Oh, I get it. That is also thanks to the watch."

Max - "How so?"

Ben - "Well, when it got attached to my arm, it said something about a 'synchronisation' and 'replacing missing records.' Honestly, it feels great! Like I have been reborn."

He sniggered to himself on the inside. The best part of it all is that he technically isn't lying to them about it being thanks to the watch.

When Max heard his explanation, he felt it was odd, but soon dismissed it.

Gwen - "So, what? You were missing your emotions or something?"

When he heard her, Ben looked at her with a kind smile.

Ben - "Yes and no. I still felt love for Mom, Dad, Uncle Frank, Aunt Nat, Grandpa and you. Even if I couldn't express it, you're all very precious to me. I just never really felt anything else."

What he told them was true, and he inherited those feeling when he took control.

Listening to him and seeing his gentle gaze, Gwen blushed and looked away while muttering to herself. Max smiled brightly knowing this, but was saddened to know that he felt nothing else.

Max - "Well, it has been a long day, why don't we all go to sleep."

Nodding to Max's words, they got up and went to bed with varying emotions.

Ben in particular was overjoyed at getting to start his new life.

Thinking now was a good time, Gabriel began talking to him.

Gabriel - "Host, now that there is time to talk, I think I should mention that you have a gift pack and rewards for a mission you've complete."

Ben - "Really? That's great, what was the mission?"

He silently thanked God once more.

[You have have received 10 AP]

[For naming your system, you have received 100 SP and a manual on Mana Manipulation.]

Gabriel - "It is advised that Host chooses the distribution of AP carefully. They are not so easily obtained."

Ben - 'Okay. Please show me my status.'

[ Status -

Name - Benjamin Mark Tennyson

Lv - 1 (0/150)

Title - Wielder of the Omnitrix.

State - Healthy MP - 400

STR - 10

END - 10

AGI - 10

DEX - 10

CHA - 10

INT - 20

LCK - 666

AP - 10 SP - 1,000,100 ]

Ben - 'Okay... So, what are the average stats for a human?'

Gabriel - "Using STR as an example, every point is the same as 10kg of strength. The average adult male would have a 5."

Ben - 'Hmm. So my physical stats are double what they should be and I assume my INT is higher because of my Anodite heritage. Does my INT stat only determine MP amount or is there more to it."

Gabriel - "It also works as you imagine, it makes you smarter, gives you a better memory, and it helps with learning, senses and control magic."

Ben - 'What determines the power of the magic?"

Gabriel - "That is determined by your skills level and the amount of Mana you use."

Ben - 'Thanks for the help.'

He then stopped to digest all the information.

Ben - 'Well, it's about time I get to sleep.'

Right as he thought that, there was an explosion off in the distance and he could hear the radio in the RV blare.

Radio - "Mayday! Mayday! Help! Anybody! There are giant robots attacking the park! *Boom* AAAHHHH!!! RUN!!"

When they heard the broadcast, they looked at each other in confusion and then Max jumped to action.

Max - "Let's go see what's going on."

Gwen started waking herself up from her sleepy state and Ben was wondering why Vilgax still sent the robots despite there not being a signal for him to track. Other than when he turned into Heatblast atleast...

But he soon forgot about.


Gabriel - "Host, a Mission has been created and it is suggested that you accept."

Ben - 'What is it?"

He already had an idea, but there's no harm in asking.

[Mission - Debut - You're on your way to the campsite, you may as well have some fun. Destroy the robots sent by Vilgax.

Reward - 100 SP, 2 AP and 150xp

Failure - 500 SP

Accept - Yes/No]

Ben - 'Is the reward high or low?'

Gabriel - "The reward is quite good considering the AP is worth more that SP, and the XP is enough to get you your first level."

Ben - 'Okay, accept it.'

[Mission accepted]

While he dealt with that, Gwen was able to wake herself up.

She looked over at him and saw his contemplating expression.

Gwen - "Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Ben - "Huh? Oh, nothing much, just thinking that this is going to be a strange summer."

Gwen - "Yeah..."

Her eyes could help drifting to the Omnitrix on his wrist. Their attention was then drawn to Max as he called to them.

Max - "Okay kids, we're coming up to the site now, so be careful."

As he said that, they came into a clearing where they could see 2 giant robots and 8 smaller drones causing mayhem.

They were shooting lasers everywhere and RV's, whose occupants had already abandoned or died in all the chaos.

Even now, there were people running around in an attempt to escape.

Without hesitation, Ben popped the hatch on the Omnitrix and turned into Diamondhead after finding the icon.

