
Chapter 70

The True Longinus.

It had been on my mind for a couple days now. I had set up many – many bounded fields around my home. Frankly, I think it would take even me some effort to break them down by brute force. And that's about all I could ask. They wouldn't keep anyone out that could truly threaten my life, but there were basically there to buy me time in an emergency.

The True Longinus.

It left an...impression on me.


I don't know if I would call it fear. It felt more…. primal, something that literally was antithetical to my existence, to my very core of being.

It was like facing my mortality straight on.

Was I scared? I don't think so, but I was definitely wary.

The Spear of Destiny, it was an odd weapon. Any other weapon that went through what it did would have been classified as evil or demonic. Yet, it stands at the pinnacle of holy weapons in this world, even eclipsing the Caliburn that boasts superiority of their broken Excalibur.

The spear personally crafted and meant to be the personal armament of the God of the bible. How much divine blood did it drink? I don't think there is a pantheon still in existence that didn't 'donate' their divine blood unto that weapon's spear-tip.

After wounding or killing divine beings all over the planet, it became something evil, something desiring more blood. It was through this that it developed its 'anti-divine' properties, it has the abilities to push through divinity like it was nonexistent to truly wound divine beings.

It was not a weapon fitting one who sat upon the heavenly throne, regardless of how powerful it was. So the God of the bible is perhaps the most obvious thing to rectify it, yet also the most ridiculous.

He impaled himself upon his own spear.

The spear thirsted for blood, divine blood, so why not give his own? His holy attribute was devoured and turned the spear into something more neutral, perhaps even bordering holy. But that was it, the amount of divine blood it drank from other pantheons was only stalemated by his own holiness added on.

And again, it was turned into a proper weapon, but he still didn't take it back as his own.

It was the first Sacred Gear, the 'test' so to speak. He sent it off to the mortal world and centuries passed before someone managed to awaken it.

This story was much more known, the man whose name was lost to history, was the spear named after him or was he named after the spear?

He who impaled Christ upon the cross.

Saint Longinus.

Hell, other sacred gears use the name 'Longinus' to correlate to their god-killing ability. That just went to show how absurd the spear actually was when used against divine beings.

Possessing no divinity, yet still retaining all the holiness of the heavenly father, the son of God.

Cleansed, amplified, and sanctified.

The ritual that Jesus, king of the Jews, actualized upon his suffering, it changed the spear once again into its final form. It was supposed to be God sacrificing himself to relieve humanity of their sins, a grand ritual that spanned the entire world, powered by the sacrifice of a divine being. It would skew humanity in favor of 'good' over 'evil' as humans naturally are neutral at birth. It was actually the reason that humans could naturally be born with the 'holy attribute' from that point on.

Was it planned?

Honestly, I have no idea beyond just the cliff notes of what happened. I wouldn't put it past Big G to have planned that entire situation out, it would be killing multiple birds with a single stone.

"What a scary spear." I said to myself.

Not just divine beings or devils, anything with a 'dark' attribute was prey for the holy spear.

[There is a reason it's rated as the strongest Sacred Gear.] Ddraig added making me pause again.

"Oh, you're admitting defeat?"

I heard him snort in annoyance. [I'm reliant on my partner, the spear…..the spear can slay gods even with a novice if he gets lucky.]

I let out a small laugh. "What a ridiculous weapon…."

He was exaggerating a little bit, perhaps it could kill those lesser divine beings, like mountain or river gods. Hell, it could probably even wound a 'real' god to a certain extent, but take any Olympian and put them in the path of the spear with a novice at the back, and they're getting bitch slapped into the moon.

But his point stands.

Usually, divinity is almost like a 'barrier' or 'wall' that a mortal has trouble overcoming. It is a higher state of being, it naturally has advantages over those who are lesser. It's one of the reason that if everything else is equal, two beings, one with divinity and the other without, the one with divinity would win in a fight hands down.

It is one of the many reasons that mortal god slayers are so exalted throughout history. It isn't merely a matter of 'punching harder', though that can technically work. You need to overcome the natural state of a divine being existing above you, something that wields part of the 'world' in their authority.

Of course there are exceptions, devils for instance, they are 'counter' to divine beings. Similar to other races in the world. The giants of Norse and Greek myths, they could slay gods because they are the 'opposite' side of the coin, so to speak.

