
A Mob’s Life in a different World

Aren who died in the middle of a store robbery not shot by the robbers but the one who tried to defend the store. After dying he was reincarnated into a Dating game that he used to play. As he goes through with his life things gets harder and harder for him. Will he pull through and achive his dream of peace or will he get dragged into alot of mess? =============≠==========≠============= Don’t expect too much im new at writing but i will try to improve!! Oh yeah one more thing dont expect any R-18… stuff i dont think i can write something lewd…anyway if youre gonna read this story the early chapters are mostly info dump ill make the later chapters as interesting as i can!! If you read this part thank you for taking your time!! -theres a cover now but i do not own it i repeat “i do not own the art” props to the artist who made it its cool. Ill try to draw a cover myself and the characters as well but not right now very busy~~

LightPaper · 科幻
10 Chs

A Mob’s Training Starts (2)

As the sun was rising from the horizon, Aren woke up and started his day going to the bathroom to wash his face.

After washing his face, he was wondering about the dream he saw yesterday.

'I didn't dream about it this time, but I wonder if that dream is related to me being reincarnated into this world… well nothing good comes from overthinking things, i have to focus on becoming stronger first.'

After deciding to stop overthinking about the dream he had he left his room towards the dining area for breakfast.

Arriving there he was greeted by his parents.

"Good morning, Aren come sit and eat breakfast."

"Morning Son, come sit down."

Nodding his head he replied to them

"Good morning Mom Dad, where's grandma and grandpa?"

"Oh they greeted someone on the first floor, its probably the teacher your grandfather invited to teach you." Said Ben

"Wait he's already here?" Aren who stood back up from the chair asked surprised

"Now now, Aren eat breakfast first before you go down okay spend more time with mommy and daddy."

Aren who heard his mother's word sat back down and ate slowly.

"Okay Mom.."

While eating Aren looked at his parent's who had complicated looks towards him mostly his mother so he asked.

"Mom whats wrong did something happen?"

Aria who heard her son ask with a worried tone looked down, and Ben who saw this replied in her stead.

"Well Aren, Did grandpa tell you anything about your training yet?"

Hearing his father's word Aren replied.

"Yes he told me that its gonna be a harsh training, why?"

"I see, did he tell you anything about leaving the empire to train somewhere else?"

"No he did not tell me anything about that..."

"Well apparently your grandfather and your new teacher made a deal to bring you to a different place to train."

Ben then paused and looked at his wife who was still looking down, so he continued to speak.

"And as you know your mommy loves you a lot even more than daddy you know, and well she's against you leaving."

Hearing this Aria spoke.

"Whats wrong with that my son is still 3 years old why does he have to leave mommy's side already!?"

Aren who was listening was surprised and happy at the same time, he then stood up and walked towards his mother who was looking down while sitting.

"Mom how about this, I'll ask grandpa to move the time for me to leave until my little sister's born?"

"No! thats too short just don't leave!!"

"Aria honey we can't sto—" Ben who was trying to say something stopped seeing his wife was glaring at him, with her eyes implying that he's gonna sleep on the couch tonight if he continues.

Aren who was listening to his dad continued what he wanted to say.

"Mom, Dad's right you know, This is my decision and its not like i cant come back to visit you guys plus i still have at the very least 9 more months here, I doubt grandpa would not allow me to stay for a few more months" Said aren who was hugging his mom who was still sitting down.

Hearing her Son's word, Aria was still reluctant to agree with him, Aria then looked toward his son who was hugging her in the chair and spoke.

"Then you promise not to leave until your little sister is born okay?"

"I promise!"

Saying this Aren was pulled into another hug by Aria.

Ben who saw her wife's hug asked "Honey how about me? Where's my hug?"

"Hmph!" Aria replied to her husband with a pouting faced and looked away.

Aren who saw this little exchange between the couple he laughed, hearing their son laugh, they smiled staying in the dining room for the next 30 minutes, Aren was stuck in his mother's embrace while talking about his soon to be little sister.

After a while Aren who was released from his mother's embrace stood up.

"I'll be going down to meet grandpa and my teacher!"

Aria who heard her son's word didn't put a lot of resistance and just said.