Ben - "Grandpa, I'm going to go distract those things. You and Gwen should get the people to safety."

After saying that, he sprang out of the Rustbucket, shooting some crystals and destroying 3 of the drones that were about to attack a couple.

Max was of course panicking because of this.

Max - "BEN, WAIT!!"

Ben didn't stop, either because of not hearing him or that he just ignored him.

Max - "*Frustrated sigh* Fine, but be careful!"

Ben heard him loud and clear, but didn't react. He instead jumped up punched a drone that was coming his way, sending it flying back the way it came and hit another drone that was behind it.

When the two drones collided, there was a moment where they started to spark and then they exploded.

Gwen was kind of shocked by how naturally her cousin was fighting. Like he was born for it.

Max - "He seems like he will be alright... Let's go help where we can. But be careful."

The two of them then ran off to help man trapped under debris, while Ben continued to face the robots.

Seeing that 5 of the drones had been destroyed, the two giants, along with the last three drones, had stopped indiscriminately destroying stuff and turned to the Petrosapien responsible.

They all scanned the being and upon reaching the hour glass symbol, they all started walking toward him and attacked him collectively.

When Ben saw them all heading his was, he wasn't surprised, as he knew that they were targeting the Omnitrix.

As they were taking to long to attack him, he decided to mock them. It worked for his counterpart.

Ben - "What are you waiting for you piles of scrap metal!?"

He didn't know if it was because of his provocation, but they immediately began their assault.

It started with one of the big ones charging towards him and launching a punch at him.

In response, Ben morphed his arms into blades and crossed them above his head, waiting for the punch to hit him.

When the punch connected, his blades immediately tore into the arm.

From an outside perspective, it looked like he had just been crushed and this was exactly what Max, Gwen and those they were helping believed to have happened.

Max and Gwen were frightened, they were about to rush in despite not really being able to do anything.

Just before they did, they saw crystal spikes protruding from the robots arm and then they started making their way up through the arm, into the chest and stop at the head, which is where Ben made his exit.

When everyone saw this, some sighed in relief and others cheered.

When Ben burst out of the big robots head, he looked towards the drones.

Seeing them, he jumped at the one closest to him and left the big one to fall.

He landed on top of the drone and quickly steadied himself before firing a barrage of crystals at the one furthest from him.

The moment he shot the crystals, he stabbed through the drone he was standing on, pressed off of it and towards the last drone, that was just a little bit away.

As he came down on the drone, he cut it in half while the others blew up.

Ben landed on the ground with the separated drone falling behind him.

All that was left was the last big one, which was currently pointing its arm at Ben's back and after a few seconds it fired a big laser beam at him.

With the beam come towards him, Ben spun around and put his arms up in a guard instead of dodging.

Gwen noticed that he wasn't moving and panicked.

Gwen - "Grandpa, what's he doing? Why isn't he dodging!?"

She wouldn't admit it, but she was concerned for his safety.

Max - "That's because he can't."

Max pointed to the area behind Ben. Gwen looked over and saw a woman kneeling on the ground, clutching a baby in her arms.

Gwen was shocked to see that even though he was busy fighting, her cousin could still notice that there was someone in the area.

Meanwhile, Ben was thinking of trying something fun.

The robot eventually stopped firing the beam, Ben quickly checked behind him to see if the woman was still there, which she was and she didn't seem to have plans to move anytime soon.

He looked back at the robot and decided to once again mock it.

Ben - "What? Is that all you've got? Come on, try it again!"

And like he requested, it got ready to for another attack and just before it finished, he sent a chain of crystals through the ground behind, creating a wall infront of the woman to protect her.

When he was finished, he formed his arms into a smooth shield just in time for the second, more powerful beam, which thanks to his shield, got deflected towards the sky and pushed him back a bit.

When he stabilised himself, he shifted the direction his arms were pointing and redirected the beam at the same time.

And like that, Ben defeated the last of his enemies by cutting it in half with its own laser.

With all of them defeated, Ben hunched over a little and started to pant a bit, deflecting the beam took more than he thought it would.

Gabriel - "Was that really necessary?"

Ben 'Haha. Nope, but it was fun.'

He stood up straight and walked over to the wall he had made.

Taking down the wall, the woman was still there, so he checked how she was.

Ben - "Are you okay, Ma'am?"

The woman looked at him with tears streaming down her face and nodded while thanking him profusely.

Ben - "That's good, but you and your child should still get looked over just incase."

After he said that, the Omnitrix started to beep, signalling that his time was almost up.

As soon as he heard it, he ran off into the woods.

