An experiment gone wrong, or possibly right? A Nascent Kaleidoscope opens his eyes. A reincarnated Zelretch story. Previous Fate-series knowledge recommended. A Fate/DxD/Multi Crossover. In Light of the horrendous new update, know that I do cross post on Fan Fiction dot Net. *** My patreon if you want to support me: Discord --
"So, kid, you want your Aura unlocked." Roman sat back on the couch, relatively relaxed.
"That's the plan." I shrugged, sitting opposite of him.
"Usually, I don't' really care why, but color me interested. You don't really look the Huntsman type, and you're definitely not one of those thugs."
"I could give some reasons, but honestly, why not?" I replied.
"Well…." Roman mulled over a thought. "Realistically sure. But it does come with some downsides, not that I would ever give up my Aura to get away from them." He tapped his cigar on an ashtray. "Prison sentences are heavier for Aura users, certain taxes for Aura users, but on the flip side more tax write offs for weapons and stuff." He idly started to go over some random details. "Heavier regulation on moving across Kingdoms, certain licenses needed for certain jobs…..but there is also the ability to carry weapons openly without much fuss."
"Huh, that's a little interesting actually." I rubbed my chin. A society with a mythical phenomenon interweaved into its foundation. The closest I could think of was Skyrim, and that was very underdeveloped technologically, so it was hard to compare. "Must make being a Thief harder than, the government coming down on you harder because your Aura?"
"Makes it a bit more fun." He smirked. "But I'm pretty low on their priority all things considered, especially with the White Fang doing their usually idiocy." He adjusted his legs. "Really, just stay away from the SDC, Government Property, and Huntsman, and at most the police will be on my ass. Oh, and don't kill." He made sure to exemplify that point. "Murder escalates into Beacon taking notice. If the general public start getting upset about 'Aura Users' running rampant, Beacon has a sudden interest in taking you down."
White Fang, SDCD, some more terms I was unfamiliar with. Perhaps I should browse their version of the internet when I have more time.
"So, what, rob a bank, insurance covers everything, no one really takes a hit except those companies who the public already hates, and no one high up really cares enough to blow the issues up?"
"Pretty much but being too heavy handed also starts drawing too much attention. If the politicians start looking bad, then they'll start doing stuff for publicity and what-not. It's one of the reasons I keep my 'public persona' so flamboyant. The public loves to cheer on a 'criminal', if you get what I'm saying."
I was honestly surprised by how well he thought this out. "I'm impressed."
Roman let out a small chuckle. "Been in the game a long time, kid. I learned a thing or two along the way." He sat himself up straight. "Anyways!" He clapped his hands. "I'm sure you didn't come here to hear my life story."
"Well, it was entertaining if nothing else." I gave a small smile. "But yeah, I am a bit excited to see my Aura unlocked."
"Well, you get what you paid for." He stood up walking towards me. "It's going to feel uncomfortable, like someone is poking you in places you didn't know about, but then some weird stuff is going to happen."
"Weird, how weird?"
"Ever done drugs before?"
"Which drugs?"
"All of them." He laughed, putting his hand on my chest. "For it is in Aspiration that we Achieve Immortality….."
As the words left his mouth, I felt something enter my body. I was careful not to interrupt it or cut he connection. The words seemed to die down and silence filled my entire being.
My soul, it ignited.
The world around me became unimportant as my entire self laid bare.
Every part that made me – me.
All my flaws and good parts intertwined into the little spark that made my soul, and whatever happened, it burst out into a raging inferno.
I saw it.
The good, the bad. The ugly, and the beautiful. The parts that weighed heavily on me, and things I thought I had move on from. All the scars that still persisted, and opposite of them were the pieces that found purpose and affection.
All of it was actualized unto the physical world. I almost felt like I could touch the parts of me that were Zelretch, the past life that I regulated to the past. It didn't quite feel so heavy anymore. Everything I had been through before and now, every heart ache, every time my heart fluttered. All the pain I felt in the land of shadows, and the happiness I felt when close to those I cherished. The first time I held Meridia close, and the first kiss I shared with Artoria.
It all coalesced and enveloped me.
"….I release your soul, and by my hand, set thee free."
The whispering of words met my ears, and the world exploded in a kaleidoscope of colors.
"Shit, kid." I blinked, regaining my composure as my focus came back on the room I was in. I looked towards Roman who was wobbling back onto his seat. "Never seen someone with so much Aura before."