"OP, please nerf." I laughed, standing up from where I had been sitting on my porch.

Perhaps…my blood was even boiling a little bit. The idea that the spear could take my life if it gets any meaningful hit on me…..

Gods…I think Scathach corrupted me.

I wondered how Gae Bolg would match up to it in combat? The spear my teacher crafted, that demonic spear that erupts in bloodlust every time it's used versus the holy spear that has slain gods.

Well, I guess both spears have slain gods before.

It's no sword yet.....I felt some desire to possess it....was it merely my greed acting up? Or maybe it was my nature as a devil that wanted to 'corrupt' something holy? I mean, not really corrupt....but just add it to my growing collection.

Honestly, I had no overarching issue with the Heaven faction. As long as I'm left alone, I'm not going to go seek out conflict with them for no reason. The same goes for destroying their 'images' or idols. But hey, if some idiot wants to donate their spear to me, who am I to refuse?

Hmm, Mr. Wiggles was off playing somewhere, I could faintly feel him through our connection, honestly, all I planned for today was to pet – I mean train him.

Indeed, I will make him the fiercest rabbit this world has ever seen.


I blinked, pulling out my phone from my pocket.

'Hello, this is Izzy, I don't know if you remember me….' – Izzy

Hmm, I stared at it for a moment before replying.

'Of course I remember you, have you heard back from your kids yet?' – Wilhelm

'Yes, I must thank you, your advice has worked well. My youngest had responded and he said he would visit me next month.' – Izzy

Aww, I'm glad when things work out. Huh, I think I needed some good news like this, even if it doesn't' really affect me.

'I'm happy for you.' – Wilhelm

'Thank you….I was wondering if you wished to meet up again tonight, I enjoyed the place last time.' – Izzy

I mulled it over, perhaps I've been feeling more stressed than I need to? I mean, I just came back to this world to essentially relax and I keep getting roped into conflicts….

Fuck it, any reason to escape my dreary thoughts is good enough for me.

'That would be lovely.' – Wilhelm

'Yes, I look forward to seeing you again.' – Izzy

'See you then :)' – Wilhelm.

Having friends is nice.

Oh! I can show off the stage magic I've been learning!

"Sir. Wiggles!" I shouted, and almost immediately I felt him bolt back towards me.

Damn he's fast.

Well, what I should expect from a supernatural rabbit. I wonder what magics I should teach him? Maybe start off with elemental manipulation? He should be closer to nature, so perhaps that would be the best place to start.

I admit, seeing him flinging fireballs around would be most amusing. Or perhaps freezing entire areas with vast arrays of ice magic?

Hmm....then that would be difficult for him to move.

Lightning is also an option, but then again, I use lightning a lot too, shouldn't I teach him something to supplement me? Some druidism may work as well.....it was where I derived the initial concepts for my Bindings of Gaia spell.

"Hey there, buddy." I held out my arms as he jumped right into them. "You have fun?"

Images of him exploring the property and surroundings came through our link.

Huh, he went pretty far out and even found someone to give him a carrot and he was being smug about it. Hmm, aren't carrots technically bad for rabbits? Well.....maybe him being a 'magic' rabbit means that doesn't matter?

I'm not his mother, he should know what he can and cannot eat.

"Ready to go meet my friend? We'll show her what we've been practicing."

I did share my thoughts with him, I wouldn't just shove him in my hat and force him to perform with me. Who knew the little fluffball had dreams of grandeur? Granted, he didn't exactly tell me that, more so sending feelings and impressions.

Having a connection like this was odd, if I focused, I could feel what he was feeling basically through images and somehow that would translate into something I could understand.

I just shook my head, what an amusing familiar I picked up.

I still need to create costumes for the future…especially one for Sir Wiggles, matching hat of course. Pulling a rabbit out of my hat, while he wears a hat. Maybe even a little suite and vest too?

Well, this would be a good distraction, I need to stop stressing while on my little 'vacation'.


Alright, i started working on that 'PHO' chapter thingy. It won't take up a slot in the 'normal' chapter release, so i'll probably do it some time tomorrow.

Anyways, if you want to read 5 chapters ahead of support me, visit my pat.reon.com/astoryforone