
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · 奇幻
127 Chs

ch 123

The Ritual was nothing complicated really all I needed was large amount of spiritual essence and at least six spirits to become my vassals to begin forming my chain of dominance of course the spirits weren't so willing as all evil spirits are entirely selfish and greedy only looking out for themselves especially when I told them that they had to be female.

natural spirits like the thirteen that were sealed are almost always genderless unless they decide to one or the other and after they choose it becomes permanent most natural spirits abhor the idea of genders as they see it as a lesser being trait and avoid it unless it effects their evolution choice that they desire as certain choices require a gender.

There are few reasons why I didn't look for other spirits the first was when a evil spirit gathers only evil spirits to become his vassals he becomes a unique lord class [lord of evil] or [dark lord], and when a male spirit gathers only female spirits his evolution choice [lord of love] or [harem lord] but after examining my evolution routes I found another that apparently has never been achieved [Prince of lust] which requires at least ten vassals of evil alignment and for them all to be female but the world hinted that if I had the other three I could gain more benefits.

evil spirit1:"I don't want a gender like those lower life forms! I don't want to even serve you set us free!

Me:"Do I look like an idiot to you? setting you free doesn't benefit me in any way, why would let such an opportunity pass me by?"

evil spirit2:"If you want to be a spirit lord you don't need all of us why not let the rest of us go?"

Me:"As I said before I don't do charity besides I don't want to be a lord I want to be a prince"

evil spirit3:"You don't have to become a lord first to be a prince!? What about the evolutions in between how can you just skip them!?"

Me:"It is a reward from the world for killing a god off world and stealing resources plus killing another god here so I have less restrictions to become a prince and if you help me become a prince we can kill and enslave the gods imagine what evolution paths will be open to us"

evil spirit1:"Fine but we get to pick our evolution routes after this"

Me:"As long as I get what I want I don't really care"

Before I released them I had them all become female and for Margaret to set up a ward to keep the spirits from just running and escaping using the broken spirit altar and the god corpse I began the ritual summoning my spirit altar I let its dig into the gods corpse as began to absorb its raw power the shattered altar pieces are transformed by my essence into tokens bursting with power but I was wasn't done just yet as I retrieved the tuatha artifact allowing my altar absorb its energy and reshape it into a scepter once more the pool opened but I resisted its call

and waited until all evil female spirits accepted the tokens becoming bound to me before finally diving into the evolution pool.