"My baby is growing up too fast…"


Arriving at the first floor his grandparents were talking to someone, he was unable to see the man since his grandfather's muscular build was blocking him.

Coming closer he was able to see the man's face sky blue eyes and dark hair, he looked like an average person but just looking at him, Aren could not help but shiver at his sight.

His grandfather who noticed the him who was coming closer to look at the man he was talking to, called out to him.

"Aren come here i want you to meet the man who's gonna be training you."

Aren who heard his grandfather came nodded and came closer.

"This man is Damien Hersch, he will be training you from today on is there any questions?"

"I have none, but Dad said were going to a dangerous place?, I don't think I'm ready yet so is it okay if i train here for at least nine months then we can leave, i want to see my little sister born first before i go away for a long time!!" Said Aren who bowed his head down to his grandfather and his teacher.

While bowing Aren heard a laugh but not from his grandfather but from the man next to him.

"Hahaha!! Sure why not, well stay here for nine month's i have still have stuff to do here anyway so why not?" Said Damien while smiling.

"Are you sure about this Damien?" Arthur asked looking at Damien.

"Its fine the kids like what 3 years old? We still have a long time anyway going to Hemlock City now isn't gonna change anything anyway, plus it'll be better if were well prepared, so nine months here is nothing."

Saying this Damien looked towards Aren while asking a question to Arthur.

"By the way old man you have a training ground here right?"

"Yes its underground.." Said Arthur who then called a guide for them to show the way.

"Good lets go kid your training starts right now, Remember I'm not gonna go easy on you okay?"

Hearing his words Aren could only nod his head and follow behind.


30 minutes had passed ever since they got to the training ground, a child could be seen sweating lying down on the cold floor.

"Kid that was just some light exercise and now look at you you cant even stand up properly *haaaah* this is gonna take a while before you get used to this kind of exercise."

Said Damien who heaved a sigh in between his words, meanwhile Aren who was down on the floor was wondering.

'I should've really moved my body more often rather than laze around.'

While thinking he was then interrupted by Damien by saying.

"Man for a 3 years old kid, you get tired pretty easy do you not have friends to play with?"

Aren who heard his word couldn't help but twitch, irritated by his word he stood up and said.

"Let's continue…"

"Thats the spirit!!, but before we start your body doesn't need more workout you need rest for now so go and sit down we start again in 15 minutes."

Aren nodded his head and sat down, After 15 minutes had passed he was called by Damien.

"Aren come here, do you know what you need right now?"

"Teacher we just started like 30 minutes ago I'm not sure what you're trying to say."

Hearing Aren's reply Damien mouth twitched but still continued to speak.

"Well your body is very weak right now, and we need to fix that if you wanna learn Aura we need to build up your muscles."

Said Damien who then continued explaining since it didn't look like Aren understood what he was trying to say.

"As you know theres two kinds of power in this world right?"

"Yes theres Mana and Aura."

"Then are they the only way a person can become strong?"

Hearing this Aren replied again.

"Is it not?"

"Well it is but there's more way to get stronger other than using Mana and Aura."

Saying this he continued to speak.

"Like Nano Machines which is injected into your body it could enhance your strength and heal a critical wound in a heart beat even a normal person injected with Nano Machines can become strong in seconds, or you can get a cybernetic transplant which we call cyborgs losing a bit of your sense of pain and probably emotion, then the last one which is Mecha's, a man made machine that's basically a shell, once broken you're a dead man that is if one is able to break their armor even though not impossible."

Finishing his explanation, Aren who was listening was lost in his thoughts.

'Well this is new except for Mechs the other two were never mentioned nor released in the game…'

Lost in his thoughts Damien called out to him.

"Oi! Kid were you listening?"

"Yes!" Aren replied startled.

"Anyway thats as far as my knowledge goes to different kind of ways to get strong but for you, you need physical training so lets give it our all to become strong okay?"

After their little talk Aren was forced to run for 30 minutes with 10 minutes break in between.


Hello Author here,

Im sorry if i havent posted in the past few days I’ve been just too busy with stuff any who here are two chapters theres a 3rd part but i havent finished writing it my plan was to write them all in 2 days but its just been so busy lately…

Anywho thank you for reading!! Do point out if you find any wrong grammars or wrong spellings!!

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