A few moments later, the Omnitrix timed out and Ben was human again, so he started to make his way around the trees and towards his Grandpa and Gwen.

It took three minutes for the Omnitrix to recharge and when it did, he used it to turn into XLR8 and run back to the battle site so he could take the robots. He didn't want that tech to fall into the hands of others, and he can use it himself.

- At the Rustbucket -

Max and Gwen were waiting by the Rustbucket for Ben, while everyone that survived were still talking about what had happened.

After five minutes, Ben came from around the back of the Rustbucket.

Ben - "Hello, guys."

He was somewhat out of breath, he had an 'exciting' first few hours of life.

Max - "Quickly get it."

Ben and Gwen nodded and got in the Rustbucket, with Max following quickly after and driving away just as quickly.

Ben and Gwen were sitting at the table, though Ben had his head resting on it because of how tired he was.

After a little while, Max had drove back to their original campsite and then went to sit with his Grandkids, though he was across from Ben so that he could look at him.

When Max was sat down, Ben lifted his head off the table.

Max - "You okay, Ben?"

Ben - "Yeah, just tired is all."

Max was relieved that he was okay, but then he took on a serious attitude.

Max - "Then I think we need to talk."

Gwen - "Yeah! like about how you just ran into a fight without batting an eye and why you're so good at it?"

Ben - "Well, it's not the first time I have been in a fight?"

This caused them to look at at him with confusion.

Gwen - "What? When?"

Ben - "There were a few times that my previous... Cough-disposition, had gotten me into a spot of bother... Though, I beat those guys up too."

He couldn't help the mischievous smirk on his face.

The thing is, he was telling the truth. On more than one occasion some dickhead thought it was a good idea to mess with him. What he didn't mention, was that he was more than used to fighting thanks to his previous life... He doesn't and won't claim to be a good person, but even bad people can do good things, right?

Max wasn't very appreciative of his humor.

Max - "This isn't a joke, Ben! You could have gotten hurt or worse!"

Gwen - "He's right! And beside, weren't you scared?"

She looked more scared than he should be and was practically shaking.

Ben - "I know Grandpa, and of course I was scared..." 'Not!'

Gwen - "Then-"

She was about to continue questioning him, but was cut off.

Ben - "But i stood a better chance than those people did."

He eyes flashed with his determination and the liveliness that they still hadn't gotten used to.

Ben - "Besides, I feel that I proved that I can handle myself pretty well."

A bright smile was adorning his face, shocking Gwen, while Max was sighing. Max was proud of his Grandson and was reminded of his younger days, but he couldn't let things continue like they were.

Max - "*Sigh* Fine. I can see that you won't listen if I tell you not to do that again, but no more acting without telling us anything beforehand."

Ben - "Got it, Granpa."

Max - "Well then, you two should get back to sleep."

Max then got up and went outside for some fresh air.

Ben was about to go to bed when he notice that Gwen hadn't budged. Figuring that she was still shaken, he looked at her with a teasing grin.

Ben - "So, Gwen, which robot do you prefer? Me or the big one."

Gwen heard this, then got up and looked at him angrily with some blush.

Gwen - "Shut up, idiot! I prefer that other one a hundred times more than you. Hmph!"

She then stormed passed him and went to bed while grumbling.

Gwen - "Can't believe that I was thinking he was cool..."

Ben didn't hear her and just laughed a little about her reaction, which he thought was cute.

Ben - 'Tsundere.'

After a little bit of laughter, he also went to bed while receiving the rewards for the Mission.

[Mission 'Debut' complete. 100 SP, 2 AP and 150xp received]

[80xp for 8 Basic Drones, 60xp for 2 Large Drones received]

[Status -

Name - Ben (I'm not doing his name every time)

Lv - 2 (140/200)

Title - Wielder of the Omnitrix

State - Healthy MP - 420

STR - 11

END - 11

AGI - 11

CHA - 11

INT - 21

LUK - 666

AP - 12 SP 1,000,200]

With a pleased smile, he went to bed.

Meanwhile, outside, Max was massaging his temples.

Max - "How could this have happened..."

In a matter of hours, his Grandson turned into a Pyronite and a Petrosapien, all thanks to a watch that fell out of the sky.

Not to mention, it was something that he thought was nothing more than a legend until now.

The only benefit was that it helped 'fix' whatever was wrong with his Grandson.

After sighing a bit more, he went back inside so that he can get some sleep as well.

When he got inside, he saw Gwen curled up under her blanket and Ben who had a peaceful smile on his face, as if he hadn't just fought for his life and a bunch of others.

Max sighed once more and went to sleep himself.