
A new god

A guy makes a deal with a ROB and gets reborn as hades in the riordanverse

T_J_E · 奇幻
19 Chs

Getting Situated


A.N there will be multiple time skips in the upcoming chapters



I immediately tense up in preparation for the possible pain to assault me but after a few seconds of nothing but an even worse smell than before fill my nose making me start to dry heave.

After getting my bearing, while barely staying above the wretched smelling acid, I light my palms with my purple flames. I throw one in front of me as hard as I could right above the water, it flew at least 100 meters before hitting what I could only guess was the lining of Kronos' stomach. I could only see more acid in that direction so I turned around and did the same to my right, left and in front of me and the results were disappointing. The left and right sides went on too far before my flame lost momentum and fell into the acid. The results for the last one gave me mixed feelings. As I found what I was looking for, a place to climb out of the acid, so I can build a makeshift cave as Hestia did in some stories. The thing that made me have mixed feelings is that I would have to swim through at least 100 meters of this acid. I know that I have to, not having any other options for now. Looking in more directions is out because I need to conserve my divinity to cauterize the wound. So with the only way being forward, I start the worst swim I'll probably ever take.

Getting to my target after a couple minutes I can finally stand again. I inspected my body only to find that I've grown a lot. Feeling all over my body once again I can only guess I now probably look like a teenager, 16 or 17. Feeling my face I noticed I have stubble on my chin and already have a mustache. Sigh… I need to shave already.

After my inspection I, while standing against Kronos' stomach, got ready to pierce and tear away with my bare hands, Oracle stops me in my tracks.

'Hades, would you like to open your specialized starter pack?'

'Of course, but why am I just now finding out about it?!?

'Well I didn't inform you because it wouldn't have helped until now. It could have been useful before you were swallowed by your father but there was no time. Opening starter pack. You have received:

| Ancient Carving Knife |

| System skill- Observe |

Would you like me to bring up the details of each?'

'Oh ok, thanks Oracle and please show the details.'

Then a holographic screen like my status came up.


| Ancient Carving Knife | - a carving knife from a different world. In this world it was said that the blade of the knife was blessed by Yggdrasil, the World Tree, it was to be given to the protector of its realms. The blade will never break, crack or rust and it can cut through anything in the 9 realms.

| System Skill- Observe | - with the assistance of the system, you can view the true name, power lvl, and the highest grade divinity of the target.


Well the knife is perfect for my situation. I can also keep track of my siblings' power lvls. And when we can compare ourselves to Kronos.

'Oracle, would it be possible to cut our way of of Kronos with a knife like this?'

'It is possible but if your father notices feels you doing it he may attempt to deceleration your body to the point of you being unable to move, and it will be impossible for him not to feel it as you cut further and further out of him. I would recommend you sticking to your original plan of consuming his space/time divinity then portal out.'

'Okay thanks Oracle, can you summon the knife for me please.'

In my right hand appeared a knife. The handle was circular with intricate runes carved in near the blade. There was also the carving of a tree. The tree's roots, long and tangled, reaching down and curving upward into a half circle. The branches stretched upwards until they also started to curve downwards until they touched the roots.

The blade of the knife was a shining forest green color. There were no runes or any other markings on it. It had one sharp edge with a sharp pointed end.

The knife had a faint white glow around it and when bringing it closer to my face to get a better look at it, I noticed it smelled like the forest, which was a much needed relief from the wretched smell I've been forced to get used to.

I'm really excited about this knife. Not only will it be perfect to cut out a cave and now I can conserve my divinity to cauterize the wounds. The forest is a major bonus too but how can I explain it? I was swallowed as a baby so how could I have a knife? Uhh… I'll come up with something by time Hestia arrives hopefully.

Gripping the knife in my right hand, I stab with about half my strength into Kronos' stomach lining and was pleasantly surprised when the knife pierced him as if it was piercing butter.

After about 3 hours of cutting and moving out chunks of Kronos and using my fire to slow his regeneration. I had a somewhat narrow oval cave big enough for me to lay down with my arms and legs stretched out, tall enough for me to stand comfortably and I had fires made with my divinity lining the wall all the way to the entrance, with fires being on each side of the outside of the entrance. With my flames I can now see and there should be enough light that whenever one of my siblings falls here they should be able to see it.

Now it's time for another decision, to train my ease divinity to become a full fledged 'peak' god or to start devouring Kronos' divinity. It really makes no difference because I'll still only be a god till I get my newly consumed divinity to B lvl but the the thing is I think that my ease divinity will be helpful here but I also have no idea how long it'll take to consume and develop the space/time divinity to the point where I can get out of here. The point of me asking to be here first was to make it comfortable for my siblings and to save them instead of Zeus so that way I won't be so hated and feared. How can they fear someone who cared for them and looked out and kept them from despair for years and the one who saved them from This wretched smelling darkness?

Then I got an idea!

'Oracle, can you start to consume Kronos' space/ time divinity like you did with mother but with no limit while I train my ease divinity?'

'I can but it would be much slower than if you were to cover yourself in aura and do it yourself. It would be better than not having any progress in it at all though, would you like me to start consuming Hades?'

'Hahahahaha, you are absolutely right, it's better than nothing, please start immediately, Oracle!'

So another training session begins.