The story and adventure of a second chance given to the least deserving ASOIAF and LOTR crossover Melkor got thrown into Westeros. and if you don't know who that is its Sauron's master.
Right, another chapter, I didn't expect this one so fast I bet. Anyway, I felt writing this was important to wrap things up and help me transfer into our next arc. Lots of stuff in this chapter, what's going on with Fae, why things are going on, and what is about to happen in the coming chapters. I know this is a short one, I'm sorry, but I feel if I keep writing this chapter it wouldn't make sense and would be better saved for the next chapter in the North. Alright, I hope you enjoy it, and have a wonderful day or night.
He could no longer hear the cries that had plagued the city.
The fires that had roared across the homes of the people had finally died.
And the Roars of the Dragons had finally come to an end.
Rhaegar Targaryen stood atop one of the great pyramids of Ghis, watching the victorious celebrate down below.
At his side rested a Crimson dragon as dark as the rivers of blood that flowed now in the city.
"You can come out now" Rhaegar called out to the darkness. The unnatural shadow that had loomed near him and his dragon.
From the darkness of the night emerged Melkor still clad in his armor, mask gone, and hammer gone from his hand.
The dark god towered over Rheagar as he walked to the side of him. He gazed over the now defeated city just as Rhaegar had.
Melkor and Rhaegar stood silently, taking in the destruction they had wrought on the city.
Rhaegar enjoyed the silence, it let him think, let him sort out the twists and turns that ran through his head. But that silence can never last, for the world is a thunderstorm of noise.
"I had expected your Brother or your son here, why had the head of a Dragonlord house such as you come? I thought you were with the other heads back in Valyria."
The Dragonlord turned his head up to the banished god, his eyes the only thing visible through his helm.
"I had thought it a good way to test Kalion. He is ready for war and skilled in battle but needs to learn how to run his home and take care of his family.
Melkor smiled at learning Rhaegars reasoning. "That warms my heart, but you can not coddle him forever, he will one day no longer have you, and when that day comes, he will need to kill the boy, for the man needs to be born."
Rhaegar nodded at Melkor's words, truly taking them to heart. "I understand my lord, but are you one to truly be advising others on how to treat their children when you still treat your own as a little girl."
Melkors slipped curved up at Rheagar. "Careful now, your boy may be marrying my girl, but that does not mean I won't hesitate to extinguish you from the world."
"And for every threat I hear come from your lips, I've ever only seen one carried out, and that was when little Môrdir wouldn't get off Carcharoth." Rhaegar chuckled as he recalled the memory of Melkors son refusing to hop off the giant wolf.
Melkor laughed as he recalled his son's rebellious nature. "yes, well, he seemed to think Carcharoth would protect him from his mother's wrath. And in his great wisdom to disobey me and Aina saw him locked inside without any lessons for a whole month."
"And look at him now, still quite young, but his maturity is that of an adult ready to inherit his titles from his father," Rhaegar commented
Melkors smile lessened, "Yes, well, I hate to see him so serious now. He is only eight, I feel we were too harsh sometimes on his punishments. He enjoyed riding atop his dragon, and we took that away."
"And does he not still enjoy it?" Rhaegar asked.
Melkor was quick to shut down the thought. "Oh, he still enjoys flying just as he always has, but he now seems to serious. Fae was always so rebellious growing up, yet no matter how much we reprimanded her and her behavior she would always continue with her horseplay the next day."
"Seems my son has his hands full with his future wife." Rhaegar hummed
"He does." Melkor nodded, "And he will be filling a hole I never could, and I don't think your son will either, but he is a good fit, and as long as Fae is happy, then I am happy."
"You talk of the Stark boy." It wasn't a question.
"Brandon the Builder was one of my first true friends in this world. His son made my Daughter happy, he held the blood of a god, and he would live for generations alongside my Daughter, bringing her happiness and protection. But fate is cruel, and his life was snuffed out before Fae's very eyes, and I was not there to protect her when she needed it most, to hold her as she cried, to rock her and whisper to her that all would be alright."
"Being a parent is far harder than war, I may not have walked the world as long as you, but I feel I have more experience in the two matters than most."
"You have no idea how true those words ring Rhaegar Targaryen, no idea..."
The enormous crimson dragon shifted, stretching its bones and curling itself into a better position to laze atop the pyramid.
"Dragons, the most powerful creatures in the world, and you thought it a good idea to gift them to a bunch of idiot Shepard's. Sometimes I don't think you are as wise as you should be for someone who is as old as creation."
"Sometimes I think the same thing. Alas, what is done is done, and I will not strip the dragons away unless something truly drastic has happened."
Rhaegar did not know how to take that answer. He had known Melkor to have created the Dragons, yet the ones he gave and the ones in his home were two very different types that held greater power over the other.
There was one question that had been plaguing Rhegar for some time now, a thought about the dragons themselves. "Why did you gift us the Dragons, and why are they so different from the ones you control in your home?"
Melkors once easy tone and soft aura seemed to slightly fade at the question. "Dragons were made to heighten my power, to bring me weapons I could use against my enemies in these lands. Yet when I met the first Valyrians, I had an idea. Gift the mortals lesser Dragons and control the mortals."
"And the ones you keep away from sight?"
"Those are not mere dragons. They are ancient beings that bring wrath and ruin to those I wish it upon. The dragonlords were made to hide my power from unwanted attention. Let them keep their eyes on the Dragonlords, while I lurched in the shadows. But I have come to realize, that the enemies of these lands are not equal to those I faced in the North."
"And what of Ghiscar? Will you let the Dragonlords dictate what happens to its lands and people?" Rhaegar asked.
Melkor stood silent as he cast his gaze back upon the ash-covered city. "I will be leaving the once great Empire in the hands of Sauron, who you know as Annatar. This land will be a puppet state of sorts."
Almost of of Rhaegar's concerns had been addressed, all but one. "And the Slaves?"
Melkor sighed. "I do not care what becomes of them truthfully. It will be up to the Dragonlords what is to be done of the practice. Personally, I see no use of it, the orcs and Uruks are a far better labor force than any Slave."
Rhaegar nodded at his answer.
No words were spoken afterward. Only the soft hum of the wind and the faint shouts of celebration down below.
As the sun rose on the city it signaled for Rhaegar to finally leave. He turned to his dragon and mounted it, but before he could set off Melkor cut him off.
"I plan to travel to visit the Starks Rhaegar, I wish you or your family to meet them one day, they are truly a kind family, much like your own."
"I can't go this time my lord," Rhaegar said from atop his dragon. "But I'm sure the moment my family and theirs meet, it will be a wonderful moment that will be remembered."
And with those final words Rhaegar Targaryen flew off back to Valyria to attend to his family and make sure his son hadn't destroyed what his ancestors had built years ago.