
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · 奇幻
127 Chs

ch 109

How the actual fuck was it actually easier to deal with the sultan and the sacred families rather than some renegade naga its like he was a goddamm hoodini our spies and intelligence teams would locate him but no matter what occurred during the raids he was somehow always able to get away right now I'm conferring with my military advisors about how this keeps occurring although I suspect that there might a spy.

Me:"So explain to me why I should not throw you the window General Ulusoy"

General Ulusoy:"Your majesty we believe that Jamal has always had an escape plan in case we try to catch him and uses his loyal acolytes to stall for time in order to escape"

Me:"In other words I don't have a reason not to just have you thrown out a window?"

General Ulusoy:"What I mean to say is that we need to figure out who the leak is before we can capture Jamal as every operation is doomed to failure if we don't"

Me:"Do you have a plan to do so or are you just fishing for ideas so I don't kill you right now?"

General Ulusoy:"We currently have have seven targets for a raid I am saying that we should send false information to our spies and intelligence departments and instead leave our raid team in the dark about the location that we select and have them attack the real target while all three are monitored by the secret soldiers of the sultanate that you recently developed"

In order to strengthen my personal security I developed an elite team of soldiers to replace my palace guards using spirit contracts to ensure their loyalty to me in exchange I used biomancy to purify their lineage and enhancing under the guise of it being a power of my great serpent which is what every naga desires which makes the general's plan have merit but because they will be deployed during this operation I will be forced to be dependent on the palace guards whose souls are not bound to my own which would be a minor inconvenience for me at the moment as I have been secretly communicating with the empire to determine the current status of the civil war which means I will have to maintain radio silence for the time being only maintaining contact through Angela Griffin from our dreams meaning all information will be second hand and most likely out of date as she is in the Hydra family estate which is located at the edge of the empire.

Me:"Unfortunately this is the only plan that has the possibility of producing any results fine we implement it immediately if this plan produces results I will see to it that you are granted a title

but should this plan fail you alone will bear the consequences"

General Ulusoy:"I shall not fail your majesty!"

Me:"You better not otherwise you will wish for death as it will be your only release"