I stared at my hands, the faintest glimmer of the iridescent colors flowed around them with but thought. "That"
"Hahaha." Roman let out a tired laugh. "I heard that adults get hit by it harder than kids, something about seeing 'yourself' as a fully developed person makes it a weird experience…..or something, never really cared about the science."
I flexed my hands, feeling the newfound power swelling inside me. The comfort and warmness of my actual soul protecting me from harm.
"What was that chant you used?" I regained my thoughts after a moment to ask.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess you wouldn't know." He rubbed his temples, looking like he had just woken up from drinking all night. "It's something kind of personal I guess, something that needs to resonate with your soul in order to awaken someone elses. Don't really know much about it, but everyone eventually develops their own and they all follow a similar format."
"Really? Everyone just comes to a similar conclusion on their own?"
Roman just shrugged. "Never cared enough to look into it."
More and more stuff to figure out.
"I feel great." I muttered. "What a rush."
"Haah, I remember my first time." Roman let out another chuckle. "The high lasts pretty much all day. But you'll get used to it eventually." He let out a sigh. "Shit, kid, you did a number on me. It shouldn't have taken me that much Aura to unlock yours, its not a 1 to 1 ratio, Y'know? I'm not an amateur that would need to brute force it with my entire reserves. Should have only need a spark to ignite yours." He let out a breath.
I wonder what factors play into one having a lot of Aura? Actually… "What does the color of one's Aura mean?"
"Who knows." Roman shrugged. "Never seen one with multiple colors though, pretty neat."
"Thanks." I finally said. "For doing this for me, I know it isn't the most….clean job." I mean, he basically touched my soul with his own.
He just snorted. "I'm not one of those who think its this --" He held his hands out for emphasis "-- Sacred mumbo-jumbo. Yeah it's a bit weird, but at the end of a day, it's a job. You paid, I delivered, simple as that."
"Well, that's an interesting perspective I guess."
He stood up, his legs less shaky, but he used a cane leaning against the side of the couch to support himself. "I can't say it hasn't been interesting, kid, but I'm going to pass out in my bed....If you ever want a job, or maybe you're interesting in the darker parts of the city, look me up."
"You looking to recruit with a job?" I raised an eyebrow, I can't say the prospect didn't sound interesting.
"Hey now….I'm a law abiding citizen." He smirked. "But, as strange as it is, I like you. Can't say that about many people….you remind me a young me, so maybe I'm feeling nostalgic." He evened out any creases in his clothing. "But I'm actually just relaxing for now, got nothing planned for a couple months at least, need to let some heat die down and all that."
"So, what, want to train me to be the next 'Roman Torchwick?'"
"Sorry to break this to you, kid, but you'll never become me." He turned his head. "But maybe…..just maybe, you can have a fraction of my style and skill—"
"Yeah, yeah, get out of here, 'old man'."
"Youngsters these days, tsk tsk." He smirked again, waiving his hand. "Hope to see you around kid." He left leaving me alone. I realize now that Junior bailed awhile ago, not that I cared that much.
Sweet Christ, this feeling was euphoria. He said it would only last the day or so, but damn I wish I could feel this more often.
[That was an interesting experience.]
I blinked, realizing that I currently had a dragon inside my soul. "So, I may have forgotten about you."
[I feel all the love.] He said dryly. [You're lucky I was paying attention, I sort of shifted whatever he was doing away from me, because he almost tried to unlock MY 'Aura'.]
"'Tried' being the primary word there?"
[Yeah, don't think that would have turned out well for him. No idea if I would even have this 'aura' as I'm basically only a soul inside this thing.]
"Yeah….I don't think any of us wants to figure out what would happen there." I sighed, staring at the ceiling. "Anything new you noticed?"
[My senses are expanded…and I feel less…..confined than before. Not like I can break out or anything like that, but like my jail cell increased in size. Feels pretty nice actually.]
"Huh….I'm happy you're feeling better then." I said genuinely.
Now though…..I honestly need to give this a test.
[Actually, we should probably check the Boosted Gear too, make sure it's still fine.]
"That….is a valid point, but I feel like you just want to come out and play."
"You're not even going to deny it." I chuckled. "Well, thankfully this world has lots of things to punch, and I really wanted to investigate these grimm first hand anyways."
Aura is a go, and get a look at the Grimm next chapter.
On a side note, I have a nice new foxy Waifu in Genshin.
Anyways, if you want to read 5 chapters ahead or support me, visit my